High Intensity Stress Relief

Anyis made a subtle landing in Hades Net... and damn if it wasn't boiling hot in here. She broke out into a sweat almost immediately, prompting her to release her icy coding outwards to create a more comfortable zone around her. "Whew, that's better... I can see why not many Navis come here." sighed Anyis as the temperature around her body dropped.

"Well, if you can handle this, maybe you can manage against MachMan." noted Mill, sitting comfortably and in the presence of air conditioning in the Colosseum's lounge.

"Hmph... I'd like to see what happens when you walk into a volcano, Mill." grumbled Anyis as she started searching for some viruses to fight.

(Battle 1 Start)
Anyis walks across a bunch of volcanic ash, which doesn't seem to end. Maybe it's the normal terrain around here? At any rate, it seems to slow her movements for the while.

Suddenly, dust covered wispy things, emanating a malicious shadowy aura, rise out of the ground spookily, almost scaring the shit out of Anyis. Multiple moles pop in and out of the volcanic ash as well. It seemed Anyis was in a predicament as the Shadows started to circle her.

-Various locations-
MomograB: 60 HP
MomograC: 60 HP (Burrowed)
MomograD: 60 HP
MomograE: 60 HP (Burrowed)

ShadowA: 80 HP
ShadowB: 80 HP

Terrain: 100% Sand

Anyis.exe: 140 HP

"So... We go to the part of the Net infamous for its fire, and we find piles of volcanic ash, moles digging holes in that ash, and living shadows floating around you..." muttered Mill as he feebly tried to grasp the logic of the situation. Failing miserably, he resigned to, "Oh well. Let's just fight these viruses and move on, Anyis. We can try to make sense of it later."

"Sounds like a good idea." replied Anyis as she clenched her fist in response to the Shadows floating around her. This girl's entire existence revolved around ghosts, and these two wannabes were actually trying to scare her like that? There was no way in hell Anyis was going to let that one go. "Mill, RageClaw. I want to tear these punks apart."

As he slotted the named chip into his PET, Mill thought to take note of how defensive Anyis got around ghostly viruses. It kind of reminded him of how Magna acted around Craggers and other golem models, and it still made no sense to him too. However, one thing he had learned from last time that there was no point trying to reason with his Navi over this, and all he should do is let it play out.

As the claws equipped themselves to the fingers of Anyis's gauntlet, swaths of data were already pouring into Anyis's body as she searched the local portion of the River for the poor departed soul of some Navi or virus that could wield this chip better than she could. For a moment, she was taken aback by the sheer number of Navi souls around here compared to viruses, but it didn't take long to realize that more than a few upstart Navis had met their end in this corner of the Net. Thanks to that, though, Anyis didn't need much time at all to find the ghost of a beast-type Navi, who would know exactly how to use the RageClaw.

A gritty growl blended with Anyis's normally mild voice as the wild Navi took over her body, creating a truly bizarre noise in recognition of the Shadow viruses he had been tasked to destroy. An absolutely feral look had come over Anyis's eyes as her post-mortem guest locked in on the first Shadow, and the sheer bloodthirst emanating from the spirit could very well have been enough to "scare the shit" out of a virus that wouldn't normally have any to lose in the first place. For whatever the Shadow would end up excreting, it probably wouldn't matter as the possessed Anyis lunged forward at it, thrusting the RageClaw forward towards the Shadow before tearing it back up to cause maximum damage to its target. Unfortunately for all Shadow-kind on the Net, there was still one more present in this fight, and the beastly Navi within Anyis had no intention of letting it get away. Anyis's boots plowed through the sand as the ghost controlling her launched her body forward at the other Shadow, sweeping the RageClaw downwards in an effort to shred the murky black virus to pieces. With all the exaggerated motions, though, the beast Navi's energy was quickly depleted, releasing the reigns of Anyis's body back to her as the ghost disappated into nothing.

Mill couldn't help but watch on curiously, never sure what to expect when Anyis channeled something. What she got this time was definitely more violent than the usual, to the point where Mill had to ask afterwards, "Hey, are you alright? That one looked pretty wild..."

"Yeah... I'm fine..." responded Anyis as she gasped for breath, trying to recover the air the ghost didn't bother to while he was attacking. After a few moments her lungs refound their natural rhythm, so Anyis thought to examine the rest of her opposition. "Hey Mill, do you know how those mole things attack?"

"I fought a few before with Magna, so yeah. They attack from underground, so the best thing to do is either wait for them to pop up or to launch attacks down their holes." answered Mill informatively. "We used up some time against the Shadows, though, so for now it might be better to take the defensive option." With that, Mill took a new chip out of his folder and slotted it into his PET.

In Anyis's hand appeared the first chip, and so far only, she had earned since joining up with Mill: the BigHammer. Large, destructive, and powerful... Anyis couldn't help but raise an eyebrow and ask, "You call this defensive?".

"Well, okay... Counter-offensive. Just hit the viruses as they come up to attack you." ordered Mill, waving off the picky syntax.

With weapon gripped in both hands to compensate for its hefty weight, Anyis nodded as she assumed the proper stance. "So, I'm playing whack-a-mole. Sounds like fun."

1. Channel Surf (100 Strengthen, 15 HP Sacrifice) @ Self
--Ectopatcher (Heal 15 HP) @ Self
2. RageClaw (40 + 40 = 80 Slashing damage) @ ShadowA
3. RageClaw (40 + 40 = 80 Slashing damage) @ ShadowA
4. WHACK A MOLE - BigHammer1 (160 Aqua damage, Break, Impact) @ First Momogra to try and attack

Channel Surf - 2 turns (20 Strengthen remaining)
Anyis preps herself to attack and delete the shadows that had surrounded her, each just looking at her vacantly before being slashed and butchered to death by Anyis' ghost comrade's attacks through her own rageclaw. She then wielded a VERY large hammer, waiting to play whack a mole with the Momogra's that were all around her. Her prayers were answered as one popped up from the ground and attempted to hit her, only getting hammered into nothingness by Anyis' counter attack with the Bighammer. The trio of moles looked on, the only one that burrowed underground was soon met with it's friends, under the sands, of course.

-Various locations-
MomograB: 60 HP (Burrowed)
MomograC: 60 HP (Burrowed)
MomograD: 60 HP (burrowed)

ShadowA: OH GOD...

Terrain: 100% Sand

Anyis.exe: 140 HP
Shadows were shredded, moles were whacked, and good times were had. Well, by Anyis, anyway. The remaining Momogras quickly took shelter within the ashy terrain once they saw their comrade get smashed into oblivion with a large hammer. Anyis sighed in frustration, saying, "Come on... It's not much of a fight if you just hide the whole time!"

Mill was marveled by the gall of his Navi, electing to respond on behalf of the viruses, "Anyis, you just crushed one of them with an attack 3 times stronger than it needed to be. Of course they're scared. I'd be hiding too if I was one of them."

"Well, yeah... Still, we're on a time frame. I want to get as warmed up as I can for the next match, and these guys aren't helping." explained Anyis impatiently.

"... Really?" asked a surprised Mill. "What happened to that confidence you were brimming with in the first two rounds?"

"Hey, I know I brag a lot. That doesn't mean I won't admit when I'm outmatched." answered Anyis honestly.

"Huh... Well, alright then. Let's get this done and move on." said Mill, having gained a little bit more respect for his Navi. "The Momogras are burrowed into the ash, but if you can ice that over, it should force them out and make them pretty easy to finish off. I'll give you a chip to help with that. Sound good?"

"Yeah, actually. That'll do just fine." nodded Anyis as she took up the first step of Mill's strategy. With the River flowing overhead stronger than ever, Anyis had more than enough data to work with as she began coating the ash in front of her with ice. Perhaps it wouldn't last long in the heat of Hades Net, but all the spiritual Navi needed out of it was to force up the Momogras. Her frozen data quickly swept over the ashy ground, and as it dipped into the virus-created holes, the plan was to freeze up the tunnels and force-expel the viruses, damaging them as they would be displaced through the cold ice.

As that happened, Mill slotted in his promised Battlechip, and in Anyis's hand appeared a Boomerang. The wooden throwing weapon was a bit of an odd choice for an area based around a volcano, but Anyis didn't mind enough to not use it. After all, a weapon was a weapon. Heck, if anything, the Boomerang might catch fire for a really cool finisher. Since none of that would even have a chance of happening in Anyis's hand, though, she threw the Boomerang the moment her ice had finished forming, hoping to nail all three viruses in one go. After that, she'd back off, just to be sure nothing went horribly wrong and blew up in her face.

1. River Slide (Large Area Ice Terrain, 1TCD) over Momogra holes, force them above ground (50 damage @ MomograB/C/D)
2. Boomerang1 (60 Wood damage, multiple targets) @ MomograB/C/D
3. Dodge
4. Dodge

Channel Surf - 1 turn
River Slide - 1 turn
Anyis expands her advantage by creating a freezing field of ice, forcing the Momogras to pop out, temporarily confused as they are soon cut down by a Boomerang.

Anyis skates to rewards.

-Various locations-

ShadowA: OH GOD...

Terrain: 100% Sand

Anyis.exe: 140 HP

Get: Shadow1, 1000z
Anyis gathered up the spoils of battle, and couldn't help but chuckle as she came across the chip data. "Alright, scaring them chipless works too." she snickered as she began the transfer process to the PET.

Mill groaned at the joke, choosing to not respond any further. Since he always magically had a blank chip on hand, even in the middle of a tournament where he couldn't use his normal folder, it was only a matter of moments before the Shadow1 found a home in with Mill's other chips. With that and the zenny loaded up into his account, he gave Anyis the go ahead to search for some more viruses.

(Battle 2 Start)
Anyis came across a very strange looking terrain. From the first glimpse, it somewhat resembled an arena as there was a big patch of sands in the middle with metal panels to rim it. There wasn't anything special about it, but before the navi could continue further into the net, something was happening at the middle of the little stage!

A square hole appeared and streams of lavas spewed all over the place, closing off Anyis from leaving the area with the lavas surrounding the arena. Suddenly, viruses rose from the square hole and immediately took notice of Anyis!

CirkillA: 110 HP
CirkillB: 110 HP
FlameyA: 60 HP
FlameyB: 60 HP
FlameyC: 60 HP
VolgearA: 80 HP
VolgearB: 80 HP
VolgearC: 80 HP

55% Sand [Middle]
30% Metal [Between Sand/Lava]
10% Lava [Outer Rim]
5% Volcano [center]

Anyis.exe: 140 HP

"You just had to go and ask for fire, didn't you? Now I have a miniature volcano to deal with, thanks to you..." whined Anyis as the sand ahead of her opened up and began spewing both lava and viruses. Scans would reveal them to be Volgears, Flameys, and... Cirkills? Okay, Anyis had to raise an eyebrow at the Normal-element viruses rising out of a volcano without so much as a single burn mark on them. It was odd, to be sure, but she had to admit that this was the Net, and sometimes things just didn't need to make sense.

"Yeah yeah, I'll make sure to not tempt the fates again." sighed Mill, knowing full well that his minor complaint in the last battle should have had no effect on the sudden outpouring of molten rock here. That said, it really didn't matter in the end what kind of terrain they were facing as there were viruses that needed fighting on it. Since there were a fair share of Fire viruses opposing them this time, Mill searched through his folder for the best means to wipe them out. However, he soon came to a stunning realization about their "advantage": Crap... All my Aqua chips are single-targetting. Against this many viruses, using these would just be a waste of time. There's gotta be a better way to do this... Mill's thoughts raced as it became clear that, figuratively, his biggest guns didn't have enough shots. What he'd need to do was... make a new gun? Anyis could ice over any of his Normal chips, but what could put a dent in 8 viruses... ... Eight? That's it! Suddenly filled with inspiration, Mill rummaged through his folder like a rabid dog, digging for just the right two chips for the job: Rockcube and Pulsar1. It was an old strategy he had figured out with Magna, but now that he had Anyis's abilities at his disposal, it could be made to work even better... "Anyis, I'm sending you these two chips! Put the Rockcube in the middle of all the viruses, then attack it!" shouted the zealous Operator as he delivered the Battlechips into the PET.

"Attack the... what? What the hell kind of good would that do?!" yelled Anyis in response, having no idea what on earth Mill was thinking. Any questions she had would come too late, though, as the chips had already been uploaded and sent into her possession. "Rockcube and... Pulsar? What does that do, again...?" pondered Anyis, having not used this chip herself before. Failing to remember, she shrugged off the question and ran towards the horde of viruses, assuming Mill wasn't so much of a jerk to send her on a suicide mission. Her feet padded through the sand and away from the metal ring as she rushed into the pack of viruses, reaching a good spot near the group of Flameys before materializing the Rockcube and slamming into the ground, creating a rather muffled thud as the block squished the sand underneath.

All that was left was the strange part: attacking the Rockcube. Anyis readied to arm the Pulsar, but as usual, the moment she did that her coding began wrapping itself around the non-elemental weapon and giving it icy attributes. Considering that the Pulsar was a sound-based attack, Anyis wasn't entirely sure what freezing it over would do. Still, the plan was to use the chip, and that's just what she did. A small speaker, somewhat old-looking, materialized in her hands with no signs of the Imbuing having any effect at all. Once Anyis fired it, though, it became painfully clear what had happened... Reverbirating out of the speaker was a sound so blood-curdling, so bone-chilling... Bone-chilling?

"..." Mill just sat there dazed for a moment at how utterly ridiculous this was. He had no idea that Anyis's programming was so adapatable that it... was able to make puns to match the situation. That's just... Wow.

The horrid noise struck the Rockcube fairly quickly, and with that Anyis became aware of Mill's strategy. New soundwaves born from the old echoed out of the object, one after the other, and began shooting towards the nearby viruses. The only flaw with this plan was that Mill wasn't expecting the sound itself to be augmented as it was, and the horrid wailing that Anyis produced was now in 8-way stereo, and that many times worse. Anyis herself had to cover her ears, and only the worst could be guessed of the viruses who could be taking the brunt of this assault. Amidst the confusion of the noise, Anyis dove behind the Rockcube for cover, particularly trying to hide from the Cirkills, which she knew couldn't be killed by something like this.

Once the screeching had finally come to an end, Mill came over the voice link and said, "Ugh... We'll have to remember to watch out for that from now on. Anyway, I'm sending you one more chip, so mop up what you can." With that order sent, Mill resumed the process of trying to get his ears to stop ringing.

Anyis, with her back pressed up against the Rockcube, quickly received the data as it morphed into her ElecReel's miniature tesla coil. Taking a moment to glance around, she picked a target in the Volgears, which probably wouldn't have taken too bad a hit from the Pulsar. While it wasn't an Aqua chip, the ElecReel's raw damage hopefully would be enough to rip through the Volgears anyway, provided Anyis's aim didn't take a plummet in the aftermath of before. Since she had only taken cover from the Cirkills, though, and not the Volgears, Anyis didn't have much time to contemplate such things, as she was in plain sight for the firey trio of viruses. Abiding by the thought of "shoot or get shot", Anyis pointed the tesla coil at the viruses and activated it, sending jagged bolts of lightning coarsing through the air and straight at her targets. She took her time to try and wipe all 3 of them out in one go, since she could feel her current energy supply running low and knew that whatever she didn't destroy now would come back to hurt later...

1. Summon Rockcube (200 HP Object) in the middle of Flamey Group
--Ice Bleeding (Imbue Aqua to:)
2. Chilling Pulsar1 (70 Aqua damage, Object Triggered Splash 8) @ Rockcube, Splash out to all viruses, focused on Flamey Group
3. Take Cover behind Rockcube (Movement), hiding from Cirkill Group
4. ElecReel (80 Elec damage, Multiple targets, Better against grounded enemies) @ Volgear Group
--Ectopatcher (Heal 15 HP)
Anyis dashes forward and plants a Rockcube in the middle of the volcano, covering the terraforming terrain with an effective plug.

She fired the Pulsar.

Truly, this noise was... "bone-chilling" as we could put it, so much so, that it... made the Rockcube explode? Oh, well, it was still intact, but the Flamey viruses were definitely gone, and so were the Volgears! What a surprise.

A cannon shot crashing next to Anyis reminded her to take cover, and so she did, behind the Rockcube, which was mercilessly assaulted by the remaining CirKill and reduced to nearly nothing after the last shot.

Seeing as her Volgear targets were... well... gone, Anyis could only fire the Elecreel at the Cirkills, dealing a large amount of damage, but not deleting them. Did the Pulsar... not reach them?

CirkillA: 30 HP
CirkillB: 30 HP

55% Sand [Middle]
30% Metal [Between Sand/Lava]
10% Lava [Outer Rim]
5% Normal

Anyis.exe: 140 HP [Normal]
Rockcube: 30 HP

The plan was to mop up what the Pulsar didn't finish off, but... Well, it was a pretty moot plan when the soundwave mostly decimated the enemy force. The Flames were deleted, the Volgears were deleted... The Cirkills managed to evade the Pulsar, but Anyis caught them on the rebound with the ElecReel. That didn't kill them outright, but damn if they weren't ailing at this point. Quite frankly... It was creepy. One of Mill's convoluted plans, which always faltered to some degree or another, went off without a hitch and then some. Anyis wasn't sure what to say at this point, and neither was her Operator.

"... Uh... Okay..." stuttered Anyis mindlessly, at a complete loss for words. Finally, after wracking her brain for a moment, Anyis came up with something. "Mill, could you, uh... Give me something kind of weak to finish up with? I think I might actually be feeling some pity towards these viruses..."

"Err... Yeah, sure. Hold on a moment..." responded Mill, equally perturbed by the success they just had. For however disturbed the natural order of things may have been, though, this battle wasn't over, and Mill did really need to find a chip for Anyis to use. Something weak... Something weak... It was really a taller order than it sounded, because for one thing he needed something still strong enough to finish the Cirkills, yet weak enough to comply to Anyis's request. Also... Mill had come to the realization that his chip selection had really grown by leaps and bounds in recent times. Mill could probably actually say he had a good folder and not lie about it at this point. It was ironic, though, that Mill came to this conclusion at the one time when power was the one thing he didn't want. Finally, after a good deal of thought, Mill plucked out his Shotgun and slid it into his PET.

Anyis's gauntlet disappeared from her right arm as it assumed a new shape as a silver single-barrelled gun. The chip's age was starting to show itself, as it had been a good while since Mill used the chip, certainly before Anyis awakened at least. For this occasion, though, this was just right. It could pick off both viruses with some good aim, and the power was just enough to not make a mess out of things. So, with weapon in hand, Anyis peeked out from behind the Rockcube to get an eye on her targets. One... Two... Yeah, they're both there. thought Anyis as she took a tally of her opponents. She lifted her weapon above the top of the Rockcube, took aim... and waited. It wasn't really her style, but the name of today's game was sniping. A good shot might be able to get the job done, yeah... But what she wanted was the best shot, nothing less. So, she waited. Waited for that perfect moment, where both Cirkills lined up just right, and...


1. Resume cover behind Rockcube
2. Aim @ Cirkill Group
3. Shotgun (50 damage, Spread 1) @ Cirkill Group
4. Dodge
The Shotgun punched through one Cirkill to hit the other, ending the battle quickly with a single shot. Some zenny was left over but no battlechip. What a shame.


55% Sand [Middle]
30% Metal [Between Sand/Lava]
10% Lava [Outer Rim]
5% Normal

Anyis.exe: 140 HP [Normal]
Rockcube: 30 HP

[Battle 2 - Victory!]

Get: 1600z

"Well, Mill? Think we have time for one more round?" asked Anyis as she gathered up the loot.

"Hmm... Lemme check." said Mill as he looked up to the screens in the spectator lounge. "There still seems to be a match going on, and it doesn't look like much has happened yet. I think you can manage one more fight."

"Alright. I'll make it quick just in case." Anyis laughed in response as she began a new search for viruses.

(Battle 3 Start)
Coming across a strange field of sandy and plain tiles, Anyis spotted a pair of skeletal torsos hunched over and facing each other. When she went in for a closer look, she found that the pair of viruses were engaged in a game of Knucklebones...

How appropriate.

Though deeply engrossed in their game, they still spotted her and clacked their bones together in some kind of alarm. Five Quaker viruses answered the call, descending from above and landing perfectly on some sand panels. The sand seemed to have cushioned their fall and prevented them from attacking normally. What luck!

QuakerA: 80 HP [sand]
QuakerB: 80 HP [sand]
QuakerC: 80 HP [sand]
QuakerD: 80 HP [sand]
QuakerE: 80 HP [sand]
SkarabA: 120 HP
SkarabB: 120 HP [sand]

Terrain: 50% Sand, 50% Normal (checkerboard)

Anyis: 140 HP

[Battle 3 - Begin!]
It's amazing how viruses always seem to have reinforcements... thought Anyis as the quintuplet group of Quakers crashed into the small sand dunes littered across the area. Indeed, all it took was a few clicks and clacks from the Skarabs to bring these heavy masses in from who knows where. In fact... If that was all it took, who's to say they wouldn't do it again? If she didn't take out those skeletons while she could, there was a fair chance that Anyis would be dealing with far too many Quakers for her own good. However... There were already enough enemies here that they could mob her if she didn't cover her defenses well enough. Anyis needed to stall the Skarabs long enough for her to deal with the Quakers, and conveniently enough, she had a technique for just such a situation.

As per the Hades standard, the River was totally bloated with the ghosts of weak Navis pushed their luck a little too far in this hellhole. With as many of them as there were, Anyis just connected to the first ghost she could get ahold of and dragged down to the earth where she was. Rather than use it to improve her own attacks like before, though, she gathered the woeful spirit in her hands and threw it out towards one of the Skarabs, aiming to possess the virus with the Navi's ghost and send it into a state of confusion. With that, though, it clicked in Anyis's mind that she had just run out of things she could do on her own. "Uh, Mill? Could I get some chips?" she pleaded with her Operator, not wanting to feel the brunt of a 5-way Quaker attack.

"Yeah... I'm beginning to notice how Battlechip-dependant your combat style is, Anyis." commented Mill as he began fishing through his folder for some useful tools. "Next time I buy some upgrades, we should really look into expanding your offense. There could be a time when I couldn't send you chips, and you'd be in a lot of trouble." Mill continued to list out the flaws in Anyis's design until he finally picked out a trio of chips and slotted them in.

"Hey, what I have now has worked so far!" shouted Anyis in her defense as her new arsenal arrived. She quickly stumbled, though, as she checked the contents. "Cannon?! How is that going to help here?!" groaned Anyis at the chip she typically only used for evasive purposes.

"Just use it to push that other skeleton onto a sand dune. It might bog it down enough that it won't be able to make that reinforcement call again." explained Mill matter-of-factly.

"... Fine..." grumbled Anyis, finding it hard to swallow the fact that the strategy totally flew over her head. Her right gauntlet morphed itself into the same silver gun as last battle, only this time with a much wider barrel. The Cannon's slug loaded itself into place, and Anyis's coding quickly took itself to the round, freezing it over into a hefty ice ball regardless of the fact that Anyis didn't really want that to happen. Either way, the ammo was ready to go, so the armed spirit medium pulled the trigger and sent the frozen projectile flying towards the Skarab, targetting it just so the virus would be pushed back onto a pile of sand behind it.

What came next prompted Anyis's gun to revert back to its gauntlet form, as a raggy-looking doll appeared in her palm. This DollThunder was good against airborne targets, so why did Mill... "Ah." breathed Anyis lightly as she realized the plan. As they saw earlier when the battle started, Quakers could jump, and high at that. If she waited until they launched an attack, she could fry them with the DollThunder like it was nothing. Now it was just a matter of waiting and getting the quick draw...

While she waited, though, there was still one thing Anyis could do. She activated her last, and newest, chip, sending the command for the Shadow to overtake her body. Her data loosened up just shy of the degree her ghosts's were while her whole body took on a shadier hue. Anyis couldn't call herself completely intangible, but perhaps this could still be a solid defense anyway.


1. Channel Static (1 Turn Confusion, 2TCD) @ SkarabB
--Ice Bleeding (Imbue Aqua to:)
2. Cannon (40 Aqua damage, Knockback) @ SkarabA, push onto Sand panel
3. DollThunder1 (80 Elec damage, Multiple Targets, Better against airborne enemies) @ Quaker Group, wait until they jump to fire
4. Shadow1 (Shadow, 1 Turn) @ Self
--Ectopatcher (Heal 15 HP) @ Self

Channel Static - 2 turns
One of the Skarabs got confused by Anyis's ghosts while the other was blasted in the head with a water Cannon, promptly falling apart. The confused Skarab giggled to itself incessantly as the three of the Quakers leapt up in unison only to be taken down by the Dollthunder. The other two seemed comfortable not moving at all for now while the other Skarab finally decided to attack with a twirling bone.

...That twirled back and hit it in the face. It too fell apart after being struck.

QuakerB: 80 HP [sand]
QuakerD: 80 HP [sand]
SkarabA: 80 HP [sand] [invulnerable]
SkarabB: 100 HP [sand] [invulnerable]

Terrain: 50% Sand, 50% Normal (checkerboard)

Anyis: 140 HP [shadow]
"What the... Are they supposed to do that?" asked a confused Anyis, who pointed a finger at the pile of bones formerly known as the Skarabs. Normally, when a virus was defeated, it'd break apart into bits of data during the deletion process. But, uh... Breaking into bones probably wasn't the same.

Mill did a scan to check, and the results just made him scratch his head. "Well, they aren't dead... But they don't seem like they'll do anything soon, good or bad. I guess this is a defense mechanism that was preprogrammed into these viruses." Mill rattled his mind for what to do, all the while observing the unmoving Skarabs. "Alright, just leave them alone for now and clean up the other Quakers. I'm a little suspicious of those skeletons too, but you'll just get attacked if we don't do anything."

"Okay, I'll keep an eye out." nodded Anyis before taking a moment to glance once more at the Skarabs. Still not moving... Well, this was Hades Net, so a few surprises here and there were only to be expected. "Anyway, send me some chips. Just punching them over and over could take a while."

"I'd like to see you try that sometime." responded Mill with a snicker as he picked 2 chips out of his folder. "AquaNeedle and IceWave incoming."

"Don't start getting any weird ideas, Mill..." grumbled Anyis as the chip data was uploaded to her. Both chips she was familiar with from the tournament, and luck would have it that Mill had them too, so Anyis had a pretty good idea of what to do. First up was the IceWave, which condensed itself into a single crystal of ice in Anyis's palm. She bounced it in her hand once or twice before throwing it straight at the nearest Quaker, only to have it crash into the ground a few feet short and erupt into a wave of ice. Just stopping with that wouldn't do her any good, though, so Anyis loaded up her other chip and attacked. The AquaNeedle materialized itself over her head as a trio of spikes, none which wasted any time in rocketing through the air towards their target.

As the AquaNeedle fired, something in the back of Anyis's head clicked, and she began thinking. "Hmm... 3 needles, the Quaker... Wait a minute... Damnit Mill, you short-changed me!" shouted Anyis in frustration before chasing after her needles and towards the Quaker. As she ran, hoping from one normal panel to the next, Anyis raised her right gauntlet above her head... before thrusting the silver fist straight at the virus's face. "Mill, that chip wasn't strong enough! Pay attention!" yelled Anyis at her Operator.

"Oh, right... My bad, sorry." admitted Mill. "At least you followed up on it, though."

"I shoudn't have to follow up on it in the first place." snapped Anyis, now in a bad mood due to Mill's oversight.

"Hey, I said I was sorry." repeated Mill. Seeing that Anyis wasn't budging for the moment, he sighed and pulled his IronShield1 out of his folder. "Here, take cover behind this. We're not sure what those Skarabs will do." he said as he slotted the chip in.

"... Hmph." grunted Anyis as she placed herself behind the large metal shield that had just formed.

1. IceWave1 (90 Aqua damage) @ QuakerB
2. AquaNeedle1 (25 Aqua damage x 3) @ QuakerD
3. Melee Buster Punch (8 damage) @ QuakerD
4. IronShield1 (2 Hit Shield) between self and Skarabs

Channel Static - 1 turn
The first Icewave did its job deleting the Quaker in a single shot. The Aquaneedle was also equally successful in damaging the other Quaker but as Anyis moved in to finish it off, the Quaker quickly leapt up and out of range. Anyis watched it soar overhead and land behind her, but since it was unable to change directions in the air, its shockwave rumbled away in the opposite direction. Rather than try and finish it off, her operator slotted in a defensive IronShield which arrived just in time as the effect from her Shadow chip seemed to fade away. Meanwhile, the Skarabs reassembled themselves and prepared for another round of combat.

QuakerD: 5 HP [normal]
SkarabA: 80 HP [sand]
SkarabB: 100 HP [sand]

Terrain: 50% Sand, 50% Normal (checkerboard)

Anyis: 140 HP [2-hit shield]
Bad moods have always had a habit of hanging around like a dark cloud over people's heads, and Anyis's was ready to shoot lightning when her punch sliced through the air after the Quaker she was targetting jumped straight over her head. As evidence of how annoyed Anyis was... A fairly large laser beam was chasing after the Quaker within seconds of its landing, direct from the frustrated Navi's palm as she appeared out from behind the shield covering her.

Mill had slotted in the Powershot as soon as he caught a glimpse of the scowl on Anyis's face, and knew full well that if he didn't give her a chip to fight with, she'd be chasing down those viruses barehanded and getting into god knows how much trouble. The fact that she did use it right away gave Mill a slight sense of relief as he learned that she wasn't so mad that she wasn't going to listen to him. She was probably still a little ticked about that miscalculation, though... "Hauhhh..." sighed Mill deeply as he set free a good chuck of pent-up stress that had been brewing over the last few minutes. Anyis was willing to use the chips he sent, so perhaps this battle could still be finished safely. All Mill had to do was give her some good enough chips... So, to satiate her temper, Mill went ahead and picked his two chips with the most raw power to them.

In one hand, water vapor. In the other, a hammer. Together, pain. Anyis was armed with her MistConv and BigHammer, the two chips in Mill's folder that could claim to deal the most absolute damage from point A to face B. And... They were just what she needed to vent all this frustration clouding her mind. Plus, packing this much heat was actually needed to utterly vaporize the Skarabs, else they just fall apart into an invincible piles of bones again. So, there was logic in wielding this power, but Anyis would've been perfectly fine just crushing these guys into the ground like bugs, regardless of the situation at hand.

At this point, she let loose. Anyis dashed forward, bypassing any and all forms of evasion to charge straight at the Skarab pair. First up on the chopping block was the one she had hit with a Cannon earlier, and the weapon of choice for it was the MistConv. The water vapor that had been floating around her gauntlet suddenly condensed into a high-pressure liquid fist molded around her own, and it wasted no time in leaping off Anyis's hand and make its own arching path towards the skeletal virus, where it would hope to slam its aquatic knuckles into the bones and snap them into pieces. The assault didn't stop there, though, since there was still one Skarab to target, and one BigHammer left unused. What little water vapor the MistConv left behind immediatly latched onto the hammer and froze after coming in contact with Anyis's icy coding, leaving her with a cold, blue bludgeon of pain. Letting such a device go to waste would have been a real shame, so Anyis ran at her target with weapon wielded in both hands. She swung her arms back, raising the frozen hammer up above her head, and released, sending the mallet crashing down towards the Skarab's skull. Once that was all said and done, Anyis made her way back behind the IronShield to catch her breath.

1. Powershot (50 damage, Impact) @ QuakerD
2. MistConv (110 Aqua damage, Impact) @ SkarabA
--Ice Bleeding (Imbue Aqua to:)
3. BigHammer1 (160 Aquadamage, Impact, Break) @ SkarabB
4. Resume position behind IronShield (Movement)
--Ectopatcher (Heal 15 HP)

Channel Static - Ready
Anyis was able to shoot the last Quaker in the back and delete it before it could turn around in time. Armed with a MistConv, she crushed one of the Skarabs with a watery fist before turning her rage towards the other. A spinning bone smashed into her shield but she ignored it and went in for the kill with a devastating BigHammer attack that pulverized the last Skarab's bones into a fine digital dust. The viruses left behind some zenny but the bone that one of the Skarabs had thrown had changed into something else entirely: Battlechip data.


Terrain: 50% Sand, 50% Normal (checkerboard)

Anyis: 140 HP [1-hit shield]

[Battle 3 - Victory!]

Get: 1200z + Skully1 battlechip