{<<< From Science Labs: Small Steps <<<}
"Hey, is that one of those black transmission boxes like what you had back at home?" Amy enquired. It certainly looked it to her; the blinking lights and RF receiver seemed to be a dead giveaway.
Eric stared up on the wall. "Looks like it, yes."
Amy stared at Eric, and Eric stared right back.
"Do we have to?" Eric moaned, realising why she was interested in the first place. "I thought you don't like virus busting."
"You misunderstand me. I don't like virus busting if it ends in virus deletion. I made peace with virus EJOs some time ago, as any viruses needing an EJO shouldn't be interfering with humans anyway. But I was programmed to protect humans and their networks. How can I do that if I'm not trained? How can I protect you... if I can't even protect myself?" Plus, I need to know that you'll actually defend me without the witch around.
Eric couldn't argue with that logic. "You sounded kinda like Stacey then," he commented in a non-aggressive manner.
Oh, you did NOT just say that! "Okay, you take that back right now, I'm nothing like your sister," Amy scolded.
"...Sorry. I just meant that you both want to protect me, that's all..." Eric pointed out as he positioned the recliner footrest back into place. He checked his backpack, and was disappointed to find his battlechip case inside, as he didn't remember putting it back in after yesterday's testing. No battlechips meant he could have had a valid excuse not to allow it. "Our battlechips are here, so I guess we could... you'll have to help me though; my operating skills aren't the greatest."
"They were good enough yesterday, weren't they? And just think, Stacey won't be on your back either!" Amy replied as she prepared for network transmission. And her boorish navi too, she quipped, if only to herself.
"Well, I guess there's that..." he acknowledged as he aimed the PET towards the black box. Tapping [Transmit] on the screen, a beam of red light shot across the room, and Amy entered the net.
The slipstream looked equally as amazing as the last time she'd travelled, or maybe it was a tad brighter? She couldn't tell if it was just her imagination or not, but upon detecting landfall her course-correcting flip landed her in a new network filled with unusual technological structures built into a city-like grid arrangement, with pulsing lights that seemed to travel along invisible paths way above the buildings themselves. There were several navis walking up and down the sidewalks as well, further adding to the conclusion that they'd landed in a metro district.
"So! Where do we begin?" Amy asked. The sights before her reminded her of pictures she'd seen of human cities, but this... this was something else.
"I don't know," Eric replied, completely unprepared for this eventuality. "I guess... if you want to practice protecting others, start walking and wait for a situation to present itself? Or just wait for a hostile band of viruses to find you, I guess?"
"Don't you mean virii?" Amy corrected.
"I don't know. Viruses sounds more natural to me. But then I guess I wouldn't say cactuses, I'd say cactii...? The English language is hard..." Eric lamented.
"You're not wrong there," she agreed as she saw a blinking green light that belonged to a large oversized sign multiple street blocks away from her current position. "I think I see some sort of large establishment over there. I guess if that's where people are heading, we'll probably find any action that way too." With a spring in her step, Amy turned to her operator. "And let's have some fun too! We don't even know each other that well! Surely you have some questions you want to ask, no?"
Fun? While virus busting? That was simply too much for Eric, who let out a laugh. "How do you find ways to make everything seem so different?" he asked.
"I spent my whole life in a training facility, always being told I would never be good enough to leave. And look at me now!" Amy completed a pirouette on the sidewalk, almost taking out a worker navi in the process with her swinging arms, and then continued to skip down the street. "I'm in a city! With lights! And people! And shops!" she cried whilst passing a window filled with navi graphic upgrades. She paused briefly as she stopped to look in the window of one of the shops they were passing by, amazed by the variety of colours. "It just seems too impossible to be true!"
It was at this moment that her chest suddenly became a lot looser and her back lighter. Unfortunately, that was because the little girl that had been hiding alongside her had decided that she wanted to see what was going on around Amy as well. It propelled herself out of the seam and landed on her two feet a step away from Amy. A navi riding a motorised scooter almost clipped her due to her sudden appearance, and the blaring horn caused Little Miss to run straight back to security by hiding behind Amy's legs again.
Eric saw the whole ordeal unfold and was gobsmacked. "Amy... is that...?"
Amy's face couldn't have been redder with embarrassment. "I couldn't let her be taken away by Crony and his group of goons!" she quickly remarked. "I just wanted to make sure she's looked after! I don't know if she has anybody else now!" she added whilst gripping the girl with both hands and shielding her with her body and hair.
"I'm sure that Crony and his team could find the mum," Eric replied.
Amy brought up the monitor and looked Eric directly in the eyes. "I... I think the batworm killed her..."
Eric's smile faded away. The mood was no longer a joyous one. "Are you sure?" he finally replied, sniffling to hide tears that were desperately wanting to come out.
"...Based on what I saw? Yeah, I think so. I wouldn't know for sure without risking exposing her, I guess."
Eric's eyes darted back and forth, like he was weighing up the options. "Do you think Crony saw her?"
"I don't think so. He was too distracted by the remaining cores to care."
The idea of keeping a secret from his sister was already eating away at him. But it wasn't something she needed to worry about, and it wasn't going to hurt anybody. ESPECIALLY if... the little girl was now an orphan... like him.
"Are you sure you can look after her?" Eric asked.
"It hasn't been a problem so far..." Amy responded. "I barely know the girl though," she added, putting her hand on top of its head and trying not to crush the bow-tie in the process. "I don't even know her name. But I think I can safely protect her in the dress fold. It worked before, right?"
A demonstration didn't need to be requested; a large vehicle came barreling down the road, blasting its horn at a pedestrian that had decided to jaywalk at precisely the wrong moment. The thundering sound caused the little girl to let out a blood-curdling scream, before jumping back into the protection of her new makeshift home.
Amy rubbed her ears in pain. "Wow, no wonder I could hear her all the way from the surface..." she whined. "That was definitely you back then, wasn't it..."
With Little Miss now back in her back pocket, Amity dismissed Eric's monitor and once again took to sightseeing as she resumed her walk towards the blinking green light establishment. The only trouble was that Amy would continually stop at every second or third window to stare at the goods inside and make all manner of sounds, much to Eric's shagrin.
"Please, you're embarrassing me..." he groaned. She didn't want to admit it, but Amy and Stacey really did have a lot in common when it came to shopping.
"Oh come on! When was the last time you did something just for the fun of it?"
Eric smiled. "I guess it has been a while. Well, I'm glad you're enjoying yourself then."
"'Enjoying myself'? My mission is to start enjoying EVERYTHING I missed out on over all these years!"
Eric chuckled. "Is that your... 'primary directive'?"
The sudden change in Eric's voice stopped Amy's little skipping spree. Pulling up a window of her operator again, Amy looked a little concerned. "Are you okay? The audio went all funny for a second."
Eric was trying to hold back a blush. He hadn't meant to make a joke; it had slipped out in the midst of Amy spewing happiness and sunshine. It had lit up a part of his personality that he hadn't seen in years, and the result was an awful joke. "It's okay, pretend I said nothing," he replied, looking down.
Amy recognised that same submissive attitude from earlier in his altercation with Stacey, and didn't want any part of it. "No, go on, spill. What's a... 'primary directive'?"
Eric glanced back to the screen a little sheepishly. "It's kinda stupid. It's not important, really."
"Good, then you shouldn't have any problem telling me what it is."
Eric hesitated. He knew it was nerdish to admit out loud, but Amy wasn't backing off.
"Please... it's kinda dumb. Just ignore it."
"No, I want to know. What is a 'primary directive'?"
Eric took a deep breath. "Well... there's a show I watch. It's about four people with special skills that work together as a team. They're kinda like secret agents, but they work on contract, not for any government. They only take on jobs that help society in general; they're never the bad guys."
"Okay... go on."
"...so, their leader is a guy who they never meet. In fact, they all have secret codenames they go by during missions to avoid giving away their identity in case someone is listening. At the beginning of each mission, the leader gives them their orders, but he doesn't call them orders, he calls them 'directives'."
Amy processed the information with a smile on her face. "Okay, so what? What was the big deal then? I don't get why you felt you needed to hide that from me."
Eric was stunned, to say the least. "Well, it's kinda silly and childish for me to be quoting things from a TV show."
"Is it?" Amy questioned. "Seems to me if you enjoy doing something that isn't hurting or impacting others, who has the right to judge you?"
When Eric didn't respond, Amy continued. "So... what's a 'primary directive'? You still didn't answer my question properly."
A brief pause followed. "The primary directives were always the main things that had to be completed in a mission without fail. If even one primary directive was not completed, the whole mission was considered a failure."
"Fair enough."
"And then there were secondary directives. Things that would help out if they were completed, but weren't completely necessary to make the mission successful."
Amy took this information in as she tapped her chin with her finger. "So... my 'primary directives' right now would be to get some battle training and not let either her or myself die in the process, yes?" she asked, gesturing to her feminine cling-on with her thumb when using the word 'her'.
"...I guess?"
"And my 'secondary directive' would be to get you to loosen up!" she laughed as she dismissed his monitor and began to run down the street. "Don't go anywhere!"
"Okay..." replied Eric, still a little wary of the possibilites in front of them, especially without any backup in the form of Crony. "I... guess I'll wait for you to need me...?"
Amy - 170 / 170 HP
{{{Amy's heading down the street of a busy city sector of SciLab! But that won't stop viruses from having fun! Requesting Battle 1!}}}
{{{You can also ignore Little Miss; for RP's sake, she's a temporary tag-along that has no effect on the battles.}}}
Past Mistakes
last edited by
The stroll through SciLab was interesting, but didn't yield very much in the way of hostile activity. Amy's own exuberance didn't draw too much attention from any of the other navigators or programs moving about their day to day business either; the net was full of all sorts, and SciLab in particular was always a hive of activity sporting entities of all shapes, sizes and demeanours. At some point, the duo, plus one, might begin to realise that they simply weren't going to find any threats of danger in a well populated social area with organised outlets and businesses, and that they'd actually need to get away from the well patrolled and protected safe areas of the network before they would be likely to find anything like that... Still, it gave some time for window shopping.
Eventually, however, the mission of finding viruses would lead Amy away from the busy streets and walkways, and out into a less protected area of the network. She found herself wandering through tall structures of various high-tech appearance, laced through with high crossing walkways far above, and narrow alleys and secluded nooks between buildings at ground level. The atmosphere was still a controlled sort of neutral; pleasant but neither warm nor cool, air that was still, but not stuffy. The ground was well kept panelling for the most part, predominately metal floors with occasional solar light lines marking different streets or entry ways, but as Amy peeked down a particular alley way, she finally encountered her first group of actual viruses for the session.
There weren't nearly as many folks around this area; just a few navigators that looked to be taking their time or relaxing away from the crowds. A few that drew her attention were hanging about in a small group near the exterior fence of what looked like a children's playground, nestled in a square between several of the tall buildings rising all around. The playground was laid with soft-looking soil, and contained a handful of different pieces of play equipment, but what seemed to be holding attention for the time being were the four viruses occupying the area.
On the merry-go-round, a pair of bunnies spun at a relaxed pace, chattering to each other in amiable, but unintelligible viral chatter, each occasionally reaching a foot down to kick off against the soil and keep the ride spinning. Sparks jumped from their ears onto the metal equipment every now and then, but neither seemed to notice. Laying out in the centre of the playground, having made a depression in the soil for its own comfort, a very large brown bear was sunning on its back, shifting occasionally but clearly drowsing quite close to sleep. A second teddy was sitting in front of a large puzzle board that had been set into the base of a climbing frame. The board had spinning blocks for playing noughts and crosses, as well as a number of beads and cables for sliding around into different patterns. The bear moved one of the beads to the other end of its cable, then turned a nought into a cross with one claw before tilting its head at the board.
The navis outside the safety fence looked on and seemed to be a bit uncertain about the entire situation. Amy heard a selection of murmurs as she drew closer.
“Should... should we call someone?” This from a male normal navi with green armour, watching the bunnies with a concerned gaze.
“I don't think anyone here is really equipped to take care of them...” A female normal navi in traditional pink and yellow answered back.
“Well, it isn't like they're really doing any harm, are they?” A third, a navi in blue armour.
“No, but... my operator says her son is very upset because his navi can't play in the playground as well!” this voice came from a woman in green, though she winced as she spoke. Beside her, a child-model navi in blue rubbed nervously at the back of his neck.
“I'm sorry... I know he wants to see me there too, but they're viruses. Even if they're not, you know... attacking... I still don't want to go in there. You know he'd be even more upset if he saw me get thrashed around or jacked out.”
“I know. So, we should call someone?”
“It seems a bit mean though...”
The quiet murmur of debate continued, while the four viruses relaxed, seemingly oblivious to the discussion taking place nearby, just on the other side of the safety fence.
-=Playground Problems=-
TeddyTeddy (Teddy)
Area: ACDC, Yoka, Okuden Valley, Yumland
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 + Slashing
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Tears at an enemy with its claws.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 + Impact x 2 targets
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Picks up and throws one enemy at another.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: (Varies) + Impact
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B
Tertiary Attack Description: Picks up and throws an object at an enemy.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): RageClaw1, Zenny
Special: Will only use its secondary attack if there is more than one enemy. Will only use its tertiary attack if there is an object capable of being thrown. A: 100Hp [Soil][Centre of the playground]
TeddyTeddy (Teddy)
Area: ACDC, Yoka, Okuden Valley, Yumland
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 + Slashing
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Tears at an enemy with its claws.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 + Impact x 2 targets
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Picks up and throws one enemy at another.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: (Varies) + Impact
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B
Tertiary Attack Description: Picks up and throws an object at an enemy.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): RageClaw1, Zenny
Special: Will only use its secondary attack if there is more than one enemy. Will only use its tertiary attack if there is an object capable of being thrown. B: 100Hp [Soil][Back right of the playground]
BunnyBunny (Bunny)
Bunny viruses move by hopping. They are adept at jumping, and can reach higher terrain or hop onto objects with ease. They are also very good at dodging, and are treated as having Haste (+10%) for Evasion purposes only at all times. Omega Bunny has double Haste (+20%). These effects cannot be removed except by Glitch. They attack by launching a ZapRing from their ears.
Area: ACDC, SciLab, Electown, Dentech
HP: 50
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Elec + Stun1
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Hops around randomly before lining up a shot and firing.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): ZapRing1, Zenny
Special: Slightly better dodges. A: 50Hp [Metal][On the merry-go-round]
BunnyBunny (Bunny)
Bunny viruses move by hopping. They are adept at jumping, and can reach higher terrain or hop onto objects with ease. They are also very good at dodging, and are treated as having Haste (+10%) for Evasion purposes only at all times. Omega Bunny has double Haste (+20%). These effects cannot be removed except by Glitch. They attack by launching a ZapRing from their ears.
Area: ACDC, SciLab, Electown, Dentech
HP: 50
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Elec + Stun1
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Hops around randomly before lining up a shot and firing.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): ZapRing1, Zenny
Special: Slightly better dodges. B: 50Hp [Metal][On the merry-go-round]
-=New Arrival=-
Amity.Exe: 170Hp [Metal][Outside the playground]
-=Recreation Park=-
80% Soil
20% Metal
-=Play Equipment=-
Slide: 30Hp [Back left of area][Counts as metal]
Monkey Bars: 40Hp [Back middle of area][Counts as Metal]
Climbing Frame: 60Hp [Back right of area][Counts as Metal]
Merry-go-round: 15Hp [Near right of area][Counts as Metal]
-=Encounter 1, Begin!=-
Eventually, however, the mission of finding viruses would lead Amy away from the busy streets and walkways, and out into a less protected area of the network. She found herself wandering through tall structures of various high-tech appearance, laced through with high crossing walkways far above, and narrow alleys and secluded nooks between buildings at ground level. The atmosphere was still a controlled sort of neutral; pleasant but neither warm nor cool, air that was still, but not stuffy. The ground was well kept panelling for the most part, predominately metal floors with occasional solar light lines marking different streets or entry ways, but as Amy peeked down a particular alley way, she finally encountered her first group of actual viruses for the session.
There weren't nearly as many folks around this area; just a few navigators that looked to be taking their time or relaxing away from the crowds. A few that drew her attention were hanging about in a small group near the exterior fence of what looked like a children's playground, nestled in a square between several of the tall buildings rising all around. The playground was laid with soft-looking soil, and contained a handful of different pieces of play equipment, but what seemed to be holding attention for the time being were the four viruses occupying the area.
On the merry-go-round, a pair of bunnies spun at a relaxed pace, chattering to each other in amiable, but unintelligible viral chatter, each occasionally reaching a foot down to kick off against the soil and keep the ride spinning. Sparks jumped from their ears onto the metal equipment every now and then, but neither seemed to notice. Laying out in the centre of the playground, having made a depression in the soil for its own comfort, a very large brown bear was sunning on its back, shifting occasionally but clearly drowsing quite close to sleep. A second teddy was sitting in front of a large puzzle board that had been set into the base of a climbing frame. The board had spinning blocks for playing noughts and crosses, as well as a number of beads and cables for sliding around into different patterns. The bear moved one of the beads to the other end of its cable, then turned a nought into a cross with one claw before tilting its head at the board.
The navis outside the safety fence looked on and seemed to be a bit uncertain about the entire situation. Amy heard a selection of murmurs as she drew closer.
“Should... should we call someone?” This from a male normal navi with green armour, watching the bunnies with a concerned gaze.
“I don't think anyone here is really equipped to take care of them...” A female normal navi in traditional pink and yellow answered back.
“Well, it isn't like they're really doing any harm, are they?” A third, a navi in blue armour.
“No, but... my operator says her son is very upset because his navi can't play in the playground as well!” this voice came from a woman in green, though she winced as she spoke. Beside her, a child-model navi in blue rubbed nervously at the back of his neck.
“I'm sorry... I know he wants to see me there too, but they're viruses. Even if they're not, you know... attacking... I still don't want to go in there. You know he'd be even more upset if he saw me get thrashed around or jacked out.”
“I know. So, we should call someone?”
“It seems a bit mean though...”
The quiet murmur of debate continued, while the four viruses relaxed, seemingly oblivious to the discussion taking place nearby, just on the other side of the safety fence.
-=Playground Problems=-
TeddyTeddy (Teddy)
Area: ACDC, Yoka, Okuden Valley, Yumland
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 + Slashing
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Tears at an enemy with its claws.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 + Impact x 2 targets
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Picks up and throws one enemy at another.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: (Varies) + Impact
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B
Tertiary Attack Description: Picks up and throws an object at an enemy.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): RageClaw1, Zenny
Special: Will only use its secondary attack if there is more than one enemy. Will only use its tertiary attack if there is an object capable of being thrown. A: 100Hp [Soil][Centre of the playground]
TeddyTeddy (Teddy)
Area: ACDC, Yoka, Okuden Valley, Yumland
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 + Slashing
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Tears at an enemy with its claws.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 + Impact x 2 targets
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Picks up and throws one enemy at another.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: (Varies) + Impact
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B
Tertiary Attack Description: Picks up and throws an object at an enemy.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): RageClaw1, Zenny
Special: Will only use its secondary attack if there is more than one enemy. Will only use its tertiary attack if there is an object capable of being thrown. B: 100Hp [Soil][Back right of the playground]
BunnyBunny (Bunny)
Bunny viruses move by hopping. They are adept at jumping, and can reach higher terrain or hop onto objects with ease. They are also very good at dodging, and are treated as having Haste (+10%) for Evasion purposes only at all times. Omega Bunny has double Haste (+20%). These effects cannot be removed except by Glitch. They attack by launching a ZapRing from their ears.
Area: ACDC, SciLab, Electown, Dentech
HP: 50
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Elec + Stun1
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Hops around randomly before lining up a shot and firing.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): ZapRing1, Zenny
Special: Slightly better dodges. A: 50Hp [Metal][On the merry-go-round]
BunnyBunny (Bunny)
Bunny viruses move by hopping. They are adept at jumping, and can reach higher terrain or hop onto objects with ease. They are also very good at dodging, and are treated as having Haste (+10%) for Evasion purposes only at all times. Omega Bunny has double Haste (+20%). These effects cannot be removed except by Glitch. They attack by launching a ZapRing from their ears.
Area: ACDC, SciLab, Electown, Dentech
HP: 50
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Elec + Stun1
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Hops around randomly before lining up a shot and firing.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): ZapRing1, Zenny
Special: Slightly better dodges. B: 50Hp [Metal][On the merry-go-round]
-=New Arrival=-
Amity.Exe: 170Hp [Metal][Outside the playground]
-=Recreation Park=-
80% Soil
- Wood Elementals get +10% Evasion.
- Wood attacks: +100% Source Damage, change terrain hit to Grass.
- 100 Damage Aqua attacks: Change terrain hit to Mud.
- 100 Damage Fire attacks: change terrain hit to Coal.
- PanelShot: Imbue Wood.
20% Metal
- Cannot be Broken or Cracked except with Geddon/PanelShot, cannot be Burrowed into.
- Elec attacks: +100% Source Damage.
- 100 Damage Aqua attacks: Change terrain hit to Cracked.
- 100 Damage Fire attacks: Change terrain hit to Furnace.
- PanelShot: Imbue Elec + Break.
-=Play Equipment=-
Slide: 30Hp [Back left of area][Counts as metal]
Monkey Bars: 40Hp [Back middle of area][Counts as Metal]
Climbing Frame: 60Hp [Back right of area][Counts as Metal]
Merry-go-round: 15Hp [Near right of area][Counts as Metal]
-=Encounter 1, Begin!=-
last edited by Sj
As Amy approached the scene, a shiver went down her spine as she recognised the two viruses spinning around on what looked to be a most unusual device, while one bear-like creature played with another unusual contraption, and another bear laid out in the middle of the yard.
"Eric, what is this?" she asked. She'd never seen anything like this before.
Eric had to zoom in a little to understand what he was looking at. "Oh. It's a playground for navis," he replied.
Amy was confused. "Playground? Why would a navi need something like that?"
Eric shrugged. "I think the more important question is, why would someone program a navi to look and act like a child? That always confused me," he replied.
It wasn't a direct dig at the girl, but if what he said was true, the navi attached to her midregion would probably have used and enjoyed such a creation if it had been designed for her. It also made sense then why the green navi was concerned about the viruses; the blue navi in her charge probably had the same desire.
Logically speaking, it may have been possible for both navis and viruses to co-exist in a peaceful environment. But as Amy stared at the two Bunnys and how their ears kept arcing off the spinning metal platform, even that in itself could be a potential hazard. And while the bear's carefree and laidback nature was fine right now, Amy recognised the claws on their arms as RageClaws; she knew their power too. But the team of four had gotten there first. Was it right for anybody to remove them from the area?
Amy was perplexed about what to do about the situation. Her mind returned to the scene yesterday with the three Metools; did she have the right to interfere?
"Eric, what would you do?" she finally asked, desperate for another point of view.
"'What would I do?'..." he repeated, sure he hadn't heard her properly.
"Yeah. This isn't like anything I've had to deal with before."
Eric wasn't sure why he'd been chosen to act as the mediator between the two parties; he certainly didn't have any experience in this area either. "Are you sure you want my advice?" he asked. "The navis there would probably be more use than me."
Amy shook her head. "No, they seem just as conflicted."
Leave them be... or remove them. Leave them be... or remove them. Leave them be...
...or remove them.
"This might just be my thinking, but viruses are not natural, right?" Eric reasoned. "This is a part of the internet made for navi use. You said that your disruptors don't kill, right?"
Amy nodded. "They just destroy the outer data layer, leaving the inner data core intact. What happens next is up to them, I guess; I don't actually know much about the cores themselves or why they do... whatever it is they do afterwards. Most just fly away; back to their source network I assumed."
'Assumed' was the right word; as she'd learned from her encounter with the Batworm, that thesis was now in need of revision. It had behaved in a way contrary to all other viruses and now Amy didn't know what to think.
"But the outer layer is the dangerous part, yes?"
"I guess..." It was true, for sure, but still meant inflicting pain to erase that layer.
"Stacey and Crony are the ones always saying that viruses are a stench on all networks. That vigilance is required to keep the order," he offered as a reason to justify the course they were planning.
"Viruses are still intelligent creatures, with thoughts and feelings. Do you believe everything those two say?" she questioned back.
"...Not exactly. But Matt thinks the same way, so I believe them."
'Matt' was not a name that Amy had heard yet. Now was not the time to play Who's Who; a decision had to be made regarding the playground.
"So. If we're going to be partners, I'm supposed to follow your lead. I'm not used to having someone else call the shots, but... if I disagree with you, I'll definitely let you know," she chuckled. "So, what do you want me to do? I'll follow your lead... for now."
Eric took another look at the field. "'Strength in numbers'. That strategy still work for you too?"
"Absolutely." If that's how they were going to do this then Amy was ready and already formulating a plan. "In that case, requesting the Pulsar... please."
The late addition of a 'please' made Eric smile again. It was the first time she'd asked politely instead of just demanding what she pleased. He passed the chip through the reader and transmitted the data.
"Okay, let's do this..." she uttered to herself as the Pulsar took form on her right arm as the sonic speaker. The safety fence was going to be an issue as it was blocking her attack path. Gingerly stepping around the fence to avoid drawing attention to herself, she moved into the left side of the playground nearest to the entrance, fully aware of the range of the shockwave that she was about to unleash and hoping not to catch herself in it as well. It had done an amazing job of levelling a full region of a cave; catching the two Bunnys on the metal stage should be easy, right...?
I hope we can fix it again afterwards... she thought to herself as she discharged the sonic blast towards the merry-go-round. It didn't look like it was structurally sound enough to survive the resonance, but maybe she could do something about it. Her attention now swung to the field as a whole, ready to 'play' with whatever decided to give her a hard time. As expected, the faithful healing system made itself known through its gentle glow, ready to offer a helping hand where needed.
[1] Feint/Movement (dependent on distance requirement) to enter playground's near left zone
[2] [Disruptor] Pulsar1 [70 DMG + Triggered Blast 2] >>> Merry-Go-Round ~> BunnyA & BunnyB
[3] Dodge preparation
[P] THAW [9 {+1} HEAL] >>> Amy [??? >>> ??? / 170 HP]
[P] THAW [9 {+1} HEAL] >>> Amy [??? >>> ??? / 170 HP]
None in cooldown
Amy: 170 / 170 HP
"Eric, what is this?" she asked. She'd never seen anything like this before.
Eric had to zoom in a little to understand what he was looking at. "Oh. It's a playground for navis," he replied.
Amy was confused. "Playground? Why would a navi need something like that?"
Eric shrugged. "I think the more important question is, why would someone program a navi to look and act like a child? That always confused me," he replied.
It wasn't a direct dig at the girl, but if what he said was true, the navi attached to her midregion would probably have used and enjoyed such a creation if it had been designed for her. It also made sense then why the green navi was concerned about the viruses; the blue navi in her charge probably had the same desire.
Logically speaking, it may have been possible for both navis and viruses to co-exist in a peaceful environment. But as Amy stared at the two Bunnys and how their ears kept arcing off the spinning metal platform, even that in itself could be a potential hazard. And while the bear's carefree and laidback nature was fine right now, Amy recognised the claws on their arms as RageClaws; she knew their power too. But the team of four had gotten there first. Was it right for anybody to remove them from the area?
Amy was perplexed about what to do about the situation. Her mind returned to the scene yesterday with the three Metools; did she have the right to interfere?
"Eric, what would you do?" she finally asked, desperate for another point of view.
"'What would I do?'..." he repeated, sure he hadn't heard her properly.
"Yeah. This isn't like anything I've had to deal with before."
Eric wasn't sure why he'd been chosen to act as the mediator between the two parties; he certainly didn't have any experience in this area either. "Are you sure you want my advice?" he asked. "The navis there would probably be more use than me."
Amy shook her head. "No, they seem just as conflicted."
Leave them be... or remove them. Leave them be... or remove them. Leave them be...
...or remove them.
"This might just be my thinking, but viruses are not natural, right?" Eric reasoned. "This is a part of the internet made for navi use. You said that your disruptors don't kill, right?"
Amy nodded. "They just destroy the outer data layer, leaving the inner data core intact. What happens next is up to them, I guess; I don't actually know much about the cores themselves or why they do... whatever it is they do afterwards. Most just fly away; back to their source network I assumed."
'Assumed' was the right word; as she'd learned from her encounter with the Batworm, that thesis was now in need of revision. It had behaved in a way contrary to all other viruses and now Amy didn't know what to think.
"But the outer layer is the dangerous part, yes?"
"I guess..." It was true, for sure, but still meant inflicting pain to erase that layer.
"Stacey and Crony are the ones always saying that viruses are a stench on all networks. That vigilance is required to keep the order," he offered as a reason to justify the course they were planning.
"Viruses are still intelligent creatures, with thoughts and feelings. Do you believe everything those two say?" she questioned back.
"...Not exactly. But Matt thinks the same way, so I believe them."
'Matt' was not a name that Amy had heard yet. Now was not the time to play Who's Who; a decision had to be made regarding the playground.
"So. If we're going to be partners, I'm supposed to follow your lead. I'm not used to having someone else call the shots, but... if I disagree with you, I'll definitely let you know," she chuckled. "So, what do you want me to do? I'll follow your lead... for now."
Eric took another look at the field. "'Strength in numbers'. That strategy still work for you too?"
"Absolutely." If that's how they were going to do this then Amy was ready and already formulating a plan. "In that case, requesting the Pulsar... please."
The late addition of a 'please' made Eric smile again. It was the first time she'd asked politely instead of just demanding what she pleased. He passed the chip through the reader and transmitted the data.
"Okay, let's do this..." she uttered to herself as the Pulsar took form on her right arm as the sonic speaker. The safety fence was going to be an issue as it was blocking her attack path. Gingerly stepping around the fence to avoid drawing attention to herself, she moved into the left side of the playground nearest to the entrance, fully aware of the range of the shockwave that she was about to unleash and hoping not to catch herself in it as well. It had done an amazing job of levelling a full region of a cave; catching the two Bunnys on the metal stage should be easy, right...?
I hope we can fix it again afterwards... she thought to herself as she discharged the sonic blast towards the merry-go-round. It didn't look like it was structurally sound enough to survive the resonance, but maybe she could do something about it. Her attention now swung to the field as a whole, ready to 'play' with whatever decided to give her a hard time. As expected, the faithful healing system made itself known through its gentle glow, ready to offer a helping hand where needed.
[1] Feint/Movement (dependent on distance requirement) to enter playground's near left zone
[2] [Disruptor] Pulsar1 [70 DMG + Triggered Blast 2] >>> Merry-Go-Round ~> BunnyA & BunnyB
[3] Dodge preparation
[P] THAW [9 {+1} HEAL] >>> Amy [??? >>> ??? / 170 HP]
[P] THAW [9 {+1} HEAL] >>> Amy [??? >>> ??? / 170 HP]
None in cooldown
Amy: 170 / 170 HP
Battlechips Remaining
![]() Accuracy: A Description: A decent sized cannon with a single shot. Duration: Once Element: Null Trader Rank: E ![]() Accuracy: S Description: Generates a 1-Hit Shield upon activation. When this shield blocks one hit from a non-Break attack, it responds with a hyper-fast damage ray. Duration: Until broken or overridden. Element: Null Special: Negated by Break. Ignores Impact. Special: Reflect: Damage returned is equal to the damage of the attack blocked or the damage cap listed, whichever comes first. Reflect is not subject to negation by Impact. Special: Status Guard: This chip blocks debuffs. Trader Rank: E - ![]() Accuracy: B Description: Launches an arrow tipped with a pink heart. If a virus is hit, they lose the ability to attack once. If a Navi is hit, they lose their first selected chip for that turn. Duration: Once Element: Null Trader Rank: D ![]() Accuracy: C Description: Sends a narrow, but long, shock wave rolling in front of an enemy. Slow, but difficult to jump over due to its length. Duration: Once Element: Null Trader Rank: E ![]() Accuracy: A Description: A gun whose shot penetrates an enemy to hit another one directly behind it. Duration: Once Element: Null Trader Rank: E ![]() Accuracy: S Description: Grants the user the ability to freely fly at high altitude. Initial takeoff is considered a dodge. If shot down, user may take off again until effect ends. Duration: 1 turn Element: Null Special: Beware of fall damage. Trader Rank: D ![]() Accuracy: B / B then B Description: Creates an impressive bear claw. Can be used to slash or throw enemies or objects. Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks automatically after 6 uses. Element: Null Special: Throw: The wielder must first grab the target to be thrown, then the target is thrown in the direction/area indicated. A second check is made if against another object/enemy. Throw deals damage to both thrown object/enemy and the second object/enemy. Damage occurs at point of collision with the ground/wall/ceiling/etc. or an object/enemy, not during initial grab attempt. Objects deal their max HP in damage (instead of the chip's damage) if they hit an object/enemy, then break. If they miss, the object just takes the chip's damage. This chip has a variety of uses. Trader Rank: D ![]() Accuracy: S Description: Creates a large zone of Furnace Terrain, centered on you. Duration: Once Element: Fire Trader Rank: D ![]() Accuracy: A Description: Shoots a fireball whose explosion penetrates an enemy to hit another one directly behind it. Duration: Once Element: Fire Trader Rank: D | ![]() Damage: 15 Wood + Confusion + Nova 2 Accuracy: A Description: Creates a Mushy virus to aid you. Attacks with BadSpice, and unlike normal Mushy, can move over non-Wood elemental terrain at a penalty of halving movement distance/dodge rate. Element: Wood Special: Allied Virus: This virus has two actions per turn, and is fully controllable by the summoner. If no orders are given, it will perform actions at random, but will never intentionally interfere with or damage the summoner or their allies. Deleting this virus will grant no additional rewards to either side. Trader Rank: C ![]() Accuracy: S Description: Heals 30 HP. Duration: Once Element: Null Trader Rank: D {+6} - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - - |
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Amy had a brief debate and discussion with her operator while the viruses in the playground occupied the equipment and the other navis dithered in their own uncertainty. Eventually, however, the pair reached a conclusion, and that was to forcefully remove the viruses using Amy's own unusual brand of non-lethal banishment, before some other navi came and did it in a more deleterious manner.
As she approached and slipped through the gate in he fence, it was hard to avoid notice; she was the only fully custom navi on the scene, and now the only one inside the enclosure with the viruses. The other navis seemed taken by surprise. Several of them broke off other conversations to call out to her as she took the field.
“Miss, be careful there are—”
“Oh, you don't need to delete them, they aren't—”
“Hey, that override... she looks like—”
“Good, some decisive action finally—”
“Mind the equipment, miss! I've heard those bears—”
Most of the short remarks were lost amongst each other, or in the low rumbling growl of the napping teddy rolling to its feet and scratching at itself with one paw. Standing on its hind legs, it was easily eight or nine feet tall, and a lot more intimidating than it had seemed lying down. One of the bunnies squeaked and hopped off the merry-go-round, landing just in front of it as it looked at the new arrival in their play area, tilting its head back and forth as its ears crackled.
That was about all the response the viruses had time for as Amy pulled on them. Her first attack seemed to catch them more or less off guard, and the sonic pulse hammered into the still-spinning playground toy and resonated in an expanding wave that carried the sounds of screeching metal to everyone in the vicinity. the two bunnies were scattered into data fragments and a pair of blue glowing cores that immediately zipped away from the scene in the other direction. The merry-go-round itself didn't fare any better, reduced to a mangled wreckage of metal, but Amy wasn't the only one tearing up the ground now.
The bear that had been playing with the puzzle board roared and stood up, seemingly enraged by the sudden violence and noise. It latched both claws onto the climbing frame and heaved, tearing the entire structure from the ground and hurling it wholesale in Amy's direction. The navi was able to dodge quickly, but the frame itself crashed into the corner of the fence, warping it badly. A shout of shock and panic rose variously from the other navis, with one or two immediately fleeing the small square, while the rest backed off a good distance to see the rest of the encounter.
-=Playground Problems=-
TeddyTeddy (Teddy)
Area: ACDC, Yoka, Okuden Valley, Yumland
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 + Slashing
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Tears at an enemy with its claws.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 + Impact x 2 targets
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Picks up and throws one enemy at another.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: (Varies) + Impact
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B
Tertiary Attack Description: Picks up and throws an object at an enemy.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): RageClaw1, Zenny
Special: Will only use its secondary attack if there is more than one enemy. Will only use its tertiary attack if there is an object capable of being thrown. A: 100Hp [Soil][Centre of the playground]
TeddyTeddy (Teddy)
Area: ACDC, Yoka, Okuden Valley, Yumland
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 + Slashing
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Tears at an enemy with its claws.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 + Impact x 2 targets
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Picks up and throws one enemy at another.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: (Varies) + Impact
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B
Tertiary Attack Description: Picks up and throws an object at an enemy.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): RageClaw1, Zenny
Special: Will only use its secondary attack if there is more than one enemy. Will only use its tertiary attack if there is an object capable of being thrown. B: 100Hp [Soil][Back right of the playground]
BunnyBunny (Bunny)
Bunny viruses move by hopping. They are adept at jumping, and can reach higher terrain or hop onto objects with ease. They are also very good at dodging, and are treated as having Haste (+10%) for Evasion purposes only at all times. Omega Bunny has double Haste (+20%). These effects cannot be removed except by Glitch. They attack by launching a ZapRing from their ears.
Area: ACDC, SciLab, Electown, Dentech
HP: 50
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Elec + Stun1
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Hops around randomly before lining up a shot and firing.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): ZapRing1, Zenny
Special: Slightly better dodges. A: CLEANSED
BunnyBunny (Bunny)
Bunny viruses move by hopping. They are adept at jumping, and can reach higher terrain or hop onto objects with ease. They are also very good at dodging, and are treated as having Haste (+10%) for Evasion purposes only at all times. Omega Bunny has double Haste (+20%). These effects cannot be removed except by Glitch. They attack by launching a ZapRing from their ears.
Area: ACDC, SciLab, Electown, Dentech
HP: 50
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Elec + Stun1
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Hops around randomly before lining up a shot and firing.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): ZapRing1, Zenny
Special: Slightly better dodges. B: CLEANSED
-=New Arrival=-
Amity.Exe: 170Hp [Soil][Left side of the playground]
-=Recreation Park=-
80% Soil
20% Metal
-=Play Equipment=-
Slide: 30Hp [Back left of area][Counts as metal]
Monkey Bars: 40Hp [Back middle of area][Counts as Metal]
Climbing Frame: 60Hp [Upturned in the near left corner][Counts as Metal]
Merry-go-round: DELETED
As she approached and slipped through the gate in he fence, it was hard to avoid notice; she was the only fully custom navi on the scene, and now the only one inside the enclosure with the viruses. The other navis seemed taken by surprise. Several of them broke off other conversations to call out to her as she took the field.
“Miss, be careful there are—”
“Oh, you don't need to delete them, they aren't—”
“Hey, that override... she looks like—”
“Good, some decisive action finally—”
“Mind the equipment, miss! I've heard those bears—”
Most of the short remarks were lost amongst each other, or in the low rumbling growl of the napping teddy rolling to its feet and scratching at itself with one paw. Standing on its hind legs, it was easily eight or nine feet tall, and a lot more intimidating than it had seemed lying down. One of the bunnies squeaked and hopped off the merry-go-round, landing just in front of it as it looked at the new arrival in their play area, tilting its head back and forth as its ears crackled.
That was about all the response the viruses had time for as Amy pulled on them. Her first attack seemed to catch them more or less off guard, and the sonic pulse hammered into the still-spinning playground toy and resonated in an expanding wave that carried the sounds of screeching metal to everyone in the vicinity. the two bunnies were scattered into data fragments and a pair of blue glowing cores that immediately zipped away from the scene in the other direction. The merry-go-round itself didn't fare any better, reduced to a mangled wreckage of metal, but Amy wasn't the only one tearing up the ground now.
The bear that had been playing with the puzzle board roared and stood up, seemingly enraged by the sudden violence and noise. It latched both claws onto the climbing frame and heaved, tearing the entire structure from the ground and hurling it wholesale in Amy's direction. The navi was able to dodge quickly, but the frame itself crashed into the corner of the fence, warping it badly. A shout of shock and panic rose variously from the other navis, with one or two immediately fleeing the small square, while the rest backed off a good distance to see the rest of the encounter.
-=Playground Problems=-
TeddyTeddy (Teddy)
Area: ACDC, Yoka, Okuden Valley, Yumland
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 + Slashing
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Tears at an enemy with its claws.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 + Impact x 2 targets
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Picks up and throws one enemy at another.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: (Varies) + Impact
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B
Tertiary Attack Description: Picks up and throws an object at an enemy.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): RageClaw1, Zenny
Special: Will only use its secondary attack if there is more than one enemy. Will only use its tertiary attack if there is an object capable of being thrown. A: 100Hp [Soil][Centre of the playground]
TeddyTeddy (Teddy)
Area: ACDC, Yoka, Okuden Valley, Yumland
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 + Slashing
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Tears at an enemy with its claws.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 + Impact x 2 targets
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Picks up and throws one enemy at another.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: (Varies) + Impact
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B
Tertiary Attack Description: Picks up and throws an object at an enemy.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): RageClaw1, Zenny
Special: Will only use its secondary attack if there is more than one enemy. Will only use its tertiary attack if there is an object capable of being thrown. B: 100Hp [Soil][Back right of the playground]
BunnyBunny (Bunny)
Bunny viruses move by hopping. They are adept at jumping, and can reach higher terrain or hop onto objects with ease. They are also very good at dodging, and are treated as having Haste (+10%) for Evasion purposes only at all times. Omega Bunny has double Haste (+20%). These effects cannot be removed except by Glitch. They attack by launching a ZapRing from their ears.
Area: ACDC, SciLab, Electown, Dentech
HP: 50
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Elec + Stun1
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Hops around randomly before lining up a shot and firing.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): ZapRing1, Zenny
Special: Slightly better dodges. A: CLEANSED
BunnyBunny (Bunny)
Bunny viruses move by hopping. They are adept at jumping, and can reach higher terrain or hop onto objects with ease. They are also very good at dodging, and are treated as having Haste (+10%) for Evasion purposes only at all times. Omega Bunny has double Haste (+20%). These effects cannot be removed except by Glitch. They attack by launching a ZapRing from their ears.
Area: ACDC, SciLab, Electown, Dentech
HP: 50
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Elec + Stun1
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Hops around randomly before lining up a shot and firing.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): ZapRing1, Zenny
Special: Slightly better dodges. B: CLEANSED
-=New Arrival=-
Amity.Exe: 170Hp [Soil][Left side of the playground]
-=Recreation Park=-
80% Soil
- Wood Elementals get +10% Evasion.
- Wood attacks: +100% Source Damage, change terrain hit to Grass.
- 100 Damage Aqua attacks: Change terrain hit to Mud.
- 100 Damage Fire attacks: change terrain hit to Coal.
- PanelShot: Imbue Wood.
20% Metal
- Cannot be Broken or Cracked except with Geddon/PanelShot, cannot be Burrowed into.
- Elec attacks: +100% Source Damage.
- 100 Damage Aqua attacks: Change terrain hit to Cracked.
- 100 Damage Fire attacks: Change terrain hit to Furnace.
- PanelShot: Imbue Elec + Break.
-=Play Equipment=-
Slide: 30Hp [Back left of area][Counts as metal]
Monkey Bars: 40Hp [Back middle of area][Counts as Metal]
Climbing Frame: 60Hp [Upturned in the near left corner][Counts as Metal]
Merry-go-round: DELETED
last edited by Sj
"Damn, that thing can throw!" Amy remarked, quickly glancing behind her to the climbing frame that had now changed positions in the field. "Stacey was right, those claws really can be used for more than just slicing and dicing..." The strength itself may have come from the creature that was almost twice her height, but Amy liked entertaining the idea that she could do that too if she wanted to. Her small frame being able to handle that much weight... yeah, she could get used to that.
A faint sparkling on the ground dragged her attention down to her legs. The hem of her dress... was it glowing a little brighter than usual, or was that just her imagination? It was true that she could feel her repulsors buzz with a little more enthusiasm than before, and Eric had said that the navi parts he'd installed were upgrades. Working in unison, hopefully the upgrades would amplify her active abilites to do an even better job than before. Time would tell, of course; compared to her battles yesterday, this was almost a walk in th-no, don't start with your silly puns again... she stopped mid-thought.
The two Bunny cores took off into the air with much haste as they departed the playground. Good; with two foes down and two to go, Amy plotted her next course of action. "Alright, that worked... a little too well, I might add," she nervously chucked to her operator. "I guess let's try a little more offense then. Requesting the Shockwave and Cannon. Please," she added, almost as an afterthought once again.
With the two chips in hand, Eric did his duty and uploaded the necessary data. "Done, they're on their way."
The Shockwave lit up the underside of her right boot as the Cannon took form on her right arm. With any luck, the combo would be enough to eliminate the closest threat and take the remaining count of foes down to one. As the Cannon cylinder edged out of her dress, Amy's eyes glanced over to the merry-go-round she'd just mangled through the soundwave of the Pulsar only moments ago. I need to make sure we do our best to fix that after this is done; I don't want there to be any trouble from us breaking anything... she told herself.
Lining up her shots, Amy took a step forward and slammed her right foot against the ground as she did so, unleashing the rolling wave towards her closest foe. Without waiting for a reaction, the Cannon was fired in succession in an effort to neutralise. It was a shame really, but Eric's words came back to mind as she prepared herself for the retaliation. {{{Vigilance is required to keep the order.}}} Definitely something that Crony would have said; the statement itself simply reeked of 'high and mighty' rhetoric, which was something she expected out of the police navi, not his operator. It was true though; what would have happened if the Teddy had thrown that equipment at the little blue navi that just wanted to play? It was doubtful it would have had the ability to fight back like Amy did...
[P] THAW [9 {+1} HEAL] >>> Amy [??? >>> ??? / 170 HP]
[1] [Disruptor] Shockwave [40 DMG + Line1 + Ground] >>> TeddyA (+TeddyB?)
[2] [Disruptor] Cannon [60 DMG + Knockback] >>> TeddyA
[3] Dodge preparation
[P] THAW [9 {+1} HEAL] >>> Amy [??? >>> ??? / 170 HP]
None in cooldown
Amity.EXE: 170 / 170 HP
A faint sparkling on the ground dragged her attention down to her legs. The hem of her dress... was it glowing a little brighter than usual, or was that just her imagination? It was true that she could feel her repulsors buzz with a little more enthusiasm than before, and Eric had said that the navi parts he'd installed were upgrades. Working in unison, hopefully the upgrades would amplify her active abilites to do an even better job than before. Time would tell, of course; compared to her battles yesterday, this was almost a walk in th-no, don't start with your silly puns again... she stopped mid-thought.
The two Bunny cores took off into the air with much haste as they departed the playground. Good; with two foes down and two to go, Amy plotted her next course of action. "Alright, that worked... a little too well, I might add," she nervously chucked to her operator. "I guess let's try a little more offense then. Requesting the Shockwave and Cannon. Please," she added, almost as an afterthought once again.
With the two chips in hand, Eric did his duty and uploaded the necessary data. "Done, they're on their way."
The Shockwave lit up the underside of her right boot as the Cannon took form on her right arm. With any luck, the combo would be enough to eliminate the closest threat and take the remaining count of foes down to one. As the Cannon cylinder edged out of her dress, Amy's eyes glanced over to the merry-go-round she'd just mangled through the soundwave of the Pulsar only moments ago. I need to make sure we do our best to fix that after this is done; I don't want there to be any trouble from us breaking anything... she told herself.
Lining up her shots, Amy took a step forward and slammed her right foot against the ground as she did so, unleashing the rolling wave towards her closest foe. Without waiting for a reaction, the Cannon was fired in succession in an effort to neutralise. It was a shame really, but Eric's words came back to mind as she prepared herself for the retaliation. {{{Vigilance is required to keep the order.}}} Definitely something that Crony would have said; the statement itself simply reeked of 'high and mighty' rhetoric, which was something she expected out of the police navi, not his operator. It was true though; what would have happened if the Teddy had thrown that equipment at the little blue navi that just wanted to play? It was doubtful it would have had the ability to fight back like Amy did...
[P] THAW [9 {+1} HEAL] >>> Amy [??? >>> ??? / 170 HP]
[1] [Disruptor] Shockwave [40 DMG + Line1 + Ground] >>> TeddyA (+TeddyB?)
[2] [Disruptor] Cannon [60 DMG + Knockback] >>> TeddyA
[3] Dodge preparation
[P] THAW [9 {+1} HEAL] >>> Amy [??? >>> ??? / 170 HP]
None in cooldown
Amity.EXE: 170 / 170 HP
Battlechips Remaining
-![]() Accuracy: S Description: Generates a 1-Hit Shield upon activation. When this shield blocks one hit from a non-Break attack, it responds with a hyper-fast damage ray. Duration: Until broken or overridden. Element: Null Special: Negated by Break. Ignores Impact. Special: Reflect: Damage returned is equal to the damage of the attack blocked or the damage cap listed, whichever comes first. Reflect is not subject to negation by Impact. Special: Status Guard: This chip blocks debuffs. Trader Rank: E - ![]() Accuracy: B Description: Launches an arrow tipped with a pink heart. If a virus is hit, they lose the ability to attack once. If a Navi is hit, they lose their first selected chip for that turn. Duration: Once Element: Null Trader Rank: D - ![]() Accuracy: A Description: A gun whose shot penetrates an enemy to hit another one directly behind it. Duration: Once Element: Null Trader Rank: E ![]() Accuracy: S Description: Grants the user the ability to freely fly at high altitude. Initial takeoff is considered a dodge. If shot down, user may take off again until effect ends. Duration: 1 turn Element: Null Special: Beware of fall damage. Trader Rank: D ![]() Accuracy: B / B then B Description: Creates an impressive bear claw. Can be used to slash or throw enemies or objects. Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks automatically after 6 uses. Element: Null Special: Throw: The wielder must first grab the target to be thrown, then the target is thrown in the direction/area indicated. A second check is made if against another object/enemy. Throw deals damage to both thrown object/enemy and the second object/enemy. Damage occurs at point of collision with the ground/wall/ceiling/etc. or an object/enemy, not during initial grab attempt. Objects deal their max HP in damage (instead of the chip's damage) if they hit an object/enemy, then break. If they miss, the object just takes the chip's damage. This chip has a variety of uses. Trader Rank: D ![]() Accuracy: S Description: Creates a large zone of Furnace Terrain, centered on you. Duration: Once Element: Fire Trader Rank: D ![]() Accuracy: A Description: Shoots a fireball whose explosion penetrates an enemy to hit another one directly behind it. Duration: Once Element: Fire Trader Rank: D | ![]() Damage: 15 Wood + Confusion + Nova 2 Accuracy: A Description: Creates a Mushy virus to aid you. Attacks with BadSpice, and unlike normal Mushy, can move over non-Wood elemental terrain at a penalty of halving movement distance/dodge rate. Element: Wood Special: Allied Virus: This virus has two actions per turn, and is fully controllable by the summoner. If no orders are given, it will perform actions at random, but will never intentionally interfere with or damage the summoner or their allies. Deleting this virus will grant no additional rewards to either side. Trader Rank: C ![]() Accuracy: S Description: Heals 30 HP. Duration: Once Element: Null Trader Rank: D {+6} - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - - |
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Not to be deterred by the sudden upheaval of playground equipment, or the small gasps and exclamations of the remaining civilian navis that lingered at the edge of the square, away from the conflict, Amy prepared to send more disruptive attacks towards the remaining two viruses. Both bears seemed quite angry now, though arguably the combination of having your relaxing nap interrupted and two companions disposed of without a word of greeting would do that to anyone, really.
In the case of the bears, one turned to his side and grabbed hold of one end of the monkey bars, uprooting the structure with a grating tear of metal and flinging it towards Amy with a growl of effort. It flipped end over end, struck the ground and spun madly as it came at her, but the young navi was able to duck under it as it slammed into the fence behind her, bending an twisting it outward in the process. As she stood from the swift evasion, may began to launch her attack; the shock-wave led off, rumbling through the ground and unsteadying both teddies, but she only had time to notice that the other one had grabbed onto the slide and lifted it above its head, before her vision was filled with a solid sheet of metal.
The incoming piece of equipment struck her full force and made her vision dance for a few moments, but once she stopped seeing spots, she was able to continue her own attack and score a second hit on the nearest teddy. This was enough to overcome the beast and see its form breaking apart in motes of blue light, though the other one seemed like it wasn't giving up yet.
-=Playground Problems=-
TeddyTeddy (Teddy)
Area: ACDC, Yoka, Okuden Valley, Yumland
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 + Slashing
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Tears at an enemy with its claws.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 + Impact x 2 targets
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Picks up and throws one enemy at another.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: (Varies) + Impact
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B
Tertiary Attack Description: Picks up and throws an object at an enemy.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): RageClaw1, Zenny
Special: Will only use its secondary attack if there is more than one enemy. Will only use its tertiary attack if there is an object capable of being thrown. A: CLEANSED
TeddyTeddy (Teddy)
Area: ACDC, Yoka, Okuden Valley, Yumland
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 + Slashing
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Tears at an enemy with its claws.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 + Impact x 2 targets
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Picks up and throws one enemy at another.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: (Varies) + Impact
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B
Tertiary Attack Description: Picks up and throws an object at an enemy.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): RageClaw1, Zenny
Special: Will only use its secondary attack if there is more than one enemy. Will only use its tertiary attack if there is an object capable of being thrown. B: 60Hp [Soil][Back middle of the playground]
BunnyBunny (Bunny)
Bunny viruses move by hopping. They are adept at jumping, and can reach higher terrain or hop onto objects with ease. They are also very good at dodging, and are treated as having Haste (+10%) for Evasion purposes only at all times. Omega Bunny has double Haste (+20%). These effects cannot be removed except by Glitch. They attack by launching a ZapRing from their ears.
Area: ACDC, SciLab, Electown, Dentech
HP: 50
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Elec + Stun1
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Hops around randomly before lining up a shot and firing.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): ZapRing1, Zenny
Special: Slightly better dodges. A: CLEANSED
BunnyBunny (Bunny)
Bunny viruses move by hopping. They are adept at jumping, and can reach higher terrain or hop onto objects with ease. They are also very good at dodging, and are treated as having Haste (+10%) for Evasion purposes only at all times. Omega Bunny has double Haste (+20%). These effects cannot be removed except by Glitch. They attack by launching a ZapRing from their ears.
Area: ACDC, SciLab, Electown, Dentech
HP: 50
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Elec + Stun1
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Hops around randomly before lining up a shot and firing.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): ZapRing1, Zenny
Special: Slightly better dodges. B: CLEANSED
-=New Arrival=-
Amity.Exe: 150Hp [Soil][Left side of the playground]
-=Recreation Park=-
80% Soil
20% Metal
-=Play Equipment=-
Monkey Bars: 40Hp [Partially bent, wedged in the fence behind Amity][Counts as Metal]
Climbing Frame: 60Hp [Upturned in the near left corner][Counts as Metal]
Merry-go-round: DELETED
In the case of the bears, one turned to his side and grabbed hold of one end of the monkey bars, uprooting the structure with a grating tear of metal and flinging it towards Amy with a growl of effort. It flipped end over end, struck the ground and spun madly as it came at her, but the young navi was able to duck under it as it slammed into the fence behind her, bending an twisting it outward in the process. As she stood from the swift evasion, may began to launch her attack; the shock-wave led off, rumbling through the ground and unsteadying both teddies, but she only had time to notice that the other one had grabbed onto the slide and lifted it above its head, before her vision was filled with a solid sheet of metal.
The incoming piece of equipment struck her full force and made her vision dance for a few moments, but once she stopped seeing spots, she was able to continue her own attack and score a second hit on the nearest teddy. This was enough to overcome the beast and see its form breaking apart in motes of blue light, though the other one seemed like it wasn't giving up yet.
-=Playground Problems=-
TeddyTeddy (Teddy)
Area: ACDC, Yoka, Okuden Valley, Yumland
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 + Slashing
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Tears at an enemy with its claws.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 + Impact x 2 targets
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Picks up and throws one enemy at another.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: (Varies) + Impact
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B
Tertiary Attack Description: Picks up and throws an object at an enemy.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): RageClaw1, Zenny
Special: Will only use its secondary attack if there is more than one enemy. Will only use its tertiary attack if there is an object capable of being thrown. A: CLEANSED
TeddyTeddy (Teddy)
Area: ACDC, Yoka, Okuden Valley, Yumland
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 + Slashing
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Tears at an enemy with its claws.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 + Impact x 2 targets
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Picks up and throws one enemy at another.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: (Varies) + Impact
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B
Tertiary Attack Description: Picks up and throws an object at an enemy.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): RageClaw1, Zenny
Special: Will only use its secondary attack if there is more than one enemy. Will only use its tertiary attack if there is an object capable of being thrown. B: 60Hp [Soil][Back middle of the playground]
BunnyBunny (Bunny)
Bunny viruses move by hopping. They are adept at jumping, and can reach higher terrain or hop onto objects with ease. They are also very good at dodging, and are treated as having Haste (+10%) for Evasion purposes only at all times. Omega Bunny has double Haste (+20%). These effects cannot be removed except by Glitch. They attack by launching a ZapRing from their ears.
Area: ACDC, SciLab, Electown, Dentech
HP: 50
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Elec + Stun1
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Hops around randomly before lining up a shot and firing.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): ZapRing1, Zenny
Special: Slightly better dodges. A: CLEANSED
BunnyBunny (Bunny)
Bunny viruses move by hopping. They are adept at jumping, and can reach higher terrain or hop onto objects with ease. They are also very good at dodging, and are treated as having Haste (+10%) for Evasion purposes only at all times. Omega Bunny has double Haste (+20%). These effects cannot be removed except by Glitch. They attack by launching a ZapRing from their ears.
Area: ACDC, SciLab, Electown, Dentech
HP: 50
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Elec + Stun1
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Hops around randomly before lining up a shot and firing.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): ZapRing1, Zenny
Special: Slightly better dodges. B: CLEANSED
-=New Arrival=-
Amity.Exe: 150Hp [Soil][Left side of the playground]
-=Recreation Park=-
80% Soil
- Wood Elementals get +10% Evasion.
- Wood attacks: +100% Source Damage, change terrain hit to Grass.
- 100 Damage Aqua attacks: Change terrain hit to Mud.
- 100 Damage Fire attacks: change terrain hit to Coal.
- PanelShot: Imbue Wood.
20% Metal
- Cannot be Broken or Cracked except with Geddon/PanelShot, cannot be Burrowed into.
- Elec attacks: +100% Source Damage.
- 100 Damage Aqua attacks: Change terrain hit to Cracked.
- 100 Damage Fire attacks: Change terrain hit to Furnace.
- PanelShot: Imbue Elec + Break.
-=Play Equipment=-
Monkey Bars: 40Hp [Partially bent, wedged in the fence behind Amity][Counts as Metal]
Climbing Frame: 60Hp [Upturned in the near left corner][Counts as Metal]
Merry-go-round: DELETED
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An unsightly lump had grown out of Amy's head as she shook off the confusion that comes from being slammed by a solid sheet of metal. The attack certainly wasn't unjustified given she'd struck first, but it still hurt nonetheless. Her healing systems were already trying to fix the damage as she regained her composure and focused on the final combatant.
"Are you okay?" Eric asked. Being hit head-on by a slide would be enough to hurt anybody.
"Yeah yeah, just a bump to the noggin', all good," she replied with the tiniest of grins. Eric seemed to worry about the slightest of risks to her health, but she certainly wasn't going to complain about it; it was nice having someone fuss over her wellbeing.
"Please, just be careful," he responded. "So, what do you need next?" His hand hovered over the chip folder, waiting for orders.
The Teddy had been having fun throwing whatever object was closest to it in Amy's direction. While it would have been fun to reciprocate the favour, Amy didn't feel like getting close to its claws. "Let's just finish this from here," she replied whilst generating cleansing gel into her right hand. "Requesting the Shotgun please."
The cleansing gel reached critical mass in her hand whilst the Shotgun took shape on her left arm. She took a brief glance around the former playground; she'd hoped to clean out the viruses so that it could be used as originally intended, but not a single piece of equipment was now in its original position or its original state. She'd failed in that regard; had it all been a waste of time to fight after all?
Dismissing the thought, she ejected both the cleansing gel and Shotgun pellets towards the Teddy whilst preparing for any resistance along the way. The soil under her shoes felt much more welcome than the cold steel she'd been walking on earlier, but it still felt different to the regular terrain she was used to. As she compared the three terrain types, an idea came to her mind. Sure, she may not be able to fix the playground, but her glacier gel generators were functioning again. At the very least, if she couldn't fix the equipment, she could use the situation to test out her newly repaired subsystem and give some children an early taste of winter.
First things first, though; that Teddy had to go.
[P] THAW [9 {+1} HEAL] >>> Amy [150 >>> 160 / 170 HP]
[1] [Disruptor] Shotgun [50 DMG, Spread1] >>> TeddyB
[2] Calming Spray(A) [40 DMG, Aqua] >>> TeddyB
[3] Dodge preparation
[P] THAW [9 {+1} HEAL] >>> Amy [160 >>> 170 / 170 HP]
Calming Spray(A) [Used; 0/1 TCD; Recharging]
Amity.EXE: 170 / 170 HP
"Are you okay?" Eric asked. Being hit head-on by a slide would be enough to hurt anybody.
"Yeah yeah, just a bump to the noggin', all good," she replied with the tiniest of grins. Eric seemed to worry about the slightest of risks to her health, but she certainly wasn't going to complain about it; it was nice having someone fuss over her wellbeing.
"Please, just be careful," he responded. "So, what do you need next?" His hand hovered over the chip folder, waiting for orders.
The Teddy had been having fun throwing whatever object was closest to it in Amy's direction. While it would have been fun to reciprocate the favour, Amy didn't feel like getting close to its claws. "Let's just finish this from here," she replied whilst generating cleansing gel into her right hand. "Requesting the Shotgun please."
The cleansing gel reached critical mass in her hand whilst the Shotgun took shape on her left arm. She took a brief glance around the former playground; she'd hoped to clean out the viruses so that it could be used as originally intended, but not a single piece of equipment was now in its original position or its original state. She'd failed in that regard; had it all been a waste of time to fight after all?
Dismissing the thought, she ejected both the cleansing gel and Shotgun pellets towards the Teddy whilst preparing for any resistance along the way. The soil under her shoes felt much more welcome than the cold steel she'd been walking on earlier, but it still felt different to the regular terrain she was used to. As she compared the three terrain types, an idea came to her mind. Sure, she may not be able to fix the playground, but her glacier gel generators were functioning again. At the very least, if she couldn't fix the equipment, she could use the situation to test out her newly repaired subsystem and give some children an early taste of winter.
First things first, though; that Teddy had to go.
[P] THAW [9 {+1} HEAL] >>> Amy [150 >>> 160 / 170 HP]
[1] [Disruptor] Shotgun [50 DMG, Spread1] >>> TeddyB
[2] Calming Spray(A) [40 DMG, Aqua] >>> TeddyB
[3] Dodge preparation
[P] THAW [9 {+1} HEAL] >>> Amy [160 >>> 170 / 170 HP]
Calming Spray(A) [Used; 0/1 TCD; Recharging]
Amity.EXE: 170 / 170 HP
Battlechips Remaining
-![]() Accuracy: S Description: Generates a 1-Hit Shield upon activation. When this shield blocks one hit from a non-Break attack, it responds with a hyper-fast damage ray. Duration: Until broken or overridden. Element: Null Special: Negated by Break. Ignores Impact. Special: Reflect: Damage returned is equal to the damage of the attack blocked or the damage cap listed, whichever comes first. Reflect is not subject to negation by Impact. Special: Status Guard: This chip blocks debuffs. Trader Rank: E - ![]() Accuracy: B Description: Launches an arrow tipped with a pink heart. If a virus is hit, they lose the ability to attack once. If a Navi is hit, they lose their first selected chip for that turn. Duration: Once Element: Null Trader Rank: D - - ![]() Accuracy: S Description: Grants the user the ability to freely fly at high altitude. Initial takeoff is considered a dodge. If shot down, user may take off again until effect ends. Duration: 1 turn Element: Null Special: Beware of fall damage. Trader Rank: D ![]() Accuracy: B / B then B Description: Creates an impressive bear claw. Can be used to slash or throw enemies or objects. Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks automatically after 6 uses. Element: Null Special: Throw: The wielder must first grab the target to be thrown, then the target is thrown in the direction/area indicated. A second check is made if against another object/enemy. Throw deals damage to both thrown object/enemy and the second object/enemy. Damage occurs at point of collision with the ground/wall/ceiling/etc. or an object/enemy, not during initial grab attempt. Objects deal their max HP in damage (instead of the chip's damage) if they hit an object/enemy, then break. If they miss, the object just takes the chip's damage. This chip has a variety of uses. Trader Rank: D ![]() Accuracy: S Description: Creates a large zone of Furnace Terrain, centered on you. Duration: Once Element: Fire Trader Rank: D ![]() Accuracy: A Description: Shoots a fireball whose explosion penetrates an enemy to hit another one directly behind it. Duration: Once Element: Fire Trader Rank: D | ![]() Damage: 15 Wood + Confusion + Nova 2 Accuracy: A Description: Creates a Mushy virus to aid you. Attacks with BadSpice, and unlike normal Mushy, can move over non-Wood elemental terrain at a penalty of halving movement distance/dodge rate. Element: Wood Special: Allied Virus: This virus has two actions per turn, and is fully controllable by the summoner. If no orders are given, it will perform actions at random, but will never intentionally interfere with or damage the summoner or their allies. Deleting this virus will grant no additional rewards to either side. Trader Rank: C ![]() Accuracy: S Description: Heals 30 HP. Duration: Once Element: Null Trader Rank: D {+6} - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - - |
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Once she shook off the brief daze from the unfortunate playground accident, Amy prepared enough firepower to deal with the remaining virus and put and end to the fight. As she did, the bear lumbered up to her. Out of equipment to fling easily, it approached close, bullying the smaller navi with is size as it reared to slash with its claws. Amy was able to duck and dodge around it before releasing both of her shot and rupturing the virus' body at last. As the glowing core was exposed, it lingered for a moment, then drifted away from the playground in the opposite direction of the cluster of remaining navigators, while Amy's dress patched up her remaining damage.
-=Playground Problems=-
TeddyTeddy (Teddy)
Area: ACDC, Yoka, Okuden Valley, Yumland
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 + Slashing
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Tears at an enemy with its claws.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 + Impact x 2 targets
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Picks up and throws one enemy at another.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: (Varies) + Impact
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B
Tertiary Attack Description: Picks up and throws an object at an enemy.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): RageClaw1, Zenny
Special: Will only use its secondary attack if there is more than one enemy. Will only use its tertiary attack if there is an object capable of being thrown. A: CLEANSED
TeddyTeddy (Teddy)
Area: ACDC, Yoka, Okuden Valley, Yumland
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 + Slashing
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Tears at an enemy with its claws.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 + Impact x 2 targets
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Picks up and throws one enemy at another.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: (Varies) + Impact
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B
Tertiary Attack Description: Picks up and throws an object at an enemy.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): RageClaw1, Zenny
Special: Will only use its secondary attack if there is more than one enemy. Will only use its tertiary attack if there is an object capable of being thrown. B: CLEANSED
BunnyBunny (Bunny)
Bunny viruses move by hopping. They are adept at jumping, and can reach higher terrain or hop onto objects with ease. They are also very good at dodging, and are treated as having Haste (+10%) for Evasion purposes only at all times. Omega Bunny has double Haste (+20%). These effects cannot be removed except by Glitch. They attack by launching a ZapRing from their ears.
Area: ACDC, SciLab, Electown, Dentech
HP: 50
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Elec + Stun1
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Hops around randomly before lining up a shot and firing.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): ZapRing1, Zenny
Special: Slightly better dodges. A: CLEANSED
BunnyBunny (Bunny)
Bunny viruses move by hopping. They are adept at jumping, and can reach higher terrain or hop onto objects with ease. They are also very good at dodging, and are treated as having Haste (+10%) for Evasion purposes only at all times. Omega Bunny has double Haste (+20%). These effects cannot be removed except by Glitch. They attack by launching a ZapRing from their ears.
Area: ACDC, SciLab, Electown, Dentech
HP: 50
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Elec + Stun1
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Hops around randomly before lining up a shot and firing.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): ZapRing1, Zenny
Special: Slightly better dodges. B: CLEANSED
-=New Arrival=-
Amity.Exe: 170Hp [Soil]
-=Recreation Park=-
80% Soil
20% Metal
-=Battle 1, Victory!=-
Spoils: 600z,
ZapRing1Damage: 40 + Stun 1
Accuracy: A
Description: Shoots electricity in a ring shape to stun an enemy in their tracks.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Trader Rank: D
As the conflict ended, several of the navigators that had lingered edged forward again; a variety of comments began to rise in a murmur. Some seemed pleased that the matter had been taken care, others thought it a shame that they'd had to be destroyed, and a few lamented the damage to the park itself. Most of the voices offered thanks to Amy regardless of their other opinions, or wanted to commend her for taking action. Before she had much of a chance to respond, however, a slim light beam dropped down at the corner of the playground, to reveal a slightly more advanced custom navi wearing blue and white armour, marked out in a checker pattern strip that signified the Net Police. He was also bearing a small emblem on one side of his chest and on the left shoulder that marked him as affiliated with SciLab. He glanced around, taking in the playground and the assembled navigators, then fixed his attention on Amy, the only other custom navi and also the only one inside the enclosure.
“Morning ma'am. Officer Sheath, Public Safety. We registered some destruction of infrastructure here. May I enquire as to the cause?” As his brief scan of the area concluded and returned to Amy, the police navi tapped a spot behind his ear and murmured a brief 'all clear' down and to the side. A second light beam deposited another SciLab uniformed navi. This one seemed more or less unaugmented or specialised, wearing generic blue and white armour, though she did bear a small series of green flowers printed over her right chest plate. She started in brief shock at the damaged playground, then immediately crouched by a panel near the base of the mangled fence and began tapping at a maintenance screen. One by one the disrupted pieces of equipment began to digitise out and then rebuild in their original positions. It looked like it would take a minute or two. The lead officer returned his attention to Amy for a response.
-=Playground Problems=-
TeddyTeddy (Teddy)
Area: ACDC, Yoka, Okuden Valley, Yumland
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 + Slashing
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Tears at an enemy with its claws.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 + Impact x 2 targets
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Picks up and throws one enemy at another.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: (Varies) + Impact
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B
Tertiary Attack Description: Picks up and throws an object at an enemy.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): RageClaw1, Zenny
Special: Will only use its secondary attack if there is more than one enemy. Will only use its tertiary attack if there is an object capable of being thrown. A: CLEANSED
TeddyTeddy (Teddy)
Area: ACDC, Yoka, Okuden Valley, Yumland
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 + Slashing
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Tears at an enemy with its claws.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 + Impact x 2 targets
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Picks up and throws one enemy at another.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: (Varies) + Impact
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B
Tertiary Attack Description: Picks up and throws an object at an enemy.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): RageClaw1, Zenny
Special: Will only use its secondary attack if there is more than one enemy. Will only use its tertiary attack if there is an object capable of being thrown. B: CLEANSED
BunnyBunny (Bunny)
Bunny viruses move by hopping. They are adept at jumping, and can reach higher terrain or hop onto objects with ease. They are also very good at dodging, and are treated as having Haste (+10%) for Evasion purposes only at all times. Omega Bunny has double Haste (+20%). These effects cannot be removed except by Glitch. They attack by launching a ZapRing from their ears.
Area: ACDC, SciLab, Electown, Dentech
HP: 50
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Elec + Stun1
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Hops around randomly before lining up a shot and firing.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): ZapRing1, Zenny
Special: Slightly better dodges. A: CLEANSED
BunnyBunny (Bunny)
Bunny viruses move by hopping. They are adept at jumping, and can reach higher terrain or hop onto objects with ease. They are also very good at dodging, and are treated as having Haste (+10%) for Evasion purposes only at all times. Omega Bunny has double Haste (+20%). These effects cannot be removed except by Glitch. They attack by launching a ZapRing from their ears.
Area: ACDC, SciLab, Electown, Dentech
HP: 50
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Elec + Stun1
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Hops around randomly before lining up a shot and firing.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): ZapRing1, Zenny
Special: Slightly better dodges. B: CLEANSED
-=New Arrival=-
Amity.Exe: 170Hp [Soil]
-=Recreation Park=-
80% Soil
- Wood Elementals get +10% Evasion.
- Wood attacks: +100% Source Damage, change terrain hit to Grass.
- 100 Damage Aqua attacks: Change terrain hit to Mud.
- 100 Damage Fire attacks: change terrain hit to Coal.
- PanelShot: Imbue Wood.
20% Metal
- Cannot be Broken or Cracked except with Geddon/PanelShot, cannot be Burrowed into.
- Elec attacks: +100% Source Damage.
- 100 Damage Aqua attacks: Change terrain hit to Cracked.
- 100 Damage Fire attacks: Change terrain hit to Furnace.
- PanelShot: Imbue Elec + Break.
-=Battle 1, Victory!=-
Spoils: 600

Accuracy: A
Description: Shoots electricity in a ring shape to stun an enemy in their tracks.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Trader Rank: D
As the conflict ended, several of the navigators that had lingered edged forward again; a variety of comments began to rise in a murmur. Some seemed pleased that the matter had been taken care, others thought it a shame that they'd had to be destroyed, and a few lamented the damage to the park itself. Most of the voices offered thanks to Amy regardless of their other opinions, or wanted to commend her for taking action. Before she had much of a chance to respond, however, a slim light beam dropped down at the corner of the playground, to reveal a slightly more advanced custom navi wearing blue and white armour, marked out in a checker pattern strip that signified the Net Police. He was also bearing a small emblem on one side of his chest and on the left shoulder that marked him as affiliated with SciLab. He glanced around, taking in the playground and the assembled navigators, then fixed his attention on Amy, the only other custom navi and also the only one inside the enclosure.
“Morning ma'am. Officer Sheath, Public Safety. We registered some destruction of infrastructure here. May I enquire as to the cause?” As his brief scan of the area concluded and returned to Amy, the police navi tapped a spot behind his ear and murmured a brief 'all clear' down and to the side. A second light beam deposited another SciLab uniformed navi. This one seemed more or less unaugmented or specialised, wearing generic blue and white armour, though she did bear a small series of green flowers printed over her right chest plate. She started in brief shock at the damaged playground, then immediately crouched by a panel near the base of the mangled fence and began tapping at a maintenance screen. One by one the disrupted pieces of equipment began to digitise out and then rebuild in their original positions. It looked like it would take a minute or two. The lead officer returned his attention to Amy for a response.
last edited by Sj
Amy stared at the officer who bore a similar resemblance to Crony, although this one looked less sophisticated and a lot shorter too, but not so short that Amy could look straight into its eyes as equals. Its presentation didn’t seem nearly as intimidating, nor how it had engaged her in conversation. Hopefully she could avoid any sort of confrontation.
Before she could respond to its request for an explanation, Eric’s voice drowned hers out in a flustered panic. “We’re sorry officers, we didn’t mean to cause any harm! There were viruses in the playground that were keeping these other navis from enjoying the area, and since nobody was around to help, we thought we’d do our part, that’s all! We didn’t mean to cause any trouble; the playground equipment was ruined by the bears!”
Amy stepped forward. “Umm, that’s not entirely true,” she commented, pointing to the merry-go-round. “That was my fault, but it was necessary to eliminate as many threats as possible without taking too many risks. I was going to try and repair it afterwards, I promise.” As she looked to the second officer completing network repairs, she was glad that someone could fix up the zone so soon. Maybe the blue navi could play there after all.
Before she could respond to its request for an explanation, Eric’s voice drowned hers out in a flustered panic. “We’re sorry officers, we didn’t mean to cause any harm! There were viruses in the playground that were keeping these other navis from enjoying the area, and since nobody was around to help, we thought we’d do our part, that’s all! We didn’t mean to cause any trouble; the playground equipment was ruined by the bears!”
Amy stepped forward. “Umm, that’s not entirely true,” she commented, pointing to the merry-go-round. “That was my fault, but it was necessary to eliminate as many threats as possible without taking too many risks. I was going to try and repair it afterwards, I promise.” As she looked to the second officer completing network repairs, she was glad that someone could fix up the zone so soon. Maybe the blue navi could play there after all.
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As Amy and Eric rushed to explain, the officer nodded and a small inward-facing screen opened up just to the side of his face as a report started filling itself in. He spared a brief glance for the other normalnavis in the area, reading the remains of the crowd; none of them seemed worried by Amy's presence and a few nodded along in agreement with her answer. The police navi nodded after a moment.
“Very well. You have our thanks, navigator. Viral incursions are uncommon in this area, and so the patrols on the outskirts of the safe zone are less frequent. It is a good thing you showed up when you did, by the sound of things.” He looked over to where the park was still rebuilding itself under the quick manipulation of other other service navi, then back to her. “Don't be concerned about the equipment here. It's all easily rectified. It's more important that no-one was hurt.” About this time the last data streams finished re-organising themselves and the playground seemed as good as new. the navi near the control panel stood and stepped back towards her colleague.
“All done. Base files were restored without issue.” She spared a quick grin for Amy as she reported. the lead officer acknowledged her, then paused in writing in the data file.
“If you wouldn't mind, ma'am, just for the report, could I get the designation of the busting navigator and a name of your operator, and also the types of viruses you encountered and deleted? Nothing to worry about, it's just standard record keeping when there's an incident this close to a main safe zone, and you may receive a commendation for your work once it's been processed.” He seemed to be relaxing now, and the formal edge began to slide a little bit as he spoke.
“Very well. You have our thanks, navigator. Viral incursions are uncommon in this area, and so the patrols on the outskirts of the safe zone are less frequent. It is a good thing you showed up when you did, by the sound of things.” He looked over to where the park was still rebuilding itself under the quick manipulation of other other service navi, then back to her. “Don't be concerned about the equipment here. It's all easily rectified. It's more important that no-one was hurt.” About this time the last data streams finished re-organising themselves and the playground seemed as good as new. the navi near the control panel stood and stepped back towards her colleague.
“All done. Base files were restored without issue.” She spared a quick grin for Amy as she reported. the lead officer acknowledged her, then paused in writing in the data file.
“If you wouldn't mind, ma'am, just for the report, could I get the designation of the busting navigator and a name of your operator, and also the types of viruses you encountered and deleted? Nothing to worry about, it's just standard record keeping when there's an incident this close to a main safe zone, and you may receive a commendation for your work once it's been processed.” He seemed to be relaxing now, and the formal edge began to slide a little bit as he spoke.
last edited by Sj
Commendation? For her? Was this officer serious? The only reports her name had ever featured on were ones that precluded her from progressing in her training, or reports that detailed all the things she'd done wrong in exams. But to get praise for doing what any reasonable person would do...?
That's wasn't exactly true though, was it. Her original intent was to leave everything as it was, to avoid what was in her eyes an unnecessary battle since she couldn't decide who to side with, the navis or the viruses. It was only because of Eric's reasoning that she'd stepped into the park and dealt with the viruses in the first place. It was him that really deserved the praise, not her, even if she had been the one that did the necessary removals.
"My name is Am...ity. Amity." She wasn't sure why she'd suddenly hesitated to use her chosen name, instead defaulting back to the name on her biopage; an unknown feeling was tugging at her mind, like she had something to hide. There was no need to fear though; these were police officers, navis designed to protect her and others. She could trust them. And yet, she didn't correct herself, instead moving to her operator. "And his name is Eric. Eric... umm... what's your last name?" she asked.
"It's Bauersox, officer," as he spelt it out. "Please don't make a big deal out of this though, we were really only just doing the ri-"
"HEY!" Amity yelled as she saw the blue navi running into the playground. The danger had subsided now that the viruses had been dispatched, but it was running towards an object that Amy hadn't yet claimed as her own. "Nonononono!" she warned as she dashed in front of the child to claim the data fragment left alongside the merry-go-round. "I'm sorry, but we need this," she apologised. "Eric?"
"Just a second," he replied whilst digging into his backpack. He didn't remember packing his chip folder, and he certainly didn't remember packing any blank chips, but sure enough a small stash was sitting at the bottom of the pack. "That's handy," he admitted. "I wonder how long they've been in there..."
Amy transmitted the data off the net to Eric, and a new ZapRing1 was ejected from the PET. The image reminded Eric of the Bunnys, but that wouldn't help him work out its abilities and attack power. As he stared at the chip, his eyes darted to the stack of magazines sitting just within his eyeline. Was it possible he could find some kind of book here that listed all the common battlechips and viruses they might run into? It wasn't such an absurd idea; they were in a police safehouse, no? It didn't look like the magazines were read much anyway, so surely nobody would miss it if there was one. He'd have to clear it with Stacey first, of course. He sat back up and began to flick through the pile.
Amy was ready to move on, but with the two police officers still present, it might have been hasty to assume they were finished with her. "Sorry for the disturbance officer, but if that's all you wanted from us, are we clear to go?" Amy was still keen on exploring, but after dealing with the mess she'd landed in from busting inside the city limits, she wanted to get as far away from the city buildings as possible; the green-signed building would have to wait for another day.
Battle #1 Complete!
Zenny: +600 (220 >>> 820)
ZapRing1Damage: 40 + Stun 1
Accuracy: A
Description: Shoots electricity in a ring shape to stun an enemy in their tracks.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Trader Rank: D
Battlechips: 12 >>> 13
(((Select Amity's next action: [Continue talking to officers] / [Seek out battle #2])))
That's wasn't exactly true though, was it. Her original intent was to leave everything as it was, to avoid what was in her eyes an unnecessary battle since she couldn't decide who to side with, the navis or the viruses. It was only because of Eric's reasoning that she'd stepped into the park and dealt with the viruses in the first place. It was him that really deserved the praise, not her, even if she had been the one that did the necessary removals.
"My name is Am...ity. Amity." She wasn't sure why she'd suddenly hesitated to use her chosen name, instead defaulting back to the name on her biopage; an unknown feeling was tugging at her mind, like she had something to hide. There was no need to fear though; these were police officers, navis designed to protect her and others. She could trust them. And yet, she didn't correct herself, instead moving to her operator. "And his name is Eric. Eric... umm... what's your last name?" she asked.
"It's Bauersox, officer," as he spelt it out. "Please don't make a big deal out of this though, we were really only just doing the ri-"
"HEY!" Amity yelled as she saw the blue navi running into the playground. The danger had subsided now that the viruses had been dispatched, but it was running towards an object that Amy hadn't yet claimed as her own. "Nonononono!" she warned as she dashed in front of the child to claim the data fragment left alongside the merry-go-round. "I'm sorry, but we need this," she apologised. "Eric?"
"Just a second," he replied whilst digging into his backpack. He didn't remember packing his chip folder, and he certainly didn't remember packing any blank chips, but sure enough a small stash was sitting at the bottom of the pack. "That's handy," he admitted. "I wonder how long they've been in there..."
Amy transmitted the data off the net to Eric, and a new ZapRing1 was ejected from the PET. The image reminded Eric of the Bunnys, but that wouldn't help him work out its abilities and attack power. As he stared at the chip, his eyes darted to the stack of magazines sitting just within his eyeline. Was it possible he could find some kind of book here that listed all the common battlechips and viruses they might run into? It wasn't such an absurd idea; they were in a police safehouse, no? It didn't look like the magazines were read much anyway, so surely nobody would miss it if there was one. He'd have to clear it with Stacey first, of course. He sat back up and began to flick through the pile.
Amy was ready to move on, but with the two police officers still present, it might have been hasty to assume they were finished with her. "Sorry for the disturbance officer, but if that's all you wanted from us, are we clear to go?" Amy was still keen on exploring, but after dealing with the mess she'd landed in from busting inside the city limits, she wanted to get as far away from the city buildings as possible; the green-signed building would have to wait for another day.
Battle #1 Complete!
Zenny: +600 (220 >>> 820)

Accuracy: A
Description: Shoots electricity in a ring shape to stun an enemy in their tracks.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Trader Rank: D
Battlechips: 12 >>> 13
(((Select Amity's next action: [Continue talking to officers] / [Seek out battle #2])))
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The officer just nodded and took her details, along with Eric's, offering a casually reassuring hand wave at Eric's concerns in the process. He was about to prompted Amy again for the viruses she'd fought when the girl's sudden distract made him glance about. As she darted off to intercept the other navigator entering the playground, several others looked on in mild confusion.
What Amy had interpreted as a child running in, in her initial reaction, was really just the blue-wearing navi letting himself into the reformed playground and walking over to collect the data packet that Amy had seemed to leave behind. He paused and glance back at her as she rushed, raising his hands, stepping aside.
“No need to shout, miss. I was just going to bring it over to you while you were talking to the police officer. It's yours by right, obviously, no-one is doubting that. It's not as though civilian navigators like me have any way to use things like that.” He backed off with a shrug and let Amy claim the data for herself, letting himself back out of the playground to return to a quiet conversation with the green-wearing navi he'd been talking with before the conflict had started. After a moment it might occur to Amy that throughout this encounter that particular navi had shown as much calm and awareness as any of the other normalnavis present, and his speech and conduct was no less mature than any of them either; just because he had a child-like model and, apparently, a young child operator, didn't mean he was in any way a child himself. She might feel a little foolish for presuming so. Nearby, the police officer cleared his throat and tried to reclaim her attention.
“Just the viruses you encountered, ma'am...?” He patiently repeated his earlier request to her, still holding his report window open. Once that piece of information was also taken care of, he closed the window, then gave her a polite nod.
“Thanks again for your service, and a good day to you, miss Amity. And to you, master Bauersox.” After another moment, the same light beams that had heralded their arrival dropped in to reclaim the police navi and the SciLab worker that was accompanying him. With the officials gone, this left Amy to continue on her own in whatever way she saw fit.
She moved on for a while; the incredibly unpopulated outer sprawl of SciLab stretched further and before long she had moved quite away from any of the well travelled or protected areas, instead finding herself amongst unpathed expanses, covered in closed structures and scientific instruments of various types. At the top of one small rise, Amy found herself looking down upon a round, bowl-shaped valley that was ringed with solid metal panels, but filled almost to the lip of the surrounding hills with glowing solar mirrors. It made the interior space shine with an almost blinding golden light as the parabolic reflections amplified against each other.
Towards the central centre of the bowl, an apparatus was formed of four slim supports holding up a glass platform, glowing with the converging refraction. A green prism glittered on the central platform, the focus of the whole piece, while hovering just above it, an ominous cube rotated in place, slowly blinking between blue and red.
Directly beneath the structure, a gun turret came to life and trained its barrels upwards towards Amy with a whirring sound. It was answered by a pair of mechanical beeps, as two other complex pieces of technology within the depression revealed themselves to be viruses as well.
GunnerGunner (Gunner)
Gunners attack every action, if able. They don't bother attacking enemies they can't hit or enemies they can't damage, but they can select Objects as targets. Their accuracy with the machinegun attack is bad because it scatters everywhere. They are aware of this. They are also aware of the fact that their Vulcan attack pierces objects.
Area: SciLab, Kotobuki Town, Dentech
HP: 60
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 5 Null + Spay Fire x 9 Shots
Primary Attack Accuracy: E
Primary Attack Description: Targets an enemy and sprays the area with twin machineguns.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 5 Null + Spread1 x 3 Shots
Secondary Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Description: Targets and enemy and attacks with Vulcan.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Vulcan1, MachineGun1, Zenny
Special: Immobile.: 60Hp [Solar][Direct centre, beneath platform]
SatelliteSatellite (Satellite)
Area: Netopia, Sharo, NAXA
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: Trap(Enemy in Targeting Cursor) + Seeking: Movement (High-Alt) + Dodge + Lock-On + Nullify Invis
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Generates a targeting cursor that sweeps back and forth across the field, looking for a target. The cursor ignores decoys, objects, illusions, and invisibility. If the cursor intersects with an actual enemy, Lock-On is achieved, and the virus launches itself into the sky at High Altitude.
Secondary Attack Attack Damage/Effect: (3 Null + Seeking + Enhanced Accuracy) x 10 Shots
Secondary Attack Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Attack Description: When Lock-On is achieved, this virus fires a barrage of 10 highly accurate shots at its chosen target before landing in its original position. Accuracy debuffs on the Satellite while using this attack are reduced in severity by one rank.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Lock-On1, Zenny
Special: Immobile outside of its primary attack.
Special: This virus will repeat its primary attack until it finds a target, after which it will be able to use its secondary attack once. When it changes targets, either of its own volition or its current target's death, or uses its Secondary Attack and lands in its original position, it must repeat its primary attack until it finds a new target.
Notes: Triggering invisibility or an illusion, or moving the Satellite forcefully after Lock-On is achieved does not allow a target to escape Lock-On. Lock-On is a shift in the Satellite's state, not a status inflicted on its target, and thus cannot be removed. A: 100Hp [Solar][Right side, towards the back of the bowl shape]
SatelliteSatellite (Satellite)
Area: Netopia, Sharo, NAXA
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: Trap(Enemy in Targeting Cursor) + Seeking: Movement (High-Alt) + Dodge + Lock-On + Nullify Invis
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Generates a targeting cursor that sweeps back and forth across the field, looking for a target. The cursor ignores decoys, objects, illusions, and invisibility. If the cursor intersects with an actual enemy, Lock-On is achieved, and the virus launches itself into the sky at High Altitude.
Secondary Attack Attack Damage/Effect: (3 Null + Seeking + Enhanced Accuracy) x 10 Shots
Secondary Attack Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Attack Description: When Lock-On is achieved, this virus fires a barrage of 10 highly accurate shots at its chosen target before landing in its original position. Accuracy debuffs on the Satellite while using this attack are reduced in severity by one rank.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Lock-On1, Zenny
Special: Immobile outside of its primary attack.
Special: This virus will repeat its primary attack until it finds a target, after which it will be able to use its secondary attack once. When it changes targets, either of its own volition or its current target's death, or uses its Secondary Attack and lands in its original position, it must repeat its primary attack until it finds a new target.
Notes: Triggering invisibility or an illusion, or moving the Satellite forcefully after Lock-On is achieved does not allow a target to escape Lock-On. Lock-On is a shift in the Satellite's state, not a status inflicted on its target, and thus cannot be removed. B: 100Hp [Solar][Left side, towards the front of the bowl shape]
This virus is essentially a flying, color changing RockCube. It flips between Red (attack mode) and blue (recovery mode) every time it takes a hit.
Area: SciLab, NAXA
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Null x 3 Targets
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: The virus turns red, and fires red colored energy beams at three enemies that inflict damage.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Healing x 3 Targets
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: The virus turns blue, and fires blue colored energy beams at three allies that recover HP.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): DBLBeam1, Zenny
Special: Getting hit changes it's color.
Special: Omnishoes: 100Hp [Floating above GMD][Direct centre, above the raised platform]
Amity.Exe: 170Hp [Metal]
15% Metal
75% Solar
10% Glass
GMD: 20Hp [Glass][One the central platform]
Glass Support A: 20Hp [Angled glass struts, supporting the small central platform]
Glass Support B: 20Hp
Glass Support C: 20Hp
Glass Support D: 20Hp
-=Battle 2, Start!=-
What Amy had interpreted as a child running in, in her initial reaction, was really just the blue-wearing navi letting himself into the reformed playground and walking over to collect the data packet that Amy had seemed to leave behind. He paused and glance back at her as she rushed, raising his hands, stepping aside.
“No need to shout, miss. I was just going to bring it over to you while you were talking to the police officer. It's yours by right, obviously, no-one is doubting that. It's not as though civilian navigators like me have any way to use things like that.” He backed off with a shrug and let Amy claim the data for herself, letting himself back out of the playground to return to a quiet conversation with the green-wearing navi he'd been talking with before the conflict had started. After a moment it might occur to Amy that throughout this encounter that particular navi had shown as much calm and awareness as any of the other normalnavis present, and his speech and conduct was no less mature than any of them either; just because he had a child-like model and, apparently, a young child operator, didn't mean he was in any way a child himself. She might feel a little foolish for presuming so. Nearby, the police officer cleared his throat and tried to reclaim her attention.
“Just the viruses you encountered, ma'am...?” He patiently repeated his earlier request to her, still holding his report window open. Once that piece of information was also taken care of, he closed the window, then gave her a polite nod.
“Thanks again for your service, and a good day to you, miss Amity. And to you, master Bauersox.” After another moment, the same light beams that had heralded their arrival dropped in to reclaim the police navi and the SciLab worker that was accompanying him. With the officials gone, this left Amy to continue on her own in whatever way she saw fit.
She moved on for a while; the incredibly unpopulated outer sprawl of SciLab stretched further and before long she had moved quite away from any of the well travelled or protected areas, instead finding herself amongst unpathed expanses, covered in closed structures and scientific instruments of various types. At the top of one small rise, Amy found herself looking down upon a round, bowl-shaped valley that was ringed with solid metal panels, but filled almost to the lip of the surrounding hills with glowing solar mirrors. It made the interior space shine with an almost blinding golden light as the parabolic reflections amplified against each other.
Towards the central centre of the bowl, an apparatus was formed of four slim supports holding up a glass platform, glowing with the converging refraction. A green prism glittered on the central platform, the focus of the whole piece, while hovering just above it, an ominous cube rotated in place, slowly blinking between blue and red.
Directly beneath the structure, a gun turret came to life and trained its barrels upwards towards Amy with a whirring sound. It was answered by a pair of mechanical beeps, as two other complex pieces of technology within the depression revealed themselves to be viruses as well.
GunnerGunner (Gunner)
Gunners attack every action, if able. They don't bother attacking enemies they can't hit or enemies they can't damage, but they can select Objects as targets. Their accuracy with the machinegun attack is bad because it scatters everywhere. They are aware of this. They are also aware of the fact that their Vulcan attack pierces objects.
Area: SciLab, Kotobuki Town, Dentech
HP: 60
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 5 Null + Spay Fire x 9 Shots
Primary Attack Accuracy: E
Primary Attack Description: Targets an enemy and sprays the area with twin machineguns.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 5 Null + Spread1 x 3 Shots
Secondary Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Description: Targets and enemy and attacks with Vulcan.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Vulcan1, MachineGun1, Zenny
Special: Immobile.: 60Hp [Solar][Direct centre, beneath platform]
SatelliteSatellite (Satellite)
Area: Netopia, Sharo, NAXA
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: Trap(Enemy in Targeting Cursor) + Seeking: Movement (High-Alt) + Dodge + Lock-On + Nullify Invis
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Generates a targeting cursor that sweeps back and forth across the field, looking for a target. The cursor ignores decoys, objects, illusions, and invisibility. If the cursor intersects with an actual enemy, Lock-On is achieved, and the virus launches itself into the sky at High Altitude.
Secondary Attack Attack Damage/Effect: (3 Null + Seeking + Enhanced Accuracy) x 10 Shots
Secondary Attack Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Attack Description: When Lock-On is achieved, this virus fires a barrage of 10 highly accurate shots at its chosen target before landing in its original position. Accuracy debuffs on the Satellite while using this attack are reduced in severity by one rank.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Lock-On1, Zenny
Special: Immobile outside of its primary attack.
Special: This virus will repeat its primary attack until it finds a target, after which it will be able to use its secondary attack once. When it changes targets, either of its own volition or its current target's death, or uses its Secondary Attack and lands in its original position, it must repeat its primary attack until it finds a new target.
Notes: Triggering invisibility or an illusion, or moving the Satellite forcefully after Lock-On is achieved does not allow a target to escape Lock-On. Lock-On is a shift in the Satellite's state, not a status inflicted on its target, and thus cannot be removed. A: 100Hp [Solar][Right side, towards the back of the bowl shape]
SatelliteSatellite (Satellite)
Area: Netopia, Sharo, NAXA
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: Trap(Enemy in Targeting Cursor) + Seeking: Movement (High-Alt) + Dodge + Lock-On + Nullify Invis
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Generates a targeting cursor that sweeps back and forth across the field, looking for a target. The cursor ignores decoys, objects, illusions, and invisibility. If the cursor intersects with an actual enemy, Lock-On is achieved, and the virus launches itself into the sky at High Altitude.
Secondary Attack Attack Damage/Effect: (3 Null + Seeking + Enhanced Accuracy) x 10 Shots
Secondary Attack Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Attack Description: When Lock-On is achieved, this virus fires a barrage of 10 highly accurate shots at its chosen target before landing in its original position. Accuracy debuffs on the Satellite while using this attack are reduced in severity by one rank.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Lock-On1, Zenny
Special: Immobile outside of its primary attack.
Special: This virus will repeat its primary attack until it finds a target, after which it will be able to use its secondary attack once. When it changes targets, either of its own volition or its current target's death, or uses its Secondary Attack and lands in its original position, it must repeat its primary attack until it finds a new target.
Notes: Triggering invisibility or an illusion, or moving the Satellite forcefully after Lock-On is achieved does not allow a target to escape Lock-On. Lock-On is a shift in the Satellite's state, not a status inflicted on its target, and thus cannot be removed. B: 100Hp [Solar][Left side, towards the front of the bowl shape]
This virus is essentially a flying, color changing RockCube. It flips between Red (attack mode) and blue (recovery mode) every time it takes a hit.
Area: SciLab, NAXA
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Null x 3 Targets
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: The virus turns red, and fires red colored energy beams at three enemies that inflict damage.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Healing x 3 Targets
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: The virus turns blue, and fires blue colored energy beams at three allies that recover HP.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): DBLBeam1, Zenny
Special: Getting hit changes it's color.
Special: Omnishoes: 100Hp [Floating above GMD][Direct centre, above the raised platform]
Amity.Exe: 170Hp [Metal]
15% Metal
- Cannot be Broken or Cracked except with Geddon/PanelShot, cannot be Burrowed into.
- Elec attacks: +100% Source Damage.
- 100 Damage Aqua attacks: Change terrain hit to Cracked.
- 100 Damage Fire attacks: Change terrain hit to Furnace.
- PanelShot: Imbue Elec + Break.
75% Solar
- Elec Elementals get +5 HP/action.
- Wood attacks: +100% Source Damage, change terrain hit to Cracked.
- PanelShot: Imbue Elec + Stun1.
10% Glass
- Slip Effect: -10% Accuracy, -10% Evasion to all.
- Non-Ice Aqua attacks causes it to be Wet, doubles slip effect for Non-Aqua Elementals for 1 turn. Wet can expire early with Fire attacks. Can cause slippage for poor RP or heavy impacts on Non-Aqua Elementals, 1-2 actions to recover.
- 200 Damage attacks: Change terrain hit to Broken. Damage threshold cut in half for Ground, Break, and Impact, to a minimum threshold of 25 when all 3 are present. Null 25 + Slashing + Nova 2 per panel broken, up to 200 (8 panels).
- Burrow: Change terrain to Broken, 50 Null + Slashing to burrower, Null 25 + Slashing + Nova2 to surroundings.
- PanelShot: Spread1.
GMD: 20Hp [Glass][One the central platform]
Glass Support A: 20Hp [Angled glass struts, supporting the small central platform]
Glass Support B: 20Hp
Glass Support C: 20Hp
Glass Support D: 20Hp
-=Battle 2, Start!=-
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As Amy walked through the outer rim of the city she'd dropped into, she noticed that the further she got away from the main hub the weirder the technological structures got in shape, size and colour. It was almost like the ones worth viewing had been moved closer to where citizens could admire them, and the 'rejects' were just left on the outskirts, as a reminder of what not to do for those needing inspiration.
Eric had been mostly quiet as Amy moved through the region, but occasionally she'd hear him flipping pages. It sounded like he'd found something to read, so at least he was occupied for the time being. Little Miss had stuck her head out of the back seam and was sightseeing as Amy passed by each structure. Her head was twisting from side to side as each new structure came into view, causing Amy some mild discomfort as she walked but nothing worth complaining about. What Amy considered to be an eyesore was the exact opposite for her passenger it seemed, as her focus remainded on the more bizarre constructions longer than others.
As they approached one structure in particular, a green glint of light entered into Amy's eyes, turning them skyward to the source.
"Hey, Eric, is that another one of those mystery data things?" she asked, pointing to the rotating crystal at the top of a glass structure.
Eric tapped the zoom on the monitor display to further enhance the image. "It looks like it, yes. But it looks like it's being guarded," he pointed out, referring to the odd cube-looking creature that hovered above it.
Amy's scanners locked onto its signature and confirmed it didn't belong. "It's a virus," she advised. "A DBLCUBE, apparently."
"DBLCUBE... DBLCUBE..." Amy could hear more pages turning as Eric muttered unintelligible words under his breath. "Here," he announced. "'Has the ability to both attack and defend multiple targets and allies at once, depending on the colour currently being emitted from its core.'"
Amy pulled up a monitor of her own to see how Eric was providing this useful information. In his lap was a thick book, and sure enough the page he'd opened to had a few images of what looked to be a virus family; the first image was a near-perfect representation of what she was looking at. Listed below it were expected hitpoints depending on the particular family variant encountered, along with some descriptions of their common attack habits and patterns.
"Where was that?" she asked.
"I went looking through the pile of magazines to see if there was any kind of battlechip... list?... database?... I don't know. Anyway, I couldn't find anything useful on the table, but this was sitting in the table drawer." Keeping a finger in place so as to not lose where he was up to, he flipped the front cover back into view. The word 'NetPendium' was written across the front, with the byline 'Your navi operations encyclopaedia'.
"And?" she asked.
"It has a LOT of stuff in it. It's got four main chapters; viruses, terrain, battlechips and miscellaneous. Anyway, if that's a DBLCUBE, that's what it says, anyway."
"Okay then..." Amy looked to the area and saw a manner turret that was sitting underneath the glass tower. It was identified as a Gunner. "What about a Gunner?"
A few page flips followed. "Here it is. 'Gunner. Attacks through waves of gunfire. While the attacks themselves aren't powerful, it makes up for this by either attacking a large area at once or by focusing multiple blasts at a single location.' It also says they can't move under their own power."
"Fair enough." As she got closer to the edge of the bowl, two more viruses came into view. These were identified by her scanner as Satellites. "What about Satellites?"
Eric turned more pages until he found that one too. "'Satellite. Will use its sensors to lock onto a target before attacking multiple times with increased accuracy. Its sensors can see through many types of illusions, and once locked onto a target it will enter an evasive mode to avoid most forms of hand-to-hand combat whilst attacking.'"
"Wow. That's a LOT of useful information. Don't let go of that book Eric." She dismissed the monitor and returned her attention back to this new arena. Did she want to start a fight unnecessarily? It was just like the playground all over again; the viruses weren't causing any trouble to anyone.
The Gunner must have detected Amy's presence as its gun came swinging around to face her. Okay, so maybe they weren't entirely friendly. Or maybe it was just preparing for her to make the first move?
{{{Vigilance is required to keep the order.}}} Those words repeated in her head again like a nagging voice. She had the ability and the circumstances to remove the viruses from the area. Did that make it her duty?
"I don't know, Eric. Do you want me to engage them?" Amy began formulating her first moves should the response come back affirmitive.
"...They're viruses," Eric finally replied. "I know you don't like the idea of fighting them, but Stacey always sa-"
"If I wanted to know what Stacey thought I'd ask her. What do YOU think?" Amy needed to know how Eric felt about her situation. Not his sister. Not her navi. Him.
Eric bit his lip as he tried to think of the right words. "You really want to know?" he responded shakily. "I could be completely wrong."
"Yes, I do."
Eric took a deep breath, if only to calm his nerves. Here goes... "If viruses didn't exist, navis wouldn't have been given tools to fight them. I guess it's true that some navis fight other navis, but that's because of the same reasons some humans fight other humans, it doesn't make it normal or right. Those weapons were designed to help navis fight back against the world of viruses. I have a job because viruses mess around with our networks and break things they shouldn't. Everyone in the NetPolice have jobs because viruses are used all over the world to commit all sorts of crimes. That's why Stacey has a job, she helps them try to keep the peace and stop anybody causing trouble." Eric paused to catch his breath. "I mean, look at you," he added. "You feel bad about hurting others, especially when you think they didn't do anything to deserve it. You've hesitated before every battle I've watched so far. You let that Metool escape when Crony could've finished it off in one shot. You helped that little girl in the cave, even though I think Crony and his team could have helped her better. In light of all of that, you still have a virus-fighting setup that, while it doesn't delete them completely it still removes them from the area. Doesn't that tell you something about your maker?"
Amy was uncomfortable about how observant Eric had been about their adventures so far, but couldn't let him stop now. "What? What does it tell me?"
"They programmed you with an overwhelming desire to protect others. One even you can't explain. But you still have a battle system, so they still expected you to fight. My guess is that they gave you only the tools you needed so that even if you did have to fight, you'd be doing it in your own special way so that nobody got hurt permanently. I think you're still struggling with this responsibility though."
Amy was cut to her core. As much as she tried to fight it, Eric's words rang true; that's why she'd taken Little Miss on as her own problem, even though she really had no obligation to. It was lingering guilt from not having helped the Metool earlier, even though that too wasn't her fault or problem.
"So... what should I do?"
Eric had expected some form of rebuttal, some sort of backlash from his brutal yet honest words. He didn't like to speak his mind as it usually got him into trouble. Amy had not only heard his remarks but still wanted more feedback; did she really value what he had said? Had he been right?
"I can't answer that for you, but if it helps, Crony always said that viruses are a stench on-"
"-on all networks," Amy interrupted, finished his sentence. "You told me that earlier." And I was right, it WAS Crony who said that.
"Oh. Sorry, I forgot. Look, I'm sorry if that was all wrong, but that's how I feel, anyway."
No, you have nothing to apologise for, but that was too clear, too concise. I think you just described parts of yourself as well, didn't you...?
Amy nodded in confirmation. "No need to apologise. In that case, let's do this. Send the Cannon please. Oh, and send me that Bunny's battlechip as well." She nudged the child's head back into her dress to ensure her protection, her own hair filling its absence to create a tangible defense.
Eric passed both the Cannon and ZapRing1 through the reader. "Both chips coming now."
The Cannon took formation on her right arm as she trained it towards the Gunner that had done the same thing with its gun pointed towards her. Her dress hems had already begun to glow in preparation for the battle to come, as if it was giving her the green light to engage (even if it was technically white). The Gunner itself was sitting in the middle of four glass poles that held up the glass platform above it; she had to make sure she didn't hit any of the poles themselves. The ZapRing was still taking formation on her left arm as she jettisoned the cannonfire into the field towards the manned turret, bluish smoke leaving a streak from her arm.
The ZapRing took shape and created a slight buzzing feeling in her body as it charged up for the shot. The Satellite on her left was closer and likely to be the bigger immediate threat, so as she prepared for the inevitable mobbing to follow from her new enemies she lined up her shot and fired, a brilliantly dazzling yellow shining ring of energy emerging from her sleeve as it whizzed into the battlefield.
[1] [Disruptor] Cannon [60 DMG, Knockback] >>> Gunner
[2] [Disruptor] ZapRing1 [40 DMG, Elec, Stun1] >>> SatelliteB
[3] Dodge preparation
[P] THAW [9 {+1} HEAL] >>> Amy [??? >>> ??? / 170 HP]
[P] THAW [9 {+1} HEAL] >>> Amy [??? >>> ??? / 170 HP]
Amity.EXE: 170 / 170 HP
Eric had been mostly quiet as Amy moved through the region, but occasionally she'd hear him flipping pages. It sounded like he'd found something to read, so at least he was occupied for the time being. Little Miss had stuck her head out of the back seam and was sightseeing as Amy passed by each structure. Her head was twisting from side to side as each new structure came into view, causing Amy some mild discomfort as she walked but nothing worth complaining about. What Amy considered to be an eyesore was the exact opposite for her passenger it seemed, as her focus remainded on the more bizarre constructions longer than others.
As they approached one structure in particular, a green glint of light entered into Amy's eyes, turning them skyward to the source.
"Hey, Eric, is that another one of those mystery data things?" she asked, pointing to the rotating crystal at the top of a glass structure.
Eric tapped the zoom on the monitor display to further enhance the image. "It looks like it, yes. But it looks like it's being guarded," he pointed out, referring to the odd cube-looking creature that hovered above it.
Amy's scanners locked onto its signature and confirmed it didn't belong. "It's a virus," she advised. "A DBLCUBE, apparently."
"DBLCUBE... DBLCUBE..." Amy could hear more pages turning as Eric muttered unintelligible words under his breath. "Here," he announced. "'Has the ability to both attack and defend multiple targets and allies at once, depending on the colour currently being emitted from its core.'"
Amy pulled up a monitor of her own to see how Eric was providing this useful information. In his lap was a thick book, and sure enough the page he'd opened to had a few images of what looked to be a virus family; the first image was a near-perfect representation of what she was looking at. Listed below it were expected hitpoints depending on the particular family variant encountered, along with some descriptions of their common attack habits and patterns.
"Where was that?" she asked.
"I went looking through the pile of magazines to see if there was any kind of battlechip... list?... database?... I don't know. Anyway, I couldn't find anything useful on the table, but this was sitting in the table drawer." Keeping a finger in place so as to not lose where he was up to, he flipped the front cover back into view. The word 'NetPendium' was written across the front, with the byline 'Your navi operations encyclopaedia'.
"And?" she asked.
"It has a LOT of stuff in it. It's got four main chapters; viruses, terrain, battlechips and miscellaneous. Anyway, if that's a DBLCUBE, that's what it says, anyway."
"Okay then..." Amy looked to the area and saw a manner turret that was sitting underneath the glass tower. It was identified as a Gunner. "What about a Gunner?"
A few page flips followed. "Here it is. 'Gunner. Attacks through waves of gunfire. While the attacks themselves aren't powerful, it makes up for this by either attacking a large area at once or by focusing multiple blasts at a single location.' It also says they can't move under their own power."
"Fair enough." As she got closer to the edge of the bowl, two more viruses came into view. These were identified by her scanner as Satellites. "What about Satellites?"
Eric turned more pages until he found that one too. "'Satellite. Will use its sensors to lock onto a target before attacking multiple times with increased accuracy. Its sensors can see through many types of illusions, and once locked onto a target it will enter an evasive mode to avoid most forms of hand-to-hand combat whilst attacking.'"
"Wow. That's a LOT of useful information. Don't let go of that book Eric." She dismissed the monitor and returned her attention back to this new arena. Did she want to start a fight unnecessarily? It was just like the playground all over again; the viruses weren't causing any trouble to anyone.
The Gunner must have detected Amy's presence as its gun came swinging around to face her. Okay, so maybe they weren't entirely friendly. Or maybe it was just preparing for her to make the first move?
{{{Vigilance is required to keep the order.}}} Those words repeated in her head again like a nagging voice. She had the ability and the circumstances to remove the viruses from the area. Did that make it her duty?
"I don't know, Eric. Do you want me to engage them?" Amy began formulating her first moves should the response come back affirmitive.
"...They're viruses," Eric finally replied. "I know you don't like the idea of fighting them, but Stacey always sa-"
"If I wanted to know what Stacey thought I'd ask her. What do YOU think?" Amy needed to know how Eric felt about her situation. Not his sister. Not her navi. Him.
Eric bit his lip as he tried to think of the right words. "You really want to know?" he responded shakily. "I could be completely wrong."
"Yes, I do."
Eric took a deep breath, if only to calm his nerves. Here goes... "If viruses didn't exist, navis wouldn't have been given tools to fight them. I guess it's true that some navis fight other navis, but that's because of the same reasons some humans fight other humans, it doesn't make it normal or right. Those weapons were designed to help navis fight back against the world of viruses. I have a job because viruses mess around with our networks and break things they shouldn't. Everyone in the NetPolice have jobs because viruses are used all over the world to commit all sorts of crimes. That's why Stacey has a job, she helps them try to keep the peace and stop anybody causing trouble." Eric paused to catch his breath. "I mean, look at you," he added. "You feel bad about hurting others, especially when you think they didn't do anything to deserve it. You've hesitated before every battle I've watched so far. You let that Metool escape when Crony could've finished it off in one shot. You helped that little girl in the cave, even though I think Crony and his team could have helped her better. In light of all of that, you still have a virus-fighting setup that, while it doesn't delete them completely it still removes them from the area. Doesn't that tell you something about your maker?"
Amy was uncomfortable about how observant Eric had been about their adventures so far, but couldn't let him stop now. "What? What does it tell me?"
"They programmed you with an overwhelming desire to protect others. One even you can't explain. But you still have a battle system, so they still expected you to fight. My guess is that they gave you only the tools you needed so that even if you did have to fight, you'd be doing it in your own special way so that nobody got hurt permanently. I think you're still struggling with this responsibility though."
Amy was cut to her core. As much as she tried to fight it, Eric's words rang true; that's why she'd taken Little Miss on as her own problem, even though she really had no obligation to. It was lingering guilt from not having helped the Metool earlier, even though that too wasn't her fault or problem.
"So... what should I do?"
Eric had expected some form of rebuttal, some sort of backlash from his brutal yet honest words. He didn't like to speak his mind as it usually got him into trouble. Amy had not only heard his remarks but still wanted more feedback; did she really value what he had said? Had he been right?
"I can't answer that for you, but if it helps, Crony always said that viruses are a stench on-"
"-on all networks," Amy interrupted, finished his sentence. "You told me that earlier." And I was right, it WAS Crony who said that.
"Oh. Sorry, I forgot. Look, I'm sorry if that was all wrong, but that's how I feel, anyway."
No, you have nothing to apologise for, but that was too clear, too concise. I think you just described parts of yourself as well, didn't you...?
Amy nodded in confirmation. "No need to apologise. In that case, let's do this. Send the Cannon please. Oh, and send me that Bunny's battlechip as well." She nudged the child's head back into her dress to ensure her protection, her own hair filling its absence to create a tangible defense.
Eric passed both the Cannon and ZapRing1 through the reader. "Both chips coming now."
The Cannon took formation on her right arm as she trained it towards the Gunner that had done the same thing with its gun pointed towards her. Her dress hems had already begun to glow in preparation for the battle to come, as if it was giving her the green light to engage (even if it was technically white). The Gunner itself was sitting in the middle of four glass poles that held up the glass platform above it; she had to make sure she didn't hit any of the poles themselves. The ZapRing was still taking formation on her left arm as she jettisoned the cannonfire into the field towards the manned turret, bluish smoke leaving a streak from her arm.
The ZapRing took shape and created a slight buzzing feeling in her body as it charged up for the shot. The Satellite on her left was closer and likely to be the bigger immediate threat, so as she prepared for the inevitable mobbing to follow from her new enemies she lined up her shot and fired, a brilliantly dazzling yellow shining ring of energy emerging from her sleeve as it whizzed into the battlefield.
[1] [Disruptor] Cannon [60 DMG, Knockback] >>> Gunner
[2] [Disruptor] ZapRing1 [40 DMG, Elec, Stun1] >>> SatelliteB
[3] Dodge preparation
[P] THAW [9 {+1} HEAL] >>> Amy [??? >>> ??? / 170 HP]
[P] THAW [9 {+1} HEAL] >>> Amy [??? >>> ??? / 170 HP]
Amity.EXE: 170 / 170 HP
Battlechips Remaining
-![]() Accuracy: S Description: Generates a 1-Hit Shield upon activation. When this shield blocks one hit from a non-Break attack, it responds with a hyper-fast damage ray. Duration: Until broken or overridden. Element: Null Special: Negated by Break. Ignores Impact. Special: Reflect: Damage returned is equal to the damage of the attack blocked or the damage cap listed, whichever comes first. Reflect is not subject to negation by Impact. Special: Status Guard: This chip blocks debuffs. Trader Rank: E ![]() Accuracy: A (Primary) / B (Blast) Description: Fires a sound wave. If it hits an object, its range is amplified, hitting anything near that object in a blast of noise. Duration: Once Element: Null Special: Object Triggered Blast: Blast effect that only works if the attack hits an Object, such as a RockCube. Trader Rank: D ![]() Accuracy: B Description: Launches an arrow tipped with a pink heart. If a virus is hit, they lose the ability to attack once. If a Navi is hit, they lose their first selected chip for that turn. Duration: Once Element: Null Trader Rank: D ![]() Accuracy: C Description: Sends a narrow, but long, shock wave rolling in front of an enemy. Slow, but difficult to jump over due to its length. Duration: Once Element: Null Trader Rank: E ![]() Accuracy: A Description: A gun whose shot penetrates an enemy to hit another one directly behind it. Duration: Once Element: Null Trader Rank: E ![]() Accuracy: S Description: Grants the user the ability to freely fly at high altitude. Initial takeoff is considered a dodge. If shot down, user may take off again until effect ends. Duration: 1 turn Element: Null Special: Beware of fall damage. Trader Rank: D ![]() Accuracy: B / B then B Description: Creates an impressive bear claw. Can be used to slash or throw enemies or objects. Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks automatically after 6 uses. Element: Null Special: Throw: The wielder must first grab the target to be thrown, then the target is thrown in the direction/area indicated. A second check is made if against another object/enemy. Throw deals damage to both thrown object/enemy and the second object/enemy. Damage occurs at point of collision with the ground/wall/ceiling/etc. or an object/enemy, not during initial grab attempt. Objects deal their max HP in damage (instead of the chip's damage) if they hit an object/enemy, then break. If they miss, the object just takes the chip's damage. This chip has a variety of uses. Trader Rank: D ![]() Accuracy: S Description: Creates a large zone of Furnace Terrain, centered on you. Duration: Once Element: Fire Trader Rank: D ![]() Accuracy: A Description: Shoots a fireball whose explosion penetrates an enemy to hit another one directly behind it. Duration: Once Element: Fire Trader Rank: D | -![]() Damage: 15 Wood + Confusion + Nova 2 Accuracy: A Description: Creates a Mushy virus to aid you. Attacks with BadSpice, and unlike normal Mushy, can move over non-Wood elemental terrain at a penalty of halving movement distance/dodge rate. Element: Wood Special: Allied Virus: This virus has two actions per turn, and is fully controllable by the summoner. If no orders are given, it will perform actions at random, but will never intentionally interfere with or damage the summoner or their allies. Deleting this virus will grant no additional rewards to either side. Trader Rank: C ![]() Accuracy: S Description: Heals 30 HP. Duration: Once Element: Null Trader Rank: D {+6} - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - - |
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Standing back a bit from the soon-to-be combat zone, Amy maintained some distance while she had a conversation with Eric about her role and duty. Once they'd reached a conclusion, however, she moved forward to engage. The cube stopped its slow rotation, and settled on a blue colour, but Amy's attention was more pointedly drawn by the sudden burst of vulcan fire from the gun turret the moment she approached. The navi was able to dodge away from the triple burst, fortunate for both her and the little one snuggled against her back, given the piercing nature of the gunner's rounds. she returned fire with precision, breaking apart the installation before it could fire at her again.
As she did, the two satellite viruses swept the field with their beams, both locking onto Amy and starting a sequence of lights and hissing steam that might be concerning. She had enough time to stall one of the two with an electrical attack that seemed to temporarily fry its circuits, though shortly after the attack landed, a slim bolt of blue energy emerged from the cube above, patching some of the overloaded systems a little.
GunnerGunner (Gunner)
Gunners attack every action, if able. They don't bother attacking enemies they can't hit or enemies they can't damage, but they can select Objects as targets. Their accuracy with the machinegun attack is bad because it scatters everywhere. They are aware of this. They are also aware of the fact that their Vulcan attack pierces objects.
Area: SciLab, Kotobuki Town, Dentech
HP: 60
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 5 Null + Spay Fire x 9 Shots
Primary Attack Accuracy: E
Primary Attack Description: Targets an enemy and sprays the area with twin machineguns.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 5 Null + Spread1 x 3 Shots
Secondary Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Description: Targets and enemy and attacks with Vulcan.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Vulcan1, MachineGun1, Zenny
Special: Immobile.: CLEANSED
SatelliteSatellite (Satellite)
Area: Netopia, Sharo, NAXA
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: Trap(Enemy in Targeting Cursor) + Seeking: Movement (High-Alt) + Dodge + Lock-On + Nullify Invis
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Generates a targeting cursor that sweeps back and forth across the field, looking for a target. The cursor ignores decoys, objects, illusions, and invisibility. If the cursor intersects with an actual enemy, Lock-On is achieved, and the virus launches itself into the sky at High Altitude.
Secondary Attack Attack Damage/Effect: (3 Null + Seeking + Enhanced Accuracy) x 10 Shots
Secondary Attack Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Attack Description: When Lock-On is achieved, this virus fires a barrage of 10 highly accurate shots at its chosen target before landing in its original position. Accuracy debuffs on the Satellite while using this attack are reduced in severity by one rank.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Lock-On1, Zenny
Special: Immobile outside of its primary attack.
Special: This virus will repeat its primary attack until it finds a target, after which it will be able to use its secondary attack once. When it changes targets, either of its own volition or its current target's death, or uses its Secondary Attack and lands in its original position, it must repeat its primary attack until it finds a new target.
Notes: Triggering invisibility or an illusion, or moving the Satellite forcefully after Lock-On is achieved does not allow a target to escape Lock-On. Lock-On is a shift in the Satellite's state, not a status inflicted on its target, and thus cannot be removed. A: 100Hp [Solar][Right side, towards the back of the bowl shape][Locked on: Amity]
SatelliteSatellite (Satellite)
Area: Netopia, Sharo, NAXA
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: Trap(Enemy in Targeting Cursor) + Seeking: Movement (High-Alt) + Dodge + Lock-On + Nullify Invis
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Generates a targeting cursor that sweeps back and forth across the field, looking for a target. The cursor ignores decoys, objects, illusions, and invisibility. If the cursor intersects with an actual enemy, Lock-On is achieved, and the virus launches itself into the sky at High Altitude.
Secondary Attack Attack Damage/Effect: (3 Null + Seeking + Enhanced Accuracy) x 10 Shots
Secondary Attack Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Attack Description: When Lock-On is achieved, this virus fires a barrage of 10 highly accurate shots at its chosen target before landing in its original position. Accuracy debuffs on the Satellite while using this attack are reduced in severity by one rank.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Lock-On1, Zenny
Special: Immobile outside of its primary attack.
Special: This virus will repeat its primary attack until it finds a target, after which it will be able to use its secondary attack once. When it changes targets, either of its own volition or its current target's death, or uses its Secondary Attack and lands in its original position, it must repeat its primary attack until it finds a new target.
Notes: Triggering invisibility or an illusion, or moving the Satellite forcefully after Lock-On is achieved does not allow a target to escape Lock-On. Lock-On is a shift in the Satellite's state, not a status inflicted on its target, and thus cannot be removed. B: 75Hp [Solar][Left side, towards the front of the bowl shape][Stunned!][Locked on: Amity]
This virus is essentially a flying, color changing RockCube. It flips between Red (attack mode) and blue (recovery mode) every time it takes a hit.
Area: SciLab, NAXA
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Null x 3 Targets
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: The virus turns red, and fires red colored energy beams at three enemies that inflict damage.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Healing x 3 Targets
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: The virus turns blue, and fires blue colored energy beams at three allies that recover HP.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): DBLBeam1, Zenny
Special: Getting hit changes it's color.
Special: Omnishoes: 100Hp [Floating above GMD][Direct centre, above the raised platform][Blue]
Amity.Exe: 170Hp [Metal]
15% Metal
75% Solar
10% Glass
GMD: 20Hp [Glass][On the central platform]
Glass Support A: 20Hp [Angled glass struts, supporting the small central platform]
Glass Support B: 20Hp
Glass Support C: 20Hp
Glass Support D: 20Hp
As she did, the two satellite viruses swept the field with their beams, both locking onto Amy and starting a sequence of lights and hissing steam that might be concerning. She had enough time to stall one of the two with an electrical attack that seemed to temporarily fry its circuits, though shortly after the attack landed, a slim bolt of blue energy emerged from the cube above, patching some of the overloaded systems a little.
GunnerGunner (Gunner)
Gunners attack every action, if able. They don't bother attacking enemies they can't hit or enemies they can't damage, but they can select Objects as targets. Their accuracy with the machinegun attack is bad because it scatters everywhere. They are aware of this. They are also aware of the fact that their Vulcan attack pierces objects.
Area: SciLab, Kotobuki Town, Dentech
HP: 60
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 5 Null + Spay Fire x 9 Shots
Primary Attack Accuracy: E
Primary Attack Description: Targets an enemy and sprays the area with twin machineguns.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 5 Null + Spread1 x 3 Shots
Secondary Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Description: Targets and enemy and attacks with Vulcan.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Vulcan1, MachineGun1, Zenny
Special: Immobile.: CLEANSED
SatelliteSatellite (Satellite)
Area: Netopia, Sharo, NAXA
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: Trap(Enemy in Targeting Cursor) + Seeking: Movement (High-Alt) + Dodge + Lock-On + Nullify Invis
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Generates a targeting cursor that sweeps back and forth across the field, looking for a target. The cursor ignores decoys, objects, illusions, and invisibility. If the cursor intersects with an actual enemy, Lock-On is achieved, and the virus launches itself into the sky at High Altitude.
Secondary Attack Attack Damage/Effect: (3 Null + Seeking + Enhanced Accuracy) x 10 Shots
Secondary Attack Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Attack Description: When Lock-On is achieved, this virus fires a barrage of 10 highly accurate shots at its chosen target before landing in its original position. Accuracy debuffs on the Satellite while using this attack are reduced in severity by one rank.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Lock-On1, Zenny
Special: Immobile outside of its primary attack.
Special: This virus will repeat its primary attack until it finds a target, after which it will be able to use its secondary attack once. When it changes targets, either of its own volition or its current target's death, or uses its Secondary Attack and lands in its original position, it must repeat its primary attack until it finds a new target.
Notes: Triggering invisibility or an illusion, or moving the Satellite forcefully after Lock-On is achieved does not allow a target to escape Lock-On. Lock-On is a shift in the Satellite's state, not a status inflicted on its target, and thus cannot be removed. A: 100Hp [Solar][Right side, towards the back of the bowl shape][Locked on: Amity]
SatelliteSatellite (Satellite)
Area: Netopia, Sharo, NAXA
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: Trap(Enemy in Targeting Cursor) + Seeking: Movement (High-Alt) + Dodge + Lock-On + Nullify Invis
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Generates a targeting cursor that sweeps back and forth across the field, looking for a target. The cursor ignores decoys, objects, illusions, and invisibility. If the cursor intersects with an actual enemy, Lock-On is achieved, and the virus launches itself into the sky at High Altitude.
Secondary Attack Attack Damage/Effect: (3 Null + Seeking + Enhanced Accuracy) x 10 Shots
Secondary Attack Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Attack Description: When Lock-On is achieved, this virus fires a barrage of 10 highly accurate shots at its chosen target before landing in its original position. Accuracy debuffs on the Satellite while using this attack are reduced in severity by one rank.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Lock-On1, Zenny
Special: Immobile outside of its primary attack.
Special: This virus will repeat its primary attack until it finds a target, after which it will be able to use its secondary attack once. When it changes targets, either of its own volition or its current target's death, or uses its Secondary Attack and lands in its original position, it must repeat its primary attack until it finds a new target.
Notes: Triggering invisibility or an illusion, or moving the Satellite forcefully after Lock-On is achieved does not allow a target to escape Lock-On. Lock-On is a shift in the Satellite's state, not a status inflicted on its target, and thus cannot be removed. B: 75Hp [Solar][Left side, towards the front of the bowl shape][Stunned!][Locked on: Amity]
This virus is essentially a flying, color changing RockCube. It flips between Red (attack mode) and blue (recovery mode) every time it takes a hit.
Area: SciLab, NAXA
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Null x 3 Targets
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: The virus turns red, and fires red colored energy beams at three enemies that inflict damage.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Healing x 3 Targets
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: The virus turns blue, and fires blue colored energy beams at three allies that recover HP.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): DBLBeam1, Zenny
Special: Getting hit changes it's color.
Special: Omnishoes: 100Hp [Floating above GMD][Direct centre, above the raised platform][Blue]
Amity.Exe: 170Hp [Metal]
15% Metal
- Cannot be Broken or Cracked except with Geddon/PanelShot, cannot be Burrowed into.
- Elec attacks: +100% Source Damage.
- 100 Damage Aqua attacks: Change terrain hit to Cracked.
- 100 Damage Fire attacks: Change terrain hit to Furnace.
- PanelShot: Imbue Elec + Break.
75% Solar
- Elec Elementals get +5 HP/action.
- Wood attacks: +100% Source Damage, change terrain hit to Cracked.
- PanelShot: Imbue Elec + Stun1.
10% Glass
- Slip Effect: -10% Accuracy, -10% Evasion to all.
- Non-Ice Aqua attacks causes it to be Wet, doubles slip effect for Non-Aqua Elementals for 1 turn. Wet can expire early with Fire attacks. Can cause slippage for poor RP or heavy impacts on Non-Aqua Elementals, 1-2 actions to recover.
- 200 Damage attacks: Change terrain hit to Broken. Damage threshold cut in half for Ground, Break, and Impact, to a minimum threshold of 25 when all 3 are present. Null 25 + Slashing + Nova 2 per panel broken, up to 200 (8 panels).
- Burrow: Change terrain to Broken, 50 Null + Slashing to burrower, Null 25 + Slashing + Nova2 to surroundings.
- PanelShot: Spread1.
GMD: 20Hp [Glass][On the central platform]
Glass Support A: 20Hp [Angled glass struts, supporting the small central platform]
Glass Support B: 20Hp
Glass Support C: 20Hp
Glass Support D: 20Hp
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One down, three to go. With the Satellites taking to the skies, Amy recalled what Eric told her moments ago: {{{...once locked onto a target it will enter an evasive mode to avoid most forms of hand-to-hand combat whilst attacking...}}} Given their sudden change in appearance, surely this was what Eric had alluded to. No time to waste then, she needed to make the most of her current situation.
"Shotgun next please Eric!" she directed whilst loading up on cleansing gel. She'd noticed that the DBLCUBE had opted to try to heal its allies instead of attacking her; that was fine as far as she was concerned. The less directions she had to watch for incoming fire the better.
"Shotgun loaded," Eric confirmed as the data began to transmutate her left arm, the cold steel giving her a slight shiver during the very brief moment where skin and metal were partly one. The Satellite on her left had been partially incapacitated by the ZapRing fired earlier, a sensation she'd hoped to never feel herself, but that wasn't going to last. Taking aim with both arms, Amy let her attacks loose as both the cleansing gel and the modified shotgun exploded from her arms and began to race each other to their intended target.
The arms on her dress glowed in the same muted light as the frills on the hem, which in this environment reflected off the glass structure somehow and sparkled in the bluish grey smoke left behind by the shotgun's spray. She may have had time to admire it if she wasn't in the middle of a battle.
She'd been standing on the edge of the area, outside of the curved drop-off, but with three viruses still in play she readied herself in preparation for their response.
[P] THAW [9 {+1} HEAL] >>> Amy [??? >>> ??? / 170 HP]
[1] [Disruptor] Shotgun [50 DMG + Spread1] >>> SatelliteB
[2] Calming Spray(A) [40 DMG, Aqua] >>> SatelliteB
[3] Dodge preparation
[P] THAW [9 {+1} HEAL] >>> Amy [??? >>> ??? / 170 HP]
Calming Spray(A) [Used; 0/1 TCD; Recharging]
Amity.EXE: 170 / 170 HP
"Shotgun next please Eric!" she directed whilst loading up on cleansing gel. She'd noticed that the DBLCUBE had opted to try to heal its allies instead of attacking her; that was fine as far as she was concerned. The less directions she had to watch for incoming fire the better.
"Shotgun loaded," Eric confirmed as the data began to transmutate her left arm, the cold steel giving her a slight shiver during the very brief moment where skin and metal were partly one. The Satellite on her left had been partially incapacitated by the ZapRing fired earlier, a sensation she'd hoped to never feel herself, but that wasn't going to last. Taking aim with both arms, Amy let her attacks loose as both the cleansing gel and the modified shotgun exploded from her arms and began to race each other to their intended target.
The arms on her dress glowed in the same muted light as the frills on the hem, which in this environment reflected off the glass structure somehow and sparkled in the bluish grey smoke left behind by the shotgun's spray. She may have had time to admire it if she wasn't in the middle of a battle.
She'd been standing on the edge of the area, outside of the curved drop-off, but with three viruses still in play she readied herself in preparation for their response.
[P] THAW [9 {+1} HEAL] >>> Amy [??? >>> ??? / 170 HP]
[1] [Disruptor] Shotgun [50 DMG + Spread1] >>> SatelliteB
[2] Calming Spray(A) [40 DMG, Aqua] >>> SatelliteB
[3] Dodge preparation
[P] THAW [9 {+1} HEAL] >>> Amy [??? >>> ??? / 170 HP]
Calming Spray(A) [Used; 0/1 TCD; Recharging]
Amity.EXE: 170 / 170 HP
Battlechips Remaining
-![]() Accuracy: S Description: Generates a 1-Hit Shield upon activation. When this shield blocks one hit from a non-Break attack, it responds with a hyper-fast damage ray. Duration: Until broken or overridden. Element: Null Special: Negated by Break. Ignores Impact. Special: Reflect: Damage returned is equal to the damage of the attack blocked or the damage cap listed, whichever comes first. Reflect is not subject to negation by Impact. Special: Status Guard: This chip blocks debuffs. Trader Rank: E ![]() Accuracy: A (Primary) / B (Blast) Description: Fires a sound wave. If it hits an object, its range is amplified, hitting anything near that object in a blast of noise. Duration: Once Element: Null Special: Object Triggered Blast: Blast effect that only works if the attack hits an Object, such as a RockCube. Trader Rank: D ![]() Accuracy: B Description: Launches an arrow tipped with a pink heart. If a virus is hit, they lose the ability to attack once. If a Navi is hit, they lose their first selected chip for that turn. Duration: Once Element: Null Trader Rank: D ![]() Accuracy: C Description: Sends a narrow, but long, shock wave rolling in front of an enemy. Slow, but difficult to jump over due to its length. Duration: Once Element: Null Trader Rank: E - ![]() Accuracy: S Description: Grants the user the ability to freely fly at high altitude. Initial takeoff is considered a dodge. If shot down, user may take off again until effect ends. Duration: 1 turn Element: Null Special: Beware of fall damage. Trader Rank: D ![]() Accuracy: B / B then B Description: Creates an impressive bear claw. Can be used to slash or throw enemies or objects. Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks automatically after 6 uses. Element: Null Special: Throw: The wielder must first grab the target to be thrown, then the target is thrown in the direction/area indicated. A second check is made if against another object/enemy. Throw deals damage to both thrown object/enemy and the second object/enemy. Damage occurs at point of collision with the ground/wall/ceiling/etc. or an object/enemy, not during initial grab attempt. Objects deal their max HP in damage (instead of the chip's damage) if they hit an object/enemy, then break. If they miss, the object just takes the chip's damage. This chip has a variety of uses. Trader Rank: D ![]() Accuracy: S Description: Creates a large zone of Furnace Terrain, centered on you. Duration: Once Element: Fire Trader Rank: D ![]() Accuracy: A Description: Shoots a fireball whose explosion penetrates an enemy to hit another one directly behind it. Duration: Once Element: Fire Trader Rank: D | -![]() Damage: 15 Wood + Confusion + Nova 2 Accuracy: A Description: Creates a Mushy virus to aid you. Attacks with BadSpice, and unlike normal Mushy, can move over non-Wood elemental terrain at a penalty of halving movement distance/dodge rate. Element: Wood Special: Allied Virus: This virus has two actions per turn, and is fully controllable by the summoner. If no orders are given, it will perform actions at random, but will never intentionally interfere with or damage the summoner or their allies. Deleting this virus will grant no additional rewards to either side. Trader Rank: C ![]() Accuracy: S Description: Heals 30 HP. Duration: Once Element: Null Trader Rank: D {+6} - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - - |
last edited by
With a quick fact check from her operator, Amy attempted first to eliminate the stunned and disrupted satellite before it could get off the ground. As she fired both shots, the blue-coloured cube sent a second set of blue bolts to restore integrity to the other viruses, but it was ultimately to no avail as Amy's shots had just enough power to shut the virus down anyway.
While she took the shots, however, the other virus had launched skyward and now turned over to present an array of laser accurate tracer fire in her direction. Amy did her best to avoid the precise barrage, but many of the shots still managed to connect with her even as she moved. Fortunately, the scattering of tracer shots that punched into her barely made it through the fabric of her dress before the garment worked rapidly to patch the holes again, leaving Amy herself as good as new while the Satellite settled back to the ground and clicked back over to its target scanning mode.
GunnerGunner (Gunner)
Gunners attack every action, if able. They don't bother attacking enemies they can't hit or enemies they can't damage, but they can select Objects as targets. Their accuracy with the machinegun attack is bad because it scatters everywhere. They are aware of this. They are also aware of the fact that their Vulcan attack pierces objects.
Area: SciLab, Kotobuki Town, Dentech
HP: 60
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 5 Null + Spay Fire x 9 Shots
Primary Attack Accuracy: E
Primary Attack Description: Targets an enemy and sprays the area with twin machineguns.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 5 Null + Spread1 x 3 Shots
Secondary Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Description: Targets and enemy and attacks with Vulcan.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Vulcan1, MachineGun1, Zenny
Special: Immobile.: CLEANSED
SatelliteSatellite (Satellite)
Area: Netopia, Sharo, NAXA
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: Trap(Enemy in Targeting Cursor) + Seeking: Movement (High-Alt) + Dodge + Lock-On + Nullify Invis
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Generates a targeting cursor that sweeps back and forth across the field, looking for a target. The cursor ignores decoys, objects, illusions, and invisibility. If the cursor intersects with an actual enemy, Lock-On is achieved, and the virus launches itself into the sky at High Altitude.
Secondary Attack Attack Damage/Effect: (3 Null + Seeking + Enhanced Accuracy) x 10 Shots
Secondary Attack Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Attack Description: When Lock-On is achieved, this virus fires a barrage of 10 highly accurate shots at its chosen target before landing in its original position. Accuracy debuffs on the Satellite while using this attack are reduced in severity by one rank.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Lock-On1, Zenny
Special: Immobile outside of its primary attack.
Special: This virus will repeat its primary attack until it finds a target, after which it will be able to use its secondary attack once. When it changes targets, either of its own volition or its current target's death, or uses its Secondary Attack and lands in its original position, it must repeat its primary attack until it finds a new target.
Notes: Triggering invisibility or an illusion, or moving the Satellite forcefully after Lock-On is achieved does not allow a target to escape Lock-On. Lock-On is a shift in the Satellite's state, not a status inflicted on its target, and thus cannot be removed. A: 100Hp [Solar][Right side, towards the back of the bowl shape][Locked on: Amity]
SatelliteSatellite (Satellite)
Area: Netopia, Sharo, NAXA
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: Trap(Enemy in Targeting Cursor) + Seeking: Movement (High-Alt) + Dodge + Lock-On + Nullify Invis
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Generates a targeting cursor that sweeps back and forth across the field, looking for a target. The cursor ignores decoys, objects, illusions, and invisibility. If the cursor intersects with an actual enemy, Lock-On is achieved, and the virus launches itself into the sky at High Altitude.
Secondary Attack Attack Damage/Effect: (3 Null + Seeking + Enhanced Accuracy) x 10 Shots
Secondary Attack Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Attack Description: When Lock-On is achieved, this virus fires a barrage of 10 highly accurate shots at its chosen target before landing in its original position. Accuracy debuffs on the Satellite while using this attack are reduced in severity by one rank.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Lock-On1, Zenny
Special: Immobile outside of its primary attack.
Special: This virus will repeat its primary attack until it finds a target, after which it will be able to use its secondary attack once. When it changes targets, either of its own volition or its current target's death, or uses its Secondary Attack and lands in its original position, it must repeat its primary attack until it finds a new target.
Notes: Triggering invisibility or an illusion, or moving the Satellite forcefully after Lock-On is achieved does not allow a target to escape Lock-On. Lock-On is a shift in the Satellite's state, not a status inflicted on its target, and thus cannot be removed. B: CLEANSED
This virus is essentially a flying, color changing RockCube. It flips between Red (attack mode) and blue (recovery mode) every time it takes a hit.
Area: SciLab, NAXA
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Null x 3 Targets
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: The virus turns red, and fires red colored energy beams at three enemies that inflict damage.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Healing x 3 Targets
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: The virus turns blue, and fires blue colored energy beams at three allies that recover HP.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): DBLBeam1, Zenny
Special: Getting hit changes it's color.
Special: Omnishoes: 100Hp [Floating above GMD][Direct centre, above the raised platform][Blue]
Amity.Exe: 170Hp [Metal]
15% Metal
75% Solar
10% Glass
GMD: 20Hp [Glass][On the central platform]
Glass Support A: 20Hp [Angled glass struts, supporting the small central platform]
Glass Support B: 20Hp
Glass Support C: 20Hp
Glass Support D: 20Hp
While she took the shots, however, the other virus had launched skyward and now turned over to present an array of laser accurate tracer fire in her direction. Amy did her best to avoid the precise barrage, but many of the shots still managed to connect with her even as she moved. Fortunately, the scattering of tracer shots that punched into her barely made it through the fabric of her dress before the garment worked rapidly to patch the holes again, leaving Amy herself as good as new while the Satellite settled back to the ground and clicked back over to its target scanning mode.
GunnerGunner (Gunner)
Gunners attack every action, if able. They don't bother attacking enemies they can't hit or enemies they can't damage, but they can select Objects as targets. Their accuracy with the machinegun attack is bad because it scatters everywhere. They are aware of this. They are also aware of the fact that their Vulcan attack pierces objects.
Area: SciLab, Kotobuki Town, Dentech
HP: 60
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 5 Null + Spay Fire x 9 Shots
Primary Attack Accuracy: E
Primary Attack Description: Targets an enemy and sprays the area with twin machineguns.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 5 Null + Spread1 x 3 Shots
Secondary Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Description: Targets and enemy and attacks with Vulcan.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Vulcan1, MachineGun1, Zenny
Special: Immobile.: CLEANSED
SatelliteSatellite (Satellite)
Area: Netopia, Sharo, NAXA
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: Trap(Enemy in Targeting Cursor) + Seeking: Movement (High-Alt) + Dodge + Lock-On + Nullify Invis
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Generates a targeting cursor that sweeps back and forth across the field, looking for a target. The cursor ignores decoys, objects, illusions, and invisibility. If the cursor intersects with an actual enemy, Lock-On is achieved, and the virus launches itself into the sky at High Altitude.
Secondary Attack Attack Damage/Effect: (3 Null + Seeking + Enhanced Accuracy) x 10 Shots
Secondary Attack Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Attack Description: When Lock-On is achieved, this virus fires a barrage of 10 highly accurate shots at its chosen target before landing in its original position. Accuracy debuffs on the Satellite while using this attack are reduced in severity by one rank.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Lock-On1, Zenny
Special: Immobile outside of its primary attack.
Special: This virus will repeat its primary attack until it finds a target, after which it will be able to use its secondary attack once. When it changes targets, either of its own volition or its current target's death, or uses its Secondary Attack and lands in its original position, it must repeat its primary attack until it finds a new target.
Notes: Triggering invisibility or an illusion, or moving the Satellite forcefully after Lock-On is achieved does not allow a target to escape Lock-On. Lock-On is a shift in the Satellite's state, not a status inflicted on its target, and thus cannot be removed. A: 100Hp [Solar][Right side, towards the back of the bowl shape][Locked on: Amity]
SatelliteSatellite (Satellite)
Area: Netopia, Sharo, NAXA
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: Trap(Enemy in Targeting Cursor) + Seeking: Movement (High-Alt) + Dodge + Lock-On + Nullify Invis
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Generates a targeting cursor that sweeps back and forth across the field, looking for a target. The cursor ignores decoys, objects, illusions, and invisibility. If the cursor intersects with an actual enemy, Lock-On is achieved, and the virus launches itself into the sky at High Altitude.
Secondary Attack Attack Damage/Effect: (3 Null + Seeking + Enhanced Accuracy) x 10 Shots
Secondary Attack Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Attack Description: When Lock-On is achieved, this virus fires a barrage of 10 highly accurate shots at its chosen target before landing in its original position. Accuracy debuffs on the Satellite while using this attack are reduced in severity by one rank.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Lock-On1, Zenny
Special: Immobile outside of its primary attack.
Special: This virus will repeat its primary attack until it finds a target, after which it will be able to use its secondary attack once. When it changes targets, either of its own volition or its current target's death, or uses its Secondary Attack and lands in its original position, it must repeat its primary attack until it finds a new target.
Notes: Triggering invisibility or an illusion, or moving the Satellite forcefully after Lock-On is achieved does not allow a target to escape Lock-On. Lock-On is a shift in the Satellite's state, not a status inflicted on its target, and thus cannot be removed. B: CLEANSED
This virus is essentially a flying, color changing RockCube. It flips between Red (attack mode) and blue (recovery mode) every time it takes a hit.
Area: SciLab, NAXA
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Null x 3 Targets
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: The virus turns red, and fires red colored energy beams at three enemies that inflict damage.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Healing x 3 Targets
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: The virus turns blue, and fires blue colored energy beams at three allies that recover HP.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): DBLBeam1, Zenny
Special: Getting hit changes it's color.
Special: Omnishoes: 100Hp [Floating above GMD][Direct centre, above the raised platform][Blue]
Amity.Exe: 170Hp [Metal]
15% Metal
- Cannot be Broken or Cracked except with Geddon/PanelShot, cannot be Burrowed into.
- Elec attacks: +100% Source Damage.
- 100 Damage Aqua attacks: Change terrain hit to Cracked.
- 100 Damage Fire attacks: Change terrain hit to Furnace.
- PanelShot: Imbue Elec + Break.
75% Solar
- Elec Elementals get +5 HP/action.
- Wood attacks: +100% Source Damage, change terrain hit to Cracked.
- PanelShot: Imbue Elec + Stun1.
10% Glass
- Slip Effect: -10% Accuracy, -10% Evasion to all.
- Non-Ice Aqua attacks causes it to be Wet, doubles slip effect for Non-Aqua Elementals for 1 turn. Wet can expire early with Fire attacks. Can cause slippage for poor RP or heavy impacts on Non-Aqua Elementals, 1-2 actions to recover.
- 200 Damage attacks: Change terrain hit to Broken. Damage threshold cut in half for Ground, Break, and Impact, to a minimum threshold of 25 when all 3 are present. Null 25 + Slashing + Nova 2 per panel broken, up to 200 (8 panels).
- Burrow: Change terrain to Broken, 50 Null + Slashing to burrower, Null 25 + Slashing + Nova2 to surroundings.
- PanelShot: Spread1.
GMD: 20Hp [Glass][On the central platform]
Glass Support A: 20Hp [Angled glass struts, supporting the small central platform]
Glass Support B: 20Hp
Glass Support C: 20Hp
Glass Support D: 20Hp
last edited by Sj
And then there were two. Half of the foes removed from the equation of battle meant that Amy could breathe just a little bit easier. Not that she was excessively panicking though; this battle had certainly been a change of pace compared to her previous experiences.
"Okay, that's done, now what?" she asked. "Actually, you know what? Never mind; send me the Shockwave and Pulsar please." The remaining Satellite had lowered itself down again, almost touching the glowing panels inside the dome. If she was quick enough she may be able to catch it with a rolling shockwave before it rose up again.
"Shockwave and Puls-whoops." Eric stopped as he accidentally fumbled with the Pulsar chip; slipping out of his hand, it tumbled down the side of his arm and into the gap between the chair's cushion and armrest. Mentally slapping himself, he hit transmit once the Shockwave had been loaded as he looked to where he thought it had landed. "Sorry, the Pulsar will be a second..." he grumbled as he tried to reach into the crevice to locate it. Unfortunately, the space that his hand entered into found nothing, and shifting his fingers up and down the seam seemed to have the same result.
The Shockwave entered into Amy's purple right boot, so without any further adieu she took a step forward and stomped hard, unleashing the attack wave into the dome and towards the mechanical creature. It was hard to say if it saw the attack coming; it didn't have eyes. Or a face, for that matter.
"Come on Eric, time's a-wasting..." she pointed out whilst her arm was pointed forward towards the Satellite. It had managed to score some hits against her moments ago, but the healing nature of her garments had nullified any effect as it continued to glow unwaveringly. In her head she was mentally calculating how much damage was required to neutralise the Satellite. In its natural state it had 100 hitpoints, and the floating cube had attempted to heal 15 hitpoints earlier; assuming that the DBLCUBE healed it again she would need a combined attack power of 115 hitpoints to finish it off. 100 plus 15 equals 115. See? Virus busting isn't hard, it's just basic math, she tried to reassure herself. Unsuccessfully. Or not. Like that's the only variable involved...
Based on that math though, if the Shockwave disrupted an equivalent of 40 hitpoints, and the Pulsar disrupted 70 hitpoints, she was still short an extra 5 hitpoints. She'd need to hit it with something else. Eric was still too distracted to prepare another chip so she loosened up some of the mistified cleansing gel from her backup disruptors and expended it into the field at terminal velocity.
"Sorry, it's coming now," Eric finally advised. The Pulsar's sonic speaker finally took shape on her right arm, which was handy as it was still angled towards the Satellite from Amy's gaseous dispersion. No point in waiting; a third entry was thrown into the ring as the invisible soundwave charged through the air in the same direction as the attacks prior.
"Wow Eric. Butterfingers much?"
"Sorry Amy."
[P] THAW [9 {+1} HEAL] >>> Amy [??? >>> ??? / 170 HP]
[1] [Disruptor] Shockwave [40 DMG, Line1, Ground] >>> SatelliteA
[2] Seamshot [15 DMG] >>> SatelliteA
[3] [Disruptor] Pulsar1 [70 DMG] >>> SatelliteA
[P] THAW [9 {+1} HEAL] >>> Amy [??? >>> ??? / 170 HP]
Calming Spray(A) [+1 TCD; 1/1 TCD; Ready!]
Amity.EXE: 170 / 170 HP
"Okay, that's done, now what?" she asked. "Actually, you know what? Never mind; send me the Shockwave and Pulsar please." The remaining Satellite had lowered itself down again, almost touching the glowing panels inside the dome. If she was quick enough she may be able to catch it with a rolling shockwave before it rose up again.
"Shockwave and Puls-whoops." Eric stopped as he accidentally fumbled with the Pulsar chip; slipping out of his hand, it tumbled down the side of his arm and into the gap between the chair's cushion and armrest. Mentally slapping himself, he hit transmit once the Shockwave had been loaded as he looked to where he thought it had landed. "Sorry, the Pulsar will be a second..." he grumbled as he tried to reach into the crevice to locate it. Unfortunately, the space that his hand entered into found nothing, and shifting his fingers up and down the seam seemed to have the same result.
The Shockwave entered into Amy's purple right boot, so without any further adieu she took a step forward and stomped hard, unleashing the attack wave into the dome and towards the mechanical creature. It was hard to say if it saw the attack coming; it didn't have eyes. Or a face, for that matter.
"Come on Eric, time's a-wasting..." she pointed out whilst her arm was pointed forward towards the Satellite. It had managed to score some hits against her moments ago, but the healing nature of her garments had nullified any effect as it continued to glow unwaveringly. In her head she was mentally calculating how much damage was required to neutralise the Satellite. In its natural state it had 100 hitpoints, and the floating cube had attempted to heal 15 hitpoints earlier; assuming that the DBLCUBE healed it again she would need a combined attack power of 115 hitpoints to finish it off. 100 plus 15 equals 115. See? Virus busting isn't hard, it's just basic math, she tried to reassure herself. Unsuccessfully. Or not. Like that's the only variable involved...
Based on that math though, if the Shockwave disrupted an equivalent of 40 hitpoints, and the Pulsar disrupted 70 hitpoints, she was still short an extra 5 hitpoints. She'd need to hit it with something else. Eric was still too distracted to prepare another chip so she loosened up some of the mistified cleansing gel from her backup disruptors and expended it into the field at terminal velocity.
"Sorry, it's coming now," Eric finally advised. The Pulsar's sonic speaker finally took shape on her right arm, which was handy as it was still angled towards the Satellite from Amy's gaseous dispersion. No point in waiting; a third entry was thrown into the ring as the invisible soundwave charged through the air in the same direction as the attacks prior.
"Wow Eric. Butterfingers much?"
"Sorry Amy."
[P] THAW [9 {+1} HEAL] >>> Amy [??? >>> ??? / 170 HP]
[1] [Disruptor] Shockwave [40 DMG, Line1, Ground] >>> SatelliteA
[2] Seamshot [15 DMG] >>> SatelliteA
[3] [Disruptor] Pulsar1 [70 DMG] >>> SatelliteA
[P] THAW [9 {+1} HEAL] >>> Amy [??? >>> ??? / 170 HP]
Calming Spray(A) [+1 TCD; 1/1 TCD; Ready!]
Amity.EXE: 170 / 170 HP
Battlechips Remaining
-![]() Accuracy: S Description: Generates a 1-Hit Shield upon activation. When this shield blocks one hit from a non-Break attack, it responds with a hyper-fast damage ray. Duration: Until broken or overridden. Element: Null Special: Negated by Break. Ignores Impact. Special: Reflect: Damage returned is equal to the damage of the attack blocked or the damage cap listed, whichever comes first. Reflect is not subject to negation by Impact. Special: Status Guard: This chip blocks debuffs. Trader Rank: E - ![]() Accuracy: B Description: Launches an arrow tipped with a pink heart. If a virus is hit, they lose the ability to attack once. If a Navi is hit, they lose their first selected chip for that turn. Duration: Once Element: Null Trader Rank: D - - ![]() Accuracy: S Description: Grants the user the ability to freely fly at high altitude. Initial takeoff is considered a dodge. If shot down, user may take off again until effect ends. Duration: 1 turn Element: Null Special: Beware of fall damage. Trader Rank: D ![]() Accuracy: B / B then B Description: Creates an impressive bear claw. Can be used to slash or throw enemies or objects. Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks automatically after 6 uses. Element: Null Special: Throw: The wielder must first grab the target to be thrown, then the target is thrown in the direction/area indicated. A second check is made if against another object/enemy. Throw deals damage to both thrown object/enemy and the second object/enemy. Damage occurs at point of collision with the ground/wall/ceiling/etc. or an object/enemy, not during initial grab attempt. Objects deal their max HP in damage (instead of the chip's damage) if they hit an object/enemy, then break. If they miss, the object just takes the chip's damage. This chip has a variety of uses. Trader Rank: D ![]() Accuracy: S Description: Creates a large zone of Furnace Terrain, centered on you. Duration: Once Element: Fire Trader Rank: D ![]() Accuracy: A Description: Shoots a fireball whose explosion penetrates an enemy to hit another one directly behind it. Duration: Once Element: Fire Trader Rank: D | -![]() Damage: 15 Wood + Confusion + Nova 2 Accuracy: A Description: Creates a Mushy virus to aid you. Attacks with BadSpice, and unlike normal Mushy, can move over non-Wood elemental terrain at a penalty of halving movement distance/dodge rate. Element: Wood Special: Allied Virus: This virus has two actions per turn, and is fully controllable by the summoner. If no orders are given, it will perform actions at random, but will never intentionally interfere with or damage the summoner or their allies. Deleting this virus will grant no additional rewards to either side. Trader Rank: C ![]() Accuracy: S Description: Heals 30 HP. Duration: Once Element: Null Trader Rank: D {+6} - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - - |
last edited by Rogan
With the DBLCUBE being more focused on healing rather than attacking, Amity was able to focus her attacks on the lone Satellite. The first of the attacks that she loosed on the aerial gunner virus, consisting of a Shockwave, hit true on the Satellite, but was unfortunately not enough for it to be deleted entirely. Its scanning laser passed by her, and locked onto it, causing it to launch itself into the air, its barrel spinning up to prepare to unleash its barrage on Amity once more. Unfortunately, it wouldn't be able to follow up on its attack, once Amity continued to lay on it with the combined force of her cleansing gel and a sonic wave from the Pulsar battlechip. The sonic attack caused it to break apart explosively, parts raining down onto the ground. Above the Mystery Data crystal, the DBLCUBE lit up blue once more, but this time around, it was sadly ineffectual.
GunnerGunner (Gunner)
Gunners attack every action, if able. They don't bother attacking enemies they can't hit or enemies they can't damage, but they can select Objects as targets. Their accuracy with the machinegun attack is bad because it scatters everywhere. They are aware of this. They are also aware of the fact that their Vulcan attack pierces objects.
Area: SciLab, Kotobuki Town, Dentech
HP: 60
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 5 Null + Spay Fire x 9 Shots
Primary Attack Accuracy: E
Primary Attack Description: Targets an enemy and sprays the area with twin machineguns.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 5 Null + Spread1 x 3 Shots
Secondary Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Description: Targets and enemy and attacks with Vulcan.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Vulcan1, MachineGun1, Zenny
Special: Immobile.: CLEANSED
SatelliteSatellite (Satellite)
Area: Netopia, Sharo, NAXA
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: Trap(Enemy in Targeting Cursor) + Seeking: Movement (High-Alt) + Dodge + Lock-On + Nullify Invis
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Generates a targeting cursor that sweeps back and forth across the field, looking for a target. The cursor ignores decoys, objects, illusions, and invisibility. If the cursor intersects with an actual enemy, Lock-On is achieved, and the virus launches itself into the sky at High Altitude.
Secondary Attack Attack Damage/Effect: (3 Null + Seeking + Enhanced Accuracy) x 10 Shots
Secondary Attack Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Attack Description: When Lock-On is achieved, this virus fires a barrage of 10 highly accurate shots at its chosen target before landing in its original position. Accuracy debuffs on the Satellite while using this attack are reduced in severity by one rank.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Lock-On1, Zenny
Special: Immobile outside of its primary attack.
Special: This virus will repeat its primary attack until it finds a target, after which it will be able to use its secondary attack once. When it changes targets, either of its own volition or its current target's death, or uses its Secondary Attack and lands in its original position, it must repeat its primary attack until it finds a new target.
Notes: Triggering invisibility or an illusion, or moving the Satellite forcefully after Lock-On is achieved does not allow a target to escape Lock-On. Lock-On is a shift in the Satellite's state, not a status inflicted on its target, and thus cannot be removed. A: CLEANSED
SatelliteSatellite (Satellite)
Area: Netopia, Sharo, NAXA
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: Trap(Enemy in Targeting Cursor) + Seeking: Movement (High-Alt) + Dodge + Lock-On + Nullify Invis
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Generates a targeting cursor that sweeps back and forth across the field, looking for a target. The cursor ignores decoys, objects, illusions, and invisibility. If the cursor intersects with an actual enemy, Lock-On is achieved, and the virus launches itself into the sky at High Altitude.
Secondary Attack Attack Damage/Effect: (3 Null + Seeking + Enhanced Accuracy) x 10 Shots
Secondary Attack Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Attack Description: When Lock-On is achieved, this virus fires a barrage of 10 highly accurate shots at its chosen target before landing in its original position. Accuracy debuffs on the Satellite while using this attack are reduced in severity by one rank.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Lock-On1, Zenny
Special: Immobile outside of its primary attack.
Special: This virus will repeat its primary attack until it finds a target, after which it will be able to use its secondary attack once. When it changes targets, either of its own volition or its current target's death, or uses its Secondary Attack and lands in its original position, it must repeat its primary attack until it finds a new target.
Notes: Triggering invisibility or an illusion, or moving the Satellite forcefully after Lock-On is achieved does not allow a target to escape Lock-On. Lock-On is a shift in the Satellite's state, not a status inflicted on its target, and thus cannot be removed. B: CLEANSED
This virus is essentially a flying, color changing RockCube. It flips between Red (attack mode) and blue (recovery mode) every time it takes a hit.
Area: SciLab, NAXA
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Null x 3 Targets
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: The virus turns red, and fires red colored energy beams at three enemies that inflict damage.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Healing x 3 Targets
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: The virus turns blue, and fires blue colored energy beams at three allies that recover HP.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): DBLBeam1, Zenny
Special: Getting hit changes it's color.
Special: Omnishoes: 100Hp [Floating above GMD][Direct centre, above the raised platform][Blue]
Amity.Exe: 170Hp [Metal]
15% Metal
75% Solar
10% Glass
GMD: 20Hp [Glass][On the central platform]
Glass Support A: 20Hp [Angled glass struts, supporting the small central platform]
Glass Support B: 20Hp
Glass Support C: 20Hp
Glass Support D: 20Hp
GunnerGunner (Gunner)
Gunners attack every action, if able. They don't bother attacking enemies they can't hit or enemies they can't damage, but they can select Objects as targets. Their accuracy with the machinegun attack is bad because it scatters everywhere. They are aware of this. They are also aware of the fact that their Vulcan attack pierces objects.
Area: SciLab, Kotobuki Town, Dentech
HP: 60
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 5 Null + Spay Fire x 9 Shots
Primary Attack Accuracy: E
Primary Attack Description: Targets an enemy and sprays the area with twin machineguns.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 5 Null + Spread1 x 3 Shots
Secondary Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Description: Targets and enemy and attacks with Vulcan.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Vulcan1, MachineGun1, Zenny
Special: Immobile.: CLEANSED
SatelliteSatellite (Satellite)
Area: Netopia, Sharo, NAXA
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: Trap(Enemy in Targeting Cursor) + Seeking: Movement (High-Alt) + Dodge + Lock-On + Nullify Invis
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Generates a targeting cursor that sweeps back and forth across the field, looking for a target. The cursor ignores decoys, objects, illusions, and invisibility. If the cursor intersects with an actual enemy, Lock-On is achieved, and the virus launches itself into the sky at High Altitude.
Secondary Attack Attack Damage/Effect: (3 Null + Seeking + Enhanced Accuracy) x 10 Shots
Secondary Attack Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Attack Description: When Lock-On is achieved, this virus fires a barrage of 10 highly accurate shots at its chosen target before landing in its original position. Accuracy debuffs on the Satellite while using this attack are reduced in severity by one rank.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Lock-On1, Zenny
Special: Immobile outside of its primary attack.
Special: This virus will repeat its primary attack until it finds a target, after which it will be able to use its secondary attack once. When it changes targets, either of its own volition or its current target's death, or uses its Secondary Attack and lands in its original position, it must repeat its primary attack until it finds a new target.
Notes: Triggering invisibility or an illusion, or moving the Satellite forcefully after Lock-On is achieved does not allow a target to escape Lock-On. Lock-On is a shift in the Satellite's state, not a status inflicted on its target, and thus cannot be removed. A: CLEANSED
SatelliteSatellite (Satellite)
Area: Netopia, Sharo, NAXA
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: Trap(Enemy in Targeting Cursor) + Seeking: Movement (High-Alt) + Dodge + Lock-On + Nullify Invis
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Generates a targeting cursor that sweeps back and forth across the field, looking for a target. The cursor ignores decoys, objects, illusions, and invisibility. If the cursor intersects with an actual enemy, Lock-On is achieved, and the virus launches itself into the sky at High Altitude.
Secondary Attack Attack Damage/Effect: (3 Null + Seeking + Enhanced Accuracy) x 10 Shots
Secondary Attack Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Attack Description: When Lock-On is achieved, this virus fires a barrage of 10 highly accurate shots at its chosen target before landing in its original position. Accuracy debuffs on the Satellite while using this attack are reduced in severity by one rank.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Lock-On1, Zenny
Special: Immobile outside of its primary attack.
Special: This virus will repeat its primary attack until it finds a target, after which it will be able to use its secondary attack once. When it changes targets, either of its own volition or its current target's death, or uses its Secondary Attack and lands in its original position, it must repeat its primary attack until it finds a new target.
Notes: Triggering invisibility or an illusion, or moving the Satellite forcefully after Lock-On is achieved does not allow a target to escape Lock-On. Lock-On is a shift in the Satellite's state, not a status inflicted on its target, and thus cannot be removed. B: CLEANSED
This virus is essentially a flying, color changing RockCube. It flips between Red (attack mode) and blue (recovery mode) every time it takes a hit.
Area: SciLab, NAXA
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Null x 3 Targets
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: The virus turns red, and fires red colored energy beams at three enemies that inflict damage.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Healing x 3 Targets
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: The virus turns blue, and fires blue colored energy beams at three allies that recover HP.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): DBLBeam1, Zenny
Special: Getting hit changes it's color.
Special: Omnishoes: 100Hp [Floating above GMD][Direct centre, above the raised platform][Blue]
Amity.Exe: 170Hp [Metal]
15% Metal
- Cannot be Broken or Cracked except with Geddon/PanelShot, cannot be Burrowed into.
- Elec attacks: +100% Source Damage.
- 100 Damage Aqua attacks: Change terrain hit to Cracked.
- 100 Damage Fire attacks: Change terrain hit to Furnace.
- PanelShot: Imbue Elec + Break.
75% Solar
- Elec Elementals get +5 HP/action.
- Wood attacks: +100% Source Damage, change terrain hit to Cracked.
- PanelShot: Imbue Elec + Stun1.
10% Glass
- Slip Effect: -10% Accuracy, -10% Evasion to all.
- Non-Ice Aqua attacks causes it to be Wet, doubles slip effect for Non-Aqua Elementals for 1 turn. Wet can expire early with Fire attacks. Can cause slippage for poor RP or heavy impacts on Non-Aqua Elementals, 1-2 actions to recover.
- 200 Damage attacks: Change terrain hit to Broken. Damage threshold cut in half for Ground, Break, and Impact, to a minimum threshold of 25 when all 3 are present. Null 25 + Slashing + Nova 2 per panel broken, up to 200 (8 panels).
- Burrow: Change terrain to Broken, 50 Null + Slashing to burrower, Null 25 + Slashing + Nova2 to surroundings.
- PanelShot: Spread1.
GMD: 20Hp [Glass][On the central platform]
Glass Support A: 20Hp [Angled glass struts, supporting the small central platform]
Glass Support B: 20Hp
Glass Support C: 20Hp
Glass Support D: 20Hp
last edited by Sj
With another core unleashed into the wild, all that remainded now was a floating cube and a spinning crystal. And one blue navi, of course.
Amy took a moment to calculate her options. She'd been told the cube could both attack and defend, but so far it had only chosen to heal its allies. Was there a particular trigger that would cause it to attack? Maybe it was a timed response? Such questions were causing Amy concern.
Meanwhile, Eric was still a little embarrassed about his earlier moment of clumsiness. Clutching the chip case tightly, he wasn't going to let that happen again. "Umm... what do you want now?" he asked.
The question only added to Amy's unease. "Hard to say; we don't know how it attacks," she replied. "How about you send me the HeatShot chip?" she finally concluded whilst generating cleansing gel in her right sleeve. She'd deduced that she might be able to launch a double blast of gel thanks to the recent upgrades, and sure enough, the somewhat-restored repulsors did not disappoint her as enough gel was amassed down her sleeve to create two separate blasts.
Eric's hands did not make the same mistake as before, and the Heatshot chip was passed through the reader without delay, resulting in a tempered furnace being generated onto Amy's left arm. One moment later, and its aim was focused on the final foe as blue flames burst forward to meet its opponent. This was followed by Amy instantly dispensing two matching blue gel waves to trail behind the heat blast.
"Umm, is that a good idea?" Eric pondered out loud. Such a large show of force was causing him to worry.
"We don't have much of a choice, do we? That thing hasn't done anything except heal, so I reckon we may as well take advantage of that," Amy replied. "And besides, I can't exactly fly up there," she added whilst shaking her glowing dress. "This didn't come with wings, you know, and using that SkyShoes chip out in the open scares me a little with..." she trailed off, using her right hand to gesture to Little Miss.
[P] THAW [9 {+1} HEAL] >>> Amy [??? >>> ??? / 170 HP]
[1] [Disruptor] HeatShot [40 DMG + Spread1, Fire] >>> DBLCUBE
[2] Calming Spray(A) [40 DMG, Aqua] >>> DBLCUBE
[3] Calming Spray(B) [40 DMG, Aqua] >>> DBLCUBE
[P] THAW [9 {+1} HEAL] >>> Amy [??? >>> ??? / 170 HP]
Calming Spray(A) [Used; 0/1 TCD; Recharging]
Calming Spray(B) [Used; 0/1 TCD; Recharging]
Amity.EXE: 170 / 170 HP
EDIT: sorry, just saw there were rule changes. Not sure if I should just finish the battle and implement changes then, or what I should do. :/
Amy took a moment to calculate her options. She'd been told the cube could both attack and defend, but so far it had only chosen to heal its allies. Was there a particular trigger that would cause it to attack? Maybe it was a timed response? Such questions were causing Amy concern.
Meanwhile, Eric was still a little embarrassed about his earlier moment of clumsiness. Clutching the chip case tightly, he wasn't going to let that happen again. "Umm... what do you want now?" he asked.
The question only added to Amy's unease. "Hard to say; we don't know how it attacks," she replied. "How about you send me the HeatShot chip?" she finally concluded whilst generating cleansing gel in her right sleeve. She'd deduced that she might be able to launch a double blast of gel thanks to the recent upgrades, and sure enough, the somewhat-restored repulsors did not disappoint her as enough gel was amassed down her sleeve to create two separate blasts.
Eric's hands did not make the same mistake as before, and the Heatshot chip was passed through the reader without delay, resulting in a tempered furnace being generated onto Amy's left arm. One moment later, and its aim was focused on the final foe as blue flames burst forward to meet its opponent. This was followed by Amy instantly dispensing two matching blue gel waves to trail behind the heat blast.
"Umm, is that a good idea?" Eric pondered out loud. Such a large show of force was causing him to worry.
"We don't have much of a choice, do we? That thing hasn't done anything except heal, so I reckon we may as well take advantage of that," Amy replied. "And besides, I can't exactly fly up there," she added whilst shaking her glowing dress. "This didn't come with wings, you know, and using that SkyShoes chip out in the open scares me a little with..." she trailed off, using her right hand to gesture to Little Miss.
[P] THAW [9 {+1} HEAL] >>> Amy [??? >>> ??? / 170 HP]
[1] [Disruptor] HeatShot [40 DMG + Spread1, Fire] >>> DBLCUBE
[2] Calming Spray(A) [40 DMG, Aqua] >>> DBLCUBE
[3] Calming Spray(B) [40 DMG, Aqua] >>> DBLCUBE
[P] THAW [9 {+1} HEAL] >>> Amy [??? >>> ??? / 170 HP]
Calming Spray(A) [Used; 0/1 TCD; Recharging]
Calming Spray(B) [Used; 0/1 TCD; Recharging]
Amity.EXE: 170 / 170 HP
Battlechips Remaining
-![]() Accuracy: S Description: Generates a 1-Hit Shield upon activation. When this shield blocks one hit from a non-Break attack, it responds with a hyper-fast damage ray. Duration: Until broken or overridden. Element: Null Special: Negated by Break. Ignores Impact. Special: Reflect: Damage returned is equal to the damage of the attack blocked or the damage cap listed, whichever comes first. Reflect is not subject to negation by Impact. Special: Status Guard: This chip blocks debuffs. Trader Rank: E - ![]() Accuracy: B Description: Launches an arrow tipped with a pink heart. If a virus is hit, they lose the ability to attack once. If a Navi is hit, they lose their first selected chip for that turn. Duration: Once Element: Null Trader Rank: D - - ![]() Accuracy: S Description: Grants the user the ability to freely fly at high altitude. Initial takeoff is considered a dodge. If shot down, user may take off again until effect ends. Duration: 1 turn Element: Null Special: Beware of fall damage. Trader Rank: D ![]() Accuracy: B / B then B Description: Creates an impressive bear claw. Can be used to slash or throw enemies or objects. Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks automatically after 6 uses. Element: Null Special: Throw: The wielder must first grab the target to be thrown, then the target is thrown in the direction/area indicated. A second check is made if against another object/enemy. Throw deals damage to both thrown object/enemy and the second object/enemy. Damage occurs at point of collision with the ground/wall/ceiling/etc. or an object/enemy, not during initial grab attempt. Objects deal their max HP in damage (instead of the chip's damage) if they hit an object/enemy, then break. If they miss, the object just takes the chip's damage. This chip has a variety of uses. Trader Rank: D ![]() Accuracy: S Description: Creates a large zone of Furnace Terrain, centered on you. Duration: Once Element: Fire Trader Rank: D - | -![]() Damage: 15 Wood + Confusion + Nova 2 Accuracy: A Description: Creates a Mushy virus to aid you. Attacks with BadSpice, and unlike normal Mushy, can move over non-Wood elemental terrain at a penalty of halving movement distance/dodge rate. Element: Wood Special: Allied Virus: This virus has two actions per turn, and is fully controllable by the summoner. If no orders are given, it will perform actions at random, but will never intentionally interfere with or damage the summoner or their allies. Deleting this virus will grant no additional rewards to either side. Trader Rank: C ![]() Accuracy: S Description: Heals 30 HP. Duration: Once Element: Null Trader Rank: D {+6} - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - - |
EDIT: sorry, just saw there were rule changes. Not sure if I should just finish the battle and implement changes then, or what I should do. :/
last edited by
((Generally we finish out battles on whatever system rules they started on, and then move people forward between encounters; if you're ever uncertain just jump into the chat and ask ^.^ ))
Unsure about the remaining virus' passive behaviour, Amy cautiously tested its reactions with a heatshot that actualised in a gout of blue fire that washed over the cube virus. In an instant, it spun about in place, its blue facets glowing and flashing as they turned to red. Three points of light began to glow are several of the cube's vertices, and the now-red virus sprayed the field with a trio of thin red laser-light rays; fortunately for amity, its aim was poor enough that she avoided being hit; two beams zipped passed her to either side, but the navi herself remained unharmed.
A moment later, her gel shots bathed the virus and began the process of releasing its core and cleansing its code; after the first struck, the cube flipped over and turned blue again, but the second was enough to shut it down properly. Moments later the final core for the fight drifted away.
This left Amy and her ward safe again for the time being; The green crystal remained intact, on the raised platform at the base of the curved depression, and they'd be able to get to it with a little bit of awkward wrangling, most likely. The remaining cleansed viral data left behind some useful material as well; in particular, the final cube had left a small palm-sized block that blinked between blue and red lighting at regular intervals.
GunnerGunner (Gunner)
Gunners attack every action, if able. They don't bother attacking enemies they can't hit or enemies they can't damage, but they can select Objects as targets. Their accuracy with the machinegun attack is bad because it scatters everywhere. They are aware of this. They are also aware of the fact that their Vulcan attack pierces objects.
Area: SciLab, Kotobuki Town, Dentech
HP: 60
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 5 Null + Spay Fire x 9 Shots
Primary Attack Accuracy: E
Primary Attack Description: Targets an enemy and sprays the area with twin machineguns.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 5 Null + Spread1 x 3 Shots
Secondary Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Description: Targets and enemy and attacks with Vulcan.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Vulcan1, MachineGun1, Zenny
Special: Immobile.: CLEANSED
SatelliteSatellite (Satellite)
Area: Netopia, Sharo, NAXA
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: Trap(Enemy in Targeting Cursor) + Seeking: Movement (High-Alt) + Dodge + Lock-On + Nullify Invis
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Generates a targeting cursor that sweeps back and forth across the field, looking for a target. The cursor ignores decoys, objects, illusions, and invisibility. If the cursor intersects with an actual enemy, Lock-On is achieved, and the virus launches itself into the sky at High Altitude.
Secondary Attack Attack Damage/Effect: (3 Null + Seeking + Enhanced Accuracy) x 10 Shots
Secondary Attack Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Attack Description: When Lock-On is achieved, this virus fires a barrage of 10 highly accurate shots at its chosen target before landing in its original position. Accuracy debuffs on the Satellite while using this attack are reduced in severity by one rank.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Lock-On1, Zenny
Special: Immobile outside of its primary attack.
Special: This virus will repeat its primary attack until it finds a target, after which it will be able to use its secondary attack once. When it changes targets, either of its own volition or its current target's death, or uses its Secondary Attack and lands in its original position, it must repeat its primary attack until it finds a new target.
Notes: Triggering invisibility or an illusion, or moving the Satellite forcefully after Lock-On is achieved does not allow a target to escape Lock-On. Lock-On is a shift in the Satellite's state, not a status inflicted on its target, and thus cannot be removed. A: CLEANSED
SatelliteSatellite (Satellite)
Area: Netopia, Sharo, NAXA
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: Trap(Enemy in Targeting Cursor) + Seeking: Movement (High-Alt) + Dodge + Lock-On + Nullify Invis
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Generates a targeting cursor that sweeps back and forth across the field, looking for a target. The cursor ignores decoys, objects, illusions, and invisibility. If the cursor intersects with an actual enemy, Lock-On is achieved, and the virus launches itself into the sky at High Altitude.
Secondary Attack Attack Damage/Effect: (3 Null + Seeking + Enhanced Accuracy) x 10 Shots
Secondary Attack Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Attack Description: When Lock-On is achieved, this virus fires a barrage of 10 highly accurate shots at its chosen target before landing in its original position. Accuracy debuffs on the Satellite while using this attack are reduced in severity by one rank.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Lock-On1, Zenny
Special: Immobile outside of its primary attack.
Special: This virus will repeat its primary attack until it finds a target, after which it will be able to use its secondary attack once. When it changes targets, either of its own volition or its current target's death, or uses its Secondary Attack and lands in its original position, it must repeat its primary attack until it finds a new target.
Notes: Triggering invisibility or an illusion, or moving the Satellite forcefully after Lock-On is achieved does not allow a target to escape Lock-On. Lock-On is a shift in the Satellite's state, not a status inflicted on its target, and thus cannot be removed. B: CLEANSED
This virus is essentially a flying, color changing RockCube. It flips between Red (attack mode) and blue (recovery mode) every time it takes a hit.
Area: SciLab, NAXA
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Null x 3 Targets
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: The virus turns red, and fires red colored energy beams at three enemies that inflict damage.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Healing x 3 Targets
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: The virus turns blue, and fires blue colored energy beams at three allies that recover HP.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): DBLBeam1, Zenny
Special: Getting hit changes it's color.
Special: Omnishoes: CLEANSED
Amity.Exe: 170Hp [Metal]
15% Metal
75% Solar
10% Glass
GMD: 20Hp [Glass][On the central platform]
Glass Support A: 20Hp [Angled glass struts, supporting the small central platform]
Glass Support B: 20Hp
Glass Support C: 20Hp
Glass Support D: 20Hp
-=Battle 2, Victory!=-
Spoils: 1200z,
DBLBeam1Damage: Special
Accuracy: S
Description: Summons a DoubleCube that fires either a Red Beam or a Blue Beam, then vanishes.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Randomly uses one of the below effects...
- 40 Null to all Enemies (Red Beam)
- 30 Heal to all Allies. Random (Blue Beam)
Trader Rank: D
Open GMD?
Unsure about the remaining virus' passive behaviour, Amy cautiously tested its reactions with a heatshot that actualised in a gout of blue fire that washed over the cube virus. In an instant, it spun about in place, its blue facets glowing and flashing as they turned to red. Three points of light began to glow are several of the cube's vertices, and the now-red virus sprayed the field with a trio of thin red laser-light rays; fortunately for amity, its aim was poor enough that she avoided being hit; two beams zipped passed her to either side, but the navi herself remained unharmed.
A moment later, her gel shots bathed the virus and began the process of releasing its core and cleansing its code; after the first struck, the cube flipped over and turned blue again, but the second was enough to shut it down properly. Moments later the final core for the fight drifted away.
This left Amy and her ward safe again for the time being; The green crystal remained intact, on the raised platform at the base of the curved depression, and they'd be able to get to it with a little bit of awkward wrangling, most likely. The remaining cleansed viral data left behind some useful material as well; in particular, the final cube had left a small palm-sized block that blinked between blue and red lighting at regular intervals.
GunnerGunner (Gunner)
Gunners attack every action, if able. They don't bother attacking enemies they can't hit or enemies they can't damage, but they can select Objects as targets. Their accuracy with the machinegun attack is bad because it scatters everywhere. They are aware of this. They are also aware of the fact that their Vulcan attack pierces objects.
Area: SciLab, Kotobuki Town, Dentech
HP: 60
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 5 Null + Spay Fire x 9 Shots
Primary Attack Accuracy: E
Primary Attack Description: Targets an enemy and sprays the area with twin machineguns.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 5 Null + Spread1 x 3 Shots
Secondary Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Description: Targets and enemy and attacks with Vulcan.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Vulcan1, MachineGun1, Zenny
Special: Immobile.: CLEANSED
SatelliteSatellite (Satellite)
Area: Netopia, Sharo, NAXA
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: Trap(Enemy in Targeting Cursor) + Seeking: Movement (High-Alt) + Dodge + Lock-On + Nullify Invis
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Generates a targeting cursor that sweeps back and forth across the field, looking for a target. The cursor ignores decoys, objects, illusions, and invisibility. If the cursor intersects with an actual enemy, Lock-On is achieved, and the virus launches itself into the sky at High Altitude.
Secondary Attack Attack Damage/Effect: (3 Null + Seeking + Enhanced Accuracy) x 10 Shots
Secondary Attack Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Attack Description: When Lock-On is achieved, this virus fires a barrage of 10 highly accurate shots at its chosen target before landing in its original position. Accuracy debuffs on the Satellite while using this attack are reduced in severity by one rank.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Lock-On1, Zenny
Special: Immobile outside of its primary attack.
Special: This virus will repeat its primary attack until it finds a target, after which it will be able to use its secondary attack once. When it changes targets, either of its own volition or its current target's death, or uses its Secondary Attack and lands in its original position, it must repeat its primary attack until it finds a new target.
Notes: Triggering invisibility or an illusion, or moving the Satellite forcefully after Lock-On is achieved does not allow a target to escape Lock-On. Lock-On is a shift in the Satellite's state, not a status inflicted on its target, and thus cannot be removed. A: CLEANSED
SatelliteSatellite (Satellite)
Area: Netopia, Sharo, NAXA
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: Trap(Enemy in Targeting Cursor) + Seeking: Movement (High-Alt) + Dodge + Lock-On + Nullify Invis
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Generates a targeting cursor that sweeps back and forth across the field, looking for a target. The cursor ignores decoys, objects, illusions, and invisibility. If the cursor intersects with an actual enemy, Lock-On is achieved, and the virus launches itself into the sky at High Altitude.
Secondary Attack Attack Damage/Effect: (3 Null + Seeking + Enhanced Accuracy) x 10 Shots
Secondary Attack Attack Accuracy: A
Secondary Attack Attack Description: When Lock-On is achieved, this virus fires a barrage of 10 highly accurate shots at its chosen target before landing in its original position. Accuracy debuffs on the Satellite while using this attack are reduced in severity by one rank.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Lock-On1, Zenny
Special: Immobile outside of its primary attack.
Special: This virus will repeat its primary attack until it finds a target, after which it will be able to use its secondary attack once. When it changes targets, either of its own volition or its current target's death, or uses its Secondary Attack and lands in its original position, it must repeat its primary attack until it finds a new target.
Notes: Triggering invisibility or an illusion, or moving the Satellite forcefully after Lock-On is achieved does not allow a target to escape Lock-On. Lock-On is a shift in the Satellite's state, not a status inflicted on its target, and thus cannot be removed. B: CLEANSED
This virus is essentially a flying, color changing RockCube. It flips between Red (attack mode) and blue (recovery mode) every time it takes a hit.
Area: SciLab, NAXA
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Null x 3 Targets
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: The virus turns red, and fires red colored energy beams at three enemies that inflict damage.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Healing x 3 Targets
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: The virus turns blue, and fires blue colored energy beams at three allies that recover HP.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): DBLBeam1, Zenny
Special: Getting hit changes it's color.
Special: Omnishoes: CLEANSED
Amity.Exe: 170Hp [Metal]
15% Metal
- Cannot be Broken or Cracked except with Geddon/PanelShot, cannot be Burrowed into.
- Elec attacks: +100% Source Damage.
- 100 Damage Aqua attacks: Change terrain hit to Cracked.
- 100 Damage Fire attacks: Change terrain hit to Furnace.
- PanelShot: Imbue Elec + Break.
75% Solar
- Elec Elementals get +5 HP/action.
- Wood attacks: +100% Source Damage, change terrain hit to Cracked.
- PanelShot: Imbue Elec + Stun1.
10% Glass
- Slip Effect: -10% Accuracy, -10% Evasion to all.
- Non-Ice Aqua attacks causes it to be Wet, doubles slip effect for Non-Aqua Elementals for 1 turn. Wet can expire early with Fire attacks. Can cause slippage for poor RP or heavy impacts on Non-Aqua Elementals, 1-2 actions to recover.
- 200 Damage attacks: Change terrain hit to Broken. Damage threshold cut in half for Ground, Break, and Impact, to a minimum threshold of 25 when all 3 are present. Null 25 + Slashing + Nova 2 per panel broken, up to 200 (8 panels).
- Burrow: Change terrain to Broken, 50 Null + Slashing to burrower, Null 25 + Slashing + Nova2 to surroundings.
- PanelShot: Spread1.
GMD: 20Hp [Glass][On the central platform]
Glass Support A: 20Hp [Angled glass struts, supporting the small central platform]
Glass Support B: 20Hp
Glass Support C: 20Hp
Glass Support D: 20Hp
-=Battle 2, Victory!=-
Spoils: 1200

Accuracy: S
Description: Summons a DoubleCube that fires either a Red Beam or a Blue Beam, then vanishes.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Randomly uses one of the below effects...
- 40 Null to all Enemies (Red Beam)
- 30 Heal to all Allies. Random (Blue Beam)
Trader Rank: D
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