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Rysan_Marquise: yes...
Rysan_Marquise: then you have to bite your toungue if you ever feel slighted
Lux: Or you could play as a whiney underpowered character, who constantly complains that her allies don't do enough.
Lux: Or complains about being slighted.
Rysan_Marquise: heh
DNR: But yeah really, everybody has been neglecting character development
DNR: Especially their operators
Lux: My operator lacks developement.
Rysan_Marquise has left.
Lux: I was considering contacting Polonius for help on ROse's math homework . . .
DNR: THats because all he does it slot in chips
Lux: She
DNR: seriously Ops need to do more
Lux: We need that thing that they did in the show . . .
Lux: Where Ops get Navi power and bust RL viruses.
Lux: Or RL events
DNR: RL events I'd like
Lux: Me too.
Lux: Like kidnappings, and tracking down missing people.
Lux: I mean, I guess Normal members could host their own little RL events, if they wanted.
DNR: They can't
DNR: Unless its a subplot or something
Rysan_Marquise has joined.
Lux: You could, it just wouldn't be official.
Lux: Like, host a party and invite people.
DNR: Can't
DNR: Thats STILL against the rules I think
Lux: I'm sure you can host a party. It wouldn't make sense if you couldn't.
Rysan_Marquise: wait a second... I thought rage mode was a result of dark chip corruption
Rysan_Marquise: was I mistaken?
DNR: Nono
DNR: It depends on the situation
Lux: Also, shouldn't BeastOuts be illegal IC? Like, since cybeasts are associated with the NetMafia, and are highly dangerous and rare, wouldn't having their data inside you make you illegal, or atleast some sort or SciLab test subject?
Lux: Or are BeastOuts well known in 20XX+37?
DNR: Cybeasts are really neutral
Lux: Well, still highly dangerous/deadly and rare.
DNR: But hey
DNR: It be reallllllyyyyy nice
DNR: If we had more Net news stories
DNR: You know
Lux: Rose Dunrae, Amatuer Reporter?
DNR: It help to know more about the world
DNR: Getting information only in events and/or special threads isn't really a good way to broaden one's view of the enviroment
Lux: Like the importance of Navi's Emblems?
DNR: Yeah
Lux: I never knew they were important, until reading Twi's thread and the DenTech thread.
DNR: Yeah see?
DNR: We're basically being dumbed XD
DNR: Ahh well
DNR: not like there's anything anybody can do
Yeahhh... I think it be nice if somebody in the "knooowww" Can help out with this? Or at least make boss battles that USE the operator for something that isn't chip slot in? Like you have to email a certain person with the correct answer to hit? Or reconfigure a navi's aspects? Seriously, this could make fighting so much better...