DragonierMan, Magistrate, Suzume, and Aya appeared on the outskirts of NetVegas NET. The city was bright and colorful, almost blindingly shining, from the hilltop they stood on. It was time to hunt.
"We have arrived at the coordinates given to us by the bounty office," Magistrate stated. Drago inhaled deeply the air and scents around him, his nostrils flaring. "Good... I can smell the corruption from here." Suzume and Aya looked between the two and then to the city and the surrounding countryside. "So, shall we be off?" asked Suzume. Aya spread her wings, "Let's hunt." The others spread their wings also and leapt off their perch to take to the sky.
DragonierMan.EXE: 300 HP [Null/Speed: High Gear/Overclock; OmniShoes/Millions/Undershirt]
Magistrate.SP: 100 HP [Null/Team: Tag Along/All for One; Fly/Second Chance]
Suzume.SP: 100 HP [Null/Team: Tag Along/All for One; Fly/Second Chance]
Aya.SP: 100 HP [Null/Team: Tag Along/All for One; Fly/Second Chance]
[Bounty: MagmaDragon: 0 Kills.]
[Requesting Battle 1.]
Viva NetVegas
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As Dragonier worked his way into the network, he could already see that the viruses have begun making a mess of the area. All around him was metal as far as the eye could see, barring the very middle where a bunch of fresh looking snow was seated at. In the middle was a Rush virus, oblivious to the navi and SPs that had made their way on the scene, making small snowmen with what little snow there was, and a mountain of snow housing a faint green glow within. Outside was a MuteAnt that was just standing, staring at a metal slab that had been melted into a bunch of slag along with two others in a triangle-like formation, whilst as the MagmaDragon, his quarry, was snaking around the outside, superheating the metal that was upon the ground. And all the while, a Slimey was doing everything in it's power to try and catch the dragon by the tail as it snaked around. The dragon, finally seeing Dragonier and his posse, let out a roar into the area, grabbing it's pot and quick to sit into it as battle routines blared. The Slimey, turning to see Dragonier, simply wobbled about like Jelly, with an oblivious smile on it's face as it spread it's stubby arms out as if wanting a hug.
-- Viruses --
SlimeySlimey (Slimey)
Slimey viruses were produced to be sources of major traffic lag. While a Slimey virus is on the battlefield, all Navis and SPs suffer from a passive Slow-like effect that imposes a -10% Evasion AND Movement Speed penalty. This effect is not a status ailment, and cannot be cured. This effect does not stack with itself if more than one Slimey is on the field at once. As this does not count as a true Slow effect, up to two instances of Slow may stack on top of this effect for a total penalty of -30% Evasion/Movement Speed. This effect expires when all Slimey viruses on the field are deleted or flee. Slimey viruses are very slow to move and dodge, but every move they make that is not a dodge counts as an attack. Slimeys deal damage by touching an opponent, thus touching a Slimey directly results in damage to any non-Slimey the virus considers hostile.
Area: Sharo, NetVegas, Beach
HP: 90
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Aqua + Slow
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Body slams its foes. Any foes hit are slowed the following turn. Must be within melee range to attack a foe.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MetaGel1, Zenny
Special: While this enemy is on the field, dodge effectiveness is reduced by 1 Rank.: 90 HP (Metal, towards the middle of the field)
MuteAntMuteAnt (MuteAnt)
Area: NetVegas
HP: 90
Attack: Silence + To-All-Clause (Enemies)
Attack Accuracy: S
Attack Description: Plays a tune that blocks chip usage.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Silence (Super Rare), Zenny
Special: Attacks every other turn.: 90 HP (Metal, Standing near Melted Metal Slab A)
RushRush (Rush)
Will not appear for Navis lower level than 5.
Area: SciLab, Yoka, Netopia, NetVegas
HP: 50
Attack Damage/Effect: None
Attack Accuracy: N/A
Attack Description: N/A
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Popup, Any RARE chip for current network tier, Zenny (10x normal)
Special: Only ONE Rush may appear in any given battle. This virus is rare.
Special: Immune to terrain effects besides damage multiplication.
Special: One free dodge per turn.
Special: Will always survive with 1 HP no matter how much damage is done to it. If it has more than 1 HP at the end of a turn, it will automatically escape. After it checks for escape, it will be restored to full HP if still present in battle. When it is the last virus remaining in a battle, it will leave its rewards behind and flee the battle.: 4 HP (Snow, making snowmen and paying Dragonier no mind)
MagmaDragonMagmaDragon (MagmaDragon)
This high tier virus is only encountered after battle 5. A PotDragon's pot is stationary during battle, as it remains above the panel the virus appeared on until battle is over or the virus is deleted, and will not fall even if the panel below it should be destroyed. PotDragons have two main attacks, each geared towards either ground or aerial targets. When executed, the pot tilts or falls over, and the dragon charges at the enemy before looping back and returning to the pot. When threatened, they will duck into the pot, which is both indestructible and capable of shielding them from all damage and effects except those that manage to fly into the mouth of the pot. Even Beam Attacks and Blast damage won't leave a mark.
Area: Hades Isle
HP: 200
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Fire + Ground Attack + Medium Area Lava Terrain Change + Terrain Changer
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Charges from its pot at high speed to attack ground-based enemies whilst leaving a trail of Lava in its wake.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Fire + Impact + Group Attack (Arc)
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Flies from its pot at high speed to attack airborne enemies.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: Invulnerability to Non-Drop Attacks/attacks from above.
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: S
Tertiary Attack Description: PotDragons hide in their pots instead of dodging. Doing this protects them from attacks from every direction but up, which is where the opening of the pot is.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): HeatDragon1, Zenny: 200 HP (Steel, between Slab A and Slab C)
-- Navis --
Dragonier.EXE: 300 HP [High Gear/Overclock] [Metal]
Magistrate.SP: 100 HP [Tag Along/All for One] [Metal]
Suzume.SP: 100 HP [Tag Along/All for One] [Metal]
Aya.SP: 100 HP [Tag Along/All for One] [Metal]
-- Terrain --
95% Metal
5% Snow
-- Objects --
GMD: 15 HP (Buried in snow)
Melted Metal SlabA: 40 HP (Top-Middle of the area)
Melted Metal SlabB: 40 HP (Bottom-Left)
Melted Metal SlabC: 40 HP (Bottom-Right)
-- Viruses --
SlimeySlimey (Slimey)
Slimey viruses were produced to be sources of major traffic lag. While a Slimey virus is on the battlefield, all Navis and SPs suffer from a passive Slow-like effect that imposes a -10% Evasion AND Movement Speed penalty. This effect is not a status ailment, and cannot be cured. This effect does not stack with itself if more than one Slimey is on the field at once. As this does not count as a true Slow effect, up to two instances of Slow may stack on top of this effect for a total penalty of -30% Evasion/Movement Speed. This effect expires when all Slimey viruses on the field are deleted or flee. Slimey viruses are very slow to move and dodge, but every move they make that is not a dodge counts as an attack. Slimeys deal damage by touching an opponent, thus touching a Slimey directly results in damage to any non-Slimey the virus considers hostile.
Area: Sharo, NetVegas, Beach
HP: 90
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Aqua + Slow
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Body slams its foes. Any foes hit are slowed the following turn. Must be within melee range to attack a foe.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MetaGel1, Zenny
Special: While this enemy is on the field, dodge effectiveness is reduced by 1 Rank.: 90 HP (Metal, towards the middle of the field)
MuteAntMuteAnt (MuteAnt)
Area: NetVegas
HP: 90
Attack: Silence + To-All-Clause (Enemies)
Attack Accuracy: S
Attack Description: Plays a tune that blocks chip usage.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Silence (Super Rare), Zenny
Special: Attacks every other turn.: 90 HP (Metal, Standing near Melted Metal Slab A)
RushRush (Rush)
Will not appear for Navis lower level than 5.
Area: SciLab, Yoka, Netopia, NetVegas
HP: 50
Attack Damage/Effect: None
Attack Accuracy: N/A
Attack Description: N/A
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Popup, Any RARE chip for current network tier, Zenny (10x normal)
Special: Only ONE Rush may appear in any given battle. This virus is rare.
Special: Immune to terrain effects besides damage multiplication.
Special: One free dodge per turn.
Special: Will always survive with 1 HP no matter how much damage is done to it. If it has more than 1 HP at the end of a turn, it will automatically escape. After it checks for escape, it will be restored to full HP if still present in battle. When it is the last virus remaining in a battle, it will leave its rewards behind and flee the battle.: 4 HP (Snow, making snowmen and paying Dragonier no mind)
MagmaDragonMagmaDragon (MagmaDragon)
This high tier virus is only encountered after battle 5. A PotDragon's pot is stationary during battle, as it remains above the panel the virus appeared on until battle is over or the virus is deleted, and will not fall even if the panel below it should be destroyed. PotDragons have two main attacks, each geared towards either ground or aerial targets. When executed, the pot tilts or falls over, and the dragon charges at the enemy before looping back and returning to the pot. When threatened, they will duck into the pot, which is both indestructible and capable of shielding them from all damage and effects except those that manage to fly into the mouth of the pot. Even Beam Attacks and Blast damage won't leave a mark.
Area: Hades Isle
HP: 200
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Fire + Ground Attack + Medium Area Lava Terrain Change + Terrain Changer
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Charges from its pot at high speed to attack ground-based enemies whilst leaving a trail of Lava in its wake.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Fire + Impact + Group Attack (Arc)
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Flies from its pot at high speed to attack airborne enemies.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: Invulnerability to Non-Drop Attacks/attacks from above.
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: S
Tertiary Attack Description: PotDragons hide in their pots instead of dodging. Doing this protects them from attacks from every direction but up, which is where the opening of the pot is.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): HeatDragon1, Zenny: 200 HP (Steel, between Slab A and Slab C)
-- Navis --
Dragonier.EXE: 300 HP [High Gear/Overclock] [Metal]
Magistrate.SP: 100 HP [Tag Along/All for One] [Metal]
Suzume.SP: 100 HP [Tag Along/All for One] [Metal]
Aya.SP: 100 HP [Tag Along/All for One] [Metal]
-- Terrain --
95% Metal
- Cannot be Broken or Cracked except with Geddon/PanelShot, cannot be Burrowed into.
- Elec attacks: +100% Source Damage.
- 100 Damage Aqua attacks: Change terrain hit to Cracked.
- 100 Damage Fire attacks: Change terrain hit to Furnace.
- PanelShot: Imbue Elec + Break.
5% Snow
- Non-Aqua Elementals get -10% Evasion and reduced movement speed.
- Wind attacks: +100% Source Damage. Imbue Aqua if Null. Change terrain hit to Ice for 1 turn after turn hit, then back to Snow.
- Aqua attacks: 25% Freeze chance, change terrain hit to Normal if triggered. Boost chance to 100% if Ice-type.
- Fire attacks: Change terrain hit to Ice, generate Frosty Mist: -10% Accuracy for Non-Aqua Elementals, +10% evasion against Non-Aqua Elementals, Freeze1 effect for any Aqua or Wind attacks.
- PanelShot: Imbue Aqua + Freeze1.
-- Objects --
GMD: 15 HP (Buried in snow)
Melted Metal SlabA: 40 HP (Top-Middle of the area)
Melted Metal SlabB: 40 HP (Bottom-Left)
Melted Metal SlabC: 40 HP (Bottom-Right)
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As DragonierMan, Suzume, and Aya prepped their battle subroutines, Magistrate looked over the battlefield. "It seems like none of them can fly," she remarked. "I would recommend fighting from the air." The other three agreed and spread their wings. As one, the four dragoniers took to the air. Drago, Suzu, and Aya, having fought in many engagements, flew as if it was second nature to them. They spun and weaved and bobbed majestically towards the sky. Magi, however, was not as used to her new draconic wings as her peers. As such it required more effort for her to keep up.
When they had climbed high enough, they leveled out and took stock of the enemy situation. They noticed the Rush virus playing in the snow, seemingly unaware of them, and so it was low on the priority list. In the past, the dragoniers tended to ignore the Rushes, as they didn't tend to fight and it was usually a bother to hunt them down in any engagement. It was more efficient to go after the fighters than the non-combatants. That said, besides the MagmaDragon, the other two viruses were relative unknowns. The dragoniers could not recall if they had fought Slimeys or MuteAnts in the past. And as the MagmaDragon could not reach them in the sky, that made them priority targets.
Wordlessly, the four dragoniers pointed their hands at the Slimey and MuteAnt. As various forms of energy began coalescing in their hands, the twins emitted laser pointers to further paint their targets. Fire licked out from Drago's hands moments before launching itself like a diving bird of prey towards the MuteAnt. Icy water geysered from Magi's hands and rained down upon the Slimey. Leaves coalesced into an crescent moon in Suzu's hands, spinning quickly like a top, before rocketing down at the MuteAnt. Finally, electricity sparkled and popped between Aya's hands, before a bolt of lightning streaked towards the Slimey. If the MuteAnt and the Slimey were close enough together, they would try to aim their attacks as to catch both of them.
Drago summoned his trusty P-47D Thunderbolt with a dragon-mouth insignia nose art (similar to the popular shark-face insignia, but dragon themed). Its engine roared and its propeller spun rapidly as it exited the summoning portal, before pitching down, and driving it towards the battlefield. Drago directed it towards the two viruses that they had just unleashed hell upon. The plane dove and began a strafing run on the first one it could see that had survived the rain of destruction. The DAKKA-DAKKA-DAKKA of its machine guns filled the air as it shot at the virus. Magi, Suzu, and Aya also blasted the viruses from above in support of their allied Thunderbolt. Energy bolts flying out of their open palms like bullets.
Drago now set his sights on the MagmaDragon. Using his unusual swiftness, moving like a super-sonic jet, he chased after the MagmaDragon from above. He clenched his right hand into a fist as energy welled within it. With a mighty punch, he launched his fist of energy at the enemy. It expanded considerably in a short amount of time, quickly solidifying into a giant rock in the shape of a fist. It fell upon the MagmaDragon from above like a comet. As it crashed into the earth below, it fragmented into even more, smaller fists. The heat from the explosive crash fused the metallic ore within the rock into metal. The three metal fists that were created from this amazing reaction fell upon the MagmaDragon as well. Attempting to pummel it under a barrage of fists.
When they had climbed high enough, they leveled out and took stock of the enemy situation. They noticed the Rush virus playing in the snow, seemingly unaware of them, and so it was low on the priority list. In the past, the dragoniers tended to ignore the Rushes, as they didn't tend to fight and it was usually a bother to hunt them down in any engagement. It was more efficient to go after the fighters than the non-combatants. That said, besides the MagmaDragon, the other two viruses were relative unknowns. The dragoniers could not recall if they had fought Slimeys or MuteAnts in the past. And as the MagmaDragon could not reach them in the sky, that made them priority targets.
Wordlessly, the four dragoniers pointed their hands at the Slimey and MuteAnt. As various forms of energy began coalescing in their hands, the twins emitted laser pointers to further paint their targets. Fire licked out from Drago's hands moments before launching itself like a diving bird of prey towards the MuteAnt. Icy water geysered from Magi's hands and rained down upon the Slimey. Leaves coalesced into an crescent moon in Suzu's hands, spinning quickly like a top, before rocketing down at the MuteAnt. Finally, electricity sparkled and popped between Aya's hands, before a bolt of lightning streaked towards the Slimey. If the MuteAnt and the Slimey were close enough together, they would try to aim their attacks as to catch both of them.
Drago summoned his trusty P-47D Thunderbolt with a dragon-mouth insignia nose art (similar to the popular shark-face insignia, but dragon themed). Its engine roared and its propeller spun rapidly as it exited the summoning portal, before pitching down, and driving it towards the battlefield. Drago directed it towards the two viruses that they had just unleashed hell upon. The plane dove and began a strafing run on the first one it could see that had survived the rain of destruction. The DAKKA-DAKKA-DAKKA of its machine guns filled the air as it shot at the virus. Magi, Suzu, and Aya also blasted the viruses from above in support of their allied Thunderbolt. Energy bolts flying out of their open palms like bullets.
Drago now set his sights on the MagmaDragon. Using his unusual swiftness, moving like a super-sonic jet, he chased after the MagmaDragon from above. He clenched his right hand into a fist as energy welled within it. With a mighty punch, he launched his fist of energy at the enemy. It expanded considerably in a short amount of time, quickly solidifying into a giant rock in the shape of a fist. It fell upon the MagmaDragon from above like a comet. As it crashed into the earth below, it fragmented into even more, smaller fists. The heat from the explosive crash fused the metallic ore within the rock into metal. The three metal fists that were created from this amazing reaction fell upon the MagmaDragon as well. Attempting to pummel it under a barrage of fists.
Summary (Turn 1)
*Dragon's Barrier [Signature]: Passive 20HP Barrier.
*Dragon's Scales [Signature]: Passive 20HP Casing.
*Dragon's Sureness [Signature]: Passive Accuracy Enhancement (+10% Acc; max A Rank).
*Dragon's Swiftness [Signature]: Passive Haste (+10% Eva; max A Rank).
*Sphere of Light [Signature]: Passive 20HP Barrier.
*Scales of Light [Signature]: Passive 20HP Casing.
*Sphere of Darkness [Signature]: Passive 20HP Barrier.
*Scales of Darkness [Signature]: Passive 20HP Casing.
*Dragon's Wings [Signature]: Passive Movement (Eva: 5%+High Gear+Haste; 25%). Fly to High Altitude.
D1: Dodge.
M1: Movement (Eva: 5%). Fly to High Altitude.
*Wings of Light [Signature]: Passive Movement (Eva: 5%). Fly to High Altitude.
S1: Dodge.
*Wings of Darkness [Signature]: Passive Movement (Eva: 5%). Fly to High Altitude.
A1: Dodge.
PhoenixShot2Damage: 90 + Wide Attack
Accuracy: A
Description: Fires a wide wave of fire resembling a phoenix that can hit up to three enemies, depending on circumstances.
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Special: Wide Attack: This attack hits a line of targets perpendicular to the direction the attack is launched in. Unless otherwise specified, a wide attack can hit up to 3 targets, max. Once a target is hit, the attack ends, thus all targets must be hit at roughly the same time.
Trader Rank: C Acc: A (A+AccEnh; 70%); 90 Fire Damage + Wide Attack. Target: MuteAnt, Slimey.
WideShot2Damage: 90 + Wide Attack
Accuracy: A
Description: Fires a wide wave of water that can hit up to three enemies, depending on circumstances.
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Special: Wide Attack: This attack hits a line of targets perpendicular to the direction the attack is launched in. Unless otherwise specified, a wide attack can hit up to 3 targets, max. Once a target is hit, the attack ends, thus all targets must be hit at roughly the same time.
Trader Rank: C Acc: A (70%); 90 Aqua Damage + Wide Attack. Target: Slimey, MuteAnt.
*Targeting Light [Signature]: Passive Take Aim (+10% Acc; max A Rank).
Boomerang2Damage: 90 + Group Attack (Arc)
Accuracy: B
Description: Throws a boomerang at enemies
Duration: Once
Element: Wood
Special: Group Attack (Arc): This attack may hit between 1 and 4 enemies on average, perhaps more depending on the situation. This version of Group Attack hits in an arc that loops back to the attacker. If attempting to hit too many targets with poor RP, you may also hit yourself, so be careful.
Trader Rank: C Acc: A (B+Take Aim;70%); 90 Wood Damage + Group Attack(Arc). Target: MuteAnt, Slimey.
*Targeting Darklight [Signature]: Passive Take Aim (+10% Acc; max A Rank).
ElecReel2Damage: 100 + Spread 3 (Side + Behind)
Accuracy: B
Description: A small bolt of lightning that spreads sideways and behind the target upon impact.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Trader Rank: C Acc: A (B+Take Aim;70%); 100 Elec Damage + Spread3 (Side + Behind). Target: Slimey, MuteAnt.
AirRaid1HP: 100
Properties: Normal, Omnishoes, Mobile
Object Damage: 50 + Impact
Damage Method: Telekinesis
Gun Attack Damage: 10 x 10 Shots
Accuracy: A
Description: Summons a fighter plane to strafe your enemies.
Duration: 3 turns or Until destroyed
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D [HP: 100; Duration: 3 Turns or until destroyed]: Acc: A (A+AccEnh; 70%); 10 Null Damage x 10 Shots. Target: Slimey or MuteAnt, whichever is still alive.
M3: Attack: Acc: A (70%); 30 Null Damage. Target: Slimey or MuteAnt, whichever is still alive.
S3: Attack: Acc: A (70%); 30 Null Damage + Disarm. Target: Slimey or MuteAnt, whichever is still alive.
A3: Attack: Acc: A (70%); 30 Null Damage + Disarm. Target: Slimey or MuteAnt, whichever is still alive.
Ability: Overclock [Speed Subtype]: Imbue on a target as a free action. This target is then allowed to upgrade a Movement during the current turn to enable travel as far as line of sight permits, and increase its Base Evasion Rate to 50%. (Once Per Turn).
D4: Movement (Eva: 5% --> 50%+High Gear+Haste; 70%). Move to above MagmaDragon.
GolemHit2Damage: 190 + Break + Panel Crack + Wide Attack
Accuracy: C
Description: A fist of stone falls from the sky to smash an enemy, and create a shock wave that hits two nearby enemies. The area affected by the fist becomes Cracked terrain.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C Acc: B (C+AccEnh; 60%); 190 Null Damage + Break + Panel Crack + Wide Attack. Target: MagmaDragon.
MeteorKnuckle3Damage: 50 + Impact + Break + Knockback + Variable Targeting x 3 Fists
Accuracy: B
Description: Launches a triple rocket punch. Each fist targets separately.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Variable Targeting: Allows the user to select a target for each individual hit of an attack. This means they may strike the same target multiple times, multiple different targets, or a mix of the two as they wish.
Trader Rank: B Acc: A (B+AccEnh; 70%); 50 Null Damage + Impact + Break + Knockback + Variable Targeting x 3 Fists. Target (of all 3 Fists): MagmaDragon.
Other Effects:
HP: 300/300
1. 20HP Barrier.
2. 20HP Casing.
Passive: High Gear [Speed Subtype]: Increases base evasion chance (Dodge, Feint, Movement) by +10% for all attempts, and grants immunity to Slow. Does not apply to the Self Slow Nerf effect.
Active: Overclock [Speed Subtype]: Imbue on a target as a free action. This target is then allowed to upgrade a Movement during the current turn to enable travel as far as line of sight permits, and increase its Base Evasion Rate to 50%. (Once Per Turn).
OmniShoes [NaviCust]: Navi has the combined benefits of AirShoes and FloatShoes and can also fly freely.
Millions [NaviCust]: Mystery Data will only drop Zenny. Only works if MD is safe to open. If the MD is trapped, the trap will negate the activation of this NCP. This NCP will not Untrap any MDs.
UnderShirt [NaviCust]: Navi is protected from fatal hits, causing him to drop to 1 HP instead of EJO. Does not work when at 1 HP.
AirRaid1HP: 100
Properties: Normal, Omnishoes, Mobile
Object Damage: 50 + Impact
Damage Method: Telekinesis
Gun Attack Damage: 10 x 10 Shots
Accuracy: A
Description: Summons a fighter plane to strafe your enemies.
Duration: 3 turns or Until destroyed
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D
1. HP: 100
2. Duration: 2/3 Turns or until destroyed. Will leave at the end of Turn 3.
Omnishoes: AirRaid1 has the combined benefits of AirShoes and FloatShoes and can also fly freely.
HP: 100/100
Passive: Tag Along [Team Subtype]: When a Teleport effect is activated, the user can take one ally along if the user and target are touching each other. Can also be used if this ability is called by the ally. This ability can not be used without the consent of both the user and ally, and can not be stacked or chained for more than two people.
Active: All for One [Team Subtype]: Navis and SPs may transfer a Battlechip from your folder to an allied target as a free action. Note: SPs with this ability may receive one Battlechip directly from the Operator each turn. (Once Per Turn).
Flight - Flight [SP]: As Omnishoes: SP has the combined benefits of AirShoes and FloatShoes and can also fly freely.
Second Chance [SP]: As Undershirt: SP is protected from fatal hits, causing her to drop to 1 HP instead of EJO. Does not work when at 1 HP.
HP: 100/100
1. 20HP Barrier.
2. 20HP Casing.
Passive: Tag Along [Team Subtype]: When a Teleport effect is activated, the user can take one ally along if the user and target are touching each other. Can also be used if this ability is called by the ally. This ability can not be used without the consent of both the user and ally, and can not be stacked or chained for more than two people.
Active: All for One [Team Subtype]: Navis and SPs may transfer a Battlechip from your folder to an allied target as a free action. Note: SPs with this ability may receive one Battlechip directly from the Operator each turn. (Once Per Turn).
Flight - Flight [SP]: As Omnishoes: SP has the combined benefits of AirShoes and FloatShoes and can also fly freely.
Second Chance [SP]: As Undershirt: SP is protected from fatal hits, causing her to drop to 1 HP instead of EJO. Does not work when at 1 HP.
HP: 100/100
1. 20HP Barrier.
2. 20HP Casing.
Passive: Tag Along [Team Subtype]: When a Teleport effect is activated, the user can take one ally along if the user and target are touching each other. Can also be used if this ability is called by the ally. This ability can not be used without the consent of both the user and ally, and can not be stacked or chained for more than two people.
Active: All for One [Team Subtype]: Navis and SPs may transfer a Battlechip from your folder to an allied target as a free action. Note: SPs with this ability may receive one Battlechip directly from the Operator each turn. (Once Per Turn).
Flight - Flight [SP]: As Omnishoes: SP has the combined benefits of AirShoes and FloatShoes and can also fly freely.
Second Chance [SP]: As Undershirt: SP is protected from fatal hits, causing her to drop to 1 HP instead of EJO. Does not work when at 1 HP.
*Dragon's Barrier [Signature]: Passive 20HP Barrier.
*Dragon's Scales [Signature]: Passive 20HP Casing.
*Dragon's Sureness [Signature]: Passive Accuracy Enhancement (+10% Acc; max A Rank).
*Dragon's Swiftness [Signature]: Passive Haste (+10% Eva; max A Rank).
*Sphere of Light [Signature]: Passive 20HP Barrier.
*Scales of Light [Signature]: Passive 20HP Casing.
*Sphere of Darkness [Signature]: Passive 20HP Barrier.
*Scales of Darkness [Signature]: Passive 20HP Casing.
*Dragon's Wings [Signature]: Passive Movement (Eva: 5%+High Gear+Haste; 25%). Fly to High Altitude.
D1: Dodge.
M1: Movement (Eva: 5%). Fly to High Altitude.
*Wings of Light [Signature]: Passive Movement (Eva: 5%). Fly to High Altitude.
S1: Dodge.
*Wings of Darkness [Signature]: Passive Movement (Eva: 5%). Fly to High Altitude.
A1: Dodge.

Accuracy: A
Description: Fires a wide wave of fire resembling a phoenix that can hit up to three enemies, depending on circumstances.
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Special: Wide Attack: This attack hits a line of targets perpendicular to the direction the attack is launched in. Unless otherwise specified, a wide attack can hit up to 3 targets, max. Once a target is hit, the attack ends, thus all targets must be hit at roughly the same time.
Trader Rank: C Acc: A (A+AccEnh; 70%); 90 Fire Damage + Wide Attack. Target: MuteAnt, Slimey.

Accuracy: A
Description: Fires a wide wave of water that can hit up to three enemies, depending on circumstances.
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Special: Wide Attack: This attack hits a line of targets perpendicular to the direction the attack is launched in. Unless otherwise specified, a wide attack can hit up to 3 targets, max. Once a target is hit, the attack ends, thus all targets must be hit at roughly the same time.
Trader Rank: C Acc: A (70%); 90 Aqua Damage + Wide Attack. Target: Slimey, MuteAnt.
*Targeting Light [Signature]: Passive Take Aim (+10% Acc; max A Rank).

Accuracy: B
Description: Throws a boomerang at enemies
Duration: Once
Element: Wood
Special: Group Attack (Arc): This attack may hit between 1 and 4 enemies on average, perhaps more depending on the situation. This version of Group Attack hits in an arc that loops back to the attacker. If attempting to hit too many targets with poor RP, you may also hit yourself, so be careful.
Trader Rank: C Acc: A (B+Take Aim;70%); 90 Wood Damage + Group Attack(Arc). Target: MuteAnt, Slimey.
*Targeting Darklight [Signature]: Passive Take Aim (+10% Acc; max A Rank).

Accuracy: B
Description: A small bolt of lightning that spreads sideways and behind the target upon impact.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Trader Rank: C Acc: A (B+Take Aim;70%); 100 Elec Damage + Spread3 (Side + Behind). Target: Slimey, MuteAnt.

Properties: Normal, Omnishoes, Mobile
Object Damage: 50 + Impact
Damage Method: Telekinesis
Gun Attack Damage: 10 x 10 Shots
Accuracy: A
Description: Summons a fighter plane to strafe your enemies.
Duration: 3 turns or Until destroyed
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D [HP: 100; Duration: 3 Turns or until destroyed]: Acc: A (A+AccEnh; 70%); 10 Null Damage x 10 Shots. Target: Slimey or MuteAnt, whichever is still alive.
M3: Attack: Acc: A (70%); 30 Null Damage. Target: Slimey or MuteAnt, whichever is still alive.
S3: Attack: Acc: A (70%); 30 Null Damage + Disarm. Target: Slimey or MuteAnt, whichever is still alive.
A3: Attack: Acc: A (70%); 30 Null Damage + Disarm. Target: Slimey or MuteAnt, whichever is still alive.
Ability: Overclock [Speed Subtype]: Imbue on a target as a free action. This target is then allowed to upgrade a Movement during the current turn to enable travel as far as line of sight permits, and increase its Base Evasion Rate to 50%. (Once Per Turn).
D4: Movement (Eva: 5% --> 50%+High Gear+Haste; 70%). Move to above MagmaDragon.

Accuracy: C
Description: A fist of stone falls from the sky to smash an enemy, and create a shock wave that hits two nearby enemies. The area affected by the fist becomes Cracked terrain.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C Acc: B (C+AccEnh; 60%); 190 Null Damage + Break + Panel Crack + Wide Attack. Target: MagmaDragon.

Accuracy: B
Description: Launches a triple rocket punch. Each fist targets separately.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Variable Targeting: Allows the user to select a target for each individual hit of an attack. This means they may strike the same target multiple times, multiple different targets, or a mix of the two as they wish.
Trader Rank: B Acc: A (B+AccEnh; 70%); 50 Null Damage + Impact + Break + Knockback + Variable Targeting x 3 Fists. Target (of all 3 Fists): MagmaDragon.
Other Effects:
HP: 300/300
1. 20HP Barrier.
2. 20HP Casing.
Passive: High Gear [Speed Subtype]: Increases base evasion chance (Dodge, Feint, Movement) by +10% for all attempts, and grants immunity to Slow. Does not apply to the Self Slow Nerf effect.
Active: Overclock [Speed Subtype]: Imbue on a target as a free action. This target is then allowed to upgrade a Movement during the current turn to enable travel as far as line of sight permits, and increase its Base Evasion Rate to 50%. (Once Per Turn).
OmniShoes [NaviCust]: Navi has the combined benefits of AirShoes and FloatShoes and can also fly freely.
Millions [NaviCust]: Mystery Data will only drop Zenny. Only works if MD is safe to open. If the MD is trapped, the trap will negate the activation of this NCP. This NCP will not Untrap any MDs.
UnderShirt [NaviCust]: Navi is protected from fatal hits, causing him to drop to 1 HP instead of EJO. Does not work when at 1 HP.

Properties: Normal, Omnishoes, Mobile
Object Damage: 50 + Impact
Damage Method: Telekinesis
Gun Attack Damage: 10 x 10 Shots
Accuracy: A
Description: Summons a fighter plane to strafe your enemies.
Duration: 3 turns or Until destroyed
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D
1. HP: 100
2. Duration: 2/3 Turns or until destroyed. Will leave at the end of Turn 3.
Omnishoes: AirRaid1 has the combined benefits of AirShoes and FloatShoes and can also fly freely.
HP: 100/100
Passive: Tag Along [Team Subtype]: When a Teleport effect is activated, the user can take one ally along if the user and target are touching each other. Can also be used if this ability is called by the ally. This ability can not be used without the consent of both the user and ally, and can not be stacked or chained for more than two people.
Active: All for One [Team Subtype]: Navis and SPs may transfer a Battlechip from your folder to an allied target as a free action. Note: SPs with this ability may receive one Battlechip directly from the Operator each turn. (Once Per Turn).
Flight - Flight [SP]: As Omnishoes: SP has the combined benefits of AirShoes and FloatShoes and can also fly freely.
Second Chance [SP]: As Undershirt: SP is protected from fatal hits, causing her to drop to 1 HP instead of EJO. Does not work when at 1 HP.
HP: 100/100
1. 20HP Barrier.
2. 20HP Casing.
Passive: Tag Along [Team Subtype]: When a Teleport effect is activated, the user can take one ally along if the user and target are touching each other. Can also be used if this ability is called by the ally. This ability can not be used without the consent of both the user and ally, and can not be stacked or chained for more than two people.
Active: All for One [Team Subtype]: Navis and SPs may transfer a Battlechip from your folder to an allied target as a free action. Note: SPs with this ability may receive one Battlechip directly from the Operator each turn. (Once Per Turn).
Flight - Flight [SP]: As Omnishoes: SP has the combined benefits of AirShoes and FloatShoes and can also fly freely.
Second Chance [SP]: As Undershirt: SP is protected from fatal hits, causing her to drop to 1 HP instead of EJO. Does not work when at 1 HP.
HP: 100/100
1. 20HP Barrier.
2. 20HP Casing.
Passive: Tag Along [Team Subtype]: When a Teleport effect is activated, the user can take one ally along if the user and target are touching each other. Can also be used if this ability is called by the ally. This ability can not be used without the consent of both the user and ally, and can not be stacked or chained for more than two people.
Active: All for One [Team Subtype]: Navis and SPs may transfer a Battlechip from your folder to an allied target as a free action. Note: SPs with this ability may receive one Battlechip directly from the Operator each turn. (Once Per Turn).
Flight - Flight [SP]: As Omnishoes: SP has the combined benefits of AirShoes and FloatShoes and can also fly freely.
Second Chance [SP]: As Undershirt: SP is protected from fatal hits, causing her to drop to 1 HP instead of EJO. Does not work when at 1 HP.
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At the sight of the Navi and his three dragon like companions the MuteAnt began playing it's devilish spell-like music. The tune was so bad, it was likely to cause irritable pain to the new comers. Each of the Dragoneirs made their way to the skies, but just before Magistrate had taken off the MagmaDragon sped from its pot looking to inflict serious harm to the new .SP. With a quick slash from the dragon's powerful claws the virus was able to rake at her skin happily greeting her to the troubles of battle. She managed to catch up to her kin fairly easily however, putting the group at an obvious advantage over the NetVegas inhabitants below.
DragoneirMan fired off a blast of flames that mimicked the fiery bird of rebirth. The widened blade of flame glide through the air bringing a quick deletion to both the Slimy and musical instrument bringing an end to the virus's horrid solo. Following Drago's initial attack, a blade of water, and a surge of electricity smacked into the ground below where the viruses had once stood.
The navi's fellow fighter jet swooped down across the field of battle connecting on nine of its ten shots, returning the MagmaDragon's favor from earlier. It wouldn't last much longer as DragoneirMan continued to payback the virus for his first attack by slamming a heavy rock like fist into the dragon's face, deleting it.
All the ruckus around the battlefield cause the Rush to stir... seeing how he somehow managed not to get his in the onslaught of attacks that came towards the cast of viruses around it, the little pup took this opportunity to tuck tail and run. Diving under the snow the Rush vanished from sight and made its way from the area.
-- Viruses --
Rush: FLED
MagmaDragon: DELETED
-- Navis --
Dragonier.EXE: 300 HP [High Gear/Overclock] [High Altitude]
Magistrate.SP: 70 HP [Tag Along/All for One] [High Altitude]
Suzume.SP: 100 HP [Tag Along/All for One] [High Altitude]
Aya.SP: 100 HP [Tag Along/All for One] [High Altitude]
FighterJet: 100 HP [High Altitude] (2/3 turns remain)
-- Terrain --
85% Metal (Everywhere but the middle)
10% Lava (Between MagmaDragon's pot, and where Magistrate stood before flight)
5% Snow (Middle of the area)
-- Objects --
GMD: 15 HP (Buried in snow)
Melted Metal SlabA: 40 HP (Top-Middle of the area)
Melted Metal SlabB: 40 HP (Bottom-Left)
Melted Metal SlabC: 40 HP (Bottom-Right)
Rewards: 480z,
MetaGel1Damage: 90 + Slow + Drop Attack x 3 Targets
Accuracy: B
Description: Summons three Metagels to drop down on three different opponents. Causes Slow on contact.
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Special: Drop Attack: This attack originates above the battlefield, and falls to the ground. It gains one rank of accuracy against High Altitude targets.
Trader Rank: D, 20 Bugfrags, +1 MagmaDragon Bounty
((Open GMD: Yes,No?))
DragoneirMan fired off a blast of flames that mimicked the fiery bird of rebirth. The widened blade of flame glide through the air bringing a quick deletion to both the Slimy and musical instrument bringing an end to the virus's horrid solo. Following Drago's initial attack, a blade of water, and a surge of electricity smacked into the ground below where the viruses had once stood.
The navi's fellow fighter jet swooped down across the field of battle connecting on nine of its ten shots, returning the MagmaDragon's favor from earlier. It wouldn't last much longer as DragoneirMan continued to payback the virus for his first attack by slamming a heavy rock like fist into the dragon's face, deleting it.
All the ruckus around the battlefield cause the Rush to stir... seeing how he somehow managed not to get his in the onslaught of attacks that came towards the cast of viruses around it, the little pup took this opportunity to tuck tail and run. Diving under the snow the Rush vanished from sight and made its way from the area.
-- Viruses --
Rush: FLED
MagmaDragon: DELETED
-- Navis --
Dragonier.EXE: 300 HP [High Gear/Overclock] [High Altitude]
Magistrate.SP: 70 HP [Tag Along/All for One] [High Altitude]
Suzume.SP: 100 HP [Tag Along/All for One] [High Altitude]
Aya.SP: 100 HP [Tag Along/All for One] [High Altitude]
FighterJet: 100 HP [High Altitude] (2/3 turns remain)
-- Terrain --
85% Metal (Everywhere but the middle)
10% Lava (Between MagmaDragon's pot, and where Magistrate stood before flight)
5% Snow (Middle of the area)
-- Objects --
GMD: 15 HP (Buried in snow)
Melted Metal SlabA: 40 HP (Top-Middle of the area)
Melted Metal SlabB: 40 HP (Bottom-Left)
Melted Metal SlabC: 40 HP (Bottom-Right)
Rewards: 480z,

Accuracy: B
Description: Summons three Metagels to drop down on three different opponents. Causes Slow on contact.
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Special: Drop Attack: This attack originates above the battlefield, and falls to the ground. It gains one rank of accuracy against High Altitude targets.
Trader Rank: D, 20 Bugfrags, +1 MagmaDragon Bounty
((Open GMD: Yes,No?))
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Magistrate took a solid blow to the armor, leaving claw marks. Suzume and Aya came down to gather the rewards and Untrap the GMD.
Currently available Untraps: 3.
Use an Untrap on the GMD and open it (currently available Untraps: 2).
NaviCust: Millions activates. GMD provides onlyzenny.
Currently available Untraps: 3.
Use an Untrap on the GMD and open it (currently available Untraps: 2).
NaviCust: Millions activates. GMD provides only