
15FXP from the Netfrica Event.
At least 15FXP from Book of Perils.

Druidman's new Typing: Normal/Target, +10 to Normal Chips

Elemental Scimitar becomes Elemental Buster Blade

Druidman's new description: A dramatic wind blows upwards, causing Druidman to hover for a moment, the tips of his feet barely scraping the ground. The updraft makes Druidman's hair billow upwards, forming a gravity defying updo, almost into a conic shape. Meanwhile, Druidman's armor turns jet black, and tightens quite a bit, accentuating his muscles. Faint green druidic symbols line his legs and arms. Druidman gains tarnished steel shoulder pads and bracers, the left of which had a single blue druidic symbol on it. Druidman's scimitar straightens and grows to an absurd size, it's nearly four feet long and about a foot wide when viewed from the side, and it has a simple, angular design. While in SeraphCross, Druidman strangely quotes passages from some sort of "Player's Handbook."

New Cross Signature Attack: Complicated Math Force: The player's handbook is full of complex formulas, and so are video games. It's hard work to keep track of it all, and, if used in the proper manner, is a weapon in it of itself. Druidman harnesses this weapon by screaming, "COMPLICATED MATH FORCE!!!" Then, he fires a stream of numbers from his mouth that have a physical form to strike a single enemy, a Shot-based Buster shot with Stun. Druidman then inexplicable pops into existence somewhere else on the field, more than likely because he forgot to carry the remainder or something. Needless to say, this confuses Druidman to all hell, and it takes him an extra action to regain his bearings. Even after that, it takes 2 turns for Druidman to gather the courage to try the attack again. (Does Shot Base Bustershot (Attack*Rapid*2) [40] + Stun [30] + Free Tac Movment (20) + Recover Time [-30] = 60 Points.
...What he said.

Total 'Friend Experience Points':30 [Level 1 Cross]

Personality & Appearance changes:

To the operating system of Seraphim, which broke the usefulness of Druidman's addition into parts, it categorized Druidman's usefulness as a 'class.' This 'class' was already taken by a predetermined position, so the similarities would have to be utilized while using a differing 'class' to fill the role. The choice was randomized and Rogue was decided on.

This 'Thief'-type was in a slight pinch as it utilized the powers of Druidman, but seemed to be slightly underpowered due to this. Thus, it took on the aspects of channeling the effects of greenery in order to fulfill the job of a thief. The utilized
Dungeon Raiding Utility, and used for Inducing Delusion was in process.

The personality change that takes place is one that is that of some kleptomanic design, but it knows its place. It has courage that will go into place once used. The framework of the mind has self-preservation as its highest value, and will nearly go to any means to preserve that rather than that of friends. Selfish would be the correct word, perhaps. Although friends are indeed important, the preservation of oneself is the most important thing to take place. After all, as the airlines once put up on their cautionary videos- 'Secure your mask before helping others.'

The costume design is far more dramatic in changing. A bandanna covers the redesigned navi's hair, secured at the back of the neck. It drapes partially over the forehead, leaving the navi's cowlick to come out the back of the flaring bandanna. A long mantle covers the other half of the navi's face, concealing the identity for any who wish to find out. The mantle also drapes over the chest and thus the emblem of the navi. The armor is simple and functional, only having a couple studs of steel in proper places to prevent and deflect blows more easily. The gauntlets are replaced with fingerless leather gloves, as to make pickpocketing more easy. The only true notable feature of the navi is the leather boots, similar to the rest of the navi, with bottoms that clomp loudly on almost any surface. However much they make noise, they can be silenced and let to be almost completely soundless.


-Wood Element
-Normal Subtype
-+10 to all Wood-Element chips.

Quote (D.R.U.I.D. Skill)

D.R.U.I.D. System:Pickpocket:

Pickpocket is one thing. A crime. It's the act of stealing from another. It's quite easy to do, too. With the legerdemain that comes with being an expert rogue with magical abilities, the D.R.U.I.D. system allows the navi to simply bump into another navi, and in the confusion simply have what's in the poor victim's pockets simply-- go astray. They're no longer needed any longer. The transaction is complete.  It may be somewhat questionable in terms, but the personality in control doesn't care too much. No real harm done for the benefactor, and Profit ain't too dirty of a word.


[1:] Telekinesis, Knockback

[2:] 1 Charge Burner as a result of nerf.

Turn Cooldown
-2 CD
This cross was upgraded to level 3 by the BoP.

Level 3:

Bonuses: +20 to same-element chips, +40 HP while crossed, one Speed upgrade (caps at 7 unless otherwise mentioned), the total cross points is now equal to 240 total cross points, which can be used toward making cross signature attack(s).

I would like to change the bonuses to:


-Wood Element
-Normal Subtype
-+20 to all Wood-Element chips.
-+40 HP
+1 Action (Cap 7)

And add another sig, as well as 'buff' pickpocket.


Quote (D.R.U.I.D. Skill)

D.R.U.I.D. System:Pickpocket:

Pickpocket is one thing. A crime. It's the act of stealing from another. It's quite easy to do, too. With the legerdemain that comes with being an expert rogue with magical abilities, the D.R.U.I.D. system allows the navi to simply bump into another navi, and in the confusion simply have what's in the poor victim's pockets simply-- go astray. They're no longer needed any longer. The transaction is complete.  It may be somewhat questionable in terms, but the personality in control doesn't care too much. No real harm done for the benefactor, and Profit ain't too dirty of a word.


[1:] Telekinesis, Knockback

Turn Cooldown
-3 CD


Quote (D.R.U.I.D. Skill)

D.R.U.I.D. System:Cardboard Box:

Cardboard Boxes. Everyone has had one at one time or another. They played with it, using it as a sled, a house, a time machine... who knows. Only the imagination limits the things that can be made into with a cardboard box. However, a cardboard box can be used as quite an effective means of concealing oneself from the enemy, and limiting their sight of you. Especially with the means of psionic usage in order to 'divert' their attention a fair bit. It works well as a temporary distraction, and can even be folded up and taped. If you have a preference to being sent to a random country.


[1:] 50 HP Hollow Cardboard Box. Large enough for a navi to hide inside and move very slowly on the ground. It's big enough for two, but it'd be very cramped. The box produces a passive 'Illusion' effect, which can range from making the box seem absolutely normal, to an explosive distraction somewhat far in the distance.

[2:] Recovery Time Nerf, Sacrifice Nerf.

Turn Cooldown
-5 CD
SeraphCross Level 3: Normal/Cursor, +20 to Normal Chips, +40HP, +1Speed

60 sig points already used on Complicated Math Force.

180 points available.

New Cross Signature Attack: Random Luck Force: For some reason, SeraphCross Druidman doesn't always seem to follow the rules to the letter... he must be fudging a number somewhere... He's getting three Sig Chills every time he yells "RANDOM LUCK FORCE!!!", what gives? At least he can only use it once every 3 turns... [SigChill (40Points), SigChill (40Points), SigChill (40Points) =120Points]

New Cross Signature Attack: Inexplicable Logic Force: Druidman yells "INEXPLICABLE LOGIC FORCE!!!" Somehow, Druidman swings his massive sword down to the ground and fires a laser beam of energy outwards. Even this laser defies logic, and will curve and arc to hit what it needs to. The laser is a Rapid Base Shot with Homing, and deals Druidman 15 damage for the recoil. The cooldown on this attack is 2 turns. [Rapid Base Shot (Atk*Rpd*2) (40Points), Homing (40points) Lifeburn15 (-20points) =60points]
I just realized that this was never approved.