Lonely Planet [Part 2]

The last thought Eternalis remembered thinking was, Hey, what's that green thing?

Now, he was lying in a sand pit, having landed facefirst into a pit of sand. It was a very good thing he didn't have any mouth to speak of, or he would probably be gasping for air, not to mention spitting out a few gobs of sand. Even though he had this advantage, the aquatic Navi still felt quite unpleasant. Ugh... Luckily, Aurora had the fortune to land in a much better position in comparison, which was on her bottom. She winced in pain slightly as she rubbed the sore spot, then quickly saw his Navi in the predicament he was currently in. Immediately, the support program went about assisting the Navi in pulling his head out of the sand.

Moments later, head extracted successfully, Eternalis dusted the sand off his armor, and took a look around. Their position wasn't exactly advantageous, and they were on the receiving end of more than a few viruses. Aurora had already begun pre-battle analyses with her visor's scanning systems. "Tch. Those viruses are getting smarter. We took the bait," he said.

Then, Aurora began to recite the results from her scans as was her formality. "Three squads of three viruses, two of them seem to be plants of some sort. The other looks like a sword-user, so it's probably melee-ranged. The last one..." she trailed off.

"I have fought that one before, it attacks from the rear. We must be especially careful, there are four of them," Eternalis interrupted.

Aurora lifted an eyebrow silently, noticing the change in her Navi's speech. She looked to her side, and indeed, Eternalis had changed. His armor had acquired shoulder plates, his arm-outputs had shrunk considerably into large gauntlets, and he had obtained some replication of hair. Most notably, there was no blue to be seen anywhere on his person; everything had changed into a deep purple and green color scheme. She took surprise to this, as she had not observed this change before. On impulse, she scanned the Navi, and a small window popped up on her visor's display.

Quote ()

System Process: Soul Cross
Status    : Running
Source    : Rhea.EXE
Soul Link : 40.0%
Sync Rate : 23.5%

"Requesting battlechips WaterLine, Skully and MagBolt," he said.

"Incoming," replied Harke, not really wanting to comment, only observe. The sound of chips being slotted in sounded over the communication link, and Eternalis silently transferred the MagBolt data to Aurora. He then looked up at one of the virus squads, and leapt up into the air, disappearing in a puff of steam. Now in supercharged vapor form, the Navi phased through the air up to the edge of the pit. Reappearing near the viruses, he immediately opened a private link with Aurora.

"Aurora, prepare to change into your gauntlet mode."


Not wasting any time, Eternalis pointed his right hand at Aurora, and initiated a process in his sword generator's energy module. Generating a well of energy, he made a tunnel of kinetic energy directing Aurora to his position. The support program suddenly found herself flying through the air, headed straight for the Navi's outstretched hand. "Aaaaaaaaaa!" she shrieked, shutting her eyes tight and bracing herself for impact.

It didn't come. After a few moments, she opened her eyes, not expecting the lack of force on her person. She was pleasantly surprised to find herself looking through Eternalis' eyes, with her orange visor on his head. "Are you all right, Aurora? I'm sorry if I was too hasty, but I didn't find time to relay my plans to you," the Navi said. "T-That's.. okay, Elly. I-I'm fine," Aurora replied, still a bit shaken.

"I am happy to hear that," Eternalis commented, exhaling slightly. "We'll commence the offensive."

The aquatic Navi nodded to himself. He started moving around as he produced a purple energy blade from his hand, placing it at the ready as it charged. Loading the first WaterLine data into it, the blade glowed blue as he ran around the viruses, trying to align a couple of viruses together. Then, he abruptly skidded to a halt, and brought down the sword onto the ground, causing a minor tremor to vibrate through the ground. Shortly after, a powerful geyser made its entrance, blasting its way through the ground and whatever was in its way.

"Second wave."

Still not moving from his position, Eternalis loaded the second chip into the sword, changing its color yet again to a shimmering white. Holding it edgewise, he aimed for the last of the three viruses, and performed a wide horizontal slash. The energy from the sword rippled through the air, as if slowed in time, then formed a circular ring of white. The ring whirled through the air, headed for its target.

"Load the last chip, Aurora."


Now, Eternalis' left gauntlet shimmered yellow and emitted some stray sparks, indicating that it was charged with the MagBolt battlechip data. Eternalis then lowered his sword, and clenched his electrified hand. Looking at his allies, still in the pit, he made sure the automatic priorities for his restorative processes would be primed to heal any injuries, should there be any. Satisfied, he crouched into a defensive posture, itching to give one of the roaming sandworms a very painful shock.

[| [color=cornflowerblue]Eternalis.EXE[/color] || Aurora.SP |]
[1] RheaCross Level2 [Null/Sword, +1 Action, +15 to Null Chips, +20 MaxHP]
[2] Vapor Reassimilation @ North Area [Teleport + Take Aim + Dodge]
[3] Kinetic Generator B @ Aurora [Gravity]
-- Graphical Model Override @ Aurora - Ouranos' Gauntlets
[1] Equip Self @ Eternalis [RP]
[4] Dodge
[5] WaterLine1 @ Swordy-F EX A + Viney A [Aqua 80+10 + Line Attack + Ground]
[6] Skully1 @ KillPlant A [Null 100+15 + Homing + Confusion]
[2] MagBolt1 @ Attacking SnakeArm [Elec 90+15 + Stun 1 + Magnetic Pull]
[*] Influx Aegis @ Any if Necessary [Heal 11 x5]
-- Priority Set: Marker/Harley/Validus/Rhea/Aurora/Self
Validus recoiled as the ground suddenly gave way, sending both him and Markerlight tumbling into the pit, as a cloud of dust suddenly settled into the air. Coughing and spitting out sand, the Navi and the Support program tried to look around without getting sand into their eyes; an easy task for Validus, as he visor on the left eye protected him, but not so much for Markerlight.

"Wow... it was a trap." Validus said sarcastically as he placed his hand on the holster of his revolver, before pulling it out. "*cough* Identified three targets... Looks like a huge bunch..." Markerlight said as she wiped the sand away from her eyes, drawing her pistol out as well. The Support program brought her pistol up to face the three viruses, but knew she wouldn't be able to do much for now.

"Marker, provide a distraction. Keep the viruses off Validus as he prepares to attack!" Tsujsa ordered, as he slotted in the Magnum chip. "S-sir!" was the navi's uncertain reply, before she sped off, attempting to attract the attention of the three viruses that faced them. Validus meanwhile, tried to load the revolver with the corresponding bullets, loading each properly. It was slow, but it was a sure chance to get rid of all three of the enemy viruses.

"Hey... uh... poopface! Over here!" Markerlight yelled at the viruses as she attempted to distract them, firing off a shot at any virus who attempted to attack Validus, while moving to keep her between the viruses and her commander in order to focus the enemy's priority on her. It was dangerous, but it was neccessary as she kept a watchful eye over the actions of the viruses, careful not to get hit by them as she moved, ready to react to any attacks brought on by the viruses.

As soon as Validus had loaded his revolver, he locked the chambers into place, placed it over his free hand to absorb the recoil, and fired. His marking eye targetting the three viruses as he fired off 3 flaming shots, each leaving a loud explosive sound as they left the chamber of the gun. The shots each sped towards the vine-like virus, the knight-like virus with a flaming sword, and the carnivorous flower virus.

Meanwhile, his compatriots seem to be doing a HELL lot better than he was at the moment.

1. Validus: Charge
2. Markerlight: Normattack (10 dmg) - any viruses targetting Validus
3. Validus: Charge
4. Markerlight: Dodge
5. Validus: Magnum1 ([2x for weakness] 240 damage - breaking - panel break - Charged Shots: 3 shots, 1 each on KillplantB, VineyB and [120 DMG only for non weakness] Swordy-F EXB)
Rhea's MagBomb stunned the Viney, but didn't lay a single scratch on its body, nor the other viruses. The next bomb had a better chance as it heavily wounded the Swordy, but it prompted the virus to dive into the pit and give an unsuspecting attack to both Harley and the navi. Heatshot finished off the Viney and the KillPlant for good.

Eternalis' constant attack from the behind easily took care of the KillPlant and the Swordy, but the Viney stood strong and even grabbed the navi by its feet. This gave one of the circling SnakeArm a big chance to strike the watery navi from behind. Though it thought it got a clean getaway, the magbolt simply ripped the virus out from the ground and shocked it with some tough love.

Validus, on the other hand, began to charge his Magnum for a prolong amount of time. The viruses couldn't help but to take this chance and attack as much as they could. The Viner got a hold of the navi and the Swordy combo'd it with its fire sword, dealing extra damage against Validus. In the end, however, the Magnum instantly blasted the two virus away, while the Swordy got lucky and escaped by the hair length.

VineyA: 80 HP

Swordy-F EXB: 110 HP

Swordy-F EXC: 20 HP

-Circling around-
SnakeArmA: 130 HP [East]
SnakeArmB: 25 HP [North] [Stun]
SnakeArmC: 130 HP [South]
SnakeArmD: 130 HP [West]

Terrain: 90% Soil (40% Pit / 50% Outer Rim), 10% Cracked [East Side]
-Pit is 2 meter deep compared to normal ground level.
-40 degree slope
-Approx. 10 feet away from ground level from the center. [1-2 Movements]

-In the Mosh pit-
Eternalis: 110 HP [R.Cross] [Hold] [Top of North]
Aurora: 70 HP
Validus: 101 HP [Facing East]
Markerlight: 40 HP
Rhea: 160 HP [E.Cross] [Facing Southwest]
Harley: 40 HP

SeedA: o

SeedB: o

SeedC: o

GMD: 65 HP [Center of the pit/group]

[Magnum causes Panel Break, I think.]

"Hrk!" recoiled Eternalis as he was combo-assaulted by the Viney and SnakeArm. The back attack broke off a piece of his back armor, causing purple liquid to seep out slowly from the small opening. The Navi winced visibly as he healed up the breach, causing the metallic substance to close up, as if regenerating. The orange visor in front of his face beeped quietly as it formed a small screen of Aurora's face, who was now integrated into his systems.

"Elly! Are you all right?!"

"F-Fine... I have found that this upgrade seems to diminish my restorative functions slightly," said Eternalis, clenching his fists slightly. His auto-heal detection had also determined that one of his allies needed a little healing as well, and immediately redirected a small amount of healing energy to regenerate the injury quickly. The aquatic Navi then opened up the comms link with his operator, and made his requests.

"I'll need a FireHit, Boomerang, and Spice."

"I can see where you're going with that," replied Harke, immediately slotting in the required chips. After a little thought, he slotted in two more, adding, "I think these'll help you survive a little easier. And something tells me that you're going to be a little better off with a sword, seeing as how you're in that state."

"Understood. Commencing offensive," said Eternalis in a monotone that sort of resembled a certain purple robot's demeanor somewhat. Loading up the FireHit, Eternalis directed the battlechip data into Aurora's gauntlet form, causing the orange lines on it to glow bright white and encase it in a translucent white flame. The flame instantly seared through the vine that was constricting the gauntlet, and the aquatic Navi proceeded to throw a couple of straight, no-nonsense punches in the direction of a stunned sand worm and a rampant vine monster.

Then, brandishing his purple sword, Eternalis fueled the next two chips into the sword, turning the amethyst glow into emerald brilliance. Holding the sword edgewise, he made a motion to slash horizontally at the air as he did with releasing the Skully earlier. This time, the shockwave released was of a green color, and caused the ground beneath it to spring to life with lush grass. Strangely, it seemed that his attack was not particularly aimed at any one of the enemies, looking as if he never intended to do anything substantial, except grow some nice-looking grass.

However, the Navi's plans were revealed moments after the initial shockwave had passed, when the newly-grown grass suddenly started to vibrate with energy and emit a low hum. The vibration then ceased, only to be subsequently followed by many streaks of light emerging from the grass blades themselves, catching everything that happened to be on the grass at that moment in time in a devastating attack. Eternalis then lowered his sword, which had reverted to its original shade of purple. He held it at the ready, grasping the energetic pulses of the immaterial sword tensely as he looked for an opportunity to retaliate any counterattacks.

[| [color=cornflowerblue]Eternalis.EXE[/color] || Aurora.SP |]
[*] Influx Aegis @ Allies [Heal 11 x5]
-- Eternalis: Heal 44
-- Validus: Heal 11
[1] FireHit1 @ SnakeArmB [Fire 60 + Double Attack + Impact]
[2] FireHit1 @ VineyA [Fire 60 + Double Attack + Impact] [x2 Element]
[1] Boomerang1 @ Outer Rim Area [Wood 60 @ 3 Targets]
-- Terrain Change Soil to Grass
[2] Spice1 @ Grass Area [Wood 80 + Confusion + To-All-Grass]
[3] WindRacket @ Attacking SnakeArm [Null 100+15 + Microburst + Gust]
[4] Sword @ Attacking SnakeArm [Null 80+15 + Slashing] [5/6]
[5] Sword @ Attacking SnakeArm [Null 80+15 + Slashing] [4/6]
[6] Sword @ Attacking SnakeArm [Null 80+15 + Slashing] [3/6]
[*] Swordplay [Dodge]
-- Forfeit if still on Hold status
"Hah! Told you it wouldn't work!" Harley commented mockingly, reeling slightly from the attack by the Swordy (but only to find it mended by Eternalis' healing processes). "I wholeheartedly approve of your choice of friends, though," the equine added, examining the mended area of it's body quickly, before turning it's attention back to the battlefield. "Sincere apologies. I shall do better next time-- but first," Rhea noted, her tone changing slightly. "I require the following chips: Curseshield, Cannon, and the Shotgun," Rhea announced through the communication link, and Camillia was heard once again rummaging through her belongings for it.

The first data to come in was of the Curseshield. Rhea promptly materialized it in a single chip in the net world, slotting it into an opening found on the back of Harley's head. Sort of like an ignition key chamber of a bike, if you will. "For me? How nice of you," Harley coughed. Rhea herself was also busy accomodating her water-cooled buster to house a mini-sized cannonball, adjusting herself in her saddle to avoid both Harley's curseriotshield and from falling off of the mount. When she was ready, she quickly fired the shot unceremoniously at the Swordy nearby, not willing to allow it another chance to attack.

With a shake of it's mighty head, the plastic-like windscreen found at the front of Harley's face seemed to expand vertically, turning into the size similar to a riot shield. The transparent element of the shield made it easy for Harley to see the front of him, even with the defensive measures present. "To the rim," Rhea noted while pointing, more of a habit than for actual conveyance of direction. Noticing a few virii moving themselves in a circumference around the pit, she targeted at one of the closest-- to which her analytical systems acknowledged as a SnakeArm virustype. Her buster re-sized itself once more, now to a thin, long barrel, much like a rifle. When Rhea fired, however, that was no rifle bullet-- it was a shotgun shell, aiming directly for the nearest SnakeArm.

"Here, use this too," Camillia added suddenly, slotting in a new toy from trade with Broadside's operator. An Arrow1.

Not understanding the new chip, Rhea just booted the data into the barrel of her 'shotgun', unleashing a thin bolt from the gun chamber. An eyebrow raised, the petite blue Navi watched as the end of the bolt released a spark, puffing some electrical charges before speeding, faster than ever, at the same SnakeArm she was targeting earlier. It almost seemed like it had a mind of it's own-- though Rhea will now never know the truth behind that statement.

Summary of actions:
1) Pass Harley Curseshield1
2) Cannon - 40DMG, Knockback - Swordy-F EXC

1) Curseshield1, activate - 160DMG, Blocks 1 attack
2) Tactical Movement: Towards Outer Rim

3) Shotgun - 50DMG, Spread1 - SnakeArmC
4) Arrow1 - Elec 100DMG, Homing - SnakeArmC
"Argh. That last hit didn't get it." Validus grumbled as he holstered his revolver and brought up his rifle once more. There was two targets he had to deal with, one was the sword-wielding virus, and the other was a sandworm-like virus. Markerlight, meanwhile, returned to Validus's side, her handgun trained at the sword virus.

"Markerlight, make yourself useful and guard the mystery data. The others will finish off whatever's remaining on the field." Tsujsa said as he slotted the chip into the PET, and the chip data materialized in Validus's free hand. He pulled the chip out of his forearm and handed it to the support program. Markerlight only gave a salute before activating the shield and went to guard the green mystery data in the field. Meanwhile, Validus set his sights on his targets. "The swordsman and the worms... got any idea captain?"

"I'm thinking the knight needs to cool off. Inputting data for Aquaneedle and Elecring. Think you can make a little combo with that?"

Validus grinned, and trained his sights on the swordy with his visor piece. As he locked on, the rifle in his hand switched into the lance/rifle shaped configuration for the aquaneedle and fired off three aquatic cones at the virus. As soon as the volley was finished, the weapon morphed again and shifted into the comedic 70's alien ray gun-like appearance with an orb on the end, and a ring of pure electrical energy flew free, going for the swordy after the initial attack.

1. Validus - Give markerlight shield data
a. Markerlight - Activate shield
b. Markerlight - Guard GMD
2. Aquaneedle - 60 DMG - Swordy-F (Aquatic element)
3. Zapring - 40 DMG + Stun - Swordy-F (Possible extra damage by comboing with earlier attack)
Eternalis rendered the damage dealt by the viruses mostly inconsequential using his healing powers. He anticipated the attacks of the SnakeArms, jumping in and deflecting them where they posed a threat to himself or his allies and then cutting them down. Although his boomerang had missed a few enemies, the spice he unleashed afterwards and his allies' tools managed to kill the rest of them. Aurora did her fair share too, punching out a Viney and SETTING IT ON FIRE WITH THE USE OF THE GREATEST CHIP KNOWN TO MANKIND.

There was little left to do in regards to the SnakeArms, so after finishing up there, Validus turned his attention onto one of the Swordies. One of the needles missed its target, so the Swordy managed one more slash to Validus' arm [30] before being finished off by the zapring.

Rhea polished off the battle by shooting a Swordie virus just before it could areagrab in towards her. Those that had moved to the GMD found that they'd gone ALL THAT WAY FOR NOTHING as the enemies were eliminated.




-Circling around-

Terrain: 70% Soil (40% Pit / 30% Outer Rim), 20% Grass (Outer Rim), 10% Cracked [East Side]
-Pit is 2 meter deep compared to normal ground level.
-40 degree slope
-Approx. 10 feet away from ground level from the center. [1-2 Movements]

-In the Mosh pit-
Eternalis: 154 HP [R.Cross] [Hold] [Top of North]
Aurora: 70 HP
Validus: 82 HP [Facing East]
Markerlight: 40 HP [Next to GMD] [Shield]
Rhea: 160 HP [E.Cross] [Facing Southwest]
Harley: 40 HP

SeedA: o [center]
SeedB: o [center]
SeedC: o

GMD: 65 HP [Center of the pit/group]


Rhea GET: 360z, Rope1, 23 bugfrags, 2 FXP
Eternalis GET: 560z, Fireknife, 23 bugfrags, 2 FXP
Validus GET: 400z, Treebomb1, 23 bugfrags, 2 FXP


Rheat GET: Flameline1
Eternalis GET: Flameline1
Validus GET: 500z

Systematically scanning the area after the battle and turning his head side to side, Eternalis nodded to himself, reporting, "Successful deletion confirmed. Searching for viral remains." After a bit of searching, he found a Swordy's deactivated firebrand, embedded into some charred grass, as well as some zenny packets. "Enough spoils, returning to allies," he said, before leaping suddenly into the air and disappearing into a cloud of hot steam. Moments later, he reappeared beside his allies, with Aurora now returned into her human form, sitting on his shoulders.

He looked at the four of them, and lifted a hand to execute a thumbs-up. "Nice work, guys," he said, his purple countenance slowly dissolving back into his familiar blue form as he lowered his hand. On his shoulders, Aurora looked curiously at Markerlight- or, rather, the thing behind her that she was still ardently guarding. "Can we see what's inside that green thing? Maybe it's some kind of treasure!"
Rhea, also covered in a sudden cloud of steam, re-emerged as her normal self once more. "Let me handle this," she announced to her teammates, proceeding to make contact with the GMD. "Treasure cases in this day and age? How intriguing," a certain horse quipped, poking its head over Rhea's shoulder to identify the piece of data she obtained from the mystery case. "Now what would that be?" "... It reads Flameline, and directed to..."


"... I am unamused," Rhea commented briefly, flicking the data in her hands to deliver it to the PET.
Validus clutched at his chest. The swordy had done a number on him. It wasn't a killing wound, but it did hurt like hell anyway. Markerlight only looked at Validus with absolute concern as she rushed over to him. "O...oi! Sir..." She began, the words escaping her as she tried to from a coherent sentence. Validus only waved her away. "I'll be fine, you worrywart. Captain, requesting a first aid kit."

"On it. And good lord, can't you just keep yourself away from harm's way for once?" Tsujsa muttered as he uploaded a data packet into the PET, before materializing into a first aid kit that dropped next to him. Validus muttered nothing except asked for Markerlight to help bandage his chest.

"So... what did we get from the MD?"
"Just money actually. The others got a battlechip."
"Lucky jerks." Tsujsa chipped in, his tone mixed with a tinge of sarcasm.

[USE: 1 minienergypack]
After decoding his part of the mystery data, Eternalis held the result in his hand, which quickly changed hands into his support program's. Immediately, she began twisting and turning it around, examining it as an innocent child would. "Oooh, it's chip data," exclaimed Aurora, still atop her Navi's shoulders. The aquatic Navi simply chuckled at her antics, and shuffled at the floor where the Mystery Data had been.

"...Hm? What's this?"

His foot-shuffling inadvertently revealed what the soil had obscured: a rather abandoned-looking portal. The blue Navi tapped Aurora's legs lightly, getting her attention to shift to his find. A few moments later with Aurora's visor scans, she proclaimed, "Portal leads into BCST network, server sector 0170. BeachNet, in other words."

"That sounds a heck of a lot better than this scorching wasteland of a network. I feel like I'm going to end up in a puddle if I stay here longer. C'mon, guys," said Eternalis, before leading the way into the exposed portal.

[Destination: Beach Net]