What DnD character am I?

Messed up, so I can't get the real score in...

But I'm a Neutral Neutral Human Barbarian

Now this sounds more like me~
True Neutral Human Bard/Cleric (2nd/1st Level)
Ability Scores:
Alignment:True Neutral

Primary Class: Bard

Secondary Class: Clerics act as intermediaries between the earthly and the divine (or infernal) worlds. A good cleric helps those in need, while an evil cleric seeks to spread his patron's vision of evil across the world. All clerics can heal wounds and bring people back from the brink of death, and powerful clerics can even raise the dead. Likewise, all clerics have authority over undead creatures, and they can turn away or even destroy these creatures. Clerics are trained in the use of simple weapons, and can use all forms of armor and shields without penalty, since armor does not interfere with the casting of divine spells. In addition to his normal complement of spells, every cleric chooses to focus on two of his deity's domains. These domains grants the cleric special powers, and give him access to spells that he might otherwise never learn. A cleric's Wisdom score should be high, since this determines the maximum spell level that he can cast.

Detailed Results:

Lawful Good ----- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (16)
Chaotic Good ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (17)
Lawful Neutral -- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (19)
Lawful Evil ----- XXXXXXXX (8)
Neutral Evil ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXX (13)
Chaotic Evil ---- XXXXXXXXX (9)

Law & Chaos:
Law ----- XXXXXX (6)
Neutral - XXXXXXXXXXX (11)
Chaos --- XXXXXXX (7)

Good & Evil:
Good ---- XXXXXXXXXX (10)
Neutral - XXXXXXXXXXXXX (13)
Evil ---- XX (2)

Human ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXXX (14)
Dwarf ---- XXXX (4)
Elf ------ XXXXXXXXXX (10)
Gnome ---- XXXXXXXX (8)
Halfling - XXXXXXXXXXXX (12)
Half-Elf - XXXXXXXXX (9)
Half-Orc - XXXX (4)

Barbarian - XX (2)
Bard ------ XXXXXX (6)
Cleric ---- XXXXXX (6)
Druid ----- (-4)
Fighter --- (-2)
Monk ------ (-21)
Paladin --- (-21)
Ranger ---- (-2)
Rogue ----- (-6)
Sorcerer -- XXXX (4)
Wizard ---- (-4)


Other test.

Human: 24
Elf: 7.9
Dwarf: 6.8
Halfling: 8.1
Gnome: 13.6
Half-Orc: -28.5

Barbarian: -28.6
Bard: 48.3
Cleric: -2.3
Druid: 4.9
Fighter: -5.8
Monk: -7.5
Paladin: -22.2
Ranger: -25.7
Rogue: -14.6
Sorceror: 18.1
Wizard: 6.7

Lawful: 28.6
Neutral: 13
Chaotic: 32.4

Good: 31
Neutral: 16
Evil: 0
Neutral Evil Human Bard (4th Level)

Ability Scores:
Strength- 10
Dexterity- 13
Constitution- 10
Intelligence- 15
Wisdom- 14
Charisma- 19

Neutral Evil- A neutral evil villain does whatever he can get away with. He is out for himself, pure and simple. He sheds no tears for those he kills, whether for profit, sport, or convenience. He has no love of order and holds no illusion that following laws, traditions, or codes would make him any better or more noble. On the other hand, he doesn�t have the restless nature or love of conflict that a chaotic evil villain has. Some neutral evil villains hold up evil as an ideal, committing evil for its own sake. Most often, such villains are devoted to evil deities or secret societies. Neutral evil is the best alignment you can be because you can advance yourself without regard for others. However, neutral evil can be a dangerous alignment because it represents pure evil without honor and without variation.

Humans are the most adaptable of the common races. Short generations and a penchant for migration and conquest have made them physically diverse as well. Humans are often unorthodox in their dress, sporting unusual hairstyles, fanciful clothes, tattoos, and the like.

Bards- Bards often serve as negotiators, messengers, scouts, and spies. They love to accompany heroes (and villains) to witness heroic (or villainous) deeds firsthand, since a bard who can tell a story from personal experience earns renown among his fellows. A bard casts arcane spells without any advance preparation, much like a sorcerer. Bards also share some specialized skills with rogues, and their knowledge of item lore is nearly unmatched. A high Charisma score allows a bard to cast high-level spells.

Detailed Results:

Lawful Good ----- XXXXXXXXX (9)
Neutral Good ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (16)
Chaotic Good ---- XXXXXXXXXXX (11)
Lawful Neutral -- XXXXXXXXXXXXXX (14)
Chaotic Neutral - XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (16)

Law & Chaos:
Law ----- XXXXXX (6)
Neutral - XXXXXXXXXXXXX (13)
Chaos --- XXXXXXXX (8)

Good & Evil:
Good ---- XXX (3)
Neutral - XXXXXXXX (8)

Human ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXX (13)
Dwarf ---- XX (2)
Elf ------ XXXXXXXXXXXX (12)
Gnome ---- XXXXXXXXXX (10)
Halfling - XXXXXXXXXX (10)
Half-Elf - XXXXXXXXXXX (11)
Half-Orc - (0)

Barbarian - (-2)
Bard ------ XXXXXX (6)
Cleric ---- (-4)
Druid ----- (-2)
Fighter --- (-4)
Monk ------ (-19)
Paladin --- (-19)
Ranger ---- XX (2)
Rogue ----- XXXX (4)
Sorcerer -- XX (2)
Wizard ---- (-6)

I think this thing is stuck on 'Bard'. PS: Fuck, I just noticed I'm the only one with the 'Evil' alignment. DX
Double posting to keep 'em out of each other properly. Did Eon's test afterwards and eh...

YOU ARE A: Chaotic Evil Human Bard

Human: 32
Elf: 25.6
Dwarf: 0
Halfling: 2.2
Gnome: -9.1
Half-Orc: -30.6

Barbarian: -16.7
Bard: 41.4
Cleric: 1.5
Druid: 4
Fighter: -29.8
Monk: -21.3
Paladin: -50
Ranger: 11
Rogue: 23.3
Sorceror: 17.8
Wizard: 15

Lawful: 14.3
Neutral: 21.7
Chaotic: 35.1

Good: 0
Neutral: 4
Evil: 35.3

35.5 in Evil and 0 in Good is bad, right? D:
You Are A:

Chaotic Evil Human Sorcerer (2nd Level)

Ability Scores:
Strength- 13
Dexterity- 11
Constitution- 11
Intelligence- 14
Wisdom- 13
Charisma- 12

Chaotic Evil- A chaotic evil character does whatever his greed, hatred, and lust for destruction drive him to do. He is hot-tempered, vicious, arbitrarily violent, and unpredictable. If he is simply out for whatever he can get, he is ruthless and brutal. If he is committed to the spread of evil and chaos, he is even worse. Thankfully, his plans are haphazard, and any groups he joins or forms are poorly organized. Typically, chaotic evil people can be made to work together only by force, and their leader lasts only as long as he can thwart attempts to topple or assassinate him. Chaotic evil is sometimes called demonic because demons are the epitome of chaotic evil. Chaotic evil is the best alignment you can be because combines self-interest and pure freedom. However, chaotic evil can be a dangerous alignment because it represents the destruction not only of beauty and life but also of the order on which beauty and life depend.

Humans are the most adaptable of the common races. Short generations and a penchant for migration and conquest have made them physically diverse as well. Humans are often unorthodox in their dress, sporting unusual hairstyles, fanciful clothes, tattoos, and the like.

Sorcerers- Sorcerers are arcane spellcasters who manipulate magic energy with imagination and talent rather than studious discipline. They have no books, no mentors, no theories just raw power that they direct at will. Sorcerers know fewer spells than wizards do and acquire them more slowly, but they can cast individual spells more often and have no need to prepare their incantations ahead of time. Also unlike wizards, sorcerers cannot specialize in a school of magic. Since sorcerers gain their powers without undergoing the years of rigorous study that wizards go through, they have more time to learn fighting skills and are proficient with simple weapons. Charisma is very important for sorcerers; the higher their value in this ability, the higher the spell level they can cast.

Detailed Results:

Lawful Good ----- XXXXXXXX (8)
Neutral Good ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXX (13)
Chaotic Good ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (18)
Lawful Neutral -- XXXXXXXXXXXXX (13)
True Neutral ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (18)
Lawful Evil ----- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (15)

Law & Chaos:
Law ----- XXX (3)
Neutral - XXXXXXXX (8)
Chaos --- XXXXXXXXXXXXX (13)

Good & Evil:
Good ---- XXXXX (5)
Neutral - XXXXXXXXXX (10)
Evil ---- XXXXXXXXXXXX (12)

Human ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXXX (14)
Dwarf ---- XXXXXX (6)
Elf ------ XXXXXXXX (8)
Gnome ---- XXXXXXXXXX (10)
Halfling - XXXXXXXXXX (10)
Half-Elf - XXXXXXXX (8)
Half-Orc - XXXX (4)

Barbarian - (0)
Bard ------ XX (2)
Cleric ---- (-2)
Druid ----- (-21)
Fighter --- (-4)
Monk ------ (-23)
Paladin --- (-21)
Ranger ---- XX (2)
Rogue ----- (-6)
Sorcerer -- XXXXXX (6)
Wizard ---- XXXX (4)

That's the first one. Doing Eon's next
Ah, I thought so. Yeah, this is the same result I got on the official DnD website. Thanks, Harbin's test.

YOU ARE A: Neutral Good Halfling Sorceror

Human: 28
Elf: 4.6
Dwarf: -3.8
Halfling: 38.2
Gnome: 4.5
Half-Orc: -22.2

Barbarian: -26.2
Bard: 31
Cleric: -4.6
Druid: -6.2
Fighter: 10.6
Monk: 5
Paladin: -5.6
Ranger: -13.2
Rogue: 5.9
Sorceror: 35.5
Wizard: 1.7

Lawful: 32.1
Neutral: 34.8
Chaotic: 24.3

Good: 31
Neutral: 24
Evil: 8.8
YOU ARE A: Neutral Evil Half-Elf Sorceror

Human: 32.9
Elf: 37.9
Dwarf: 10.5
Halfling: 14
Gnome: 9.1
Half-Orc: -33.3

Barbarian: -14.3
Bard: 42.7
Cleric: -3.1
Druid: 40
Fighter: 23.1
Monk: 25
Paladin: 0
Ranger: 29.4
Rogue: 26.4
Sorceror: 56.9
Wizard: 28.3

Lawful: 28.6
Neutral: 39.1
Chaotic: 18.9

Good: -3.4
Neutral: 24
Evil: 26.5

Now I'm a Lawful Neutral Dwarf Bard...Fairly similar results except for the Dwarf thing. I wonder which questions determine race. Maybe the focus on money...?

YOU ARE A: Lawful Neutral Dwarf Bard

Human: 20.9
Elf: -10.8
Dwarf: 57.9
Halfling: 8.8
Gnome: -27.3
Half-Orc: -9.7

Barbarian: -2.4
Bard: 34.5
Cleric: 13.1
Druid: 0.9
Fighter: 29.8
Monk: 25
Paladin: 22.2
Ranger: -19.1
Rogue: -6.6
Sorceror: 13.8
Wizard: -10

Lawful: 32.1
Neutral: 26.1
Chaotic: 21.6

Good: 13.8
Neutral: 28
Evil: 17.6
YOU ARE A: Lawful Good Halfling Cleric

Human: 16.9
Elf: -7.4
Dwarf: 1.5
Halfling: 20.6
Gnome: 4.5
Half-Orc: -44.4

Barbarian: -31
Bard: 18.5
Cleric: 23.1
Druid: -9.3
Fighter: -33.7
Monk: -15
Paladin: -5.6
Ranger: -32.4
Rogue: -1.7
Sorceror: 22.5
Wizard: 21.7

Lawful: 42.9
Neutral: 26.1
Chaotic: 21.6

Good: 37.9
Neutral: 28
Evil: -2.9

Silly Halflings. On the bright side I'm a Lawful Good Cleric, which is sort of what I'd pick, maybe.

Oh yeah

STR: 11
DEX: 13
CON: 8
INT(pt1/pt2): 15/14
INT: 14
WIS: 16
CHA: 11

Neat. I'm a good healer. I never would have guessed that I'd have a higher Wisdom than Intelligence.

You Are A:

True Neutral Human Druid/Bard (1st/1st Level)

Ability Scores:
Strength- 8
Dexterity- 13
Constitution- 12
Intelligence- 13
Wisdom- 14
Charisma- 15

True Neutral- A true neutral character does what seems to be a good idea. He doesn't feel strongly one way or the other when it comes to good vs. evil or law vs. chaos. Most true neutral characters exhibit a lack of conviction or bias rather than a commitment to neutrality. Such a character thinks of good as better than evil after all, he would rather have good neighbors and rulers than evil ones. Still, he's not personally committed to upholding good in any abstract or universal way. Some true neutral characters, on the other hand, commit themselves philosophically to neutrality. They see good, evil, law, and chaos as prejudices and dangerous extremes. They advocate the middle way of neutrality as the best, most balanced road in the long run. True neutral is the best alignment you can be because it means you act naturally, without prejudice or compulsion. However, true neutral can be a dangerous alignment because it represents apathy, indifference, and a lack of conviction.

Humans are the most adaptable of the common races. Short generations and a penchant for migration and conquest have made them physically diverse as well. Humans are often unorthodox in their dress, sporting unusual hairstyles, fanciful clothes, tattoos, and the like.

Primary Class:
Druids- Druids gain power not by ruling nature but by being at one with it. They hate the unnatural, including aberrations or undead, and destroy them where possible. Druids receive divine spells from nature, not the gods, and can gain an array of powers as they gain experience, including the ability to take the shapes of animals. The weapons and armor of a druid are restricted by their traditional oaths, not simply training. A druid's Wisdom score should be high, as this determines the maximum spell level that they can cast.

Secondary Class:
Bards- Bards often serve as negotiators, messengers, scouts, and spies. They love to accompany heroes (and villains) to witness heroic (or villainous) deeds firsthand, since a bard who can tell a story from personal experience earns renown among his fellows. A bard casts arcane spells without any advance preparation, much like a sorcerer. Bards also share some specialized skills with rogues, and their knowledge of item lore is nearly unmatched. A high Charisma score allows a bard to cast high-level spells.

Detailed Results:

Lawful Good ----- XXXXXXXXXXX (11)
Neutral Good ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (17)
Chaotic Good ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (15)
Lawful Neutral -- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (15)
Chaotic Neutral - XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (19)
Lawful Evil ----- XXXXXXXX (8)
Neutral Evil ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXXX (14)
Chaotic Evil ---- XXXXXXXXXXXX (12)

Law & Chaos:
Law ----- XXXX (4)
Neutral - XXXXXXXXXX (10)
Chaos --- XXXXXXXX (8)

Good & Evil:
Good ---- XXXXXXX (7)
Neutral - XXXXXXXXXXX (11)
Evil ---- XXXX (4)

Human ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXXX (14)
Dwarf ---- XXXXXXXX (8)
Elf ------ XXXXXX (6)
Gnome ---- XXXXXXXX (8)
Halfling - XXXXXXXX (8)
Half-Elf - XXXXXXXX (8)
Half-Orc - XXXXXXXX (8)

Barbarian - (-4)
Bard ------ XXXX (4)
Cleric ---- XX (2)
Druid ----- XXXX (4)
Fighter --- (-4)
Monk ------ (-23)
Paladin --- (-21)
Ranger ---- (-2)
Rogue ----- XX (2)
Sorcerer -- XX (2)
Wizard ---- (-2)