As Amy walked through the outer rim of the city she'd dropped into, she noticed that the further she got away from the main hub the weirder the technological structures got in shape, size and colour. It was almost like the ones worth viewing had been moved closer to where citizens could admire them, and the 'rejects' were just left on the outskirts, as a reminder of what not to do for those needing inspiration.
Eric had been mostly quiet as Amy moved through the region, but occasionally she'd hear him flipping pages. It sounded like he'd found something to read, so at least he was occupied for the time being. Little Miss had stuck her head out of the back seam and was sightseeing as Amy passed by each structure. Her head was twisting from side to side as each new structure came into view, causing Amy some mild discomfort as she walked but nothing worth complaining about. What Amy considered to be an eyesore was the exact opposite for her passenger it seemed, as her focus remainded on the more bizarre constructions longer than others.
As they approached one structure in particular, a green glint of light entered into Amy's eyes, turning them skyward to the source.
"Hey, Eric, is that another one of those mystery data things?" she asked, pointing to the rotating crystal at the top of a glass structure.
Eric tapped the zoom on the monitor display to further enhance the image.
"It looks like it, yes. But it looks like it's being guarded," he pointed out, referring to the odd cube-looking creature that hovered above it.
Amy's scanners locked onto its signature and confirmed it didn't belong.
"It's a virus," she advised.
"A DBLCUBE, apparently.""DBLCUBE... DBLCUBE..." Amy could hear more pages turning as Eric muttered unintelligible words under his breath.
"Here," he announced.
"'Has the ability to both attack and defend multiple targets and allies at once, depending on the colour currently being emitted from its core.'"Amy pulled up a monitor of her own to see how Eric was providing this useful information. In his lap was a thick book, and sure enough the page he'd opened to had a few images of what looked to be a virus family; the first image was a near-perfect representation of what she was looking at. Listed below it were expected hitpoints depending on the particular family variant encountered, along with some descriptions of their common attack habits and patterns.
"Where was that?" she asked.
"I went looking through the pile of magazines to see if there was any kind of battlechip... list?... database?... I don't know. Anyway, I couldn't find anything useful on the table, but this was sitting in the table drawer." Keeping a finger in place so as to not lose where he was up to, he flipped the front cover back into view. The word 'NetPendium' was written across the front, with the byline 'Your navi operations encyclopaedia'.
"And?" she asked.
"It has a LOT of stuff in it. It's got four main chapters; viruses, terrain, battlechips and miscellaneous. Anyway, if that's a DBLCUBE, that's what it says, anyway.""Okay then..." Amy looked to the area and saw a manner turret that was sitting underneath the glass tower. It was identified as a Gunner.
"What about a Gunner?"A few page flips followed.
"Here it is. 'Gunner. Attacks through waves of gunfire. While the attacks themselves aren't powerful, it makes up for this by either attacking a large area at once or by focusing multiple blasts at a single location.' It also says they can't move under their own power.""Fair enough." As she got closer to the edge of the bowl, two more viruses came into view. These were identified by her scanner as Satellites.
"What about Satellites?"Eric turned more pages until he found that one too.
"'Satellite. Will use its sensors to lock onto a target before attacking multiple times with increased accuracy. Its sensors can see through many types of illusions, and once locked onto a target it will enter an evasive mode to avoid most forms of hand-to-hand combat whilst attacking.'""Wow. That's a LOT of useful information. Don't let go of that book Eric." She dismissed the monitor and returned her attention back to this new arena. Did she want to start a fight unnecessarily? It was just like the playground all over again; the viruses weren't causing any trouble to anyone.
The Gunner must have detected Amy's presence as its gun came swinging around to face her. Okay, so maybe they weren't
entirely friendly. Or maybe it was just preparing for her to make the first move?
{{{Vigilance is required to keep the order.}}} Those words repeated in her head again like a nagging voice. She had the ability and the circumstances to remove the viruses from the area. Did that make it her duty?
"I don't know, Eric. Do you want me to engage them?" Amy began formulating her first moves should the response come back affirmitive.
"...They're viruses," Eric finally replied.
"I know you don't like the idea of fighting them, but Stacey always sa-""If I wanted to know what Stacey thought I'd ask her. What do YOU think?" Amy needed to know how
Eric felt about her situation. Not his sister. Not her navi. Him.
Eric bit his lip as he tried to think of the right words.
"You really want to know?" he responded shakily.
"I could be completely wrong.""Yes, I do."Eric took a deep breath, if only to calm his nerves.
Here goes... "If viruses didn't exist, navis wouldn't have been given tools to fight them. I guess it's true that some navis fight other navis, but that's because of the same reasons some humans fight other humans, it doesn't make it normal or right. Those weapons were designed to help navis fight back against the world of viruses. I have a job because viruses mess around with our networks and break things they shouldn't. Everyone in the NetPolice have jobs because viruses are used all over the world to commit all sorts of crimes. That's why Stacey has a job, she helps them try to keep the peace and stop anybody causing trouble." Eric paused to catch his breath.
"I mean, look at you," he added.
"You feel bad about hurting others, especially when you think they didn't do anything to deserve it. You've hesitated before every battle I've watched so far. You let that Metool escape when Crony could've finished it off in one shot. You helped that little girl in the cave, even though I think Crony and his team could have helped her better. In light of all of that, you still have a virus-fighting setup that, while it doesn't delete them completely it still removes them from the area. Doesn't that tell you something about your maker?"Amy was uncomfortable about how observant Eric had been about their adventures so far, but couldn't let him stop now.
"What? What does it tell me?""They programmed you with an overwhelming desire to protect others. One even you can't explain. But you still have a battle system, so they still expected you to fight. My guess is that they gave you only the tools you needed so that even if you did have to fight, you'd be doing it in your own special way so that nobody got hurt permanently. I think you're still struggling with this responsibility though."Amy was cut to her core. As much as she tried to fight it, Eric's words rang true;
that's why she'd taken Little Miss on as her own problem, even though she really had no obligation to. It was lingering guilt from not having helped the Metool earlier, even though that too wasn't her fault
or problem.
"So... what should I do?"Eric had expected some form of rebuttal, some sort of backlash from his brutal yet honest words. He didn't like to speak his mind as it usually got him into trouble. Amy had not only heard his remarks but still wanted more feedback; did she really value what he had said? Had he been right?
"I can't answer that for you, but if it helps, Crony always said that viruses are a stench on-""-on all networks," Amy interrupted, finished his sentence.
"You told me that earlier." And I was right, it WAS Crony who said that."Oh. Sorry, I forgot. Look, I'm sorry if that was all wrong, but that's how I feel, anyway."No, you have nothing to apologise for, but that was too clear, too concise. I think you just described parts of yourself as well, didn't you...?Amy nodded in confirmation.
"No need to apologise. In that case, let's do this. Send the Cannon please. Oh, and send me that Bunny's battlechip as well." She nudged the child's head back into her dress to ensure her protection, her own hair filling its absence to create a tangible defense.
Eric passed both the Cannon and ZapRing1 through the reader.
"Both chips coming now."The Cannon took formation on her right arm as she trained it towards the Gunner that had done the same thing with its gun pointed towards her. Her dress hems had already begun to glow in preparation for the battle to come, as if it was giving her the green light to engage (even if it
was technically white). The Gunner itself was sitting in the middle of four glass poles that held up the glass platform above it; she had to make sure she didn't hit any of the poles themselves. The ZapRing was still taking formation on her left arm as she jettisoned the cannonfire into the field towards the manned turret, bluish smoke leaving a streak from her arm.
The ZapRing took shape and created a slight buzzing feeling in her body as it charged up for the shot. The Satellite on her left was closer and likely to be the bigger immediate threat, so as she prepared for the inevitable mobbing to follow from her new enemies she lined up her shot and fired, a brilliantly dazzling yellow shining ring of energy emerging from her sleeve as it whizzed into the battlefield.
[1] [Disruptor] Cannon [60 DMG, Knockback] >>> Gunner
[2] [Disruptor] ZapRing1 [40 DMG, Elec, Stun1] >>> SatelliteB
[3] Dodge preparation
[P] THAW [9 {+1} HEAL] >>> Amy [??? >>> ??? / 170 HP]
[P] THAW [9 {+1} HEAL] >>> Amy [??? >>> ??? / 170 HP]
Amity.EXE: 170 / 170 HP
Battlechips Remaining
Guard1Effect: (1 Hit Shield) + (Reflect(up to 60 + Piercing + Line Attack): On Hit) Accuracy: S Description: Generates a 1-Hit Shield upon activation. When this shield blocks one hit from a non-Break attack, it responds with a hyper-fast damage ray. Duration: Until broken or overridden. Element: Null Special: Negated by Break. Ignores Impact. Special: Reflect: Damage returned is equal to the damage of the attack blocked or the damage cap listed, whichever comes first. Reflect is not subject to negation by Impact. Special: Status Guard: This chip blocks debuffs. Trader Rank: E
Pulsar1Damage: 70 + Object Triggered Blast 2 Accuracy: A (Primary) / B (Blast) Description: Fires a sound wave. If it hits an object, its range is amplified, hitting anything near that object in a blast of noise. Duration: Once Element: Null Special: Object Triggered Blast: Blast effect that only works if the attack hits an Object, such as a RockCube. Trader Rank: D
RollArrow1Damage: 40 + Chip Break Accuracy: B Description: Launches an arrow tipped with a pink heart. If a virus is hit, they lose the ability to attack once. If a Navi is hit, they lose their first selected chip for that turn. Duration: Once Element: Null Trader Rank: D
ShockWaveDamage: 40 + Line Attack + Ground Attack Accuracy: C Description: Sends a narrow, but long, shock wave rolling in front of an enemy. Slow, but difficult to jump over due to its length. Duration: Once Element: Null Trader Rank: E
ShotgunDamage: 50 + Spread 1 Accuracy: A Description: A gun whose shot penetrates an enemy to hit another one directly behind it. Duration: Once Element: Null Trader Rank: E
SkyShoesEffect: High-Alt Flight Accuracy: S Description: Grants the user the ability to freely fly at high altitude. Initial takeoff is considered a dodge. If shot down, user may take off again until effect ends. Duration: 1 turn Element: Null Special: Beware of fall damage. Trader Rank: D
RageClaw1Damage: 40 + Slashing (Attack) OR 20 + Impacting (Throw) Accuracy: B / B then B Description: Creates an impressive bear claw. Can be used to slash or throw enemies or objects. Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks automatically after 6 uses. Element: Null Special: Throw: The wielder must first grab the target to be thrown, then the target is thrown in the direction/area indicated. A second check is made if against another object/enemy. Throw deals damage to both thrown object/enemy and the second object/enemy. Damage occurs at point of collision with the ground/wall/ceiling/etc. or an object/enemy, not during initial grab attempt. Objects deal their max HP in damage (instead of the chip's damage) if they hit an object/enemy, then break. If they miss, the object just takes the chip's damage. This chip has a variety of uses. Trader Rank: D
FurnaceZoneEffect: Large Furnace Terrain Change Accuracy: S Description: Creates a large zone of Furnace Terrain, centered on you. Duration: Once Element: Fire Trader Rank: D
HeatShotDamage: 40 + Spread 1 Accuracy: A Description: Shoots a fireball whose explosion penetrates an enemy to hit another one directly behind it. Duration: Once Element: Fire Trader Rank: D | -
MushyHP: 80 Damage: 15 Wood + Confusion + Nova 2 Accuracy: A Description: Creates a Mushy virus to aid you. Attacks with BadSpice, and unlike normal Mushy, can move over non-Wood elemental terrain at a penalty of halving movement distance/dodge rate. Element: Wood Special: Allied Virus: This virus has two actions per turn, and is fully controllable by the summoner. If no orders are given, it will perform actions at random, but will never intentionally interfere with or damage the summoner or their allies. Deleting this virus will grant no additional rewards to either side. Trader Rank: C
Recover30Recovery: 30 HP Accuracy: S Description: Heals 30 HP. Duration: Once Element: Null Trader Rank: D {+6} - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - - |