Spam Can Group?

i don't know........another useless suggestion.
It's an interesting idea, but a dumb one. If you're a Spam Canner, you'd better damn well be in the RP and General too, at least once in a while.
It's more about classification than anything be frank, it's not required at all. For example, if a person posts more in the Spam Can than anywhere else, then they could be in the Spam Canner group.

It's just an idea.
You mean like...A mark of shame to denote the useless spammers of the board? That has its merits...
I suppose things like that would be fun. However, it might clash with another little idea we have up our sleeves.
That it would....

*plots deviously*
hey, im RPing nao leave me alone

*panic* >_>;
*Chuckles ominously*

You mere mortals have no idea what we're planning...

Hee hee hee hee hee.

If it helps, I have no idea what you're planning either.
Neither do I...*Hides himself amongst the bodies of the fallen*