440 / 600
Cap: 180 / 30
Emulation: Execution
Calling upon untapped experiences with allies of the past, Nachahmen manipulates his shadow, causing it to rise from the ground before forming into what appears to be a exact copy of himself(Decoy1). The two then shuffle amongst themselves at high-speed, forming one of their arms into a blade all the while. Upon stopping this short ritual, the two put the blades to their opposite arms before pulling them across, slicing at roughly the wrist(Sacrifice1).
Afterward, the two engage in a venomous(Poison1) assault, one rushing forward a foe, the other disappearing in a wisp before appearing behind(Teleport1, 80Null). Further, to the unsuspecting foe's dismay, one of the attackers is an illusion, and as such, caution should be exercised against this potentially fatal attack.
Decoy1 (20), Sacrifice1 (20), Poison1 (20), Teleport1 (50), 80SlashDmg (Null) (80)
Total: 150
Pool afterward: 570 / 660 (90 remaining)
(I am emulating Asator's Pianissimo, and have his permission so far as I know, so he'll be likely to post an 'OK' in here.)