A beam of light shone directly in front of the Bounty Shop, from which a black and blue Navi stepped forward. Just that color scheme, of course, she was anything but beaten up. She looked at the stall for a moment, then placed her hands on her hips and shook her head. "Wow. This place doesn't exactly rake in the profits, does it?"
"No, it doesn't." A voice that was presumably the operator could be heard, but it was very clearly being modified to where someone couldn't tell what the actual voice could be. "But if you have a Navi, I hear this is a good place to bring in a little extra zenny. It's worth investigating."
"Of course." Hmm? Rules of Bounty Hunting? The Navi walked over, and quickly skimmed over it. "Seems simple enough. Well, Mr. Wrangler, I'll be taking a Normal Net bounty now. And if you could hurry it up, that'd be great. I'm a busy woman."
Some Light Wrangling
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"Ah hear ya's! Dun have ta worry 'bout a thing!" Wrangler piped up, he was already printing out a list for OpticWoman to make use of, look over and make her decision of. The paper soon finishing printing, Wrangler tipping his hat towards her. "Ya said Normal Net, right? Well, here ya go, make yer decision then and get ready to wrangle in them varmints!"
GrinnerGrinner (Grinner)
The Grinner virus possesses a body consisting of only one large solar panel, coated in colored metal with a design like a stoic, robotic face. The color of its body varies according to its strength. (yellow/orange/red/purple/blue/green/black). The virus attacks by opening its "mouth" to reveal its panel, then firing a beam of refracted light towards its enemies. When other solar panels are nearby, its attack will magnify additional light and become even more powerful. The Grinner moves very slowly, but is entirely invulnerable to attacks while its mouth is closed. It has been described jokingly as "the energy efficient Dominerd" due to the similarities between the viruses. The virus itself is electric, but its beam burns like fire, so wood navis need be wary.
Area: NAXA, Electown, SciLab
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Fire Shot + Piercing + Solar Terrain Boost 10 + Self-Cancel Body Effects
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: Fires a scorching beam of refracted, magnified light. The beam deals extra damage when fired by a Grinner floating over solar terrain. When using this attack, the Grinner voids all protection granted by its metallic body and remains vulnerable until it closes its mouth again.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 1 turn self IronBody
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Protects self using its metallic "face" encasing.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): SolarShield1, Zenny
Special: Omnishoes, cannot dodge (Grinner) -
SolarShield1Effect: (1 Hit Shield) + (Counter Fire/Elec (50 Fire Shot + Piercing + Solar Terrain Boost 50): On-Hit)
Accuracy: A
Description: Creates a solid solar panel shield. When hit by an attack that produces light, the shield will reflect back the attack with a powerful solar beam. The effect is powered up if standing on solar panels. Impact will stop the counter.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Special: Status Guard: This chip blocks debuffs.
Trader Rank: D
TubyTuby (Tuby)
Area: Beach
HP: 90
Attack: Confusion + To-All-Clause (Enemies)
Attack Accuracy: S
Attack Description: Plays a tune that confuses its enemies.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Discord (Super Rare), Zenny
Special: Attacks every other turn. (Tuby) -
DiscordHP: 50
Properties: Heavy
Object Damage: 50 + Impact
Damage Method: Throw, Telekinesis
Status Effect: Confusion + To-All-Clause (Enemies)
Accuracy: S
Description: Causes mass confusion in the enemy ranks.
Duration: 1 turn or until destroyed.
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C (Rare)
MuteAntMuteAnt (MuteAnt)
Area: NetVegas
HP: 90
Attack: Silence + To-All-Clause (Enemies)
Attack Accuracy: S
Attack Description: Plays a tune that blocks chip usage.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Silence (Super Rare), Zenny
Special: Attacks every other turn. (MuteAnt) -
SilenceHP: 50
Properties: Heavy
Object Damage: 50 + Impact
Damage Method: Throw, Telekinesis
Status Effect: Silence + To-All-Clause (Enemies)
Accuracy: S
Description: Prevents enemies from using chips.
Duration: 1 turn or until destroyed.
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C (Rare)
BandcoonBandcoon (Bandcoon)
Bandcoons are gray raccoon-like creatures, around 30 inches in height. They possess black stripes around their body, aside from their short, almost stub-like legs. Their faces are usually unseen, as they're covered in a red mask with string decorations. Their tails are twice as long as their actual bodies, and are usually curved into a question mark shape. At first this may seem like a simple design choice, but the tail is actually prehensile, and Bandcoon cleverly use it to steal chip data from Navis. Bandcoons' speed and small size combine to make them surprisingly difficult to hit while moving, and are even agile enough to turn sharply with little problem. However, if caught standing still, they're practically sitting ducks. However, when they're not using chips, they always prefer to move when possible. Their main tactic is to roll around and confound the enemy with their speed, then move in and swipe them with their tail, using it like a hook to grab data not directly tied to them, namely Battlechips. They can then use it themselves, at reduced power, as a free action. All other effects of the chips still apply, including pre-requisites to use the chip (i.e. Spice still needs Grass terrain, MachineSword still requires that the enemy be stunned). Higher level Bandcoon are aware of such conditions, and will try to satisfy the requirements if at all possible. If the enemy has no Battlechips, Bandcoons get extremely aggravated, and will ram an enemy in anger and desperation. However, they severely dislike doing this, and will only use this attack as a last resort for when they have no chips.
Area: Yoka, Okuden Valley, Netopia, Yumland
HP: 60
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: Chip Steal + 1/3 Chip Use
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Bandcoon steals a single random chip the opponent has selected this turn. They then use the chip at 1/3 of its normal power, rounded down to the nearest 5. Recovery chips still work at full power.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null + Impact
Secondary Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Description: If Bandcoon cannot steal an attacking chip for any reason, they will instead roll into an enemy.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Pickpocket (Rare), Zenny
Special: Haste while moving (+10%). Double Slow while standing still (-20%). (Bandcoon) -
PickpocketDamage: 0
Accuracy: B
Description: Summons a Bandcoon to steal from opponents before vanishing.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Success and quality of theft affected by RP quality and luck.
Trader Rank: C (Rare)
RaingearRaingear (Raingear)
This virus family is positively deadly when fighting on Ice Terrain, to the point where the players are at a severe disadvantage. Unless you just have it in for the player, try not to combine the two very often. I'm serious about this. -Pally
Area: Yoka, Beach, Sharo
HP: 80
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Aqua + Wide Attack + Ground Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Blasts enemy with a geyser that bursts suddenly from the ground.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Aqua + Group Attack + Ground Attack
Secondary Attack Accuracy: D
Secondary Attack Description: Blasts the enemy with a marching line of geysers.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WaterLine1, AquaTower1, Zenny
Special: This virus' attacks will freeze the target solid on ice terrain. (Raingear) -
WaterLine1Damage: 80 + Ground Attack + Wide Attack
Accuracy: B
Description: A wall of water gushes from the ground, drowning up to 3 targets.
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Trader Rank: D,
AquaTower1Damage: 100 + Piercing + Ground Attack + Line-Chain
Accuracy: D
Description: Geysers of water march across the field.
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Special: Line-Chain: This attack moves forward in a rough line, but may shift side to side slightly as it advances to engage more targets in its general path. The attack cannot ever stray more than 45 degrees from its original path, and cannot make greater than a 45 degree turn at any given time.
Trader Rank: D
JellyJelly (Jelly)
Jelly are floating, jellyfish-like viruses, that seem to simply float nonchalantly, yet are deceptively difficult to combat. Fortunately, their rarity ensures they they never appear before a Battle 6, and there are never more than 2 in a single battle. While their horizontal movement is terrible at best, they can easily adjust their altitude as needed. By default, however, they tend to hover a couple of feet above the ground. The exception to this is when they attack. Jelly attack by launching large waves of water at enemies The attack cycle of Jelly is 2 actions long. It requires one action to charge before firing. If they are stunned or otherwise temporarily disabled, they resume their attack cycle where it was halted once the stun wears off. When they attack, they drop to the ground in order to pump out as much liquid as possible. This allows them to harness the power of certain kinds of terrain to boost their attacks, but it also makes them immobile and vulnerable to ground-based attacks for the duration.
Area: Beach
HP: 220
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Aqua + Ground Attack + Wide Attack + Sea Terrain Boost 20 + 1 action charge
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: It charges itself with innate elemental energy, then launches a hard-to-avoid wall of water at enemies. The attack is stronger if performed over Sea terrain.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Wave1 (Rare), Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: This virus can move forward, backward, or to the side, but it does this so slowly that it cannot evade attacks this way.
Special: This virus can move up and down at high speed in order to avoid attacks while charging. While they can float fairly high, they cannot achieve High Altitude status.
Special: This virus is anchored and cannot move when attacking. (Jelly) -
Wave1Damage: 50 + Ground Attack + To-All(Others) + Sea/Onsen Terrain Boost 50
Accuracy: B
Description: Creates a tsunami to drown everything and everyone other than the user, even their allies. Can be jumped over, but requires perfect timing. More effective if there is already water in the vicinity to fuel it.
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Trader Rank: D (Rare)
DharmaDharma (Dharma)
Dharma move and dodge at average speed. Their puck attacks rebound off of the edges of the battlefield as if there were an invisible wall there. They can rebound up to 3 times before finally passing off of the field or dissipating into thin air. The pucks pass through anything they hit except boundary walls, terrain, and friendly viruses. The pucks can not damage other Dharmas. This virus cannot attack while moving.
Area: Yoka, Netopia, Sharo, NetVegas
HP: 90
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Null + Break + Piercing + Rebound(3) + Ground Attack
Attack Accuracy: E
Attack Description: Throws a Hockey puck at the enemy. Break.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per virus): AirHockey1, Zenny (Dharma) -
AirHockey1Damage: 50 + Break + Ground Attack + Rebound(4)
Accuracy: B
Description: Throws a hockey puck at the enemy. The puck will bounce off of anything it hits (objects, viruses, Navis, etc.) in the field, dealing damage to them, up to 5 times. The attack stops immediately if it encounters a broken or missing panel, or the initial attack misses.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Rebound(4): This effect allows an attack to ricochet around the field. It will attempt to bounce off of enemies or objects until it has attacked four additional times, with the damage of the chip reducing by 10 for each attempted attack. Each attack against a given target lowers the chip's accuracy by 2 ranks against that target.
Trader Rank: D
NeoMetoolNeoMetool (NeoMetool)
NeoMetool not currently attacking will guard. Entering guard mode requires an action. Exiting guard mode does not require an action.
Area: ACDC, Electown, Okuden Valley, Kotobuki Town, Dentech, Beach
HP: 40
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null + Spread 1
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Spits out a bullet that penetrates an enemy to hit another one directly behind it.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Shotgun, ShieldGuard, Zenny
Special: Can hide in its helmet to negate damage.
Special: If hit while hiding with a non-Break attack, its next attack will do 30 damage instead of 10. This effect does not stack across multiple hits. (NeoMetool) -
ShotgunDamage: 50 + Spread 1
Accuracy: A
Description: A gun whose shot penetrates an enemy to hit another one directly behind it.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: E,
ShieldGuardEffect: (1 Hit Shield) + (Reflect(40 + Piercing + Line Attack + Ground Attack) + Strengthen 40: On Hit)
Accuracy: S
Description: Description: Generates a 1-Hit Shield upon activation. When this shield blocks one hit from a non-Break attack, it responds with a shock wave, and some of the produced kinetic energy is bestowed onto the user.
Duration: Until broken or overridden.
Element: Null
Special: Negated by Break. Ignores Impact.
Special: Reflect: Damage returned is equal to the damage of the attack blocked or the damage cap listed, whichever comes first. Reflect is not subject to negation by Impact.
Special: Status Guard: This chip blocks debuffs.
Trader Rank: D
IronShieldIronShield (IronShield)
Area: SciLab, Dentech, Sharo, Netfrica, NetVegas
HP: 120
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null + Blast2 x 3 Hts @ 2 Targets
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: When the shield is lowered, it fires EnergyBombs from its twin mortars.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Null + Break
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: When the shield is raised, it fires a wrecker from it's main gun.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): IronShield1, EnergyBomb, Zenny
Special: IronShield can defend against all non-Break attacks from the front or above.
- The virus may turn towards an attacker to keep itself defended.
- The virus may raise its shield over it's body to ward off aerial attacks as a free action. However, once the shield is raised, it must remain raised for 1 turn.
- The virus may lower its shield from the raised position to guard against frontal attacks as a free action. However, once the shield is lowered, it must remain lowered for 1 turn.
- This virus can move, but it's size and slow pace makes dodging impossible. It can turn quickly, however. (IronShield) -
IronShield1Effect: 2-Hit Shield
Accuracy: S
Description: Block 2 attacks with Tower Shield, then breaks. Break attacks destroy the Shield.
Duration: Until broken or overridden.
Element: Null
Special: Status Guard: This chip blocks debuffs.
Trader Rank: D,
EnergyBombDamage: 40 x 3 + Blast1
Accuracy: C
Description: A powerful bomb that hits three times.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D
QuakerQuaker (Quaker)
Area: Netopia, Hades Isle, NetVegas
HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Null + Piercing + Ground Attack + Chain(2) + Earthquake
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Jumps high into the air, then slams its wrecking ball onto the ground when it lands, making the ground shake, and forming a shock wave that zeroes in on enemies.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WaveArm1, RockArm1, Zenny
Special: High Altitude Status while Jumping.
Special: If underground or in a building, it can break through ceilings or cause a rock-fall.
Special: Earthquake: Whenever this virus lands when using its attack, all enemies touching the ground have their evasion reduced by 1 rank until the end of the next turn. This effect does not stack with other Earthquake instances, and does not affect allies of this virus.
Special: Chain 3: This attack, upon striking a target, may change directions towards a new target. This may be done up to 3 times in one attack. (Quaker) -
WaveArm1Damage: 80 + Piercing + Ground Attack + Chain(2)
Accuracy: B
Description: A special shock wave that can automatically adjust its path to hit up to three enemies.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Chain: This attack will adjust it's path to hit multiple enemies, but it cannot chain-target a previously struck target. If a target manages to get hit more than once by this effect, it is not because the attack targeted it more than once, but due to some other series of events.
Trader Rank: D,
RockArm1HP: 50
Properties: Normal, Mobile
Damage: 100 + Stun
Accuracy: C
Description: Summons a Crasher to the field. The following turn, it will leap and crash, causing a massive stunning earthquake for all ground-bound enemies, and send a shockwave towards a line of targets.
Duration: Two turns
Element: Null
Special: Attacks the turn after summoning only.
Trader Rank: D
HoneybomberHoneybomber (Honeybomber)
Honeybomber viruses do not dodge, as they instead counter attack against hits taken. They are actually capable of moving from place to place with great speed, but rarely chose to do so. When they do move, it is always to interpose themselves between an opponent and one of their allies, although this doesn't always happen. Honeybombers only attack when struck by an attack, and even then, only if they survive the hit. This counter attack is not prevented by Impact, and may execute the same number of times as a Honeybomber has actions in one turn. The Honeybomber may elect to target different enemies for follow-up swarm launches after the first target has been attacked once that turn. While Honeybombers do have OmniShoes, and are constantly flying above the ground, they still enjoy the benefits of wood-based terrain regardless of altitude.
Area: Dentech, Yumland
HP: 110
Attack Damage/Effect: 5 Wood x 5 Hits + Homing x 1 Swarm
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Attack with swarms of bees. Each swarm has 50 HP, and can be shot down.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): RiskyHoney1, Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: Ignore Height: This virus enjoys the benefits of same-element terrain, regardless of altitude. (Honeybomber) -
RiskyHoney1Damage: (1-Hit Wood Element Shield) + (Elemental Counter(10 damage x 5 hits + Homing): On Hit)
Accuracy: A
Description: Block with Hive & Bees swarm the enemy.
Duration: Once
Element: Wood
Special: Element Defense: In addition to the defense's normal weakness, it is also weak against an Element. If struck by this element, the defense is instantly destroyed, and the user sustains double or more the elemental damage of the attack. In this case, the weakness is Fire.
Special: Elemental Counter: Counter attack is launched if the parent defense was not hit with an effect it is weak against. In this case, Fire and Break are weaknesses.
Special: Status Guard: This chip blocks debuffs.
Trader Rank: D
CraggerCragger (Cragger)
Craggers are pretty easy targets, given their size. They also move very rarely, and when they do they move slowly. Their dodge rate is abysmal. They generally rely on their HardBody defense, which reduces non-break damage by half, but doubles break damage. They have high attack power and AoE, but their accuracy is generally bad as their attacks are easy to follow and take time to deliver. Their attack is executed as a Drop Attack, and thus attacks from above, and not head-on. Targets caught underground within this attack's AoE range take an additional 50 Null damage that ignores all defenses.
Area: Netopia, Sharo, Hades Isle
HP: 120
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Null + Break + Panel Break + WideAttack
Attack Accuracy: D
Attack Description: Slams the enemy and surrounding area with fist. This is executed as a Drop Attack, and is more damaging to targets below ground (IE: Submerged or burrowed).
Element: None.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): GolemHit1, Zenny
Special: Hardbody. (Cragger) -
GolemHit1Damage: 140 + Break + Panel Crack + Wide Attack
Accuracy: C
Description: A fist of stone falls from the sky to smash an enemy, and create a shock wave that hits two nearby enemies. The area affected by the fist becomes Cracked terrain.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D
GrinnerGrinner (Grinner)
The Grinner virus possesses a body consisting of only one large solar panel, coated in colored metal with a design like a stoic, robotic face. The color of its body varies according to its strength. (yellow/orange/red/purple/blue/green/black). The virus attacks by opening its "mouth" to reveal its panel, then firing a beam of refracted light towards its enemies. When other solar panels are nearby, its attack will magnify additional light and become even more powerful. The Grinner moves very slowly, but is entirely invulnerable to attacks while its mouth is closed. It has been described jokingly as "the energy efficient Dominerd" due to the similarities between the viruses. The virus itself is electric, but its beam burns like fire, so wood navis need be wary.
Area: NAXA, Electown, SciLab
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Fire Shot + Piercing + Solar Terrain Boost 10 + Self-Cancel Body Effects
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: Fires a scorching beam of refracted, magnified light. The beam deals extra damage when fired by a Grinner floating over solar terrain. When using this attack, the Grinner voids all protection granted by its metallic body and remains vulnerable until it closes its mouth again.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 1 turn self IronBody
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Protects self using its metallic "face" encasing.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): SolarShield1, Zenny
Special: Omnishoes, cannot dodge (Grinner) -

Accuracy: A
Description: Creates a solid solar panel shield. When hit by an attack that produces light, the shield will reflect back the attack with a powerful solar beam. The effect is powered up if standing on solar panels. Impact will stop the counter.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Special: Status Guard: This chip blocks debuffs.
Trader Rank: D
TubyTuby (Tuby)
Area: Beach
HP: 90
Attack: Confusion + To-All-Clause (Enemies)
Attack Accuracy: S
Attack Description: Plays a tune that confuses its enemies.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Discord (Super Rare), Zenny
Special: Attacks every other turn. (Tuby) -

Properties: Heavy
Object Damage: 50 + Impact
Damage Method: Throw, Telekinesis
Status Effect: Confusion + To-All-Clause (Enemies)
Accuracy: S
Description: Causes mass confusion in the enemy ranks.
Duration: 1 turn or until destroyed.
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C (Rare)
MuteAntMuteAnt (MuteAnt)
Area: NetVegas
HP: 90
Attack: Silence + To-All-Clause (Enemies)
Attack Accuracy: S
Attack Description: Plays a tune that blocks chip usage.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Silence (Super Rare), Zenny
Special: Attacks every other turn. (MuteAnt) -

Properties: Heavy
Object Damage: 50 + Impact
Damage Method: Throw, Telekinesis
Status Effect: Silence + To-All-Clause (Enemies)
Accuracy: S
Description: Prevents enemies from using chips.
Duration: 1 turn or until destroyed.
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C (Rare)
BandcoonBandcoon (Bandcoon)
Bandcoons are gray raccoon-like creatures, around 30 inches in height. They possess black stripes around their body, aside from their short, almost stub-like legs. Their faces are usually unseen, as they're covered in a red mask with string decorations. Their tails are twice as long as their actual bodies, and are usually curved into a question mark shape. At first this may seem like a simple design choice, but the tail is actually prehensile, and Bandcoon cleverly use it to steal chip data from Navis. Bandcoons' speed and small size combine to make them surprisingly difficult to hit while moving, and are even agile enough to turn sharply with little problem. However, if caught standing still, they're practically sitting ducks. However, when they're not using chips, they always prefer to move when possible. Their main tactic is to roll around and confound the enemy with their speed, then move in and swipe them with their tail, using it like a hook to grab data not directly tied to them, namely Battlechips. They can then use it themselves, at reduced power, as a free action. All other effects of the chips still apply, including pre-requisites to use the chip (i.e. Spice still needs Grass terrain, MachineSword still requires that the enemy be stunned). Higher level Bandcoon are aware of such conditions, and will try to satisfy the requirements if at all possible. If the enemy has no Battlechips, Bandcoons get extremely aggravated, and will ram an enemy in anger and desperation. However, they severely dislike doing this, and will only use this attack as a last resort for when they have no chips.
Area: Yoka, Okuden Valley, Netopia, Yumland
HP: 60
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: Chip Steal + 1/3 Chip Use
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Bandcoon steals a single random chip the opponent has selected this turn. They then use the chip at 1/3 of its normal power, rounded down to the nearest 5. Recovery chips still work at full power.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null + Impact
Secondary Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Description: If Bandcoon cannot steal an attacking chip for any reason, they will instead roll into an enemy.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Pickpocket (Rare), Zenny
Special: Haste while moving (+10%). Double Slow while standing still (-20%). (Bandcoon) -

Accuracy: B
Description: Summons a Bandcoon to steal from opponents before vanishing.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Success and quality of theft affected by RP quality and luck.
Trader Rank: C (Rare)
RaingearRaingear (Raingear)
This virus family is positively deadly when fighting on Ice Terrain, to the point where the players are at a severe disadvantage. Unless you just have it in for the player, try not to combine the two very often. I'm serious about this. -Pally
Area: Yoka, Beach, Sharo
HP: 80
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Aqua + Wide Attack + Ground Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Blasts enemy with a geyser that bursts suddenly from the ground.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Aqua + Group Attack + Ground Attack
Secondary Attack Accuracy: D
Secondary Attack Description: Blasts the enemy with a marching line of geysers.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WaterLine1, AquaTower1, Zenny
Special: This virus' attacks will freeze the target solid on ice terrain. (Raingear) -

Accuracy: B
Description: A wall of water gushes from the ground, drowning up to 3 targets.
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Trader Rank: D,

Accuracy: D
Description: Geysers of water march across the field.
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Special: Line-Chain: This attack moves forward in a rough line, but may shift side to side slightly as it advances to engage more targets in its general path. The attack cannot ever stray more than 45 degrees from its original path, and cannot make greater than a 45 degree turn at any given time.
Trader Rank: D
JellyJelly (Jelly)
Jelly are floating, jellyfish-like viruses, that seem to simply float nonchalantly, yet are deceptively difficult to combat. Fortunately, their rarity ensures they they never appear before a Battle 6, and there are never more than 2 in a single battle. While their horizontal movement is terrible at best, they can easily adjust their altitude as needed. By default, however, they tend to hover a couple of feet above the ground. The exception to this is when they attack. Jelly attack by launching large waves of water at enemies The attack cycle of Jelly is 2 actions long. It requires one action to charge before firing. If they are stunned or otherwise temporarily disabled, they resume their attack cycle where it was halted once the stun wears off. When they attack, they drop to the ground in order to pump out as much liquid as possible. This allows them to harness the power of certain kinds of terrain to boost their attacks, but it also makes them immobile and vulnerable to ground-based attacks for the duration.
Area: Beach
HP: 220
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Aqua + Ground Attack + Wide Attack + Sea Terrain Boost 20 + 1 action charge
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: It charges itself with innate elemental energy, then launches a hard-to-avoid wall of water at enemies. The attack is stronger if performed over Sea terrain.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Wave1 (Rare), Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: This virus can move forward, backward, or to the side, but it does this so slowly that it cannot evade attacks this way.
Special: This virus can move up and down at high speed in order to avoid attacks while charging. While they can float fairly high, they cannot achieve High Altitude status.
Special: This virus is anchored and cannot move when attacking. (Jelly) -

Accuracy: B
Description: Creates a tsunami to drown everything and everyone other than the user, even their allies. Can be jumped over, but requires perfect timing. More effective if there is already water in the vicinity to fuel it.
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Trader Rank: D (Rare)
DharmaDharma (Dharma)
Dharma move and dodge at average speed. Their puck attacks rebound off of the edges of the battlefield as if there were an invisible wall there. They can rebound up to 3 times before finally passing off of the field or dissipating into thin air. The pucks pass through anything they hit except boundary walls, terrain, and friendly viruses. The pucks can not damage other Dharmas. This virus cannot attack while moving.
Area: Yoka, Netopia, Sharo, NetVegas
HP: 90
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Null + Break + Piercing + Rebound(3) + Ground Attack
Attack Accuracy: E
Attack Description: Throws a Hockey puck at the enemy. Break.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per virus): AirHockey1, Zenny (Dharma) -

Accuracy: B
Description: Throws a hockey puck at the enemy. The puck will bounce off of anything it hits (objects, viruses, Navis, etc.) in the field, dealing damage to them, up to 5 times. The attack stops immediately if it encounters a broken or missing panel, or the initial attack misses.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Rebound(4): This effect allows an attack to ricochet around the field. It will attempt to bounce off of enemies or objects until it has attacked four additional times, with the damage of the chip reducing by 10 for each attempted attack. Each attack against a given target lowers the chip's accuracy by 2 ranks against that target.
Trader Rank: D
NeoMetoolNeoMetool (NeoMetool)
NeoMetool not currently attacking will guard. Entering guard mode requires an action. Exiting guard mode does not require an action.
Area: ACDC, Electown, Okuden Valley, Kotobuki Town, Dentech, Beach
HP: 40
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null + Spread 1
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Spits out a bullet that penetrates an enemy to hit another one directly behind it.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Shotgun, ShieldGuard, Zenny
Special: Can hide in its helmet to negate damage.
Special: If hit while hiding with a non-Break attack, its next attack will do 30 damage instead of 10. This effect does not stack across multiple hits. (NeoMetool) -

Accuracy: A
Description: A gun whose shot penetrates an enemy to hit another one directly behind it.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: E,

Accuracy: S
Description: Description: Generates a 1-Hit Shield upon activation. When this shield blocks one hit from a non-Break attack, it responds with a shock wave, and some of the produced kinetic energy is bestowed onto the user.
Duration: Until broken or overridden.
Element: Null
Special: Negated by Break. Ignores Impact.
Special: Reflect: Damage returned is equal to the damage of the attack blocked or the damage cap listed, whichever comes first. Reflect is not subject to negation by Impact.
Special: Status Guard: This chip blocks debuffs.
Trader Rank: D
IronShieldIronShield (IronShield)
Area: SciLab, Dentech, Sharo, Netfrica, NetVegas
HP: 120
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null + Blast2 x 3 Hts @ 2 Targets
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: When the shield is lowered, it fires EnergyBombs from its twin mortars.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Null + Break
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: When the shield is raised, it fires a wrecker from it's main gun.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): IronShield1, EnergyBomb, Zenny
Special: IronShield can defend against all non-Break attacks from the front or above.
- The virus may turn towards an attacker to keep itself defended.
- The virus may raise its shield over it's body to ward off aerial attacks as a free action. However, once the shield is raised, it must remain raised for 1 turn.
- The virus may lower its shield from the raised position to guard against frontal attacks as a free action. However, once the shield is lowered, it must remain lowered for 1 turn.
- This virus can move, but it's size and slow pace makes dodging impossible. It can turn quickly, however. (IronShield) -

Accuracy: S
Description: Block 2 attacks with Tower Shield, then breaks. Break attacks destroy the Shield.
Duration: Until broken or overridden.
Element: Null
Special: Status Guard: This chip blocks debuffs.
Trader Rank: D,

Accuracy: C
Description: A powerful bomb that hits three times.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D
QuakerQuaker (Quaker)
Area: Netopia, Hades Isle, NetVegas
HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Null + Piercing + Ground Attack + Chain(2) + Earthquake
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Jumps high into the air, then slams its wrecking ball onto the ground when it lands, making the ground shake, and forming a shock wave that zeroes in on enemies.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WaveArm1, RockArm1, Zenny
Special: High Altitude Status while Jumping.
Special: If underground or in a building, it can break through ceilings or cause a rock-fall.
Special: Earthquake: Whenever this virus lands when using its attack, all enemies touching the ground have their evasion reduced by 1 rank until the end of the next turn. This effect does not stack with other Earthquake instances, and does not affect allies of this virus.
Special: Chain 3: This attack, upon striking a target, may change directions towards a new target. This may be done up to 3 times in one attack. (Quaker) -

Accuracy: B
Description: A special shock wave that can automatically adjust its path to hit up to three enemies.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Chain: This attack will adjust it's path to hit multiple enemies, but it cannot chain-target a previously struck target. If a target manages to get hit more than once by this effect, it is not because the attack targeted it more than once, but due to some other series of events.
Trader Rank: D,

Properties: Normal, Mobile
Damage: 100 + Stun
Accuracy: C
Description: Summons a Crasher to the field. The following turn, it will leap and crash, causing a massive stunning earthquake for all ground-bound enemies, and send a shockwave towards a line of targets.
Duration: Two turns
Element: Null
Special: Attacks the turn after summoning only.
Trader Rank: D
HoneybomberHoneybomber (Honeybomber)
Honeybomber viruses do not dodge, as they instead counter attack against hits taken. They are actually capable of moving from place to place with great speed, but rarely chose to do so. When they do move, it is always to interpose themselves between an opponent and one of their allies, although this doesn't always happen. Honeybombers only attack when struck by an attack, and even then, only if they survive the hit. This counter attack is not prevented by Impact, and may execute the same number of times as a Honeybomber has actions in one turn. The Honeybomber may elect to target different enemies for follow-up swarm launches after the first target has been attacked once that turn. While Honeybombers do have OmniShoes, and are constantly flying above the ground, they still enjoy the benefits of wood-based terrain regardless of altitude.
Area: Dentech, Yumland
HP: 110
Attack Damage/Effect: 5 Wood x 5 Hits + Homing x 1 Swarm
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Attack with swarms of bees. Each swarm has 50 HP, and can be shot down.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): RiskyHoney1, Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: Ignore Height: This virus enjoys the benefits of same-element terrain, regardless of altitude. (Honeybomber) -

Accuracy: A
Description: Block with Hive & Bees swarm the enemy.
Duration: Once
Element: Wood
Special: Element Defense: In addition to the defense's normal weakness, it is also weak against an Element. If struck by this element, the defense is instantly destroyed, and the user sustains double or more the elemental damage of the attack. In this case, the weakness is Fire.
Special: Elemental Counter: Counter attack is launched if the parent defense was not hit with an effect it is weak against. In this case, Fire and Break are weaknesses.
Special: Status Guard: This chip blocks debuffs.
Trader Rank: D
CraggerCragger (Cragger)
Craggers are pretty easy targets, given their size. They also move very rarely, and when they do they move slowly. Their dodge rate is abysmal. They generally rely on their HardBody defense, which reduces non-break damage by half, but doubles break damage. They have high attack power and AoE, but their accuracy is generally bad as their attacks are easy to follow and take time to deliver. Their attack is executed as a Drop Attack, and thus attacks from above, and not head-on. Targets caught underground within this attack's AoE range take an additional 50 Null damage that ignores all defenses.
Area: Netopia, Sharo, Hades Isle
HP: 120
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Null + Break + Panel Break + WideAttack
Attack Accuracy: D
Attack Description: Slams the enemy and surrounding area with fist. This is executed as a Drop Attack, and is more damaging to targets below ground (IE: Submerged or burrowed).
Element: None.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): GolemHit1, Zenny
Special: Hardbody. (Cragger) -

Accuracy: C
Description: A fist of stone falls from the sky to smash an enemy, and create a shock wave that hits two nearby enemies. The area affected by the fist becomes Cracked terrain.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D
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OpticWoman gave the list a once-over, then frowned. "This list kinda sucks. Could you give me another one? A better one, preferably."
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"Not a problem partner!" He said simply, ripping the paper off and tossing it aside, before a new list slowly scrolled out. "Gotta take somethin on this one, though. Can't keep rerollin lists all day!"
BandcoonBandcoon (Bandcoon)
Bandcoons are gray raccoon-like creatures, around 30 inches in height. They possess black stripes around their body, aside from their short, almost stub-like legs. Their faces are usually unseen, as they're covered in a red mask with string decorations. Their tails are twice as long as their actual bodies, and are usually curved into a question mark shape. At first this may seem like a simple design choice, but the tail is actually prehensile, and Bandcoon cleverly use it to steal chip data from Navis. Bandcoons' speed and small size combine to make them surprisingly difficult to hit while moving, and are even agile enough to turn sharply with little problem. However, if caught standing still, they're practically sitting ducks. However, when they're not using chips, they always prefer to move when possible. Their main tactic is to roll around and confound the enemy with their speed, then move in and swipe them with their tail, using it like a hook to grab data not directly tied to them, namely Battlechips. They can then use it themselves, at reduced power, as a free action. All other effects of the chips still apply, including pre-requisites to use the chip (i.e. Spice still needs Grass terrain, MachineSword still requires that the enemy be stunned). Higher level Bandcoon are aware of such conditions, and will try to satisfy the requirements if at all possible. If the enemy has no Battlechips, Bandcoons get extremely aggravated, and will ram an enemy in anger and desperation. However, they severely dislike doing this, and will only use this attack as a last resort for when they have no chips.
Area: Yoka, Okuden Valley, Netopia, Yumland
HP: 60
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: Chip Steal + 1/3 Chip Use
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Bandcoon steals a single random chip the opponent has selected this turn. They then use the chip at 1/3 of its normal power, rounded down to the nearest 5. Recovery chips still work at full power.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null + Impact
Secondary Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Description: If Bandcoon cannot steal an attacking chip for any reason, they will instead roll into an enemy.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Pickpocket (Rare), Zenny
Special: Haste while moving (+10%). Double Slow while standing still (-20%). (Bandcoon) -
PickpocketDamage: 0
Accuracy: B
Description: Summons a Bandcoon to steal from opponents before vanishing.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Success and quality of theft affected by RP quality and luck.
Trader Rank: C (Rare)
KillPlantKillPlant (KillPlant)
Area: Beach, Yumland, Netfrica, Dentech
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Wood
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: The virus spits a large wooden seed at one target, like a bomb. If it misses, it remains on the field for one turn.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Wood + Ground + Line Attack + Aqua Boost(+30 Wood, +AccuracyUP)
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C / B
Secondary Attack Description: If the seed is left alone for one turn, it will erupt into a Wood Tower attack. If the seed is hit by any Aqua based attacks or it lands on a Sea Panel, it will double in power and speed.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per virus): TreeBomb1, Zenny
Special: This virus is immobile.
- The Seed is immune to damage.
- Fire and Impact will destroy the Seed.
- This virus attacks every other turn, starting on the first turn. (KillPlant) -
TreeBomb1Damage: 60 / 60 + Group Attack + Ground Attack (next turn) / 60 + Group Attack + Ground Attack + Aqua Boost 30
Accuracy: C / D / C
Description: Throws a tree seed that powers up when hit with Aqua.
Duration: Varies
Element: Wood
Special: Throws a seed at one enemy. If the seed misses, it will remain on the field until next turn. If the seed is untouched, it will execute a Wood Tower attack on a random group of enemies. If the seed is hit with an Aqua Attack, by anyone, while it is on the field, it will explode into a deadly Wood Tower attack on a random group of enemies. (Aqua Boosted damage is 90 Wood.)
Trader Rank: D
ColdBearColdBear (ColdBear)
This virus is only encountered after battle 5. ColdBears have one free Movement per turn, but their evasion rate is 10% below normal. The IceCubes a ColdBear generates are objects with AquaBody, which the virus can use as cover or as a weapon. In the latter case, it is possible for the attacks of the player to damage or destroy the IceCube before it hits the player, which will reduce damage or even eliminate the attack as a threat to the player. The flip side is, the IceCubes do intercept incoming head-on attacks even when they are sliding along the ground or flying through the air. ColdBears prefer to maintain a comfortable distance from their enemy, but are not above attempting to summon IceCubes in the same space as an enemy if they find themselves in melee range.
Area: Sharo
HP: 200
Primary Attack Stage 1 Damage/Effect: Summon 50 HP Aqua Element Object with AquaBody
Primary Attack Stage 1 Accuracy: S (B vs Players)
Primary Attack Stage 1 Description: Creates a 50 HP block of solid ice directly in front of the ColdBear that is completely immune to Aqua Element attacks, but weak to Elec. The virus may opt to use it as cover, or launch it at the enemy. If an enemy or object occupies the panel directly ahead of the ColdBear when it summons an IceCube, the IceCube is destroyed, and 50 Aqua Damage is dealt to the target.
Primary Attack Stage 2 Damage/Effect: Up to 50 Aqua + Break
Primary Attack Stage 2 Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Stage 2 Description: Launches an IceCube at the enemy as a Free Action. This can be performed at any time the ColdBear has an IceCube before it. If the cube connects, it deals Aqua Break damage equal to its current HP, and is destroyed. If not, it remains on the field. It can even fire them into the sky.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Aqua + Line Attack + Ground Attack + Object Absorption
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Launches a giant snowball that absorbs objects in its path, adding to the damage it can deal with every object it picks up. Adds half of the HP of all absorbed objects to damage.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): IceCube, BlizzardBall1 (Rare), Zenny (ColdBear) -
IceCubeHP: 100
Properties: Normal, AquaBody, Buoyant
Object Damage: 100 + Impact
Damage Method: Telekinesis, knockback, Throw
Accuracy: Special
Description: Summons a large ice cube.
Duration: Until destroyed.
Element: Aqua
Special: AquaBody: Immune to Aqua damage.
Special: Buoyant: Object floats on liquid terrain.
Special: Ice Property: This object is weak against Fire instead of Elec.
Special: Ice Type: This chip counts as Ice Type for the purposes of potentially freezing targets on Aqua Element Terrain or environments, as applicable.
Trader Rank: D,
BlizzardBall1Damage: 40 + Line Attack + Ground Attack + Object Absorption
Accuracy: C
Description: Rolls a giant snowball at enemies that absorbs obstacles. Rare
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Special: Object Absorption: If this attack hits an object, it adds half of that object's HP to its damage.
Special: Ice Type: This chip counts as Ice Type for the purposes of potentially freezing targets on Aqua Element Terrain or environments, as applicable.
Trader Rank: C (Rare)
ElecOgreElecOgre (ElecOgre)
ElecOgre viruses attack by charging electricity between their horns, and then shooting thunderbolts at everything in sight the following action. They cannot move or dodge while charging. ElecOgres move by floating through the air, and are fully flight capable. ElecOgre is considered a high tier virus type, and should be used sparingly.
Area: NAXA, NetVegas
HP: 120
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Elec + To-All-Clause, 1 Action Charge
Attack Accuracy: B vs Ground, D vs Air
Attack Description: Arcs of lightning strike at all enemies. More effective against ground based enemies. This attack requires an action to charge.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): ElecReel1, Zenny
Special: Omnishoes. (ElecOgre) -
ElecReel1Damage: 80 + Spread 3 (Side + Behind)
Accuracy: B
Description: A small bolt of lightning that spreads sideways and behind the target upon impact.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Trader Rank: D
TrombyTromby (Tromby)
Area: Hades Isle
HP: 90
Attack: Hold + To-All-Clause (Enemies)
Attack Accuracy: S
Attack Description: Plays a tune that stops its enemies in their tracks.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Timpani (Super Rare), Zenny
Special: Attacks every other turn. (Tromby) -
TimpaniHP: 50
Properties: Heavy
Object Damage: 50 + Impact
Damage Method: Throw, Telekinesis
Status Effect: Hold + To-All-Clause(Enemies)
Accuracy: S
Description: Stops all enemies from moving with a powerful sonic wave.
Duration: 1 turn or until destroyed.
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C (Rare)
GigasGigas (Gigas)
The Gigas are a clan of 8 foot tall viruses whose semi-humanoid bodies are made of a durable metal alloy. Gigas lack legs, and instead roll around on a 3 ton solid steel ball 2-feet in diameter that rests in a cupola. Rising from the top of the cupola is an alloy pillar that supports their metal bodies. The Gigas fight with their huge iron fists, which are provided their immese striking power by large barrel-like forearms. Their great-helm-like heads sit directly atop their shoulders with their blocky hinged jaw slanted in a sneer while their neon-red eyes radiate their hatred of all things Navigator. It is speculated that Gigas are a hacked derivative of the Bladia viruses spliced together with fragments of other viruses and a healthy dose of battlechip program data. This would account for their size, strength, and malicious nature. Where and how this was possibly accomplished is unknown. Gigas move at increased speed, but dodge at a slower than average rate. Gigas viruses prefer to pummel the life out of their foes with their bare hands (even though using the ball-and-chain in melee range would be more devastating), but if they find themselves surrounded or at a great distance to their target, they will use the ball-and-chain to perform a HammerToss. If an object blocks their path, they will either send it flying with a GigasArm attack, or smash it to dust before continuing on. Gigas will sink like the lead weights they are in liquid, and they know it. They will avoid liquid terrain entirely, if possible, and will never appear near these types of naturally occuring terrain for this reason. Only a Gigas' body is damageable. Striking a Gigas' cast iron arms will not damage the virus or the arms themselves, no matter what you hit them with. The Gigas' will not intentionally defend themselves with their arms, as they should be too busy pummeling or hurling something to bother. Do not abuse this.
Area: Sharo, NAXA
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Null + Break + Impact + Microburst
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Winds up and smashes the target with a giant iron fist that shatters defenses and sends the victim flying.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null + Break + Spin Attack / 20 Null + Break
Secondary Attack Accuracy: D / C
Secondary Attack Description: Summons a ball-and-chain, swings it around to build up momentum, and lets fly at the chosen target.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Null + Break+ Impact + Burial
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B
Tertiary Attack Description: Smashes the target over the head with an iron hammer-hand strike with enough force to plant them in the ground.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): GigasArm1 (Rare), HammerToss1, Zenny
Special: SuperArmor: Immunity to Knockback, Microburst, Pull, Gravity, and similar effects.
Special: HardCase: Damage is reduced by half until hit with a Break attack, at which time this effect is nullified and they take standard damage. Break does not deal extra damage.
Special: Burial: Opponents struck by this effect are forcibly buried in soft terrain types (Mud, Sand, Snow) or submerged in liquid terrain types. Otherwise, the panel is cracked. If the panel is fragile, it becomes broken, and the target falls into the hole. This effect doesn't work if the target is standing on Metal Terrain. (Gigas) -
GigasArm1Damage: 90 + Break + Impact + Knockback + Gigas Charge 90
Accuracy: B
Description: Grants the user the strength of the Gigas to smash their foes with an iron fist. Charge up to unleash incredible power. Rare
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Gigas Charge 90: Expend one action to increase this chip's damage by 90 and upgrade Knockback to Microburst. Buster Charges do not work as a substitute.
Trader Rank: C (Rare),
HammerToss1Damage: 40 + Break + Spin Attack / 80 + Break
Accuracy: Depends on number of targets. / C
Description: The user swings a track and field hammer around, then throws it at an enemy.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Spin Attack: Strikes at all enemies in an 8-panel circle around the user. Accuracy varies depending on the number of targets designated: 1-3 targets @ B Accuracy, 4-6 targets @ C Accuracy, 7-8 targets @ D Accuracy.
Trader Rank: D
BillyBilly (Billy)
Billy viruses move and dodge at average rates. They attack by shooting electricity from their lightning-rod-like arms, either in the form of a homing thunderball or a pair of lightning bolts. They cannot attack while moving.
Area: SciLab, Electown, Netopia
HP: 80
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Elec + Stun 1 + Homing
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Generates a Thunderball, and fires it at the enemy. The thunderball travels slowly, but it homes in on the target. Causes stun on contact
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Elec + Seeking x 2 targets.
Secondary Accuracy: B
Secondary Description: Fires a lightning bolt from each lightning rod arm that pierces Invis. It cannot target the same enemy with both bolts.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Thunder1, ThunderBeam1 (Rare), Zenny (Billy) -
Thunder1Damage: 40 + Stun 1 + Homing
Accuracy: C
Description: Shoots a slow moving ball of electricity that homes in on its target.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Trader Rank: D,
ThunderBeam1Damage: 60 + Seeking x 3 Targets
Accuracy: A
Description: Shoots three beams of electricity at three different enemies. Pierces Invis.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Trader Rank: D (Rare)
SlimeySlimey (Slimey)
Slimey viruses were produced to be sources of major traffic lag. While a Slimey virus is on the battlefield, all Navis and SPs suffer from a passive Slow-like effect that imposes a -10% Evasion AND Movement Speed penalty. This effect is not a status ailment, and cannot be cured. This effect does not stack with itself if more than one Slimey is on the field at once. As this does not count as a true Slow effect, up to two instances of Slow may stack on top of this effect for a total penalty of -30% Evasion/Movement Speed. This effect expires when all Slimey viruses on the field are deleted or flee. Slimey viruses are very slow to move and dodge, but every move they make that is not a dodge counts as an attack. Slimeys deal damage by touching an opponent, thus touching a Slimey directly results in damage to any non-Slimey the virus considers hostile.
Area: Sharo, NetVegas, Beach
HP: 90
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Aqua + Slow
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Body slams its foes. Any foes hit are slowed the following turn. Must be within melee range to attack a foe.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MetaGel1, Zenny
Special: While this enemy is on the field, dodge effectiveness is reduced by 1 Rank. (Slimey) -
MetaGel1Damage: 90 + Slow + Drop Attack x 3 Targets
Accuracy: B
Description: Summons three Metagels to drop down on three different opponents. Causes Slow on contact.
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Special: Drop Attack: This attack originates above the battlefield, and falls to the ground. It gains one rank of accuracy against High Altitude targets.
Trader Rank: D
FirePhoenixFirePhoenix (FirePhoenix)
FirePhoenixes are medium sized birds, constantly emitting fire from their body. Despite being able to fly, they lack some of the grace other flying viruses, and have only average dodging capability. Higher versions are truer to their name, and are capable of reviving themselves. However, a Wind-type attack will blow away their ashes before they can regenerate, and if they're deleted with an Aqua attack, the ashes don't form.
Area: Hades Isle, Kotobuki Town
HP: 110
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Fire + Wide Attack
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Launches a wide wave of fire, shaped like a bird.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): PhoenixShot1, Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: Rebirth: When this virus is deleted by a non-Aqua attack, it fades to ashes, then rises from them at the end of the turn at 30 HP. This effect only works once per virus. Does not trigger if the virus was deleted by a Wind-type attack, or if a Wind-type attack is used on the ashes prior to revival. (FirePhoenix) -
PhoenixShot1Damage: 70 + Wide Attack
Accuracy: A
Description: Fires a wide wave of fire resembling a phoenix that can hit up to three enemies, depending on circumstances.
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Special: Wide Attack: This attack hits a line of targets perpendicular to the direction the attack is launched in. Unless otherwise specified, a wide attack can hit up to 3 targets, max. Once a target is hit, the attack ends, thus all targets must be hit at roughly the same time.
Trader Rank: D
RattyRatty (Ratty)
Area: SciLab, Kotobuki Town
HP: 60
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Null + Blast1 + Homing + Ground Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Fires a ratton missile that scurries in a tricky pattern toward an opponent.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Ratton1, Zenny
Special: Gains one free dodge at 30 health, but this only activates if the virus remains alive at this value. Missile has object properties, as an object equal to the damage dealt: if a missile is fired and dodged, it will remain active at 30 HP and attack the opponent again before it is destroyed. Never comes alone, favors pack mentality. (Ratty) -
Ratton1Damage: 40 + Blast1 + Ground Attack + Homing
Accuracy: C
Description: Sends a rat shaped homing bomb scurrying after an enemy. Will attack again on the following turn if it misses once.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Can be intercepted and destroyed by a break attack.
Trader Rank: D
VolcanoVolcano (Volcano)
Volcano viruses only appear if there is Lava Terrain present on the field, and only 1 Volcano virus may appear per panel of Lava Terrain (usually 5%). Volcano viruses move and dodge at average speed. Volcano viruses have the ability to fully heal themselves no matter how much damage they have taken if they move to Lava Terrain, and spend an action on it for this purpose. This type of virus cannot attack while moving, and moving requires an action. Attack power doubles on Coal and Lava.
Area: Netfrica, Hades Isle, NetVegas
HP: 110
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Fire + Lava Terrain Boost (10 Fire) + Coal Terrain Boost (10 Fire)
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Erupts, dropping a flaming meteor on one enemy. This attack is stronger when standing over Lava or Coal terrain.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Fire + Burn(5) + Blast1
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Launches a FireBomb at the enemy that sets them on fire if it hits.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): LavaCannon1, FireBomb1, Zenny
Special: Can spend an action healing itself if on Lava.
Special: Burn: Status effect lasting 1 turn. Deals Fire damage per action taken by the afflicted. (Volcano) -
LavaCannon1Damage: 90 + Lava Panel Boost(+40)
Accuracy: B
Description: Fires a blast of magma from a cannon. If the user is standing on Lava terrain at the time of use, this chip's power is boosted by 40.
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: D,
FireBomb1Damage: 60 + Burn(10) + Blast2
Accuracy: C
Description: A bomb that bursts into intense flames on impact.
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Special: Burn(10): Deals 10 Fire damage per action to the victim starting the turn after this attack hits. This effect stacks with other timed damage effects, including other Burn effects. Can be cured with Status Cure.
Trader Rank: D
HoneybomberHoneybomber (Honeybomber)
Honeybomber viruses do not dodge, as they instead counter attack against hits taken. They are actually capable of moving from place to place with great speed, but rarely chose to do so. When they do move, it is always to interpose themselves between an opponent and one of their allies, although this doesn't always happen. Honeybombers only attack when struck by an attack, and even then, only if they survive the hit. This counter attack is not prevented by Impact, and may execute the same number of times as a Honeybomber has actions in one turn. The Honeybomber may elect to target different enemies for follow-up swarm launches after the first target has been attacked once that turn. While Honeybombers do have OmniShoes, and are constantly flying above the ground, they still enjoy the benefits of wood-based terrain regardless of altitude.
Area: Dentech, Yumland
HP: 110
Attack Damage/Effect: 5 Wood x 5 Hits + Homing x 1 Swarm
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Attack with swarms of bees. Each swarm has 50 HP, and can be shot down.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): RiskyHoney1, Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: Ignore Height: This virus enjoys the benefits of same-element terrain, regardless of altitude. (Honeybomber) -
RiskyHoney1Damage: (1-Hit Wood Element Shield) + (Elemental Counter(10 damage x 5 hits + Homing): On Hit)
Accuracy: A
Description: Block with Hive & Bees swarm the enemy.
Duration: Once
Element: Wood
Special: Element Defense: In addition to the defense's normal weakness, it is also weak against an Element. If struck by this element, the defense is instantly destroyed, and the user sustains double or more the elemental damage of the attack. In this case, the weakness is Fire.
Special: Elemental Counter: Counter attack is launched if the parent defense was not hit with an effect it is weak against. In this case, Fire and Break are weaknesses.
Special: Status Guard: This chip blocks debuffs.
Trader Rank: D
BandcoonBandcoon (Bandcoon)
Bandcoons are gray raccoon-like creatures, around 30 inches in height. They possess black stripes around their body, aside from their short, almost stub-like legs. Their faces are usually unseen, as they're covered in a red mask with string decorations. Their tails are twice as long as their actual bodies, and are usually curved into a question mark shape. At first this may seem like a simple design choice, but the tail is actually prehensile, and Bandcoon cleverly use it to steal chip data from Navis. Bandcoons' speed and small size combine to make them surprisingly difficult to hit while moving, and are even agile enough to turn sharply with little problem. However, if caught standing still, they're practically sitting ducks. However, when they're not using chips, they always prefer to move when possible. Their main tactic is to roll around and confound the enemy with their speed, then move in and swipe them with their tail, using it like a hook to grab data not directly tied to them, namely Battlechips. They can then use it themselves, at reduced power, as a free action. All other effects of the chips still apply, including pre-requisites to use the chip (i.e. Spice still needs Grass terrain, MachineSword still requires that the enemy be stunned). Higher level Bandcoon are aware of such conditions, and will try to satisfy the requirements if at all possible. If the enemy has no Battlechips, Bandcoons get extremely aggravated, and will ram an enemy in anger and desperation. However, they severely dislike doing this, and will only use this attack as a last resort for when they have no chips.
Area: Yoka, Okuden Valley, Netopia, Yumland
HP: 60
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: Chip Steal + 1/3 Chip Use
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Bandcoon steals a single random chip the opponent has selected this turn. They then use the chip at 1/3 of its normal power, rounded down to the nearest 5. Recovery chips still work at full power.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null + Impact
Secondary Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Description: If Bandcoon cannot steal an attacking chip for any reason, they will instead roll into an enemy.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Pickpocket (Rare), Zenny
Special: Haste while moving (+10%). Double Slow while standing still (-20%). (Bandcoon) -

Accuracy: B
Description: Summons a Bandcoon to steal from opponents before vanishing.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Success and quality of theft affected by RP quality and luck.
Trader Rank: C (Rare)
KillPlantKillPlant (KillPlant)
Area: Beach, Yumland, Netfrica, Dentech
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Wood
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: The virus spits a large wooden seed at one target, like a bomb. If it misses, it remains on the field for one turn.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Wood + Ground + Line Attack + Aqua Boost(+30 Wood, +AccuracyUP)
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C / B
Secondary Attack Description: If the seed is left alone for one turn, it will erupt into a Wood Tower attack. If the seed is hit by any Aqua based attacks or it lands on a Sea Panel, it will double in power and speed.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per virus): TreeBomb1, Zenny
Special: This virus is immobile.
- The Seed is immune to damage.
- Fire and Impact will destroy the Seed.
- This virus attacks every other turn, starting on the first turn. (KillPlant) -

Accuracy: C / D / C
Description: Throws a tree seed that powers up when hit with Aqua.
Duration: Varies
Element: Wood
Special: Throws a seed at one enemy. If the seed misses, it will remain on the field until next turn. If the seed is untouched, it will execute a Wood Tower attack on a random group of enemies. If the seed is hit with an Aqua Attack, by anyone, while it is on the field, it will explode into a deadly Wood Tower attack on a random group of enemies. (Aqua Boosted damage is 90 Wood.)
Trader Rank: D
ColdBearColdBear (ColdBear)
This virus is only encountered after battle 5. ColdBears have one free Movement per turn, but their evasion rate is 10% below normal. The IceCubes a ColdBear generates are objects with AquaBody, which the virus can use as cover or as a weapon. In the latter case, it is possible for the attacks of the player to damage or destroy the IceCube before it hits the player, which will reduce damage or even eliminate the attack as a threat to the player. The flip side is, the IceCubes do intercept incoming head-on attacks even when they are sliding along the ground or flying through the air. ColdBears prefer to maintain a comfortable distance from their enemy, but are not above attempting to summon IceCubes in the same space as an enemy if they find themselves in melee range.
Area: Sharo
HP: 200
Primary Attack Stage 1 Damage/Effect: Summon 50 HP Aqua Element Object with AquaBody
Primary Attack Stage 1 Accuracy: S (B vs Players)
Primary Attack Stage 1 Description: Creates a 50 HP block of solid ice directly in front of the ColdBear that is completely immune to Aqua Element attacks, but weak to Elec. The virus may opt to use it as cover, or launch it at the enemy. If an enemy or object occupies the panel directly ahead of the ColdBear when it summons an IceCube, the IceCube is destroyed, and 50 Aqua Damage is dealt to the target.
Primary Attack Stage 2 Damage/Effect: Up to 50 Aqua + Break
Primary Attack Stage 2 Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Stage 2 Description: Launches an IceCube at the enemy as a Free Action. This can be performed at any time the ColdBear has an IceCube before it. If the cube connects, it deals Aqua Break damage equal to its current HP, and is destroyed. If not, it remains on the field. It can even fire them into the sky.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Aqua + Line Attack + Ground Attack + Object Absorption
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Launches a giant snowball that absorbs objects in its path, adding to the damage it can deal with every object it picks up. Adds half of the HP of all absorbed objects to damage.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): IceCube, BlizzardBall1 (Rare), Zenny (ColdBear) -

Properties: Normal, AquaBody, Buoyant
Object Damage: 100 + Impact
Damage Method: Telekinesis, knockback, Throw
Accuracy: Special
Description: Summons a large ice cube.
Duration: Until destroyed.
Element: Aqua
Special: AquaBody: Immune to Aqua damage.
Special: Buoyant: Object floats on liquid terrain.
Special: Ice Property: This object is weak against Fire instead of Elec.
Special: Ice Type: This chip counts as Ice Type for the purposes of potentially freezing targets on Aqua Element Terrain or environments, as applicable.
Trader Rank: D,

Accuracy: C
Description: Rolls a giant snowball at enemies that absorbs obstacles. Rare
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Special: Object Absorption: If this attack hits an object, it adds half of that object's HP to its damage.
Special: Ice Type: This chip counts as Ice Type for the purposes of potentially freezing targets on Aqua Element Terrain or environments, as applicable.
Trader Rank: C (Rare)
ElecOgreElecOgre (ElecOgre)
ElecOgre viruses attack by charging electricity between their horns, and then shooting thunderbolts at everything in sight the following action. They cannot move or dodge while charging. ElecOgres move by floating through the air, and are fully flight capable. ElecOgre is considered a high tier virus type, and should be used sparingly.
Area: NAXA, NetVegas
HP: 120
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Elec + To-All-Clause, 1 Action Charge
Attack Accuracy: B vs Ground, D vs Air
Attack Description: Arcs of lightning strike at all enemies. More effective against ground based enemies. This attack requires an action to charge.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): ElecReel1, Zenny
Special: Omnishoes. (ElecOgre) -

Accuracy: B
Description: A small bolt of lightning that spreads sideways and behind the target upon impact.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Trader Rank: D
TrombyTromby (Tromby)
Area: Hades Isle
HP: 90
Attack: Hold + To-All-Clause (Enemies)
Attack Accuracy: S
Attack Description: Plays a tune that stops its enemies in their tracks.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Timpani (Super Rare), Zenny
Special: Attacks every other turn. (Tromby) -

Properties: Heavy
Object Damage: 50 + Impact
Damage Method: Throw, Telekinesis
Status Effect: Hold + To-All-Clause(Enemies)
Accuracy: S
Description: Stops all enemies from moving with a powerful sonic wave.
Duration: 1 turn or until destroyed.
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C (Rare)
GigasGigas (Gigas)
The Gigas are a clan of 8 foot tall viruses whose semi-humanoid bodies are made of a durable metal alloy. Gigas lack legs, and instead roll around on a 3 ton solid steel ball 2-feet in diameter that rests in a cupola. Rising from the top of the cupola is an alloy pillar that supports their metal bodies. The Gigas fight with their huge iron fists, which are provided their immese striking power by large barrel-like forearms. Their great-helm-like heads sit directly atop their shoulders with their blocky hinged jaw slanted in a sneer while their neon-red eyes radiate their hatred of all things Navigator. It is speculated that Gigas are a hacked derivative of the Bladia viruses spliced together with fragments of other viruses and a healthy dose of battlechip program data. This would account for their size, strength, and malicious nature. Where and how this was possibly accomplished is unknown. Gigas move at increased speed, but dodge at a slower than average rate. Gigas viruses prefer to pummel the life out of their foes with their bare hands (even though using the ball-and-chain in melee range would be more devastating), but if they find themselves surrounded or at a great distance to their target, they will use the ball-and-chain to perform a HammerToss. If an object blocks their path, they will either send it flying with a GigasArm attack, or smash it to dust before continuing on. Gigas will sink like the lead weights they are in liquid, and they know it. They will avoid liquid terrain entirely, if possible, and will never appear near these types of naturally occuring terrain for this reason. Only a Gigas' body is damageable. Striking a Gigas' cast iron arms will not damage the virus or the arms themselves, no matter what you hit them with. The Gigas' will not intentionally defend themselves with their arms, as they should be too busy pummeling or hurling something to bother. Do not abuse this.
Area: Sharo, NAXA
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Null + Break + Impact + Microburst
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Winds up and smashes the target with a giant iron fist that shatters defenses and sends the victim flying.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null + Break + Spin Attack / 20 Null + Break
Secondary Attack Accuracy: D / C
Secondary Attack Description: Summons a ball-and-chain, swings it around to build up momentum, and lets fly at the chosen target.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Null + Break+ Impact + Burial
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B
Tertiary Attack Description: Smashes the target over the head with an iron hammer-hand strike with enough force to plant them in the ground.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): GigasArm1 (Rare), HammerToss1, Zenny
Special: SuperArmor: Immunity to Knockback, Microburst, Pull, Gravity, and similar effects.
Special: HardCase: Damage is reduced by half until hit with a Break attack, at which time this effect is nullified and they take standard damage. Break does not deal extra damage.
Special: Burial: Opponents struck by this effect are forcibly buried in soft terrain types (Mud, Sand, Snow) or submerged in liquid terrain types. Otherwise, the panel is cracked. If the panel is fragile, it becomes broken, and the target falls into the hole. This effect doesn't work if the target is standing on Metal Terrain. (Gigas) -

Accuracy: B
Description: Grants the user the strength of the Gigas to smash their foes with an iron fist. Charge up to unleash incredible power. Rare
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Gigas Charge 90: Expend one action to increase this chip's damage by 90 and upgrade Knockback to Microburst. Buster Charges do not work as a substitute.
Trader Rank: C (Rare),

Accuracy: Depends on number of targets. / C
Description: The user swings a track and field hammer around, then throws it at an enemy.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Spin Attack: Strikes at all enemies in an 8-panel circle around the user. Accuracy varies depending on the number of targets designated: 1-3 targets @ B Accuracy, 4-6 targets @ C Accuracy, 7-8 targets @ D Accuracy.
Trader Rank: D
BillyBilly (Billy)
Billy viruses move and dodge at average rates. They attack by shooting electricity from their lightning-rod-like arms, either in the form of a homing thunderball or a pair of lightning bolts. They cannot attack while moving.
Area: SciLab, Electown, Netopia
HP: 80
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Elec + Stun 1 + Homing
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Generates a Thunderball, and fires it at the enemy. The thunderball travels slowly, but it homes in on the target. Causes stun on contact
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Elec + Seeking x 2 targets.
Secondary Accuracy: B
Secondary Description: Fires a lightning bolt from each lightning rod arm that pierces Invis. It cannot target the same enemy with both bolts.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Thunder1, ThunderBeam1 (Rare), Zenny (Billy) -

Accuracy: C
Description: Shoots a slow moving ball of electricity that homes in on its target.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Trader Rank: D,

Accuracy: A
Description: Shoots three beams of electricity at three different enemies. Pierces Invis.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Trader Rank: D (Rare)
SlimeySlimey (Slimey)
Slimey viruses were produced to be sources of major traffic lag. While a Slimey virus is on the battlefield, all Navis and SPs suffer from a passive Slow-like effect that imposes a -10% Evasion AND Movement Speed penalty. This effect is not a status ailment, and cannot be cured. This effect does not stack with itself if more than one Slimey is on the field at once. As this does not count as a true Slow effect, up to two instances of Slow may stack on top of this effect for a total penalty of -30% Evasion/Movement Speed. This effect expires when all Slimey viruses on the field are deleted or flee. Slimey viruses are very slow to move and dodge, but every move they make that is not a dodge counts as an attack. Slimeys deal damage by touching an opponent, thus touching a Slimey directly results in damage to any non-Slimey the virus considers hostile.
Area: Sharo, NetVegas, Beach
HP: 90
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Aqua + Slow
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Body slams its foes. Any foes hit are slowed the following turn. Must be within melee range to attack a foe.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MetaGel1, Zenny
Special: While this enemy is on the field, dodge effectiveness is reduced by 1 Rank. (Slimey) -

Accuracy: B
Description: Summons three Metagels to drop down on three different opponents. Causes Slow on contact.
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Special: Drop Attack: This attack originates above the battlefield, and falls to the ground. It gains one rank of accuracy against High Altitude targets.
Trader Rank: D
FirePhoenixFirePhoenix (FirePhoenix)
FirePhoenixes are medium sized birds, constantly emitting fire from their body. Despite being able to fly, they lack some of the grace other flying viruses, and have only average dodging capability. Higher versions are truer to their name, and are capable of reviving themselves. However, a Wind-type attack will blow away their ashes before they can regenerate, and if they're deleted with an Aqua attack, the ashes don't form.
Area: Hades Isle, Kotobuki Town
HP: 110
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Fire + Wide Attack
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Launches a wide wave of fire, shaped like a bird.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): PhoenixShot1, Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: Rebirth: When this virus is deleted by a non-Aqua attack, it fades to ashes, then rises from them at the end of the turn at 30 HP. This effect only works once per virus. Does not trigger if the virus was deleted by a Wind-type attack, or if a Wind-type attack is used on the ashes prior to revival. (FirePhoenix) -

Accuracy: A
Description: Fires a wide wave of fire resembling a phoenix that can hit up to three enemies, depending on circumstances.
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Special: Wide Attack: This attack hits a line of targets perpendicular to the direction the attack is launched in. Unless otherwise specified, a wide attack can hit up to 3 targets, max. Once a target is hit, the attack ends, thus all targets must be hit at roughly the same time.
Trader Rank: D
RattyRatty (Ratty)
Area: SciLab, Kotobuki Town
HP: 60
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Null + Blast1 + Homing + Ground Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Fires a ratton missile that scurries in a tricky pattern toward an opponent.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Ratton1, Zenny
Special: Gains one free dodge at 30 health, but this only activates if the virus remains alive at this value. Missile has object properties, as an object equal to the damage dealt: if a missile is fired and dodged, it will remain active at 30 HP and attack the opponent again before it is destroyed. Never comes alone, favors pack mentality. (Ratty) -

Accuracy: C
Description: Sends a rat shaped homing bomb scurrying after an enemy. Will attack again on the following turn if it misses once.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Can be intercepted and destroyed by a break attack.
Trader Rank: D
VolcanoVolcano (Volcano)
Volcano viruses only appear if there is Lava Terrain present on the field, and only 1 Volcano virus may appear per panel of Lava Terrain (usually 5%). Volcano viruses move and dodge at average speed. Volcano viruses have the ability to fully heal themselves no matter how much damage they have taken if they move to Lava Terrain, and spend an action on it for this purpose. This type of virus cannot attack while moving, and moving requires an action. Attack power doubles on Coal and Lava.
Area: Netfrica, Hades Isle, NetVegas
HP: 110
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Fire + Lava Terrain Boost (10 Fire) + Coal Terrain Boost (10 Fire)
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Erupts, dropping a flaming meteor on one enemy. This attack is stronger when standing over Lava or Coal terrain.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Fire + Burn(5) + Blast1
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Launches a FireBomb at the enemy that sets them on fire if it hits.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): LavaCannon1, FireBomb1, Zenny
Special: Can spend an action healing itself if on Lava.
Special: Burn: Status effect lasting 1 turn. Deals Fire damage per action taken by the afflicted. (Volcano) -

Accuracy: B
Description: Fires a blast of magma from a cannon. If the user is standing on Lava terrain at the time of use, this chip's power is boosted by 40.
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: D,

Accuracy: C
Description: A bomb that bursts into intense flames on impact.
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Special: Burn(10): Deals 10 Fire damage per action to the victim starting the turn after this attack hits. This effect stacks with other timed damage effects, including other Burn effects. Can be cured with Status Cure.
Trader Rank: D
HoneybomberHoneybomber (Honeybomber)
Honeybomber viruses do not dodge, as they instead counter attack against hits taken. They are actually capable of moving from place to place with great speed, but rarely chose to do so. When they do move, it is always to interpose themselves between an opponent and one of their allies, although this doesn't always happen. Honeybombers only attack when struck by an attack, and even then, only if they survive the hit. This counter attack is not prevented by Impact, and may execute the same number of times as a Honeybomber has actions in one turn. The Honeybomber may elect to target different enemies for follow-up swarm launches after the first target has been attacked once that turn. While Honeybombers do have OmniShoes, and are constantly flying above the ground, they still enjoy the benefits of wood-based terrain regardless of altitude.
Area: Dentech, Yumland
HP: 110
Attack Damage/Effect: 5 Wood x 5 Hits + Homing x 1 Swarm
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Attack with swarms of bees. Each swarm has 50 HP, and can be shot down.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): RiskyHoney1, Zenny
Special: OmniShoes
Special: Ignore Height: This virus enjoys the benefits of same-element terrain, regardless of altitude. (Honeybomber) -

Accuracy: A
Description: Block with Hive & Bees swarm the enemy.
Duration: Once
Element: Wood
Special: Element Defense: In addition to the defense's normal weakness, it is also weak against an Element. If struck by this element, the defense is instantly destroyed, and the user sustains double or more the elemental damage of the attack. In this case, the weakness is Fire.
Special: Elemental Counter: Counter attack is launched if the parent defense was not hit with an effect it is weak against. In this case, Fire and Break are weaknesses.
Special: Status Guard: This chip blocks debuffs.
Trader Rank: D
last edited by
OpticWoman took a look at the new list, and nodded. "Much better. I'll go with...Billy."
last edited by Wrangler
"Alrighty, partner!" Wrangler chipperly spoke as he began to print out the second list for OpticWoman to take with her, a full amount of zenny amounts and potential chip rewards for her to take on.
Locations: SciLab, Electown, Netopia
2 kills: 400z, Turn In Available
5 kills: One of:
Thunder1Damage: 40 + Stun 1 + Homing
Accuracy: C
Description: Shoots a slow moving ball of electricity that homes in on its target.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Trader Rank: D or 1000z
10 kills: 1600z
15 kills:2400z
20 kills: One of:
Thunder2Damage: 80 + Stun 1 + Homing
Accuracy: C
Description: Shoots a slow moving ball of electricity that homes in on its target.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Trader Rank: C or
Thunder1Damage: 40 + Stun 1 + Homing
Accuracy: C
Description: Shoots a slow moving ball of electricity that homes in on its target.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Trader Rank: D+3000z or 4000z
30 kills: 5000z
50 kills: One of:
ThunderBeam1Damage: 60 + Seeking x 3 Targets
Accuracy: A
Description: Shoots three beams of electricity at three different enemies. Pierces Invis.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Trader Rank: D or
Thunder2Damage: 80 + Stun 1 + Homing
Accuracy: C
Description: Shoots a slow moving ball of electricity that homes in on its target.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Trader Rank: C+3000z or
Thunder1Damage: 40 + Stun 1 + Homing
Accuracy: C
Description: Shoots a slow moving ball of electricity that homes in on its target.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Trader Rank: D+4000z or 7000z
"Now remember the golden rule! Two virus kills lets you turn in the bounty and if you go past that to the next tiers, you get that tier and -everything- in the tiers below! Now go out there and have some happy hunting!"
Locations: SciLab, Electown, Netopia
2 kills: 400z, Turn In Available
5 kills: One of:

Accuracy: C
Description: Shoots a slow moving ball of electricity that homes in on its target.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Trader Rank: D or 1000z
10 kills: 1600z
15 kills:2400z
20 kills: One of:

Accuracy: C
Description: Shoots a slow moving ball of electricity that homes in on its target.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Trader Rank: C or

Accuracy: C
Description: Shoots a slow moving ball of electricity that homes in on its target.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Trader Rank: D+3000z or 4000z
30 kills: 5000z
50 kills: One of:

Accuracy: A
Description: Shoots three beams of electricity at three different enemies. Pierces Invis.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Trader Rank: D or

Accuracy: C
Description: Shoots a slow moving ball of electricity that homes in on its target.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Trader Rank: C+3000z or

Accuracy: C
Description: Shoots a slow moving ball of electricity that homes in on its target.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Trader Rank: D+4000z or 7000z
"Now remember the golden rule! Two virus kills lets you turn in the bounty and if you go past that to the next tiers, you get that tier and -everything- in the tiers below! Now go out there and have some happy hunting!"