The Terraformer

Getting back Terra and whomping Jellobot in the face. So much irony it hurts. Oh, wait, no, it doesn't. : D

[spoiler=Operator - Harke Ezarith style="color:#ffffff; width: 394; height: 14; letter-spacing:0px; background-image: url(;"][|  [URL=]Profile[/URL] || [URL=]Homepage[/URL] || [URL=]E-mail[/URL] |]
>> [b]Key Items[/b]:
Harke's PET
1x Process Edit

>> [b]E-mail Contacts[/b]:
Kedamono Kodarashi
Sabrina Jetto
Camillia Ranbard
Na'im bin Asad
Jared T. Farnam

>> [b]Subchips[/b]:
2x MiniEnergyPack
1x Untrap
[/spoiler][spoiler=Navigator - Eternalis.EXE style="color:#ffffff; letter-spacing:0px; width: 394; height: 14; background-image: url(;"][| [URL=]Appearance[/URL] || [URL=]Analysis[/URL] |]
<img src="" align="right" alt="Sprite courtesy of P.A. Master" />>> [b]Statistics[/b]:
HP: 160
Level: 18
Element: Aqua
Subtype: Recover
Buster: 2/2/2
Speed: 5
>> [b]Upgrades[/b]:
HP Memory: 3
Process Upgrade: 12
Speed Upgrade: 2
PowerUP: 3
>> [b]NaviCust[/b]:
Undershirt [10/40]
>> [b]GMOs[/b]:
[Core: Eternalis]
>> [b]Soul Bonds[/b]:
Broadside: 35 FXP
ViralMan: 7 FXP
Voulge: 4 FXP
[/spoiler][spoiler=S. Program - Aurora.SP style="color:#ffffff; width: 394; height: 14; letter-spacing:0px; background-image: url(;"][| [URL=]Appearance[/URL] || [URL=]Analysis[/URL] |]
>> [b]Statistics[/b]:
HP: 70
Level: 13
Element: Elec
Subtype: Team
Attack: 20
Speed: 2 Actions
>> [b]Upgrades[/b]:
[Second Chance]
[Damage+ V2]
[HP+ V3]
[Speed+ V1]
>> [b]GMOs[/b]:
[Core: Aurora]
[Ouranos' Gauntlets]
[/spoiler][spoiler=S. Program - Sparky.SP style="color:#ffffff; width: 394; height: 14; letter-spacing:0px;background-image: url(;"][| [URL=]Appearance[/URL] || [URL=]Analysis[/URL] |]
>> [b]Statistics[/b]:
HP: 50
Level: 9
Element: Elec
Subtype: Speed
Attack: 10
Speed: 2 Actions
>> [b]Upgrades[/b]:
[HP+ V1]
[Speed+ V1]
[Flight: Planeswalking]
>> [b]GMOs[/b]:
[Core: Sparky]
[/spoiler][spoiler=Battlechip Folder - 25/30 style="color:#ffffff; letter-spacing:0px; width: 394; height: 14; background-image: url(;"][| [URL=]Detailed Folder List[/URL] |]
1x [color=blue]WaterLine[/color] (80) (Ground, Line) |B|
2x [color=blue]WideShot1[/color] (60) (Wide) |A|
1x [color=blue]Bubbler[/color] (50) (Spread1) |A|
1x [color=blue]BubbleStar[/color] (20x3) (M-Target, Bubble Trap) |D|
1x [color=blue]IceCube[/color] (100HP AquaBody Object)
1x [color=red]HeatDragon[/color] (150) (Ground, =25% Lava) |C|
1x [color=red]FlameLine1[/color] (70) (Ground, Wide) |B|
1x [color=red]FireKnife[/color] (60) (Slash) (6 Uses) |B|
1x [color=red]FireHit1[/color] (60) (Impact, 2x Attack) |A|
1x [color=red]LavaSeed[/color] (10) (Md Lava if Ground/Sm if Enemy) |A|
1x [color=red]PhoenixShot2[/color] (90) (Wide) |A|
1x [color=green]Spice1[/color] (80) (Confusion, Ground, To-All-Grass) |A|
1x [color=green]Boomerang[/color] (60) (Max 3) |B|
1x [color=orange]MagBolt1[/color] (90) (Stun1, Magnetic Pull) |B|
2x [color=orange]ZapRing1[/color] (40) (Stun1) |A|
1x CountBomb1 (100) (100HP Anchored Object, 2-Turn Fuse, To-All) |S|
1x WindRacket (100) (Microburst, Gust, Northwind, Wide) |A|
1x Skully1 (100) (Homing, Confusion) |C|
2x DashAttack (90) (Impact, Line Max 5) |C|
1x Sword (80) (Slash) (6 Uses) |B|
1x RageClaw2 (70/35) (Slash/Impact) (6 Use) |B|
1x Shotgun (50) (Spread1) |A|
[/spoiler][spoiler=Signature Attacks style="color:#ffffff; width: 394; height: 14; letter-spacing:0px; background-image: url(;"][| Cap: 180 (270) / 30 || Points: 540 |]
[i]Passive:[/i] [b]Influx Aegis[/b]
| 15 (18) Heal | Aqua | 300 SP | 4 Instances |
[i]Active:[/i] [b]Infinity 0.5[/b]
| Shadow | 2 TCD | 80 SP |
[i]Active:[/i] [b]Vapor Reassimilation[/b]
| Teleport | 2 TCD | 80 SP |
[i]Active:[/i] [b]Desolation 2[/b]
| Large Terrain: Sea + Medium Terrain: Ice | 2 TCD | 60 SP |
[| [URL=]Detailed Signatures[/URL] |]
[/spoiler][spoiler=Soul Crosses style="color:#ffffff; width: 394; height: 14; letter-spacing:0px; background-image: url(;"][URL=][color=purple][b][u][Soul Cross: Rhea][/u][/b][/color][/URL] (Level 2, 105 FXP)
| Null/Sword | +15 Null | +20HP | +1 Action/Cap 6 |
[i]Active:[/i] [b]Bit Crasher[/b]
| Null 60 | Break, Slashing, Impact, Seeking | Self-Slow | 3 TCD | 80 SP/40 NP |
[i]Active:[/i] [b]Kinetic Generator A/B[/b]
| Microburst/Gravity | 1 TCD | 80 SP |
[URL=][color=darkblue][b][u][Soul Cross: Validus][/u][/b][/color][/URL] (Level 1, 56 FXP)
| Null/Cursor | +10 Null |
[i]Active:[/i] [b]Phaser Overcharge[/b]
| Strengthen 50, Stun1 | 2 TCD | 80 SP |
[URL=][color=blue][b][u][Soul Cross: SplashTwins][/u][/b][/color][/URL] (Level 1, 40 FXP)
| Aqua/Guts | +10 Aqua |
[i]Active:[/i] [b]Spearplay[/b]
| Movement, 3-Hit Shield | 2 TCD | 80 SP |
[URL=][color=red][b][u][Soul Cross: Djinni][/u][/b][/color][/URL] (Level 1, 37 FXP)
| Fire/Summon | +10 Fire |
[i]Passive:[/i] [b]Alluring Mirage[/b]
| Decoy | 80 SP |
[/spoiler][spoiler=300 Zenny - 1 BugFrags style="color:#ffffff; width: 394; height: 14; letter-spacing:0px;background-image: url(;"][| [URL=]Signature[/URL] ||  [URL=]Avatar[/URL] || [URL=]Compose PM[/URL] |][/spoiler]
Terraformer summon authorized. Proceed.
Requesting authorization for simultaneous operation of two Navigator/Operator systems, namely Harke/Eternalis and Scarlet/Terra. Level requirement has been assessed to be met.

Awaiting higher official or administrator approval.
Authorization given as requested. You may proceed with simultaneous Navi/NetOp team operations.
Shelving Terra and putting Eternalis on the shelf. I'm not putting any signature code because I'm just going to put all of them in there and slap a big [INACTIVE] on Eternalis. Also I lost my zenny count, so here's a nice big summary of what I've been doing.

I accidentally my zenny total while shelving Terra, but the chips and upgrades and everything else is intact, so I'm on self-audit.

Quote ()

Speed Upgrade -5000z
Process Upgrades -1500z
NaviCust Upgrade -1000z


Yoka - Springy Adventures
Battle 1 +420z
Battle 2 +360z +HeatBreath
Battle 3 +720z
Battle 4 +750z +Typhoon
Battle 5 +900z +MetaGel1


Yumland - Home Ground
Battle 1 +300z +CornShot1
Battle 2 +750z
Battle 1 +400z +ElementalRage1
Battle 2 +800z


SciLab - Inspirational Collaboration
Battle 1 +450z +LilBomb
Battle 2 +750z
Battle 3 +550z +QuickBoomerang1
Battle 4 +500z +MarkCannon1
Battle 5 +1500z
Battle 6 +400z +Ratton1
Battle 7 +550z


ACDC - Crash Course
Battle 1 +260z +Mattock Key Item
Battle 2 +190z +ZapRing1
Battle 3 +300z
Battle 4 +150z +Pulsar1


Banner Trade: Cannon -> MarkCannon2
Xmas 2010: RageClaw1 -> SonicBoom
Snoozy Virus: +Pillow1
Azure: Heatbreath -> Moonblade
-700z -> Shockwave
-400z, -QuickBoomerang1 -> Sword
Cereal: Pulsar1 -> Shake1
Syriene: -1600z -> RiskyHoney1



Comparing it to my shelf here, I confirmed all of the chips, except for a stray Ratton1 which I probably traded to someone for my second CornShot1, though I have no idea who. So all in all, 1030z.
It ought to be fine, it's approved. Be sure to shelf properly with all information stored in its correct information database topic so you don't have to do this again, lol.
Shelving Raki and Riki for Eternalis, all details are stored in my signature so that doesn't need any changing other than de-graying out Eternalis and graying out the cats.
Still update the shelf topic regardless, having a hard copy never hurts. Also, approved.
Unshelving the cats for two minutes so Raikou can get off my case about posting, then going back to regular scheduled Healbotting.