To Hell with this

Well, that could've gone better... Pianissimo thought, recoiling from the guardnavi's attack. Still, he had pulled off what he hoped to. An injury such as his could be dealt with once he was out of immediate danger. He and the cleric navi, for that matter, as in the second he had glanced up to see her condition, he noticed that she looked considerably worse for wear.

At least he still had the barrier. That would help things. Still, picking off targets one by one wasn't getting him anywhere. "Duke," he muttered as the silence wore off. Rather than verbally requesting chips, however, he selected them through the menu built into his emblem. "You know what to do."

In the real world, his operator nodded in acknowledgment. "You're going to want to be careful with targeting," he commented, noticing the woodtower among the requests. Pianissimo gave a small nod of confirmation. It would alter his order of attacking, but little more. As for the others...he would have little to worry about. This was, after all, why he had chosen to attack from behind.

Rather than starting with chip attacks, the assassin moved forward, then back again in a fluid motion. At the end of his lunge, he whipped his katana forward. The widesword data shattered before he could strike, but this was no matter. He had no intention of striking with the near shattered chip data. Instead, he aimed for the throat of the guardnavi with the katana itself, before pulling away and kneeling against the ground. He then planted a hand on the cracked floor, calling forth a wave of wooden spires from in front of him. Aimed first at the guard navi, it arced after passing him as Pianissimo turned his hand, directing it then at the gunner.


1. Silencer: 150 Slashing - GuardNavi
*Tac Movement: Distance self from GuardNavi
2. WoodTower: 100 Wood, ground, group/line - GuardNavi, GunnerNavi

The GuardNavi is caught, ironically, off-guard by Pianissimo's sudden lunging slash while reloading his auto-pistol. he is able to jump up and back, taking what would have been a decapitation strike as a slash to the abdomen instead. He landed, and threw up another sheild to ward off Pianissimo's next attack, only to be struck from below by a Woodtower and deleted.

As the GuardNavi disintegrates into deletion, the GunnerNavi sights upon Pianissimo through where his ally had just been a moment before. The Gunner fires another MarkCannon shell, only this time connecting with his target. Luckily, Pianissimo's Barrier, raised just in case, absorbs the attack meant for the Navi. The Gunner, on the other hand, takes the hit from the wood tower.

Unfortunately, that wasn't the end of it....

Split Summary

Pianissimo: 102 HP

GuardNavi: Deleted
SummonerNavi: Deleted
GunnerNaviV2: 950 HP (Equip: Chip Clip} [3 Moves ahead, and 3 Moves to the right]
Pianissimo's eyes immediately returned to the gunner navi as his barrier was broken. This one was dangerous, he could tell, but he didn't have time to deal with it yet. The HP reading coming from his eyepieces was much too high for a quick kill. There were still two other targets that required attention.

Yet if he left the gunner alone...

Of course, that was what the second chip was for. The assassin spun his blade around, the metal crackling with electricity by the time it was steady again. As the weapon came to a halt, it was released in a large orb, that slowly advanced toward the gunner. Behind his helmet and scarf, Pianissimo smirked. The eyepieces lit up, activating a hidden program that began to melt the floor under the gunner and created a hideous illusion around him. Just stay where you are... he thought.

From its eyes, it would soon see a complete reversal of the world. The searing floor beneath would appear as normal ground. The rest of the battlefield, however, would reveal itself as the molten inferno that mocked the combatants from below the floor. Smoke and fumes would hang in the air, turning it toxic. And the orb of lightning making its way toward the gunner would appear perfectly harmless.

Meanwhile, the assassin turned toward the heavy arms navi and the remaining sword-wielder, preparing to strike against them as well.

3. Thunder: 40 Elec, Stun - GunnerNavi
4. Nightmares: Illusion, Lava Panel under GunnerNavi (drop him into the lava below?)

-SPLICE again-
Pianissimo's follow up thunderball stuns the GunnerNavi as it was trying to line up another MarkCannon shot. His next move melts the floor beneath the GunnerNavi, and dumps him into the lava below. The GunnerNavi is suddenly out of the fight... but apparently still alive and relatively unharmed as it begins hurling curses at Pianissimo from below the floor.

Turning back to the other Navis, he sees the Cleric locked in a duel with the SwordNaviEX... and the SwordNavi was losing badly. He lashed out at the Cleric with a basic combination attack, only to have his first swing parried by the Cleric's sword, his second ducked, and his third countered with a rising slash that struck first. The Cleric followed the sword attack with a kick to the abdomen that doubled the other Navi over and sent him back-stepping a few paces.

Unfortunately, the GigasNavi was now within reach of the Cleric. His tree-trunk thick arm began to rise for what would be the mother or all hammer-blows....

Split Summary

Pianissimo: 102 HP
Black-Clad Female Cleric (?) : 150 HP {Equip: Sword} [7 moves ahead]

SwordNaviA: Crushed
SwordNaviB: Deleted
SwordNaviEX: 180 HP {Equip: AquaKnife, ElecKnife} [8 moves ahead]
GigasNavi: 800 HP {Equip: GutPunch, Hammer} [6 Moves ahead, and 1 move to the right]
GuardNavi: Deleted
SummonerNavi: Deleted
GunnerNaviV2: 910 HP [Out of the fight.]

RockCubeA: Destroyed
RockCubeB: 200 HP [3 moves ahead and slightly to the left]

Entrance: [9 moves ahead]
Doorway: [To your right, 7 moves away total]
Hone in the Floor: [5 moves ahead]

Normal: 99% (Floor)
Broken: 1% (Hole in Floor)
Lava: 100% (Below the floor)

---Mystery Data---
GMD: 1 HP [to your left, 3 moves away total]

---Battlefield Dimensions--- (Only for reference)
10 Panels x 10 Panels x 3 RockCubes (4, w/ lava subfloor)
Pianissimo watched the gunner sink through the floor, inwardly amused by the irony of the gunner hurling curses at him while he fell into a river of flames. "Not exactly Phlegathon, but it'll do," Duke commented from the real world. The assassin nodded in agreement, readying one of the three remaining chips. Of the other two, one would likely be useless. But for the rest...

He dashed forward, vanishing as he moved and reappearing directly behind the Gigas navi. He brought his blade around, the weapon now veiled in azure light, and swung it in a wide arc, tracing a deadly line through the air across its back and aiming as well for the hammer arm.

Figuring that would take care of the immediate problem, he crouched to the ground, placing one hand flat against it. A wave spread out from his body, repairing the hole he had shot in the floor and reaching toward the lava-induced sinkhole as well.

And that... he thought as the wave of reparation spread, should put a lid on his cursing.

5. Stepsword - Teleport behind GigasNavi, 120 wide, slashing
6. Panel Return - Large area of normal terrain
Pianissimo teleported to the space just behind the GigasNavi, and slashed at the enormous Navi, easily connecting. The over-large Navi stopped moving, and turned only his head to glance down at the assassin. "That tickled...." rumbled the huge Navi as he punched the ceiling with his huge hand.

Rocks began to fall from the ceiling, smashing into and through the floor. One such stone struck Pianissimo squarely over the head, causing his vision to blur and flicker into static noise for a few moments. He managed to use the Panel Return, which buried the Gunner Navi, and plugged the numerous holes the rocks had produced. This prompted a frustrated yell from the hopelessly trapped GunnerNavi, who hurled a final curse at Pianissimo before jacking out.

The Gigas Navi turned on the assassin, the malice on his face evident even with Pianissimo's impaired vision....


Pianissimo: 62 HP [Slightly dazed, one action to shake it off]
Black-Clad Female Cleric (?) : 145 HP {Equip: Sword} [3 moves ahead]

SwordNaviA: Crushed
SwordNaviB: Deleted
SwordNaviEX: 180 HP {Equip: AquaKnife, ElecKnife} [3 moves ahead, and to the left]
GigasNavi: 740 HP (HardBody) {Equip: GutPunch, Hammer} [Ahead]
GuardNavi: Deleted
SummonerNavi: Deleted
GunnerNaviV2: Jacked-Out

RockCubeA: Destroyed
RockCubeB: Destroyed

Entrance: [9 moves ahead]
Doorway: [To your right, 7 moves away total]

Normal: 100% (Floor)
Lava: 100% (Below the floor)

---Mystery Data---
GMD: 1 HP [Off in the left corner, far behind you]

---Battlefield Dimensions--- (Only for reference)
10 Panels x 10 Panels x 3 RockCubes (4, w/ lava subfloor)
Pianissimo recoiled and collapsed to his knees from the hit. The world in front of him disappeared into red static and a warped, undulating image. He cringed as a sound like a mix of AM frequency static and a scratched record ripped through his ears, then slowly faded as his vision returned to normal.

Well, that was unpleasant, he thought, making a note to figure out why the static had lasted so long when only a few seconds had apparently passed.

"Sorry about that," he muttered on a private channel. "I need something to grapple him with, preferably sooner rather than later."

Seconds later, he felt the data of the varitails chip being uploaded. Sighing, he sheathed his blade, then summoned the chip, a set of nine barbed whips connected by a single handle. It would be better than nothing. Immediately, he slung them forward towards the hammer arm, attempting to wrap them around the arm and grapple it.

1. Recover from daze
2. Varitails1: Attempt to grapple hammer-equipped arm

Pianissimo recovers from his dazed state just in time to see what was left of a broken sword (mainly the hilt) fly into view, and bounce off of the huge Navi's head. An annoyed look swept across his face, but that didn't seem to faze him otherwise.

Pianissimo then lashed out with his Varitails. He succeeded in wrapping the whip-like weapon around GigasNavi's hammer arm....

The GigasNavi simply looked at his snared arm, then back at Pianissimo.

Split Summary (4 actions remaining)

Pianissimo: 62 HP {Equip: Varitails1}
Black-Clad Female Cleric (?) : 142 HP {Unarmed} [Behind the GigasNavi]

SwordNaviA: Crushed
SwordNaviB: Deleted
SwordNaviEX: Dealt With
GigasNavi: 724 HP (HardBody) {Equip: GutPunch, Hammer} [Ahead]
GuardNavi: Deleted
SummonerNavi: Deleted
GunnerNaviV2: Jacked-Out

RockCubeA: Destroyed
RockCubeB: Destroyed

Entrance: [9 moves ahead]
Doorway: [To your right, 7 moves away total]

Normal: 100% (Floor)
Lava: 100% (Below the floor)

---Mystery Data---
GMD: 1 HP [Off in the left corner, far behind you]

---Battlefield Dimensions--- (Only for reference)
10 Panels x 10 Panels x 3 RockCubes (4, w/ lava subfloor)
Excellent, Pianissimo thought, noticing that he had successfully ensnared the hammer-wielding arm. Now it would only be a matter of...

The assassin gave a firm tug on the ensnared hammer, hoping to rip it out of the enemy's grasp. He continued to pull harder until he felt the tension release, then rolled to the side, hoping to be somewhere away from where the hammer would be flying.

3. Attempt to rip hammer out of GigasNavi's grasp
4. Dodge (Get the f**k out of the way of the hammer)
Pianissimo manages to snare the hammer, ripping it from the GigasNavi's grasp. He then dodges out of the way as it comes flying at him. Strangely, he never heard it hit the ground....

Split Summary (2 actions remaining)

Pianissimo: 62 HP {Equip: Varitails1}
Black-Clad Female Cleric (?) : 141 HP {Unarmed} [Out of view]

SwordNaviA: Crushed
SwordNaviB: Deleted
SwordNaviEX: Dealt With
GigasNavi: 710 HP (HardBody) {Equip: GutPunch} [Ahead]
GuardNavi: Deleted
SummonerNavi: Deleted
GunnerNaviV2: Jacked-Out

RockCubeA: Destroyed
RockCubeB: Destroyed

Entrance: [9 moves ahead]
Doorway: [To your right, 7 moves away total]

Normal: 100% (Floor)
Lava: 100% (Below the floor)

---Mystery Data---
GMD: 1 HP [Off in the left corner, far behind you]

---Battlefield Dimensions--- (Only for reference)
10 Panels x 10 Panels x 3 RockCubes (4, w/ lava subfloor)
That's odd, Pianissimo thought, waiting for the sound of the hammer hitting and missing it. Something was up, but he already had a general idea what it was. The cleric had disappeared completely after throwing the sword hilt, for one. He wasn't sure, but it was the best explanation he had. Seven words spelled themselves out in his head, repeating and growing in volume with each repetition.

Get. The. Hell. Out. Of. The. Way.

He stepped forward, into the shadow of the Gigas itself. The darkened patch rippled as he faded and melded into it, reappearing on the side of the arm opposite that he had ripped the hammer from. Bringing his sword forward, he slashed at the arm, hoping to seal the navi's fate by preventing it from, say, punching a massive hammer away before it could hit him. Satisfied as he landed, he kicked off again, distancing himself from what could only be an inevitable target.

5. Cloak and Dagger: Teleport, 90 slashing - GigasNavi's GutPunch arm
6. Dodge: Get the f**k away
*Tac Movement: Continue to Get the f**k away.
Pianissimo appears next to the GigasNavi, and slashes the big Navi's arm with his sword. As he completes the attack and moves away from the GigasNavi, he hears a familiar voice shout from off to his right...

"Eeeeey, fugly! Did ye lose this?!"

A heartbeat later, the massive hammer-head (handle strangely absent) of the GigasNavi's stolen weapon flies into view, and strikes the huge Navi dead in the face. The heavy metal clang of the impact reverberated around the room as the big Navi tilted back, then fell ponderously over, hitting the ground with a loud crash. Knocked senseless, the big Navi was down and out cold.

The hammer head fell the other direction, and crashed through the floor, falling into the lava below.

Standing a bit beyond the hole made by the hammer head was the cleric. She stood there holding the hammer's handle, and wore a satisfied expression on her face.


Pianissimo: 62 HP {Equip: Varitails1}
Black-Clad Female Cleric (?) : 140 HP {Equip: Hammer Handle(?)}

SwordNaviA: Crushed
SwordNaviB: Deleted
SwordNaviEX: Dealt With
GigasNavi: 565 HP {Equip: GutPunch} [Ahead] (Out cold)
GuardNavi: Deleted
SummonerNavi: Deleted
GunnerNaviV2: Jacked-Out

RockCubeA: Destroyed
RockCubeB: Destroyed

Entrance: [9 moves ahead]
Doorway: [To your right, 7 moves away total]

Normal: 99% (Floor)
Broken: 1% (Hole in Floor)

Lava: 100% (Below the floor)

---Mystery Data---
GMD: 1 HP [Off in the left corner, far behind you]

---Battlefield Dimensions--- (Only for reference)
10 Panels x 10 Panels x 3 RockCubes (4, w/ lava subfloor)
Pianissimo stared down at the fallen giant...

...and sheathed his sword.

"He's out cold, let's get out of here before he wakes up," he observed, turning away and walking towards the far exit to the room. Did he have the resources to finish the GigasNavi off? Yes, easily. Was it worth waking him up again just for that when they could easily just leave now without him following? No. If they were worried about him following or contacting others, they already botched that up when he let the gunner navi be jacked out in the first place.

Spotting a green data crystal, he made his way towards that first.
"Aye. The fools have been schooled." The black clad Navi said in a mischievous tone as she swung the long hammer handle up, and let it rest on her shoulder. "And I've wasted enough time as it is." She then turned away from the comatose Navi and began walking quickly towards the second door.

Pianissimo, meanwhile, discovered data for a DashAttack battlechip within the mystery data's code.


Pianissimo: 62 HP
GET: RockCube, 1,200 Zenny
GMD: DashAttack

Black-Clad Female Cleric (?) : 140 HP
GET: A hammer handle?
Please don't ever say that again... Pianissimo thought, transferring the data he had acquired to his operator. He then turned back toward the entrance and followed the cleric, still having no idea just what it was she was looking for.
Pianissimo follows the clergy Navi through the door and into a narrow passageway roughly the size of the doorway they'd walked through. The passageway ends abruptly, and the two walk out into a narrow, high-ceilinged cavern. The cave was like a wide hallway, much longer than it was wide, and featured a dooway on the other side. The hallway also featured a suspended stone floor, much like the previous room's floor. However, this room's flooring was in serious disrepair. There was cracked paneling everywhere, and some sections had even collapsed altogether. This unfortunately revealed that the lava level in this room was much higher than that of the previous room as well, as it appeared it actually touched the flooring's underside.

The viruses scattered about the hall were probably the cause of the flooring damage...

The black clad female cleric muttered something Pianissimo didn't quite catch, then fell into her usual unarmed fighting stance. The metal hammer handle she had been carrying had apparently disintegrated....


Pianissimo: 62 HP
Black-Clad Female Cleric (?) : 135 HP {Unarmed}


--Group1-- [Scattered Ahead]
VolgearA: 80
VolgearB: 80
VolgearC: 80
OldstoveA: 50
OldstoveB: 50
OldstoveC: 50

--Group2-- [In Lava, off to one side, beyond Group1]
VolcanoA: 110
VolcanoB: 110
VolcanoC: 110
VolcanoD: 110

Entrance: [Behind you]
Doorway: [12 moves ahead]

Normal: 50% (Floor)
Cracked: 25% (Floor)
Lava: 25% (Broken Floor)

(100% Lava directly Below the floor)

---Battlefield Dimensions--- (Only for reference)
5 Panels x 12 Panels x 5 RockCubes

((Battle 6: BEGIN!!))
"Well, that's not good," Duke commented. "You're still low on health from the last match, so you'll go down in a few hits if you're not careful. Terrain isn't exactly in your favor either so..."


"But then we're going to have to cover for your cleric friend as well. I don't see any good way for her to steal a weapon from these guys, so you're probably stuck lending her a blade again.."

"Duke." Pianissimo repeated, harsher the second time.

"What?" Duke asked, snapped out of his rambling.

"I've got a better idea. Why don't I just...kill them?"

Silence, then Duke gave in. "That...would be better, yes." Changing his plans completely, he slotted in several offensive chips, as well as the almost obligatory areagrab.

Pianissimo turned toward the viruses, specifically facing the volcanoes in the back. He started running, then blurred as he cleared the nearer group and reappeared in front of the closest of the volcano viruses, slashing at that he hoped was a weak point in a large, fire-spewing rock. Even as he came out of the stepsword attack, however, he continued to move at blinding speed as he plowed through the other three, hacking at them with a water-enveloped sword as he passed.

As he cleared the group, he noticed the shadow of the approaching wall fall over him. Closing his eyes, he melded into it, disappearing into blackness just before he would have hit the wall. He reappeared seconds later from the shadow of the nearest Volgear to his original position, still carrying momentum from the dash and slicing at the next one.

As he felt his momentum give out, he fell to the ground in a roll, then raised one hand to the sky once stopped. A burst of electricity split from a point in the ceiling directly above him, raining down toward whatever had survived.

*Tac Movement: Advance toward viruses
1. Stepsword Volcano A - teleport, 120
2. Charge Aquasword
3. Charge Aquasword again
4. -DashAttack Volcanos - 90 each
-Aquasword Volcano B - 80 x3 each (Aqua, lava terrain boost)
-Aquasword Volcanos C-D - 80 x3 each (Aqua, lava terrain boost)
5. Cloak And Dagger - teleport to shadow of VolgearA, 100 slashing (assuming DashAttack momentum is maintained, 90 damage from that to VolgearA and 100 slashing from C&D to VolgearB)
*Swordplay: Dodge/roll to a stop
6. ElecReel whatever's left - 80 elec each
Pianissimo's lead-off stepsword attack deleted the first virus in one shot, but also landed him in a pool of lava. Standing in the pool as he was, his legs began to burn savagely as he readied his next attack. He leaped forward with the propulsive power of a Dash-Attack chip, through the enemy formation, and slashed the viruses in his path from behind with the AquaSword he'd spent time preparing.

Pianissimo then shadow jumped from the wall to just behind one of the Volgears, and deleted it with another flashing sword cut before smashing into a second with the last of his Dash Attack momentum. He hit the ground rolling, recovered, then activated his elecreel. Lighting bolts struck 3 of the 4 remaining viruses, leaving naught but a single OldStove standing.

But, that didn't last long.

The cleric stepped into Pianissimo's field of vision, and round-house kicked the stove, and knocked it over onto it's side with a hollow metallic clang. It belched fire at her, but she seemed to shift sideways suddenly and safely out of harms way. She then stepped forward, planted her foot on the side of the virus, and kicked. The virus rolled across the floor like a barrel, bouncing a bit as it went, and ended it's nauseating journey with a splash of magma as it fell into the pool of lava and vanished.

Without show or comment, she turned and began running towards the door at the end of the hall. She did not stop to pick up any of the data left by the viruses.



Pianissimo: 47 HP
GET: FlameLine1, 1,600 Zenny.

Black-Clad Female Cleric (?) : 130 HP {Unarmed}
GET: Out.

VolgearA: Deleted
VolgearB: Deleted
VolgearC: Deleted
OldstoveA: Deleted
OldstoveB: Disposed of.
OldstoveC: Deleted
VolcanoA: Deleted
VolcanoB: Deleted
VolcanoC: Deleted
VolcanoD: Deleted
Pianissimo sheathed his katana, jerking slightly at his wounds. The lava had seeped through joints in his armor, leaving the body underneath badly burned. He tapped the back of his left hand, a request for healing of some sort. Duke responded, transmitting and activating an energypack. Healing energy washed over the assassin, healing him and repairing most of the damage to his armor.

He nodded silently, following after the cleric.
The Cleric reached the doorway by the time the subchip started working to heal Pianissimo. By the time he started to follow her, she had long since dashed through the doorway at a good clip, and disappeared up the stairs beyond. When he reached the doorway, he could see a long, straight staircase leading up to a single, wide doorway at the other end. He did not see the cleric.

As Pianissimo started up the stairs, he could hear voices echoing down the stairway amid the ringing tones of hammers striking steel. The first was that of the female cleric he'd been traveling with up until now, except her manner of speech and tone were a far cry from before. Her tone sounded... cold and imperious. "... be mine name. Thou dost possess a relic o' import to me and mine. An' I do mean to reclaim it, as is my right."

"You again?" a deep male voice shouted in surprise. "By all rights, you should be a pile of bugfrags in that frozen hell they call SharoNet now." The voice gained confidence as the speaker continued. "What.... didja come back for more?"

The cleric's voice was cold and flat as she addressed the male speaker: "Aye, knave. And I mean ta leave with it."

"Get real, lady." ...he began arrogantly... "It ain't happenin. Last time we locked up, you were as good as deleted in minutes."

"Ye have a point. The score of ye did well to bring me low a'tall. However... thine numbers fall a wee bit shy this time 'round. Do thee and thine a service and return the relic, lest ye join thy kinsmen in oblivion."

"Seriously, are you glitched? With the sad shape you're in, you think you can take me? Dream on, sister, cuz' the only way you're leavin' with it is over my deleted data."


With that final echoing word, there was a long second of silence as Pianissimo drew closer to the other end of the stairway. Then suddenly shouts of surprise echoed from above, and were soon accompanied by the sharp sounds of two swords striking one another. The clashing of swords was almost immediately replaced by the sounds of a single blade repeatedly finding it's mark, followed by a single heavy thud as the loser hit the ground. A moment later, a second, more muffled thud echoes it's way down, accompanied by panicked shouts, and the sounds of many Navis running about.

As Pianissimo reached the entryway, he saw the female cleric standing before a group of no less than four red and black SwordNaviEX's, each wielding a FireKnife and FireSword. The cleric, now heavily injured, was herself armed with a Firesword, no doubt taken from the SwordNaviV2 that lay defeated and disintegrating at her feet, the victim of his own weapon.

Beyond the cleric and the arc of SwordNaviEX's was a group of 5 NormalNavis, all armed with hammers, running for the rear exit as fast as they could. They had abandoned what appeared to be a half dozen steel cubes with various unique-looking sword programs situated upon each, and one of their number collapsed and disolving into deletion next to the cube with the Ancient Sword program set upon it. All of the swords appeared to have been intentionally damaged by the fleeing Navis. The pile of destroyed and broken weapon data in the far corner said the rest about the intended fate of these programs....

Suddenly, the quartet of SwordNaviEX's charged the cleric, who readied her 'borrowed' sword and hurried to meet them.


Pianissimo: 180 HP
Black-Clad Female Cleric (?): 50 HP {Equip: FireSword} [Ahead and to the left]


---Group1--- [Fleeing through the back doorway.]
NormalNaviA: 100 HP (Running away) {Equip: Hammer}
NormalNaviB: 100 HP (Running away) {Equip: Hammer}
NormalNaviC: Dealt with.
NormalNaviD: 100 HP (Running away) {Equip: Hammer}
NormalNaviE: 100 HP (Running away) {Equip: Hammer}
NormalNaviF: 100 HP (Running away) {Equip: Hammer}

SwordNaviV2: Dealt with.
SwordNaviEXA: 600 HP {Equip: FireSword, FireKnife} [Ahead and to the left]
SwordNaviEXB: 600 HP {Equip: FireSword, FireKnife} [To the left]
SwordNaviEXC: 600 HP {Equip: FireSword, FireKnife} [Ahead and to the right]
SwordNaviEXD: 600 HP {Equip: FireSword, FireKnife} [To the right]

SteelCubeA: 1000 HP (Iron Body, Anchored) [Left Side]
-- Old Broadsword: 240 HP (???)
SteelCubeB: 1000 HP (Iron Body, Anchored) [Left Side]
-- Relic Blade: 140 HP (???)
SteelCubeC: 1000 HP (Iron Body, Anchored) [Left Side]
-- Ancient Sword: 135 HP (Hard Body)
SteelCubeD: 1000 HP (Iron Body, Anchored) [Right Side]
-- Azoth: 300 HP (Ethereal?)
SteelCubeE: 1000 HP (Iron Body, Anchored) [Right Side]
-- Cursed Edge: 120 HP (Shadow?)
SteelCubeF: 1000 HP (Iron Body, Anchored) [Right Side]
-- Antique Pole-Sword: 180 HP (???)

Entrance: (2 panels wide) [You're standing in it]
Doorway: (2 panels wide) [Other side of the room]
Pile of dismantled weapon data: [Far left corner]
Lava Flow: [Far right corner]

Normal: 100% (Floor)
Lava: 100% (Below the floor)