Ralez Belle and ToolMan

Name: Ralez Belle
Age: 15
Gender: Male
He is very short for his age. Mostly because of the fact that his parents were the same. He is also a skinny fellow, with very skinny arms but normal leg size for his age. He usually wears a plain colored shirt, most colors inclued red, orange, purple, and green. His pants are always dark-blue jeans, because he has multiple pairs of the same kind of pants. He dosen't really need them, but they do help sometimes. On his left leg, on the back of the knee, he has a scar that sometimes will cause pain. It will happen at random times.

Height: 5'2
Weight: Around 125
Hair Color/Size: Blonde, Up to his shoulders
Eye Color: Changes between Blue and Green

Personality: He is let's say.....a man of few words. Or in other terms shy. Very very shy. He rairly talks much. He dosen't communicate very well to others, so usually when someone talks to him he runs off faking that he has gotta do something or stands there and stutters. He loves to garden, and will ocasionally talk to the plants as he waters and feeds them. He loves watching ochristas, and hates anything like R&B, Hip-Hop, Rap, Alternitive, Rock and J-POP. He also does not like fighting and believes in using words to solve problems. But he will fight if nessery to protect something of value to him.

Also, he loves to quote things that he has heard that have some type of meaning and jots them down in this little black notebook he has. Then when he needs the quotes for random situation or lectures, he takes it back out and resites them. But most of the quotes written there were made by either him or someone long ago. He loves anime alot as well, perfering to sit by and read a manga under a shady and cool tree.

PET Modifications: It is Red with a silver trim. On the side has a screwdriver and a couple nuts and bolts around the border.

Name: ToolMan
Gender: Male
Element: Normal
Type: Sword
Appearance: He is a rather large Navi. His head starts off with black hair, that is shaved to look like a flat-top. Covered by it is a hard-hat that is collored yellow. His face is stern-looking and cocky. He also has a small mustache. His chest formed with pecs and abs. It looks like a normal human's chest (without the nipples), with the skin color of his face, which is a tannish brown.

His arms are a bit small, and look like giant pipe tubes. Then they connect to a giant pair of white arms. The arms hang to his side, and are in fact very long and almost drop to the floor. His legs are muscler and short. they are covered by a blue coat until his feet, which are then collored black, and look like work boots.

On his slolders going into his back, there are 2 giant circle blades that are half-imbedded into him. Then around the imbedded area is a small metal coating that cover only his sholders. When he isn't using it, he carries on his back a giant pixaxe that he uses to attack, replacing the fact that he dosen't have a buster. On his side on his hips, he has on a belt that carries a drill, 2 screwdrivers, and wrench.

Personality: He is more type that only speaks when it was needed or when he needs to say his mind. He gets bored and lazy really easily, and perfers not to battle at all. Sometimes he would even give up in a match just because it wasn't any fun or it was too time-consuming. To him, it is just a waste of time. He is also somewhat cocky. But what he dosen't show too often is that when he feels nessisary, he will step in to protect the ones he loves. then after the event he will either deny it or pretend it never happened.

He is not suprised easily, so he is very relaxed in most situations and act like he dosen't care all that much. But when he is suprised by something, he reacts by avoiding things with a cocky attitude and keeps the fact that he's suprised inside him.

Side Info: Ralez wasn't actually ToolMan's first operator. The one to own ToolMan before him was Ralez's older brother, Tom. Tom was alot like his Navi, but was much nicer to the ones he acared about. He was also a miner. He had died though 3 years ago in a mining accident, so as a last wish he wanted ToolMan to be there for Ralez and prepare for the real world, and in turn have ToolMan be taken care of by Ralez.

Custom Weapon: He has a long pixaxe with a very medium range. He swings it down to create a shockwave or foreward at the opponent.

Signature Attack: Razor Slice He realeses 2 blades that shoot out from his shoulders. They first come from the side and attack an enemy from behind with a 30 damage for each hit. The blades are equipt with the Slashing effect as well. The blade usually come from the floor can detach at will and go into the air. After, they return to the same position they were before the attack.

Ralez Bellie

I realize you're not done, but I still need to jump in.

Quote (The Rules)

READ ME: If you plan on registering a character that has been used in either a video game, cartoon, manga, anime, TV show, or an otherwise copyrighted work, save yourself the humiliation and don't. We'll just smack you down with words much harsher than these.

You have been warned.

This includes using appearances belonging to a pre-existing character.

Change it, and don't even try to sneak a written appearance that equals what you've got right now by us.
I am not using the character in whole, just a part of the character. Also, I did not sneak this at all, I had dissused it in my introduction and it did not seem like much of a problem there if all I did was use the naked apperence of the person and nothin else.

If it really is that much of a hassle, I will take away the picture but keep the discription the same.
Nope. No no no nope nope no nope.

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I am not using the character in whole, just a part of the character.

One part of a character is, well, still one part of a character. Just because some of a profile is taking from an existing, copyrighted character and some is not, this does not make it all right. It's still directly using an existing character, which we don't allow here.

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I had dissused it in my introduction and it did not seem like much of a problem there if all I did was use the naked apperence of the person and nothin else.

Apparently you've been misinformed. The rules state that you can't use a pre-existing character from any medium whatsoever.

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If it really is that much of a hassle, I will take away the picture but keep the discription the same.

In order to get this registration through, you are going to have to change it so that no trace of the copyrighted character remains.

Yes, we've got admittedly high standards. Unfortunately, you're going to have to conform to them if you want to play here.
English Ninja, I understand what you are trying to say. But see, there are so many anime and so many characters out there that even if I say ''Black hair'', there are lots of characters that have that. so does that mean I can't use black hair because it's a part of another copyrighted anime character?? I am still only using a part of the character, but according to you I can't do that. So now I am just confused on what to do O-O

Quote (LPbomb)

English Ninja, I understand what you are trying to say. But see, there are so many anime and so many characters out there that even if I say ''Black hair'', there are lots of characters that have that. so does that mean I can't use black hair because it's a part of another copyrighted anime character?? I am still only using a part of the character, but according to you I can't do that. So now I am just confused on what to do O-O

Yes, I accept that. There's simply so many copyrighted works in circulation these days that it's virtually impossible to invent anything completely original and new.

The problem here is that you just posted a sprite sheet. That sheet, which presumably came from a game, depicts the main character of an existing anime (Negima!). Granted, you've removed that sprite sheet. However, your written description has not changed. It still quite clearly describes that sprite sheet you just took down. Because it is drawing reference from that sprite sheet, and therefore from that existing character, your current appearance field is still a no-go.

In order to proceed with your registration, you're going to have to change that appearance field entirely until it bears no resemblance to the existing character that you, for all-intensive purposes, were just trying to register as your Operator. I can't process you until you've done so.
I will but I have to go for now. I will finish tommorw ^^

EDIT: I have done it ^^
Bump-idy bump bump ^^
Bump again ^^
Okay, let's talk weaponry real quick.

In regards to your question, yes, you can use a melee type weapon as your 'buster'. In fact, many, many Navis here take this open. 'Buster' is a bit misleading, as it isn't so much the gun that Megaman uses, it's more of the concept of a fallback attack if you run out of chips.

Now then, your sig:

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Signature Attack: Razor Slice He realeses 2 blades that shoot out from his shoulders. They first come from the side and attack an enemy from behind. The blade usually come from the floor can detach at will and go into the air. After, they return to the same position they were before the attack.

That's a good description, but you'll need the actual damage statistics in there. The starting character has 60 points to spend on sig attacks, with a basic 1:1 conversion for points to damage. So, most starting players just have an attack that deals 60 damage. Since you refer to using two blades, you can go ahead and make that two hits of 30 for no extra charge to your points. You can also add the slashing effect to them if you desire, it's free, but it lowers the accuracy of the attack in exchange for being able to hit Shadow-ed things.
Thank you. I made it so the blades hit once and do 30 damage for each shot. But what is this about a shashing attack?? Sorry I'm new ^^''

Slashing is an extra effect that is often associated with blade-type attacks. An attack with a "Slashing" effect can hit enemies that are "Shadow" (A state where the enemy is pretty much invincible to almost all attacks), but the downside of this ability is your attack will be slightly less accurate. Take a look at the sig attack effects list; you can use it to get familiar with all of the different effects out there.
Thnak you. I think for safety's sake, I should add it. Even if it becomes less accurate, I have two which would at the very least have a chance of doing 30 damage, not to mention I still have chips and my pixaxe even if it dosen't work very well. ^^

I will edit it now.
Bump again ^^
Yeah, looks good enough now, so you're approved.

GET CHIP: Rageclaw, Cannon, Shotgun
GET NCP: Undershirt, Rapid+1, Attack+1, Charge+1
GET SUBCHIP: 2x MiniEnergy

Now go post your characters in the appropriate forums and have fun.
Yeah!!!! Awsome!!!

Now I have no idea what to do ;-;