Skirting Silence

It was no small feeling of relief that came over the young girl as the little metool came over to her and hid; her hope hadn't been misplaced, and the small virus didn't really seem like it meant any honest harm. She focused carefully on not allowing any of her errant sparks to escape while it was close, peeking out to check the result of her test. As the drones went into a frenzy to fix the spilled box, Lyntael took note of two things; the boxes seemed quite heavy, and the platforms were fairly stable. Right. she ducked back away again, looking down at her newly acquired friend.

"You're lost too, aren't you?" She murmured. Lyntael wasn't sure if she was talking to the metool itself, or just talking aloud to herself, but having the little guy there made it easier. "Neither one of us belong here... I bet you're as frightened and sacred as I am..." she was crouching, hands around her knees as she looker at it, resting just on the balls of her feet; if the little metool were actually of the perverted variety, though, it would be disappointed to find her skirt doing an admirable job of keeping things decent, against the probability of physics. Where it was understanding her words, or giving any other sign or not, though, the talking seemed to help her make up her mind.

"Stay here, ok little guy? I think I can take care of these. They don't seem too dangerous. Then you'll be safer." She nodded as much to herself as anyone else; she would keep this one safe. No accidents, no losing control of herself and hurting everyone around her this time. She could do that. Another long breath drawn in and let out, and then she moved.

Darting out into the gap between the consoles, Lyntael wove as she ran towards the two hovering platforms. The box had sounded heavy, and really, she was very light, and they looked quite stable, so... She jumped to one side first, springing to the top of the near console as she closed the distance, then kicked off back towards the platform that had lost its box. The air in the room gathered around her trailing from her body as she moved, reaching outwards to help give her a sense of things. She'd seen handles of some sort on them, probably for guiding them around, and now she grabbed for the one on the front, swinging herself around and up onto its flat top. Her hair crackled and her skin buzzed a she made the manoeuvre, heart racing quickly in her chest. The antics had gotten her adrenalin flowing again, but it wasn't accompanied by the same kind of overwhelming terror as previously; none of these machines actually seemed like they would be dangerous to her, so, this was really just more of a challenge.

Rather than taking an extra moment to steady herself, Lyntael turned the momentum, drawing all the air she could gather inwards to herself as she did and trying to pull the drone furthest from the cluster of machines closer in, before sweeping her foot around low in an effort to strike the other carrier platform with her striker. The energy flowed, but Lyntael was concentrating on control for now, and she did her best to moderate it, holding back most of the energy that suffused her and only allowing a portion of it to make the loop from each of her strikers, inwards to her core and back out through her leading foot.

At the back end of the sweep she did need to put both her hands down, gripping the edges of the hovering platform to make herself stable. Even as she did, she could feel another pulse of electrical energy rising to replace what she'd spent, but she let it spill free of her body slowly, rippling out in a wave over the machines around her. If she could put a few of these more harmless machines out of action without getting worked up, then that would be the first step. Amidst her efforts, the girl hadn't noticed that one of the drones had already disappeared somewhere.


L1) Dodge (out from behind her cover, and staying mobile through the next couple of actions)
L2) Take Aim
L3) Movement (Complex Action, running, jumping and ultimately swinging up onto the unoccupied platform)
L4) Unconscious Activation: My Pain is Real (Counter(Receiving Physical Damage): 40Elec, Nova2, Self-Slow1)(Set: Overcharge +1)
L*) Subtype Ability: Gust, as Free Action, as Pull, On Repair Drone B
L5) Half-Charge Buster Strike at Needle Platform A (40elec, A)(Overcharge +1)
L*) Passive: A Manifest Spirit (10elec, Nova2)(Overcharge-1)

Cooldowns and Overcharge

My Heart Falters: Cooling Down
My Pain is Real: 2TCD

Overcharge: Begin: 0, My pain is Real (Set) +1, Half-Charge Strike +1, Manifest Spirit -1, End: +1

With a brief peptalk (to herself, or to the Metool, nobody knew) and goodbye, Lyntael leapt into action, weaving out and jumping off of one of the terminal consoles. With her enhanced leap, she was easily able to mount the boxless transport drone. Using the momentum she gained from the movement, she then landed a powerful kick onto the other platform. Her attack caused it to lose its stability for a short while, tipping the box it was carrying onto the floor with a loud crash. Of course, her behavior didn't go unnoticed, but even as the platforms under her extracted their defensive weaponry, they appeared to be only able to shoot forward, and thus Lyntael was safe from those. The only ones that were able to respond to her were the two repair drones, which, of course, heard the commotion, and sought to fix the problem. The drones warped up to her face in a surprise attack, using a small tazer towards her. Luckily, one of them missed its target completely, while the other grazed Lyntael, with its damage being absorbed by her barrier.

The reaction that followed was a bit terrible for everyone involved, as a radial electric reaction from Lyntael's body caused most of the drones around her to malfunction pretty quickly. Oddly enough, the transport drone she had just recently attacked managed to swerve slightly out of the way enough that the radius of the attack didn't manage to hit it. Of course, neither of them could really retaliate due to Lyntael's current position, so they were essentially sitting ducks as the repair drones fell to the floor in front of them.

It wasn't time to celebrate yet for Lyntael, however, as she then heard something approaching in the background, with a constant mechanical whizzing sound. It appeared to be moving towards her at a steady pace, and would most likely be arriving soon!

// Maintenance Crew
Needle Platform A: 30 HP (Next to Platform B)
Needle Platform B: 30 HP (Lyntael on top!)
Repair Drone A: DESTROYED
Repair Drone B: DESTROYED
Repair Drone C: Vanished?

// Wayward Little One
Metool: 40 HP (Behind TerminalsC)

// Unfortunately Caught
Lyntael: 150 HP (30HP Elec Barrier) (BusterCharge1) (Self-Slow1)

// Terrain
100% Normal

// Objects
Row of Terminals A: 40 HP (Furthest away from Lyntael)
Row of Terminals B: 40 HP (Middle of room)
Row of Terminals C: 30 HP (Nearest to Lyntael)
Nondescript Container A: 160 HP (Crashed onto floor)
Nondescript Container B: 160 HP (Crashed onto floor)
There was a brief moment when Lyntael realised that she might actually be in more danger that she thought, when the two platforms extended what were almost certainly weapons, but she was caught up in her movements, then distracted by the sudden swarming of the smaller drones. She was left to fend off their indignant assault with one hand, batting at them, but when one of them managed to jab her with a tool she felt the flow of alternate current drain off through her barrier then cause the out-fluxing response that she knew would follow.

"Ah... no..." It had only been a tiny poke, and deprived of the shock it was meant to deliver it hadn't even hurt her, but her body didn't want to listen, and she winced, holding it down for a couple of seconds before the pulse crashed off her and made her gasp. Afterwards, Lyntael grit her teeth and opened her eyes, steadying herself again. The drones had looked quite delicate, and she wasn't' surprised that the recoil had knocked them out, really, but she still would rather have avoided the reaction. She took a deep breath and channelled some of the regaining charge outward again in another minor wave, slow and controlled, before it could build up too much further.

The sound of more machines approaching snapped the girls head back up again and she glanced towards the hall that the noise seemed to be coming from. Not good. Her eyes flicked back to the two platforms. They didn't seem clever enough to hover at differing enough heights to get a good line on here, even if they did have those low-slung weapons on them. They were both badly damaged by now as well; her personalised storm seemed to be doing most of the work for her anyway, as much as she hated it. Quickly then, before more machines came to clean up the ones she was breaking... Light what a mess, a small thought whispered; all she could really do was hope against hope that the level of automation here would clean up and repair everything, and no actual navis or people would see the trail of broken security measures she was leaving behind. It made her wonder if the little tool-bearing ones she had just destroyed were actually the machines responsible for maintenance. Oh dear.

Lyntael shook her head to clear it, then gathered a small cone of air beneath the platform just next to her. Rising to her toes, she turned her hip and leaned back just enough to bring her right leg up and over in a neat heel drop just as she thrust upwards with the air current, popping the drone upwards into the path of her strike. The charge in her core hummed as she lashed out, but Lyntael was holding it at bay for now, leaving the work to the firmness of her own strike, without any extra electrical aid. It should be enough to put it out of commission, she hoped; it looked like it was barely holding on anyway; she was well prepared to shift the momentum to her other foot as her heel came back down, and whip it out for a follow-up side strike if the first didn't do the job.

Next, she crouched on her own platform, looking for the part that seemed the most damaged, then curled her fist and drove it firmly against the point while holding both herself and the platform steady with her other hand. If it didn't begin to drop out of the air after the first, she had enough time to repeat the gesture, though it made her shake out her hand with a small wince afterwards. Provided the final result was both platforms out of commission, though, Lyntael jumped off and ducked clear, feet on solid ground again.

As she looked about at the damage she'd caused, Lyntael felt very mixed. In one sense, she was glad that she'd kept such good control of herself, and that she hadn't gotten scared, at least not too much. She was also ever so slightly proud of having managed to take care of the situation, too, and wondered briefly what Martia would think. Would she be proud of her too? The rest of her.. wasn't so sure. As much as she wanted to help Rogan however she could... this really wasn't something that she wanted to be good at in the first place. It wasn't going to be empty machines for much longer — this was almost certainly a one-off, she knew, so, was all she achieving here... making it easier for her to do this to others? Others who might be aware enough to feel the same kinds of fear she felt so often? A small shudder followed, and Lyntael distracted herself for a moment by peeking at and into the two fallen boxes to see if there was anything interesting worth learning or seeing.

The hum of approaching company snapped her back to the present and she darted back to the little metool she'd left hiding. There was still a warm glow of electricity suffusing her body, but it was barely above her own comforting baseline, so she was fairly sure she was safe from any risk of hurting him for now.

"I think there's more things coming, little guy. I've... I've got to keep going, there's things I need to do, but you shouldn't stay here. It's not safe." She still didn't know how much the small virus would understanding, and she ran a nervous hand through her hair as she glanced between it and the doorway that the sounds were approaching from.


L*) (Overcharge +1 for Counter Activation)
L*) Passive: A Manifest Spirit (10elec, Nova2)(Overcharge-1)
L*) Subtype Ability: Gust, as Free Action, as Pull/Push, On Needle Platform A (Lifting it up a bit and drawing it into better position to be hit)
L1) Basic Buster Strike (20, A) On Needle Platform A
L2) Basic Buster Strike (20, A) On Needle Platform A (If needed, else forward to B)
L3) Basic Buster Strike (20, A) On Needle Platform B (If Needed, else more examining/talking actions)
L4) Basic Buster Strike (20, A) On Needle Platform B (If Needed, else more examining/talking actions)
L5) Briefly check boxes to see if there's anything interesting to learn or see.

Cooldowns and Overcharge

My Pain is Real: 1TCD

Overcharge: Begin: +1, My pain is Real (Activate) +1, Manifest Spirit -1, End: +1
Using the vantage point of being on top of one of the platforms allowed Lyntael to make quick work of the two remaining drones, leaving them in a heap of refuse. She then got to examining the boxes, which sadly didn't seem to have anything of note, other than what appeared to be a multitude of screens in one box and various electrical parts the other. Some of the screens had shattered thanks to the rough handling, though it made one wonder why they weren't packed to handle it in the first place. Lyntael bounded over to the Metool she had left behind, which had been peeking out the doorway since Lyntael dispatched all of the drones.

The Metool hopped gladly at the sight of her face, before disappearing to run off behind one of the terminals. Some scrambling around later, it brought out a gleaming green crystal in front of her. However, Lyntael was also concerned about the approaching noise, which quickly made itself evident. A slithering mass of cables appeared from around the bend, carrying a box that appeared identical to the ones that had been on the floor. The weird mass of cables seemed to be clumped up behind the box, so it could probably be assumed that it was a drone behind all of them. It seemed to be taking its sweet time, though, being presumably not very used to carrying such a heavy load. It also seemed to not react yet to Lyntael and the Metool's presence.

At the sight of the strange sight, the Metool squeaked as it went back into hiding, leaving the green crystal, and Lyntael, behind. Looks like there was one last thing to take care of.

// Maintenance Crew
Needle Platform A: DESTROYED
Needle Platform B: DESTROYED
Repair Drone A: DESTROYED
Repair Drone B: DESTROYED
Repair Drone C: Vanished?
Restrainer: 80 HP (Very slowly approaching from doorway, doesn't seem to have noticed anything yet)

// Wayward Little One
Metool: 40 HP (Behind TerminalsC)

// Unfortunately Caught
Lyntael: 150 HP (30HP Elec Barrier) (BusterCharge1) (Behind TerminalsC)

// Terrain
100% Normal

// Objects
Row of Terminals A: 40 HP (Furthest away from Lyntael)
Row of Terminals B: 40 HP (Middle of room)
Row of Terminals C: 30 HP (Nearest to Lyntael)
Nondescript Container A: 160 HP (Crashed onto floor)
Nondescript Container B: 160 HP (Crashed onto floor)
Nondescript Container C: 200 HP (Being carried by the Restrainer's cables)
Mystery Data: 25 HP (In front of Lyntael)
With the rest of the machinery going swiftly quiet, Lyntael allowed herself a few moments to breath and relax her stance, then took a quick inspection of the cargo that she had now interrupted the transport of. It didn't seem like there was anything to learn though, and she needed to get moving. Rogan would be waiting. Growing impatient? Maybe... but if he was going to be resolute in not directing his emotions at her at all, then it wouldn't be impatience at her, would it? A part of her was, nevertheless, surprised at the thought and the edge of vindictiveness in it. She shook her head. She didn't want to think like that. Then sound drew closer, but a more prominent distraction presented itself as her small friend produced a valuable find. For a moment she was torn. She needed to go, to run, even. There was no time for any of this. It didn't really seem to grasp her warnings, but she crouched down and took the time to try anyway.

"Thank you. That's very nice of you! I appreciate it, but I have to go now. If you stay near me, you'll just get hurt, little guy... I never mean to, but... everyone who stays near me gets hurt sooner or later. I'm going to go, but you should get out of here too, alright? This place isn't safe so you should get out of here, ok?" There was no more time for warnings, though, when the source of the sounds bustled gradually into the room. While Lyntael glanced its way and caught sight of the mass of cords and cables working its way forwards, her new friend hid itself away again, out of sight by the time she looked back to him. Biting her lip, Lyntael looked towards the console that he had hidden behind, then back towards the advancing system. It was probably just there to clean up the mess anyway, and it didn't seem to have seen either of them yet. She should probably just go, while the going was good.

"What is the delay, Lyntael? You are not trapped in that area." Rogan's voice came to her low and quiet, sounding from a point just above and behind her as it usually did, though it still made her flinch.

"Sorry, sir. It's... there's this virus and I think—"
"Delete it, or run, Lyntael, I don't care. Your work is what matters here. All else is secondary. Now move."
"I..." Her fingers tightened into small fists for a moment, frustrated while she searched for words. "No, sir. It's not like that. It's not that simple. I just..." She did have to move on though, she knew that.
"No excuses, Lyntael. Move. Now." Her fingers flexed and clenched again and she drew a long breath.
"Yes, sir."

Reaching out one hand, she placed it against the surface of the crystal that the metool had found and accessed it. Provided it didn't turn out to be anything truly worrisome, the data would form into a green string that looped around her wrist a few times, then crawled up her arm and shoulder and under her vest until it settled into a circling set of concentric coils around her emblem. Of course, if it wasn't just inert data, then things were about to get a whole lot less friendly, but if it was safe, she spared one last glance for the place where the metool had hidden.

"Don't get caught, little guy..." She murmured towards it, then darted for the far doorway, the way Rogan had told her to go.


L*) Passive: A Manifest Spirit Inactive
L*) Combat Concluded for now. Situational Overcharge Modifier (Overcharge -1)
L1) Talk with and thank Metool.
L2) Access GMD immediately.
L3) Run from area, ignoring restrainer (though not being particularly stealthy about it either), to end encounter.
L4) (No Additional Actions)
L5) (No Additional Actions)

Cooldowns and Overcharge

My Pain is Real: Cooling Down

Overcharge: Begin: +1, Combat Concluded -1, End: 0 Lyntael is currently calm.

(Reward: 880z)

With most of the drones taken out of commission, Lyntael quickly heeded her operator's words and exited the area, leaving the Metool behind. Before she did so, however, she activated the green Mystery Data crystal by touching it, causing it to decrypt into a datastream that snaked up through her arm. However, as soon as it reached her central emblem, it quickly flashed red, and Lyntael was frozen in mid-air. She could hear a high-pitched laughing sound, coming from the room she had just left, before she vanished into nothing.

It didn't take long for her to rematerialize, and she dropped unceremoniously to the floor from about a couple of feet up. When she came to her senses, she found herself in the middle of a room with a very high ceiling, stocked with an enormous amount of nondescript boxes, the same kind she had just saw earlier. On closer inspection, she appeared to not have been dropped onto the floor, but onto one of the many boxes that lined the area, in the middle of a large cluster of them that formed a rather wide wall between two sections of the area in front of and behind her. The place was slightly dark, besides some lights here and there to provide minimal illumination.

The Mystery Data crystal she had just decrypted sat in front of her, though it had one crucial difference in appearance; it appeared to have been halved through its middle horizontally, with a black core leering at her through red glowing eyes. The laughter came again, before it vanished. If Lyntael were to look up, she would see the gleaming green crystal on a suspended catwalk, with a few access ladders on the walls, a small walk to her left and right. She then heard a few beeps around her. To her dismay, some sentries appeared to have found her; a couple of smaller sentry turrets were positioned around a larger floor-mounted pod that looked like a large closed clamshell. Behind her, two more of the same turrets were placed, though without a larger turret. The smaller sentries swiveled up to look at her, and beeped angrily in unison.

// Warehouse Guards
Counter Sentry A: 60 HP (Ground level, in front of Lyntael)
Counter Sentry B: 60 HP (Ground level, in front of Lyntael)
Counter Sentry C: 60 HP (Ground level, behind Lyntael)
Counter Sentry D: 60 HP (Ground level, behind Lyntael)
Turret (Heavy): 100 HP (Closed) (Ground level, in front of Lyntael)
Green Mimic: 200 HP (High Altitude, on catwalk)

// Displaced and Distressed
Lyntael: 150 HP (On top of boxes.)

// Terrain
50% Normal (Ground Level. Currently where every enemy is. Split into two 25% areas in front of and behind Lyntael.)
40% Normal (On top of boxes. Each box is about 2/3rds as tall as Lyntael, and most boxes are stacked three units high to form a wide wall. Lyntael is currently in the middle of this.)
10% Normal (High Altitude-level Catwalk. Access with ladders takes 1 action.)

// Objects
Catwalk Access Ladder A: 100 HP (1 movement to the left of Lyntael.)
Catwalk Access Ladder B: 100 HP (1 movement to ther right of Lyntael.)

// Battle 3, End!
// Battle 4, Start!!
The unexpected laughter made Lyntael freeze, a bout a moment before her senses blanked out. The next moment, everything was different, and she couldn't help the small shriek that followed when she fell into her new setting. Her hands hit the boxes a moment later and she pushed herself up, confused.

"What..." Her face turned to either side as her eyes darted, but the setting was somewhere entirely new and different. There had been something wrong when she tried to open the crystal, and now... Her eyes caught sight of the creature, up above now. Those were eyes; it wasn't a data crystal at all then. Had she gone and done something stupid again? Rogan's voice cut over her thoughts a moment later.

"Lyntael, what did you do? Your position has moved, dramatically, and I'm not reading any transits or jump points that you might have taken. Go back the way you came and get back on track. You're a long way from where I need you." He sounded... deliberately calm, if she had to describe it. He was frustrated, and impatient perhaps, but he was deliberately not directing any of that towards her. She caught herself wishing he would, now.

"I... I can't, sir. I don't know how I got here! I don't see any way out!" There were more machines beeping at her presence, and the false crystal had moved to the small walkway she could see above, but more importantly... should couldn't see any passageways or entry hatches at all. It was a closed space. "Rogan, how do I get out of here?! There are no doors. Please, I'm trapped!" The initial shock of being transported had given Lyntael's heart a small jolt, but now the lack of any visible exits, and the feeling of being trapped had taken over the job of keeping it beating faster and faster. He voice had slid into a hurried demand of him towards the end as, without realising it, her breathing had become increasingly shallow as she looked about the room. Rather than stand all the way, she instead crouched lower, pressing herself down to the boxes beneath her and lifting her hands to her head trying to calm herself. She wasn't really trapped. Couldn't be. There had to be ways in and out of the chamber, she just couldn't see them right now, that was all. She wasn't truly trapped. Just stay calm.

"Lyntael, stop. Take stock of your current situation, and then report. I'm still busy with this area, but you have a lot of ground to cover now." Hearing the voice, she nodded her head, but didn't say anything. Rogan didn't seem to notice her lack of response this time. Still, she had to think, and she had to act... a whole room full of security systems were trained on her, and who knew what any of them were going to do.

"How? I can't get away from here! I can't get out of here!"
"Then find a way. I have my own work to do and I cannot do yours as well."

Lyntael pressed herself down against the boxes further, fighting the urge to curl up. She knew the whole place was automated though, right? And there were machines for cleaning up, like the mess she'd made before, and the other little drones she'd seen had repair tools on them. More had to be able to come in from somewhere, somehow. If she could break some of the systems here, she might find another tunnel or an access shaft, or something. She quailed at the thought of more cold steel and tight spaces, but it was better than being trapped. Now it was just a matter of convincing her body to get up and move.

She was on a partition; the pallet of boxes seemed just like the ones she'd seen before, but they were stacked up and blocking the two halves of the room from each other. Some of the smaller sentries were on one side, apart from the larger object, so maybe she could just damage those ones first? that might be safest? Her mind hadn't really fully processed the laughter of the data crystal yet, and after the initial shock had given way to her budding cleithrophobia before she had really thought any more about it. For now, all that was in her immediate thoughts was the idea of doing something that might reveal a way out of this apparently sealed chamber.

As Lyntael rose to a crouch again, she thought for a moment about brining up her barrier, but the tingling sensation in her wrists and her ankles led tot he awareness of the delicate electrical field already surrounding her body. It had happened on its own at some point already. One part of her was disappointed at herself, but it was only a very, very small voice. Mostly she was just relieved.

Taking a deeper breath, Lyntael glanced to either side, then made a gesture with one hand, drawing the air in the room with it as she did. She didn't really need to make the hand motions to go with her wind manipulations, but sometimes, like when she was stressed or afraid, it felt like it helped. This time, she directed the brunt of the pressure against the topmost box in front of her, pushing it off the pile and down, with the idea of making something a bit more climbing friendly. She didn't need it to jump down right now, but it would probably make getting back up easier. that done, she jumped clear, keeping one hand on the edge of the boxes for stability as she swung down off the pile and darted the extra step toward the nearest small turret. They looked small, and hopefully whatever type of system it was she could sneak in a quick disabling blow before it did anything hurtful.

that was the plan, anyway; Lyntael herself had no idea how the smaller sentries were going to react to her, when they did attack, but she was light on her toes as she struck out with a kick the came in low from one side and let flow a small portion of the charge that had welled up in her body from her earlier shock. There was the usual rush of expending, but Lyntael did her best to keep a tight reign on it. When the momentum of her kick stopped, her body pulsed in response, releasing a localised wave of static as well while the young girl tried to clear her sight to see if she'd managed to actually disrupt her target.


L1) Try not to panic. (Situational modifier; Overcharge +2)
L2) Instinctive Activation: My Heart Falters (40Elec Barrier, Buster Charge, Off-Target)(Overcharge -1)
L3) Cower. (As a dodge, since she's making herself small against the surface of her raised position)
L*) Subtype Ability: Gust, as Free Action, as Push. (Knock one box down to the backward side, ideally making something like steps)
L4) Feint (drop down and move towards Sentry D)
L5) Half-Charge buster Strike, at Sentry D (40Elec, A) (Overcharge +1)
L*) Passive: A Manifest Spirit (10Elec, Nova2)(Overcharge -1)

Cooldowns and Overcharge

My Heart Falters: 1TCD

Overcharge: Begin: 0, Situational Modifier +2, My Heart Falters -1, Half-Charge Strike +1, Manifest Spirit -1, End: +1

Lyntael's reaction to being dumped in the unknown network sector would be to panic; though it was understandable, it wouldn't help her much against the sentry drones that had just activated against her. Both of the sentries that flanked the larger turret disappeared into the floor, and reappeared beside Lyntael just as she got her reflexive barrier up. Mechanical punches came out from both sides, which she barely managed to skirt past when she cowered on the floor, though one punch did glance her barrier.

Thinking fast, she pushed one of the boxes off to the side for her to climb up later, and dropped down to attempt a kick on one of the sentries. The kick went wide as the sentry disappeared into the floor. Its companion close by did the same, with both of them delivering the same mechanical punch attack that the two she had just left on the box wall. Fortunately, her stray discharge caught one of them as the attacks both missed her by a couple of inches, the coldness of the sentries' metal smackers being far too close for comfort.

Meanwhile, she could hear the turret on the other side whir as it came to life, though with the giant wall of boxes separating her from it, she thankfully didn't have to deal with it at the moment. High above her, the green crystal appeared to ignore her for the moment as well, being content simply to watch.

// Warehouse Guards
Counter Sentry A: 60 HP (On top of box wall)
Counter Sentry B: 60 HP (On top of box wall)
Counter Sentry C: 60 HP (Next to Lyntael)
Counter Sentry D: 50 HP (Next to Lyntael)
Turret (Heavy): 100 HP (Not visible) (Other side of box wall)
Green Mimic: 200 HP (High Altitude, on catwalk)

// Displaced and Distressed
Lyntael: 150 HP (Ground level, near Sentry C&D) (25HP Elec Barrier) (Off-Target1)

// Terrain
50% Normal (Ground Level. Split into two 25% areas, one of which Lyntael is currently situated in.)
40% Normal (On top of boxes. Each box is about 2/3rds as tall as Lyntael, and most boxes are stacked three units high to form a wide wall. One box is knocked down near Lyntael.)
10% Normal (High Altitude-level Catwalk. Access with ladders takes 1 action.)

// Objects
Catwalk Access Ladder A: 100 HP (1 movement to the left of Lyntael.)
Catwalk Access Ladder B: 100 HP (1 movement to ther right of Lyntael.)
The sudden movements of the small turrets popping up next to her only enhanced Lyntael's flinching reaction, but by the time she'd made it to the floor and looked back even her nerves and fear for the situation weren't enough to stop her from blinking and looking again. That was... odd. The turrets looked like small systems that came up and retracted through the floor, but, there two of them had popped up right out of two of the piled up boxes. The next through that followed made her grit her teeth and back off another step, slowly. What if they were mobile and those boxes were full of the things? Small sparks of static were beginning to snap between the soft spikes of her hair.

She glanced back to the two that had repositioned around her after dropping down. Maybe it was bad timing, or maybe they were actually avoidant. It didn't much matter though; all she could hope for right then was that their little shift and pop-up was the their only trick. She watched the two near her carefully, barely breathing and light on her toes. If it just repositioned near her again and tried another one of those little thrusts, then this wasn't so bad, really. As much as her barrier had warded off the damage from the one that had grazed her before, it didn't look very intimidating, really, and if they wanted to come close to her, well... anything that got close to her tended to get damaged, and that was what she wanted right now, wasn't it? On the whole, Lyntael was glad she'd come into this as relatively calm as she was; her panic was pressing, and she needed a way out of the room, quickly, but for now she was keeping it under control, so long as she focused on just what was directly in front of her.

For now, that meant watching the turrets nearest her for movement, and waiting to see if they all intended to crowd her at once. Her eyes flicked up to the wall of boxes again as she moved on the balls of her feet, shifting out of line of the two sentries close by with a careful step. The soft hum of electricity in her body was growing slowly, but it wasn't a danger yet; finding out what the deal was with the little turrets might tell her something about how to get out, and as long as she concentrated on that goal, she didn't need to think about... other problems.

She drew a longer breath, then reached out and clasped one hand in the air, pulling it back towards her with a sharp motion. This time, the rush of wind that accompanied her gesture was focused around the box that the nearest sentry on the divide had popped up from, pulling it down off the stack and letting it tumble to the side. If nothing else, it would show her how they reacted, or maybe how they got around. It would also, she desperately hoped, reveal that her fear of dozens more of the things emerging from all the boxes in the room, was unfounded.

"Lyntael." Her heart jolted again. "I said take stock, and report."
"I don't have an exit!"
"That isn't possible, Lyntael. You got there somehow."
"Then help me! Please, sir!" She closed her mouth, but it was said. Her voice had come out strained and she knew the worry for her situation had to be showing, but more than that, she was beginning to fear what followed. Nothing. Rogan didn't respond to her plea at all, this time and the silence felt like a heavy weight on the line. Without any thought to consciously stopping it, her hands shook in their stance as she winced. Thinking about her situation with Rogan was really the last thing she needed for calming her anxiety right now, and it was almost on cue that she could feel the soft build of charge begin to speed up within her. The intermittent crack of sparks in her hair was increasing.

Lyntael swallowed, then looked at the sentries around her before concentrated on letting just a small amount of energy fan off her body, filtering the cascade of static slowly in response to it building up. It was a strange feeling; not uncomfortable, and not pleasant either, just, strange. Like drawing thread through a needle. The small pulse still drew a long exhale from the girl as she watched each of them for a reaction, poised to move however she needed to avoid another jab from any of them. Even so, the gradual increase in the speed of her charge was more than she could safely channel away, stressed as she was, and she could feel more still swelling on the surface of her skin. It was ok. It was what she wanted, wasn't it? Not to get too overwrought by it, but, this was what she needed to clear these machines out right now. Reluctantly she was beginning to brace herself for the inevitable discomfort that came with that grade of expenditure.

Some small part of her had feebly hoped that Rogan's silence was because he was searching her area for something she could use; that any moment he'd speak again and tell her where the hidden access hatch was, or tweak something that would make some passageway or other reveal itself. The rest of her knew better, and nothing came.


L1) Dodge (Staying close to Sentries C and D, with the intent of avoiding their next actions.)
L*) Subtype Ability: Gust, as Free Action, as Pull. (Trying to pull the box that Sentry B is on, down, to see what happens)
L2) Dodge (Still trying to keep away from prospective punchy things without moving away from them)
L3) Buster Charge
L*) Passive: A Manifest Spirit (10Elec, Nova2)(Overcharge -1)
L4) Unconscious Activation: My Pain is Real (Counter(Receiving Melee Damage): 40Elec, Nova2, Self-Slow1)(Overcharge +1(Set))
L5) Buster Charge

Cooldowns and Overcharge

My Heart Falters: Cooling Down
My Pain is Real: 2TCD

Overcharge: Begin: +1, My Pain is Real (Set) +1, Manifest Spirit -1 End: +1

Staying close to the ground, Lyntael kept two of the sentries on her, dodging them out as they released a few more metallic jabs in her direction. As she appeared to be much calmer than before, she easily avoided the attacks. As she did so, her small discharge managed to clip a few of them as one of the sentries appeared from the box wall next to her.

Of course, she didn't plan to do this dance forever, and started charging up some attacks, in addition to using a small gust of wind to try to jostle one of the boxes. Specifically, the box that one of the sentries was still situated on. It appeared to give, but then halted just as it looked like it was going to tumble over. The sentry on top of it attempted to retreat into the box, but let out some sparks and stutters as it failed, for one reason or another.

Elsewhere, Lyntael could hear a few small hums of activity, as the turret on the other side whirred down. High above, the glow of the rogue green crystal grew slightly brighter.

// Warehouse Guards
Counter Sentry A: 50 HP (Next to Lyntael)
Counter Sentry B: 60 HP (On top of box wall, stuck on slightly lopsided box)
Counter Sentry C: 50 HP (Next to Lyntael)
Counter Sentry D: 40 HP (Next to Lyntael)
Turret (Heavy): 100 HP (Not visible) (Other side of box wall)
Green Mimic: 200 HP (20HP Barrier) (High Altitude, on catwalk)

// Displaced and Distressed
Lyntael: 150 HP (Ground level, near Sentry C&D) (25HP Elec Barrier) (Counter: My Pain is Real) (Self-Slow1) (BusterCharge2)

// Terrain
50% Normal (Ground Level. Split into two 25% areas, one of which Lyntael is currently situated in.)
40% Normal (On top of boxes. Each box is about 2/3rds as tall as Lyntael, and most boxes are stacked three units high to form a wide wall. One box is knocked down near Lyntael.)
10% Normal (High Altitude-level Catwalk. Access with ladders takes 1 action.)

// Objects
Catwalk Access Ladder A: 100 HP (1 movement to the left of Lyntael.)
Catwalk Access Ladder B: 100 HP (1 movement to ther right of Lyntael.)
As each of the systems around her struck out, it was all Lyntael could do to weave her body away from them in turn, but at least they didn't seem too fast, or too clever. At the edge of her awareness, she had seen her efforts disrupt the fourth one, getting it stuck somehow. Maybe it had extended up right through the stack of boxes and was stuck now? Either way, she didn't have the space to think about it properly. Focusing on the turrets right in front of her was helping, but the underlying panic of being trapped was something she could only push away and it was swiftly pressing onto her other thoughts with increasing insistence every moment. Even if things stopped attacking her, how was she going to get out of this chamber? She didn't want to be trapped.

"Lytnael, report." Rogan's voice was firm, but cool. Light, why did he have to sound so calm? What did he want her to say? She'd already looked around and there was no way out at all. The place was completely sealed! He body rippled with energy at the small start, sending another shower of sparks out in all directions, and Lyntael fought the urge to raise both hands to her head and crouch down again.

"I don't know... What should I say?" Tried, and apparently failed as she felt her fingers grip at her hair as her head dropped for a moment. Her voice had sounded pathetic, even to her own ears. Her gaze snapped up again quickly though; the automated systems were attacking again.

"Details, Lyntael. Tell me how you got there." Gritting her teeth, she turned brought one fist around to lash out low at the first turret she could see, energy looping back through her strikers to unify then releasing a tight burst of energy even as she tried to answer.

"I don't know! I don't know, alright!?" Her momentum continued and she put the striking hand down to instead sweep her opposite leg forward and around in a continuation of the circle. Another cycle of current, and another rush of release as electricity flared. "I don't know how I got her,e and I'm trapped here, and there's no way out, and no way back! I don't know what else to say, Rogan! There's nothing else to report! There's nothing else to do!!" Without realising that her voice had risen to a more full-bodied shout, Lyntael drew herself up again, panting as another, more stabilising pulse of energy from her core answered the rapid build-up of circling charge. Her barrier had refreshed itself and left her extremities tingling, but now that she'd started the urge to release again was getting stronger.

"Don't shout." Finally some emotion from him — coldly chiding, perhaps, but it was something, even if it made her bare her teeth in frustration. She wanted to shout at him directly, but in lieu of that had to settle for crying out to the empty air around her.

"You don't care, remember!? So why shouldn't I?" A less articulate shout followed as she struck out a third time, transferring weight to her other foot and kicking forcefully at the third sentinel that she hadn't attacked yet. "I know I'm just a voice in your earpiece when you work, it's not like it matters if I shout! No-one's going to hear but you, and you don't care!" The third cycle of energy left her feeling drained and she stumbled slightly after bringing her leg back down. there was a faint burning in her limbs and her muscles felt warm from the expenditure of electricity that had run through them; already it was building back up again, and the bleak familiarity of the sensation ,and where it led made her squeeze her eyes shut. Now that she'd started shouting, though, she didn't feel like stopping.

"There was a little virus! It was friendly! It showed me a data crystal, and I thought I'd check it, just to see if there was anything that you might find useful! Something was off with the data, and the next thing I know, I'm here! There's no exit, just a whole lot of boxes, and security machines, and...." Her voice trailed off to silence as her face turned upwards. Despite how she felt about it, Rogan's pushing her and the shouting had helped draw together the partial bits and pieces of thoughts that she hadn't managed to process completely yet, and her eyes found the green glow.

"And you..." She didn't bother to check the results of her lashing out now, but instead quickly gathered in all the wind she could about herself, skirt flaring as she crouched down and put one hand to the panels. A moment later she sprang upwards, creating a soft thump of sound as the air current followed and boosted her high. Her goal was the platform above and she extended herself fully reaching for it. At the peak of her leap, her fingers caught the edge if the gantry and gripped tight, before the girl swung her relatively minor weight around and up onto the grid-work. This left her in a low crouch, leaning forward with on hand still on the gantry out in front of her as she glared at the traitorous crystal-creature.

"You caused this, didn't you?" With something to focus on as the probably cause of her entrapment, Lyntael found most of her other thoughts falling to the sidelines at the prospect of getting free. As she sprang upright, she drew the remaining currents of wind around them both together, reaching out her other hand towards the false crystal. "Let me out of here!" This shout was accompanied by a further intensity of the sparks in her hair, and Lyntael could feel the charge under her skin now, beginning to burn. Rogan hadn't answered since she began shouting, but she hadn't consciously noticed.


L*) Passive: A Manifest Spirit (10Elec, Nova2)(Overcharge -1)
L1) Half-Charge buster Strike, at Sentry A (40Elec, A) (Overcharge +1)
L2) Half-Charge buster Strike, at Sentry D (40Elec, A) (Overcharge +1)
L3) Instinctive Activation: My Heart Falters (40Elec Barrier, Buster Charge, Off-Target)(Overcharge -1)
L4) Half-Charge buster Strike, at Sentry C (40Elec, A) (Overcharge +1)
L5) Subtype Ability: Airstep: High Jump as an action, leaping to the upper gantry.
L*) Subtype Ability: Gust, as Free Action, as Pull. (Pulling Mimic to Lyntael or vice-versa — she's light on her feet and if she ends up going towards it instead, she'll let that happen — her goal is simply to put her hand on it.)

Cooldowns and Overcharge

My Heart Falters: 1TCD
My Pain is Real: 1TCD

Overcharge: Begin: +1, Manifest Spirit -1, Half-Charge Strike x 3 +3, My Heart Falters -1, End: +2
Slowly, but surely, Lyntael's sanity (or, rather, depiction of sanity) started to wear thin, as the gravity of the situation started to take hold. As one of the sentries around her started to approach her with its mechanical punch, she struck first, entirely smashing through its weakened frame. Another one attempted to flank her with its own attack, but it only succeeded in being deflected by her barrier, as well as triggering a bigger reaction. A brief moment later, her reactive electrical pulse attack wracked the sentries' systems, leaving all of them in a heap around her. Meanwhile, sometime during the skirmish, her barrier had refreshed itself.

Then, looking upwards, she located the one responsible for her displacement, and rocketed upwards to meet it, landing on the overhead walkway. Using her wind manipulation, she managed to pull the crystal a bit closer to her. However, the crystal managed to pull itself away, though not before jostling it slightly askew. Its response was to revolve rapidly about its core before firing a huge green beam from its midsection. Thanks to Lyntael's movement, however, the beam was mistakenly directed towards one of the walls, where it smashed through the wall. A gleam of artificial light streamed through the breach, along with a brief gust of wind, which blew some of the wall's debris to the floor. If she were to look down to follow the debris, she would see the stationary turret on the other side of the wall locking its sights directly towards her.

// Warehouse Guards
Counter Sentry A: DESTROYED
Counter Sentry B: 60 HP (On top of box wall, stuck on slightly lopsided box)
Counter Sentry C: DESTROYED
Counter Sentry D: DESTROYED
Turret (Heavy): 100 HP (Open, aiming upwards) (Other side of box wall)
Green Mimic: 200 HP (20HP Barrier) (High Altitude, floating on catwalk)

// Displaced and Distressed
Lyntael: 150 HP (High Altitude, on catwalk) (40HP Elec Barrier) (Off-Target1)

// Terrain
50% Normal (Ground Level. Split into two 25% areas, one of which Lyntael is currently situated in.)
40% Normal (On top of boxes. Each box is about 2/3rds as tall as Lyntael, and most boxes are stacked three units high to form a wide wall. One box is knocked down near Lyntael.)
10% Normal (High Altitude-level Catwalk. Access with ladders takes 1 action.)

// Objects
Catwalk Access Ladder A: 100 HP (1 movement to the left of Lyntael.)
Catwalk Access Ladder B: 100 HP (1 movement to ther right of Lyntael.)
Amidst the shouting and lashing out, Lyntael herself had barely noticed that the latter few of her attacks had been mostly aimed at already destroyed equipment; the recoiled that triggered as one had struck her had sent the greater majority of power in her at the time coursing outwards, accompanied by a ragged cry that had broken up some of her frustrated words to Rogan. It had left her panting and sore by the time her thoughts came together enough to direct, and as she glared down the mimic on the catwalk above, there was a slight tremble in her limbs. It was happening again; she was still mostly keeping her thoughts in a line, but it was a coherent enough train to realise where the tracks were heading, and the panic of being trapped was getting in the way of any attempts she could make to slow it down.

The cycle was rising already, the drained sensation replaced swiftly by the regain of her natural charge rushing out to fill the void. She had to stop it, and she had to stay calm, she knew this, but it was so hard. The crystal in front of her had attacked, a beam of energy shooting past her faster than she could have dodged, if it had been accurate, but she closed in on the creature anyway, hands shaking as much with the energy she was restraining under her skin as from adrenalin or fear. Sadly, her eyes didn't see the breach in the wall that the shot had caused behind her, and her mind didn't process the change in the lighting it led to quickly enough to make the connection in her thoughts. Instead she reached out again, trying to force her hands through its protection so she could grab something inside the crystal outer surface if she could.

"Undo it! Let me go!!" The air crackled around her now, sparks jumping free from the way they danced in her hair as smaller trace lines of electricity began to grow more visible across the rest of her skin. Her hands reached, trying to grab a hold of the crystal's core, or something else as important, and another pulse of electrical energy channelled itself through her wrists creating fresh flares of light. Her charge dropped, then rose again, building faster. there was the stinging sensation in her eyes again. Please not again. The small secondary thought was a whisper amongst an increasing sense of burning static.

"Take me back!! Put me back where I was, now!!" One part of her thoughts had been trying to keep a handle on things, and release her charge in smaller amounts as it built, but now her body was taking that choice away, the current swelling up until she felt like it was going to burst. Her eyes were focused on the mimic, and if it was looking back, it would see that the small girl's eyes had begun to cloud over with darting sparks of static energy, blocking out the blue with a white glow. At this point the mimic was all Lyntael had in her immediate awareness; unnoticed went the breach in the wall, unseen the armed system below them, disregarded the sentry that had gotten stuck. In between shouts, her teeth were clenched and showing, but despite all of this, Rogan still hadn't said anything more.


L*) Counter Activation (Overcharge +1)
L1) Precluded Action: Buster Charge
L2) Basic Buster Strike, at Mimic (20, A -> B)
L*) Passive: A Manifest Spirit (10Elec, Nova2)(Overcharge -1)
L3) Half-Charge buster Strike, at Mimic (40Elec, A -> B) (Overcharge +1)
L4) Buster Charge
L5) Precluded Action: Buster Charge

Cooldowns and Overcharge

My Heart Falters: Cooling Down
My Pain is Real: Cooling Down

Overcharge: Begin: +2, Counter activation +1, Manifest Spirit -1, Half-Charge Strike +1, End: +3
Thoroughly enraged and sorely in need of an outlet, Lyntael continued attacking with fervor, her charged fists first destroying the crystal's weak barrier, and subsequently cracking through its gleaming emerald shell. The electrical interference building up within her body was no match for her pent-up emotional state, as she attempted to grab hold of something inside of the crystal. Her efforts were in vain, however, as her fingers passed through thin air; it didn't appear as if the black smoke coming from between the two crystal halves was hiding anything at all.

Nevertheless, the Mystery Data mimic attempted to retaliate by firing yet another laser, but through Lyntael's relentless assaults, it didn't appear to have a clean lock on her, and only managed to singe her hair just under her ear. The laser destroyed a bit more of the earlier opening, this time rattling the walkway slightly. Through all the chaos, the turret that was stationed a good long way at the bottom fired twice towards her, grazing her barrier slightly. It then retreated into its protective clamshell with a robotic whir, though barely audible from all the way up in Lyntael's spot.

// Warehouse Guards
Counter Sentry A: DESTROYED
Counter Sentry B: 60 HP (On top of box wall, stuck on slightly lopsided box)
Counter Sentry C: DESTROYED
Counter Sentry D: DESTROYED
Turret (Heavy): 100 HP (Closed) (Other side of box wall)
Green Mimic: 160 HP (High Altitude, floating on catwalk)

// Displaced and Distressed
Lyntael: 150 HP (High Altitude, on catwalk) (20HP Elec Barrier)

// Terrain
50% Normal (Ground Level. Split into two 25% areas, one of which Lyntael is currently situated in.)
40% Normal (On top of boxes. Each box is about 2/3rds as tall as Lyntael, and most boxes are stacked three units high to form a wide wall. One box is knocked down near Lyntael.)
10% Normal (High Altitude-level Catwalk. Access with ladders takes 1 action.)

// Objects
Catwalk Access Ladder A: 100 HP (1 movement to the left of Lyntael.)
Catwalk Access Ladder B: 100 HP (1 movement to ther right of Lyntael.)
For a precarious few seconds, Lyntael was so fixated upon the creature she was now viewing both as her imprisoner, and her tormentor, that the other dangers around her had faded into the background. She felt the beam scorch by her, close enough to raise the hairs on her neck ,if they hadn't already been charged with static, but only growled as her hands trembled, small fists clenched tight. the spears from below came out of nowhere, winging her slight frame and spinning her around and off balance, even though her barrier robbed them of any harm, but after staggering she only widened her stance and glared back at the crystal. That the attack had come from elsewhere had registered, but it was... somewhere else in her mind at that moment, something apart from where her focus existed, clouded in an ever-growing haze of static electricity.

"Let me go... Let me go!!" Her shout this time sounded more fraught and less focused; more desperate than before. The fear of being trapped had channelled itself fully into a fixation upon getting free, once she had a target to blame, and that had swiftly become a worrisome, static-clouded tunnel vision for her; the brief spin around had let her eyes pass over the damaged section of the chamber, and the potential freedom it offered, but even that hadn't reached through to the part of her mind that was driving her actions yet. Instead, the girl reached her hands out towards the crystal again, trying to push them into its core and grasp at the empty space even as she unleashed another full waved of electricity from her strikers, larger again than before. A small wordless cry accompanied this release, as much a gasp as a shout, and her knees sagged at the end of it; she had barely been aware of the sensation of current gathering at her wrist and ankles, rushing in, and flowing out again; the cycle happened too swiftly, and brought too little relief.

If her eyes hadn't been squeezed shut, the light flare would have dazzled her, but the pain in her eyes had already built into a fierce sting as her body tried to compensate for the upwelling speed of her internal charge. Her hands drew back, but already the charge was there again, straining for further release. Energy crackled over her skin and rolled off her in waves as the air around her filled with her excess charge. Sparks jumped from her body to the catwalk with audible snaps and her hair crackled. Anything that struck her at this point would yield another explosion of electricity and a wracked scream from the girl, while her body fought against itself to equalise the burning cycle of her charge building up and scouring at her.

"Let me go!! Don't touch me!! Don't ever... touch..." Her voice broke but her hands thrust forward again, palms out first this time as another bolt of blinding lightning arced out of her body at the mimic. This one seemed to draw the rest of her slight form with it partially, and her back arched, before she sank to her knees in front of the crystal. "Don't... don't touch me... I don't..." This was closer to a sob than a shout. If the Mimic possessed the capability to be confused by the small girl's words or actions, it certainly had every right by this point. Lyntael herself was caught between the now, and the memory of other sensations that came with being trapped and cornered. Her limbs ached from the burn of energy passing through them, and her eyes stung bitterly, small rivulets of sparks falling from the corners of them in overflow and onto her cheeks and shoulders.

As she collapsed, a more full-bodied sob shook her frame and her fingers curled against the metal catwalk. There was no room for clear thoughts, just the sensation of being scourged by her internal charge raging back around after each release. A thread tried to shout at her; that she had to pull it back, stop the flow, but it was broken and disjointed, and Lyntael was only aware of thinking it in the vaguest of senses. Giving vent to her fear had been too much, and each expend was pushing her swiftly towards her limit. The last burst of lightning had drained her body completely, and yet the void had roared back at her, rebuilding to bursting point even before her knees had hit the ground. It was destroying her; she had to let it out. She couldn't let it out any more; that would only make it worse. The sense of the battlefield around her had swiftly faded away as she quivered at the edge of losing herself.


L1) Predetermined Action: Full Charge Buster Strike, at Mimic (80Elec, A)(Overcharge +2)
L2) Precluded Action: Buster Charge
L*) Passive: A Manifest Spirit (10Elec, Nova2)(Overcharge -1)
L3) Reflexive Activation: My Pain is Real (Counter(Receiving Contact Damage): 40Elec, Nova2, Self-Slow1)(Overcharge +1 (Set))
L4) Reflexive Activation: My Heart Falters (40Elec Barrier, Buster Charge, Off-Target)(Overcharge -1)
L5) Precluded Action: My Anger Directed, at Mimic (90Elec, A, Charge-Burner 1)(Overcharge +2)

Cooldowns and Overcharge

My Heart Falters: 1TCD
My Pain is Real: 2TCD
My Anger Directed: 3TCD

Overcharge: Begin: +3, Full Charge Strike +2, Manifest Spirit -1, My Pain is Real (Set) +1, My Heart Falters -1, My Anger Directed +2, End: +6
The rogue crystal spun in place wordlessly as Lyntael reached out towards it, trying to unleash a fully-charged electrical blast into its core. Unfortunately for her, the static clouding her vision had caused her to grasp a bundle of black smoke that had already escaped the crystal's core. The resulting lightshow from before she collapsed to her knees was thus meaningless as the charge simply went back into herself and through the catwalk under her knees. Her battle-scarred processes struggled to keep up with simultaneously trying to release its charge and dealing with the resulting reactive force. Lyntael's runaway electrical discharge managed to deal a significant amount of damage to the crystal, causing small cracks to appear on its surface, though not quite yet enough to destroy it. Meanwhile, the lights around the warehouse-like area pulsed on and off as a result of the huge power fluctuation currently ongoing in the facility.

She also had other things to deal with, as in the chaos, the large turret on ground level slowly reemerged from its clamshell protective casing, its sights already locked onto Lyntael's body yet again. This time, it looked like it was readying up a different type of ammo as well, though it wouldn't be up to Lyntael to notice it, having already fallen to her knees. It wasn't all bad, however, as her sudden collapse resulted in an unintentional benefit; earlier, the crystal had just launched a small ball of glitchy data at her, and it barely whisked over her hair. The bundle of data went past her, before arcing slowly back towards her.

// Warehouse Guards
Counter Sentry A: DESTROYED
Counter Sentry B: 60 HP (On top of box wall, stuck on slightly lopsided box)
Counter Sentry C: DESTROYED
Counter Sentry D: DESTROYED
Turret (Heavy): 100 HP (Open, aiming upwards) (Other side of box wall)
Green Mimic: 60 HP (High Altitude, floating on catwalk)

// Displaced and Distressed
Lyntael: 150 HP (High Altitude, on catwalk) (40HP Elec Barrier) (BusterCharge1) (Off-Target1) (Homing: Glitch Ball) (Counter: My Pain is Real)

// Terrain
50% Normal (Ground Level. Split into two 25% areas, one of which Lyntael is currently situated in.)
40% Normal (On top of boxes. Each box is about 2/3rds as tall as Lyntael, and most boxes are stacked three units high to form a wide wall. One box is knocked down near Lyntael.)
10% Normal (High Altitude-level Catwalk. Access with ladders takes 1 action.)

// Objects
Catwalk Access Ladder A: 100 HP (1 movement to the left of Lyntael.)
Catwalk Access Ladder B: 100 HP (1 movement to ther right of Lyntael.)
For her own part in the battle, Lyntael was in a daze of incoherent electrical static and pain. Every part of her body felt like it was burning and her self of self felt like it was eroding under the scouring rush from within that just wouldn't slow. Thinking of anything in particular was beyond her at this point; there was only sensation, shot through with the vestiges of different, desperate emotions. Her eyes were unfocused as they stared down at her hands on the catwalk, fingers curled in the mesh on either side of a veritable cascade of smaller sparks that rained down from in front of her eyes. She could feel herself trembling, muscles twitching as they rebelled and complained at the energy straining through them. Why did it all have to hurt so much? The thought wasn't quite so consciously formed, in truth — just a wordless, unformed feeling as another sob convulsed her body.

Another pulse of sparks rolled off her unnoticed, though the recoil shook her enough to push the girl back on her heels. As the circle of current spread out and cleared, dancing off the metal all around her, her vision was still unfocused but her face had turned upwards. Her eyes hurt so much, but in front of her the rotating, reflective green prism brought an unthinking snarl to her lips, revealing a line of tiny white teeth that were far too neat and uniform to intimidate. She reached out one hand again, and the energy cycled. Eagerly drawing in and unifying at her core before rushing forward and out in a flare of light that burst in an electrified globe from her wrist. It blinded enough to make Lyntael squeeze her own eyes shut, but something in the action also reined the release back along with her flinch, cutting off the flow of electricity before it could fully expend itself again.

There was no relief at all this time; the charge was no sooner released than more was straining within her to join it. It wasn't going to end until it had completely worn her away. The knowledge that this had happened before, that something would cut her off from the energy in her core before it did lasting damage, was too far out of reach for Lyntael at the moment; the thought would have needed a presence of mind that she simply couldn't maintain right now. To the overwrought girl, there was only the unrelenting charge, and the sensation of it whiting out all else.

A voice spoke her name somewhere, but Lyntael didn't hear it. She did try to move, though, slowly, awkwardly getting on foot flat on the walkway and struggling to force herself to her feet. Her hands drifted slightly, seeking a hand rail of some sort to no avail, and she swayed, stance wide while her balance faltered. The voice called her name a second time, and while it didn't pierce the electrical haze clouding her senses, it did make her turn her head slowly, eyes drifting. Would it help, somehow? She turned part way around, unconsciously looking for the sound, though the half step made her rock and sway dangerously close to the edge of the catwalk. Rather than finding the voice that had called to her, though, the unfocused drift of her eyes passed over the damaged section of the chamber, and the light coming through the breach. There was something important about that. A reason that she should be noticing it... but exactly what, and why slipped through her mental grasp as she blinked at the sight, the crystal behind her gone from her awareness as any other fleeting snatch of thought.


L1) Sob and Shudder (Action Lost due to Overcharge)
L2) Precluded Action: Buster Charge
L*) Passive: A Manifest Spirit (10Elec, Nova2)(Overcharge -1)
L3) Half-Charge Buster Strike, at Mimic (40elec, A)(Overcharge +1)
L4) Precluded Action: Buster Charge
L5) Try to stand up (Action Lost due to Overcharge)

Cooldowns and Overcharge

My Heart Falters: Cooling Down
My Pain is Real: 1TCD
My Anger Directed: 2TCD

Overcharge: Begin: +6, Manifest Spirit -1, Half charge Strike +1, End: +6
With her internal processes going completely haywire and spiraling out of control, Lyntael could do nothing but only allow herself to be dictated by the electrical charges. Residual charge emanated from herself as she was jolted back onto her feet, and blasted another burst of energy towards the Mimic. The attack connected this time, further lengthening the cracks on the green crystal's surface. In a last-ditch effort to save itself, the crystal rotated once more, and fired its emerald laser once more. At the same time, the glitch ball that had been hovering about contacted against her barrier. This time, as Lyntael's movements were far more sluggish, it connected, searing her directly on her arm and bypassing her protective electrical barrier. (-27) However, something odd happened, as her electrical barrier's process began to restart on its own, though it had a different quality to it.

Unfortunately for the crystal, the glitched ball's attack activated Lyntael's reactive charge, that would release one last spherical burst of energy. The crystal cracked all the way from the abuse, and finally shattered. In its place, a faded spectre of the green crystal remained, though anyone who would touch it would start to decrypt it, releasing its data.

Meanwhile, an errant bullet whisked past Lyntael's shoulder from all the way at the bottom, missing her by an inch. It whirred automatically back into its shell, leaving the only active drone in the room as the single sentry, still stuck on its box for the entire time. It whined mechanically as it continued to attempt to dislodge itself. Even though it sort of looked like it would gradually just do so, at this point it just looked slightly pitiful in its lopsided position.

// Warehouse Guards
Counter Sentry A: DESTROYED
Counter Sentry B: 60 HP (On top of box wall, stuck on slightly lopsided box)
Counter Sentry C: DESTROYED
Counter Sentry D: DESTROYED
Turret (Heavy): 100 HP (Closed) (Other side of box wall)

// Displaced and Distressed
Lyntael: 133 HP (High Altitude, on catwalk) (Barrier Broken!) (Glitch: 3HP Aura) (BusterCharge2)

// Terrain
50% Normal (Ground Level. Split into two 25% areas, one of which Lyntael is currently situated in.)
40% Normal (On top of boxes. Each box is about 2/3rds as tall as Lyntael, and most boxes are stacked three units high to form a wide wall. One box is knocked down near Lyntael.)
10% Normal (High Altitude-level Catwalk. Access with ladders takes 1 action.)

// Objects
Catwalk Access Ladder A: 100 HP (1 movement to the left of Lyntael.)
Catwalk Access Ladder B: 100 HP (1 movement to ther right of Lyntael.)
It was going to destroy her; erode her mind until nothing was left, and scorch her body to char and ash. The thoughts weren't given words in her mind, so much as being wisps of despairing feeling that didn't have room to form amidst the haze. Her whole body was a single storm of burning pain and what remained of her mind was losing its grip on the rest. There was a space in between, right on the edge, where some small kernel of her awareness drifted, completely detached from what was going on about her, by necessity more than any conscious defence mechanism. It wasn't connected to Lyntael enough to remember about her safeties, or apart enough to focus on anything outside of the torment wracking her body, but it was there all the same, trying to unpick the feeling that wondered why she couldn't just slowly calm herself down again.

The space shattered a moment later as a searing beam from the crystal she had turned her back on, ripped through her barrier and scored across her skin. In that instant, her body hunched, resisting on instinct, even as the second bolt struck her and the recoil burst outwards. A shrill scream escaped her as her back arched hard and she was drawn up onto her toes, head flung backwards and eyes staring sightless at the ceiling. Her arms were flung out to the sides too, uncontrolled as the shock wave crashed through her and out, setting all of her strikers aglow as it passed.

Then, nothing. All at once, every spark faded, every flicker of charge died, leaving only a hollow, aching void in its place. Her body remained frozen as it was for a moment, arms out, back arched and still while Lyntael stared. Her mouth was still open, but the sound had died on her lips in the same snap moment. It wasn't that everything went quiet, exactly, but it felt like silence all the same; every sense she had had been drowned and overwhelmed by the unrelenting storm of electricity, to the point that nothing else made it through, and now, suddenly, there was nothing at all in its place; a sensory void that deafened in a way the overloading had not. She staggered forward, struggling to draw a breath, and half turned about with a body that she could no longer feel properly. Someone watching closely might have seen her eyes dilate and lose focus, before one leg buckled, and then she was falling.

The sense of movement was strange, since she wasn't running anywhere. Her sight was blurry as the rest of the chamber spun around her, the catwalk she'd been standing on wheeling off and away to one side while the wall of boxes arced across her vision instead. Darkness was racing in from all sides as the next thing to dance into the centre of her view was the heavier turret, getting swiftly bigger. The last sense she had was of reaching out a hand, trying to slow everything down.

Lyntael was unconscious as her body crashed down against the turret below, and it was only her slight form and the sudden updraught of wind that spared her from any true injury. She sprawled limp all the same, irrespective of whether she'd landed beside the turret, on top of its shell, or even fallen into it, if the timing of its opening again had been unfortunate. Her body still twitched and shivered softly for a few more moments, but at least her breathing was stable again.

"Lyntael!" The voice was a hissed whisper. "Lyntael, damnit there's no time for this. Lyntael, respond!" If she'd been awake to hear it, Rogan's borderline desperate frustration might have been satisfying in some way. His determination to show her no emotion had failed just a little too late for the girl herself to notice, however. He called for her to answer again, but for now she didn't.


L*) Counter Activation (Overcharge +1)
L*) Overcharge Critical. Lock-Out now in effect. Remaining actions for this turn are forfeit. Overcharge cool down begins next turn.
L1) Safety Lock-Out engaged.
L2) Feel Empty.
L3) Begin to pass out.
L4) Fall off catwalk, onto Heavy Turret, or thereabouts.
L*) Subtype Ability: Gust, as Push/Updraught, to slow her fall as she blacks out.
L5) Pass out completely.

Cooldowns and Overcharge

My Heart Falters: Ready
My Pain is Real: Cooling Down
My Anger Directed: 1TCD

Overcharge: Begin: +6, Counter Activation +1, End: +7: Overcharge Critical: Lockout in effect. Electrical Skills Negated and Unavailable.
Sparks flew every which way as Lyntael's systems completely shut down from her attack activation. Her mind blanked out as all of her core energy disappeared, and she stumbled off of the catwalk. Fortunately for her, a sudden updraught from her small gesture saved her from a painful landing, and she landed near the heavy turret, still in its clamshell casing. The noise caused the turret to respond accordingly, activating as it rotated to meet Lyntael's unconscious visage. The click of its internal weaponry switching up fell on deaf ears as it prepared to impale the prone target.

// Warehouse Guards
Counter Sentry A: DESTROYED
Counter Sentry B: 60 HP (On top of box wall, stuck on slightly lopsided box)
Counter Sentry C: DESTROYED
Counter Sentry D: DESTROYED
Turret (Heavy): 100 HP (Open, pointing at Lyntael) (This side of box wall)

// Displaced and Distressed
Lyntael: 133 HP (Normal, near Turret (Heavy)) (Glitch: 3HP Aura) (BusterCharge2)

// Terrain
50% Normal (Ground Level. Split into two 25% areas, one of which Lyntael is currently situated in.)
40% Normal (On top of boxes. Each box is about 2/3rds as tall as Lyntael, and most boxes are stacked three units high to form a wide wall. One box is knocked down in the section opposite Lyntael.)
10% Normal (High Altitude-level Catwalk. Access with ladders takes 1 action.)

// Objects
Catwalk Access Ladder A: 100 HP (1 movement to the left of Lyntael.)
Catwalk Access Ladder B: 100 HP (1 movement to ther right of Lyntael.)