Wearing an Ice Pack

Anyis... wasn't really sure how to progress. The IceWaves had worked just fine, but everything else was still in motion. This was odd. How was she supposed to attack when she was already attacking still? Things got defeated when she attacked... but she had attacked, and these viruses weren't defeated... yet they weren't not defeated. Anyis clutched the side of her head as a jolt of pain wracked her brain, signaling that this was agonizing to think about and headache-inducing. "Argh, whatever! Mill, just give me some more chips!" she shouted angrily, venting her convoluted frustration on nothing in particular.

"Jeez, okay! What is your problem...?" responded Mill, who was caught completely off-guard by his Navi's sudden shouting. He couldn't read her mind, so Mill had no idea what made Anyis mad all of a sudden... Oh. Woman. Riiiight. Not wanting to tackle that issue any time soon, Mill just grabbed a few random chips out of the pile and slotted them into the PET.

As she watched the LilCloud continue its rainy march of dreary destruction, Anyis was forced to suppress her confusing and conflicted thoughts, and instead channel the resulting irritation into her next attacks. Surely everything would die in this paradoxical flurry of attacks that had already happened and would happen. She was really so stressed by this whole matter that it didn't even click in her mind that the three chips Mill had sent were all really, really old ones. Normally this would've annoyed her a bit since she always wanted a new way to delete a virus, but right now Anyis just wanted to end this fight before she even started to question that portion of her beliefs.

The fingers of her gauntlet transformed into blade-worthy claws as the RageClaw chip took its hold over Anyis. With this multi-purpose tool of pain at hand, Anyis rushed the nearest Shellgeek and made a digging swing under the virus, trying to lift it off the ground and flying into its nearby brethren. The paradox combo continued as the Skully, which had already tried to attack the third and final Satellite once, turned around in the middle of its flight path and went after the gunnery virus once more. Since Anyis didn't trust this crazy "already happened but hasn't really happened yet" nonsense, she took the remaining two chips she had and unloaded them on the unlucky virus. Her hand free of the RageClaw was encased in the assembly of a Cannon, which was quickly aimed and fired with a pull of the trigger. The remaining Pulsar took a free-standing form in front of Anyis, materializing as a wailing banshee. The ragged and ghostly woman let out a horrid scream, sending waves of glass-busting sound straight towards the Satellite. With all her chips expended, Anyis backed away, watching the events unfold with a cautious eye.

While Anyis was dealing with her own mental instability, Magna too was still staving off the looming thought of his uselessness. Surely, there had to be some tertiary directive he could fulfill. The need to protect the Mother Unit was a false statement, and he had already protected himself. There was nothing left to defend... which meant... there must have been something to destroy! Magna anxiously moved his head around, scanning over the battlefield for a potential victim. And, lo and behold, there was one Shellgeek in particular that the Mother Unit had largely neglected. The tertiary directive had been assigned! Magna raised his palm quickly with the vigor of new purpose, letting the shutter on his palm spin open to give way to his once-buster cannon. Two blasts of his orange core energy came from the cannon, racing through the air towards the shelled virus. This was something he could do!

Anyis's Actions:
--Continue LilCloud rain (80 Aqua damage Cloud) @ ShellgeekC/B/A
1. RageClaw Throw (20 damage, Impact) @ ShellgeekA/B
--Frozen Skully1 Retry (100 Aqua damage, Homing, Confusion, Freeze) @ SatelliteC
2. Cannon (40 damage, Knockback) @ SatelliteC
3. Pulsar1 (70 damage, Object Triggered Splash 8) @ SatelliteC
4. Dodge
5. Dodge

Magna's Actions:
1. Shutter Palm Shot (10 damage) @ ShellgeekC
2. Shutter Palm Shot (10 damage) @ ShellgeekC
The cloud and bone made their rounds, attempting to quickly finish the enemies. However, something a bit unexpected happened; the middle Shellgeek turned towards its side, and shot an odd arrow, with a star-shaped tip, at one of its brethren. It hit its mark, strangely causing it to propel beyond the LilCloud's range, as the others were quickly decimated by really, really painful rain. No, seriously, it hurt. How else could rain delete something?

However, the selfless act of the virus was for naught, as some claws were used to throw it at where the Shellgeek used to inhabit, causing it to explode into junk data without incident. The satellite tried to ram Anyis in a last ditch effort to inflict serious pain, but the spinning bone caught up to it before it reached full speed, preventing the battle from raging on. Not that the viruses weren't enraged, they most likely were. It just didn't mean much when they were already history.

Satellite A: DELETED
Satellite B: DELETED
Satellite C: DELETED
Shellgeek A: DELETED
Shellgeek B: DELETED
Shellgeek C: DELETED

Anyis.EXE: 180 HP
Magna.SP: 60 HP [50 HP Barrier]

Terrain: 65% Ice, 25% Cracked, 10% Missing
(All on Ice unless stated.)


- Anyis: StarArrow1 Battlechip, 900z
- Magna: 30 BugFrags

- Bomber: MagicCereal's RAGE for defying the odds
"Well then, glad I was worried over nothing." said Anyis with a deep sigh of relief, returning her gauntlets to glove form with a clap of her hands. She attacked, things died. All was well.

Magna, too, had lifted his spirits. While the Mother Unit's attacks were just outright too efficient for his assisting damage to hit, the fact that she came out unscathed was proof that even though his efforts didn't produce visible results, his presence and effort were serving the purpose of protecting her. This was... satisfactory.

A dull silence fell over the group as both digital beings reveled in their (separately) reclaimed sanity, ultimately leading Mill to disrupt with a cough. "So... You planning on sending the reward data, Anyis?" He wasn't entirely sure why both she and Magna were dazing out, and he didn't particularly want to know.

"... Oh! Right..." nodded Anyis, who had completely forgotten that this task often followed a victory. "... Huh. I've never seen this chip before. Mill, look it up while I'm looking around."

"You're still not done? All your new programs have been tested already." asked Mill, failing to see a reason to stay on the Net.

"Yeah, uh, I've... got some things to sort out." answered Anyis, not wanting to bleed her heart out at the moment... or any moment, for that matter. "Come on Magna, shovel your Bugfrags and let's go."

"Understood, Mother Unit." replied Magna as he ingested his Bugfrags, momentarily glowed like a coal-burning engine, and then gave chase after the Navi. Anyis, meanwhile, began pondering the idea of just not addressing Magna directly to get him to stop saying that ridiculous title.

(Battle 5 Start)
Before Anyis or Magna could get very far, another female navi literally fell from the sky in front of them, entering their field of view in an uncontrolled, tumbling fall then righting herself and slowing her descent at the last second to fall into the snow for a mostly soft landing.

The fallen navi struggled to her feet, revealing herself to be of a standard humanoid design, sporting a black leathery bodysuit and a tiara with a red jewel set in the front holding back shoulder-length brown hair. A trio of foot-long daggers were strapped her back, and she held something glowing a soft blue in her arms. When she spoke she sounded winded, but unfazed by the sudden fall. "Last time I ever try to ride a satellite virus. Whew..."

A second later, energy subchip data flowed over the surface over her body. Giving a relieved sigh, she turned and appeared to notice the watching navi and SP for the first time. She smiled. "Wow, you two are the first non-virus programs I've seen all day. I was beginning to think everybody had run off or something. Can I ask for your names? And after that, a netbattle maybe?"

She held out the object in her arms, revealing it to be the octahedronal structure of a blue Mystery Data. "I'll even throw this in as an incentive. Winner takes it."

Anyis.EXE: 180 HP
Magna.SP: 60 HP

---Not You---
Female navi that fell out of the sky: 160 HP (Holding BMD)

Blue Mystery Data: 5 HP

100% Snow

Combat has not yet begun.
Anyis and Magna both just looked at the Navi while she regained her composure. Why the heck did she just fall from the sky... Anyis instinctively looked up to the River, but quickly ruled that out as she knew all of the few Navis that could see paranormal feature, let alone interact with it. After understanding that this bizarre woman was serious in all regards, Anyis just started laughing. "Hahahahaha! You really just made my day. I'm Anyis, and this purple lug behind me is my SP, Magna. It's not very often that someone actually asks me for a fight, let alone put a prize on the line, but sure, I'll Netbattle you." answered Anyis unabashedly.

"Hold on a minute, Anyis. Doesn't this seem weird to you at all? I mean, a random Navi drops from the sky, supposedly after riding a virus, then challenges you to a fight and even goes so far as to offer a piece of Mystery Data to the winner. That's just... unbelievable, even though I just saw it. And it doesn't really seem that big in comparison, but we don't know her name either." interrupted Mill, trying to infuse a little precaution into the situation.

"Oh, you're right. Hold on a second." remarked Anyis as she turned back to the mystery Navi. "Hey, you need to introduce yourself too. It won't be as much fun if I don't know who I'm fighting." she said before clapping her hands together to auto-equip her gauntlets.

"Navi and virus interaction is not uncommon, Operator. I would like to cite my rescue of the Spooky elder's village and the Cragger virus that become your Rockcube chip." explained Magna informatively.

"Yeah, and in our first battle together, I surfed on a Pengi." noted Anyis as a quick aside.

Mill just sat there for a moment, but eventually a thought came to him. "... Am I the one who doesn't know normal...?" he muttered very quietly, outside the earshot of his Navi and SP.
The navi smiled in response, apparently not bothered by Mill's accusations of the strangeness of her sudden appearance. "Oh, of course. I am Mieli. It's a pleasure," she said.

While Anyis and Magna sorted out the strangeness, or lack thereof, of the situation, the navi calling herself Mieli took a few steps back and set the mystery data aside, out of the way of the impending fight. She then returned to her original position and took a fighting stance.

"Shall we begin, then?"

Anyis.EXE: 180 HP
Magna.SP: 60 HP

---Not You---
Mieli.EXE: 160 HP

Blue Mystery Data: 5 HP (Behind Mieli)

100% Snow

Battle 5, BEGIN
"Finally, some fighting for nothing but fun! Ever since I woke up, it's just been tournament this, tournament that, and a bunch of viruses out to kill me..." sighed Anyis as she watched Mieli join her in a fighting stance. "Now hurry up and give me a chip, Mill. We can't keep Mieli waiting!"

"Sounds like you found a new best friend..." muttered Mill as he grabbed his newest, and as a result closest, chip and popped it into his PET. "I looked it up before Mieli... fell out of the sky... Uh, anyway, its ability is apparently to carry something along with it regardless of size." He had to pause just to be able to force such a ridiculous statement out of his mouth, but being the trooper that he was, Mill managed it and explained the magical powers of the StarArrow.

"Huh..." responded Anyis flatly as she materialized the arrow in her gauntlet-clad hand, with no bow to accompany it. "So, what, I just throw it and... Whoa!" She wanted to just make a fake throw in Mieli's direction, but that apparently was enough to make the StarArrow rocket forward, leaving a dust of cosmic matter in its wake as it effortlessly pulled Anyis, still gripping it tightly, along towards the other Navi. "Haha, this is great! It's like I'm attacking and moving at the same time!" Anyis laughed as she weightlessly traveled through the air. Though, the euphoria of her physic-defying charge didn't last, as it struck Anyis that she was completely unarmed outside of the arrow already in her hand. "Mill, I need more chips now!"

"Crap!" shouted Mill as hit literally ripped through his chip folder, cursing both Anyis's recklessness and his own lack of foresight of that recklessness. He went through chip after chip, but there was no way in hell he could come up with a strategy that fast. "Oh forget it! I'll just send one at a time and work from there!" Resolved to wing it, Mill grabbed another chip and slammed it into the PET.

"At the last second, of cour... Yeow, it's hot! When'd we get a Fire chip?! Argh, get out of here!" exclaimed Anyis after letting go of the StarArrow to come to a quick stop in front of Mieli. As soon as she did that, the heat of the FlameLine Mill slotted in began to build up in her gauntlets. It wasn't damaging, but Anyis had made it very clear by this point that she did not like intense heat. To relieve that discomfort, Anyis threw her hands forward, letting flames erupt from the palms and onto the snowy ground, which created a steam of fog and ice as the blaze roared closer to Mieli.

As Mill continued his (lack of) strategy by slotting in another chip, Magna just watched as the Mother Unit engaged in combat with this Unit Mieli. Honestly, he had only just processed the fact that they were fighting already, because the Mother Unit had flown off on the StarArrow faster than he could even say a word. Perhaps his best course of action was to follow after her, but before he could do anything, Magna had to address this snow that would be unlikely to support his mass. With a quick transformation, Magna was in his snow plow form, and began cutting through the snow towards the dueling Navis.

"Hold it!" yelled Anyis as she equipped a MagBolt on the back of her gauntlet. "This is a 1-on-1 Netbattle! I won't let you ruin my fight with Mieli!" said Anyis with the utmost respect for her opponent, all while thrusting the electrical weapon in Mieli's direction. The currents of the electromagnet coursed through the silver gauntlet and out into the air, producing a gravitational draw to potentially drag the knife-equipped Navi into a high-voltage attack.

"Understood, Mother Unit." responded Magna with immediate obedience as the SP came to a dead stop in the snow. While he wouldn't disobey the Mother Unit's orders within any logical situation, Magna could somewhat understand her motivations to fight alone. It was kind of like his desire to personally fight Craggers and the other golems of the Net. It was golem pride. Maybe this was... girl power? This query must be logged for further research, Magna decided as he spectated the battle.

"Good answer! Now, Boogeyman!" commanded Anyis, spawning the ectoplasmic helper between herself and Mieli. Boogeyman threw his arms forward in a strong pushing motion towards Mieli, trying to create a little distance between the two Navis as Mill uploaded one final chip to go along with the idea. Anyis waved her hand across her body, creating a trio of needles to her left, right, and directly in front of her. All three pieces of the AquaNeedle chip quickly launched at Mieli, tearing through the cold fog left by the melted snow and gaining some of that icy power as they went. With all of her chips expended and no sign of more coming from Mill, Anyis quickly backed off into an evasive stance. It had been a while since she fought an actual Navi, so she didn't make any assumptions of what would come next.

Anyis's Actions:
1. Grab StarArrow1 (40 damage, Carry), follow to Mieli
2. FlameLine1 (70 Fire damage, Ground Attack, Wide Attack) @ Mieli, melt Snow into Ice and fog
3. MagBolt1 (90 Elec damage x Ice Terrain Bonus, Stun, Magnetic Pull) @ Mieli
--Boogeyman (Knockback) @ Mieli
4. AquaNeedle1 (30 Aqua damage x 3 hits, Improved Freeze) @ Mieli
5. Dodge

Magna's Actions:
--Activate Plow.GMO
1 & 2. RESPECT
((Battle Theme))

Mieli was caught off-guard as well by the StarArrow, and was hit mid-dodge as she tried to move out of its path. She did, however, managed to avoid the subsequent wall of fire, ending up to the right of Anyis as the fire rose ahead of her. She responded with a short blast of telekinetic energy, pulling Anyis both closer to her and out of what would have been in-line with the mystery data had Mieli not moved.

As Magna tried to join the fray and Anyis stopped him, Mieli took the opportunity to unleash another blast of force at the ground below her, blowing away the snow and cracking the solid net floor beneath. As Anyis equipped and fired the magbolt, Mieli teleported directly behind Anyis and loaded up a weapon of her own, a simple Cannon.

"That's sweet of you," she commented, firing off the cannon into Anyis's back. It hit without any trouble, knocking Anyis into a fresh hole in the net where Mieli had stood only seconds earlier. "I was prepared to take on both of you, but of course I can leave Magna out of this as well."

Mieli stepped back toward the hole, raising a hand to summon another chip. As she did, however, an ethereal being spawned between them and pushed her back, away from the hole. As a result, Mieli's RockCube spawned not over the hole, but on the edge between the two navis. Fortunately, this meant Anyis wasn't crushed by a falling rock. Unfortunately, this also meant that her follow-up needle attack hit the cube instead of her opponent.

Dodging also proved ineffective, but for the moment there was nothing left to dodge.

Anyis.EXE: 140 HP (In hole)
Magna.SP: 60 HP (Respectfully not taking part.)

---Not You---
Mieli.EXE: 135 HP (On Snow)

Blue Mystery Data: 5 HP (Some distance to Anyis's right)
RockCube: 10 HP (Between Anyis and Mieli)

85% Snow, 10% Ice (Strip to right of Anyis, spanning distance between both navis), 5% Broken (Hole, Anyis is currently in it)
"Damn, what a sneaky trick..." muttered Anyis under her breath as she looked up out of the snowy hole she was in. Mieli wasn't in view anymore, since Boogeyman had managed to displace her Rockcube summoning. The unfortunate end result of that was the large stone block obscuring her view of just about everything in that direction. Anyis knew Mieli was behind the Rockcube from hearing her voice, but she still needed a plan. Mieli was probably waiting for her to climb out, at which point Anyis would be a sitting duck. Of course, Anyis couldn't get a preemptive strike herself so long as the Rockcube was teetering over the edge of the hole. If only she had an attack that could skip the Rockcube entirely...

... Oh wait, she did. Well, working in a tight spot like this is probably as good a test as any to see how well I can manage this monster. Anyis thought to herself as she moved her hands out in the direction of the Rockcube and Mieli, and turned her palms upward. Unbeknown to Mieli, Anyis channeled a heaping block of ghost data, allowing herself to be engulfed in a thick supernatural aura. She then clutched her hands into fists, compressing that haunting aura into a violent amount of power swirling around her gauntlets. Now came the final step as Anyis twisted her fist 180 degrees as she thrusted them forward and upwards out of the hole and towards the Rockcube.

"GROOOAAAAARRRR!!" bellowed the Titan as Anyis's mighty conjuration burst out of the snowy hole. Towering over the damaged Rockcube, the Titan was quick to pick out its target in Mieli, and proceeded to charge head-on. Even as the violent creature collected more and more ice shards in its ectoplasmic body due to the bitterly cold climate, the Rockcube proved to be no distraction at all as the Titan passed through it effortlessly in its raging charge. With his only obstacle conquered, the Titan raised one powerful arm upward before swinging it downward in a wide sweeping motion, attempting to clothesline Mieli before disappearing.

While the monster she summoned rampaged, Anyis was quick to move onto other plans as she dove into the Snow-covered side of the hole and dug through, moving layers of powder aside easily thanks to her natural affinity with cold terrains. While it wasn't as fast as swimming through water or sliding on ice, Anyis was able to escape from Mieli's pitfall and hopefully from her opponent's watchful eye.

Mill watched on as his PET's virtual camera automatically followed Anyis's underground path, despite not actually having any visual confirmation of it. Not wanting to blow her cover, the Operator kept his thoughts to himself, waiting only for Anyis to come to a stop. Soon enough she did, and Mill saw that Anyis had attempted to dig herself just behind Mieli. Her intentions were clear, if not a little simplistic, and Mill thought it was a pretty good idea, so he picked up a single Battlechip and gave it to his Navi through the PET.

Now that she was properly armed, Anyis burst out the snow, shouting "Surprise!" as she pulled the trigger on a Bubbler, sending a jet of bubbly water across the snow towards Mieli and her Rockcube. "You aren't the only one with some tricks up her sleeve, you know~" teased Anyis as she stepped back away from Mieli, watching to see what she'd do or say next.

Magna, meanwhile, watched on in RESPECT of the Mother Unit's wishes.

Anyis's Actions:
1. Titan Revival (100 Aqua damage, Phasing, Freeze) @ Mieli, Phase through Rockcube
2. Burrow into Snowy side of hole
3. Dig through Snow (Movement)
4. SURPRISE Bubbler (60 Aqua damage, Freeze, Spread 1) @ Mieli, Rockcube
5. Dodge

Magna's Actions:
1 & 2. RESPECT

Titan Revival - 3 turns
The badly damaged RockCube proved to be no obstacle as Anyis summoned her Titan spirit and sent it through the block itself. Sure enough, Mieli was caught off-guard by the attack and hit by the massive phantom.

Though heavily damaging her, the attack failed to freeze Mieli, who retaliated with a small burst of force that pushed the block into the hole and summoned a second object, a simple kettle. The lack of any reaction from the falling block, however, was enough to clue her in that Anyis was no longer in the hole.

Indeed, Anyis had started digging into the snow itself and burrowed under both cube and Mieli. On the surface, Mieli reached out with telekinesis and lifted the kettle object, ready to throw it at the first sign of movement.

The sign came a little too suddenly, however, as Anyis burst out of the snowdrift directly behind her with a call of 'Surprise!' and a Bubbler shot. Mieli only had enough time to swing the kettle around into the attack's path, which did nothing to keep it from spreading past the object and hitting her as well, forcing her to drop the now ironically steaming kettle as her own upper body froze over.

"I should hope not," she responded, looking rather calm for being caught so close to deletion. "It's more fun that way." She smiled, recovering slightly but remaining frozen from the attack.

Anyis.EXE: 140 HP (On Snow)
Magna.SP: 60 HP (Respectfully not taking part.)

---Not You---
Mieli.EXE: 16 HP (On Snow, at edge of hole)

Blue Mystery Data: 5 HP (Some distance to Anyis's left)
RockCube: 10 HP (In hole)
LittleBoiler: Triggered (160 damage, 2 actions remaining) (Beyween Anyis and Mieli)

85% Snow, 10% Ice (Strip to left of Anyis, spanning distance between both navis), 5% Broken (Hole, behind Mieli)
"You're right, it is more fun that way. Don't you agree... Boogeyman!" nodded Anyis in response to Mieli, but only just before turning the conversation towards her spectral servant. In response to his name, Boogeyman appeared just beyond the LittleBoiler and right in front of Mieli. With the frozen Navi standing right on the edge of the hole she created earlier, Anyis saw an opportunity to finish this battle with the grave Mieli dug for herself. Having already gone through this routine once before, Boogeyman thrusted his arms forward with palms open, ready to collide with Mieli. The key difference here was that while Boogeyman tried to push Mieli away from the hole before, the goal now was to push her into the same hole.

Anyis would've charged right after Mieli after this, but there was a certain matter in that she'd trip over the LittleBoiler sitting right in between the two Navis. It was already set to blow after being struck with the Bubbler shot from earlier, and there would definitely be some problems in the near future if Anyis didn't dispose of it quickly. "Mill, RageClaw! And something to finish this, too!" shouted Anyis, placing her order hastily as neither the LittleBoiler nor Mieli were very prone to wait on her.

"Do you think I can't read this situation?" grumbled Mill, who was reaching for needed chips before Anyis said anything. It was the Operator's job to choose the right chips for each situation, so what was Anyis thinking, not letting him do his job? Unfortunately, this was probably inevitable as soon as Mill took such a headstrong Navi. Knowing that this wasn't the time or place to think about that, though, Mill went ahead and slotted in his RageClaw and Kunai.

With the pair of chips uploaded, Anyis attached the RageClaw to her left gauntlet and let an array of razor-sharp claws extend from her fingers. With one quick sweep of her arm, Anyis dug her claws underneath the LittleBoiler and tried to fling it in the air and out of trouble. And, of course, she flung it to the right, in the polar opposite direction of the Mystery Data waiting for the winner of the Netbattle. She wasn't about to let something that stupid happen.

Having done all she could with the volatile kettle, Anyis hurried over to the hole that Mieli was hopefully in. Since the Rockcube had already fallen in earlier, the hole in the snow Anyis had dug either was probably blocked off, but she could never be sure what else Mieli had up her sleeve. Since she only had things to lose by waiting to find out, though, Anyis summoned the trio of Kunai blades in her free hand, gripping each one between her fingers before flicking them down into the hole. Now all she could do is wait and see...

Anyis's Actions:
--Boogeyman (Knockback) @ Mieli, push her into the Hole
1. RageClaw1 (20 damage, Impact) @ LittleBoiler, throw it away TO THE RIGHT
2. Kunai1 (30 Slashing damage x 3 Kunai) @ Mieli

--Turn Splice--
The servant Boogeyman succeeded, admirably, in fact, in pushing Mieli back into her own hole, where she fell and landed on the damaged RockCube. The only problem with this, however, was that the cube was still wedged in the hole, making it much less shallow than when Anyis had been knocked in.

For the moment, however, Anyis had more pressing concerns, steaming hot concerns that she dealt with by picking them up with a clawed gauntlet and hurling them away, far away, where they exploded in a cloud of steam that threatened to still encompass both navis, but mercifully fell just short. Magna, as well, was just barely out of range and saved from getting involved in the fight and being taken out a split second later.

Despite the steam explosion missing, however, Mieli had begun steaming as well, quite literally, as the ice encasing her arms and upper body began to melt. Anyis moved to finish her before she could thaw herself, but the kunai succeeded only in hitting and finishing off the abused RockCube as the telekinetic made an assisted jump out of the hole, launching herself high into the air and then landing several feet away on the other side.

As she did, a control staff for a Meteor chip appeared in front of her, then immediately shattered. A wave of heat washed over her from the broken chip, melting her bindings of ice.

"You didn't think it was going to be that easy, did it?" she quipped.

Anyis.EXE: 140 HP (On Snow) (Spliced: 3 actions remain)
Magna.SP: 60 HP (Respectfully not taking part.)

---Not You---
Mieli.EXE: 16 HP (On Snow, several feet away on other side of hole) (Spliced: 3 actions remain) (No longer frozen)

Blue Mystery Data: 5 HP (Some distance to Anyis's left)
RockCube: Finally destroyed
LittleBoiler: Exploded out of range

85% Snow, 10% Ice (Strip to left of Anyis, spanning distance between both navis), 5% Broken (Hole, between Anyis and Mieli)
"Yeah, I guess not. All these tricks and clever plans won't work on you." nodded Anyis in response to Mieli. "Flames, guns, knives... What was I thinking, trying to beat you with all that crazy stuff? I should just beat you how I know best!" With that exclamation, Anyis took off across the snow. The heels of her boots didn't sink even a millimeter into the snow thanks to both her element and her FloatShoes program, effectively allowing Anyis to run full-speed on the fluffy terrain.

In a mere few bounding steps, Anyis came up to the gaping hole in the snow, which she reacted to by leaping into the air. It was a long, arcing jump that could only really be done with the kind of running start that Anyis gave herself. Provided she made it across, Anyis would resume her run and charge straight at Mieli.

When she got within range, Anyis went to the only real tried-and-true method: swing, punch, hit, win. With the RageClaw still equipped on her left hand, Anyis opened her palm and shoved it at Mieli's shoulder, attempting to slam her into the snow. The smothering white fluff all across the battlefield was the only thing Anyis felt Mieli couldn't get herself out of too quickly. Though, since nearly every Navi like herself had an Undershirt program installed, this battle wasn't over regardless of the success or failure of her initial strike. For that reason, Anyis took the RageClaw she had strucked at Mieli's shoulder with and dragged it across her body, trying to deal the final blow with the weapon's sharp talons.

While the battle continued on, Magna was occupied with the matter of defogging himself. The exploding LittleBoiler fell just short of him, thankfully, but the resulting harmless steam reached far enough to whitewash the plow-equipped golem in a foggy mist that clung to his body. This was... inconvenient. The fog was obscuring his vision, so Magna couldn't even tell how the Mother Unit was doing.

Anyis's Actions:
3. Leap over hole, charge Mieli (Movement)
4. RageClaw Slam (20 damage, Impact) @ Mieli, push her into the Snow
5. RageClaw (40 damage, Slashing) @ Mieli

Magna's Actions:
1 & 2. Defog
Anyis did a running leap at Mieli, who for once stayed in one spot before being hit, then driven down into the snow by Anyis's attack. As she fell, it seemed for a moment as though her body disappeared into the fluffy white powder that made up the battlefield, until Anyis realized that was exactly what happened.

Instead of slashing at the snow, which would have been useless, Anyis turned around and raked at the area behind her, catching the blade of one of Mieli's daggers with the talons.

Mieli stepped back after deflecting what would have been the final blow, and allowed healing data to wash over her body, her dagger-turned-sword chip floating ahead of her all the while.

Anyis.EXE: 140 HP (On Snow) (Equip: Rageclaw)
Magna.SP: 60 HP (Respectfully not taking part.)

---Not You---
Mieli.EXE: 66 HP (On Snow, several feet away on other side of hole) (Equip: Sword

Blue Mystery Data: 5 HP (Some distance to Anyis's right)
RockCube: Finally destroyed
LittleBoiler: Exploded out of range

85% Snow, 10% Ice (Strip ahead of and to right of Anyis, spanning distance between both navis), 5% Broken (Hole, a short distance behind Mieli)
"God, she's way too good at dodging! What am I supposed to do to pin her down long enough?" grumbled Anyis as Mieli, yet again, escaped what would've been the finishing blow. "Mill, you're the Operator here. Give me something she can't dodge!"

"Asking that is a lot easier than doing it, you know..." muttered Mill as he sifted through his remaining chips. Mieli had evaded flames, electricity, blades and needles... Seriously, the only thing that had been connecting reliably was Anyis's shouting. Her shouting... "Damnit." cursed Mill upon realizing how oblivious he was. "Here you go Anyis, this should help." he said as another Battlechip found its way into the PET.

"... Mm. Okay, it's worth a try." admitted Anyis as she gained the data for the Pulsar chip. "Let's see you dodge a scream, Mieli!" challenged Anyis, releasing a burst of data from her palm. The mass of chip code recollected itself in front of the Navi with the form of a ragged banshee, whose long dirty hair draped over its entire body. The weapon's manifestation opened its mouth behind the curtain of hair, and let out a blood-curdling, bone-chilling wail that screeched across the battlefield towards Mieli.

Not being one to let up after a single attack, Anyis leaped into action right behind the Pulsar soundwave. Irritatingly, Mieli had somehow found her way to the other side of the hole again, so Anyis had to jump back across somehow. She didn't have the time or patience to get a running start like last time, so this time some quick assistance was required. "Boogeyman!" shouted Anyis, summoning her ethereal servant just ahead of her. Boogeyman curled downwards and lifted his palms up to serve as a vault, which Anyis promptly made use of. Without a moment's hesitation, she hopped up to place her boots on Boogeyman's palms, and the phantom sent her flying with one of his explosive pushes.

As she soared through the air and over the hole, Anyis never let her eye off Mieli, not even for a second. As the echo of the Pulsar's scream dissipated, the only thing left to be done was pounce. With gravity soon taking over, Anyis did just that. While falling towards the snow below, Anyis held her RageClaw-equipped gauntlet forward, ready for a second try at what had failed just before. Timed together with her landing in the soft terrain, Anyis pushed the RageClaw towards Mieli's shoulder, attempting to knock her off balance. Anyis then immediately followed up by dragging the RageClaw diagonally across Mieli's body, before ultimately pulling back for just a second to deliver one final impact as she tried to slam the RageClaw into Mieli again.

Anyis's Actions:
1. Pulsar1 (70 damage, Object Triggered Splash 8) @ Mieli
--Boogeyman (Knockback) to:
2. Knockback-assisted Jump (Movement) over hole and to Mieli
3. RageClaw (20 Impact damage) @ Mieli
4. RageClaw (40 Slashing damage) @ Mieli
5. RageClaw (20 Impact damage) @ Mieli
As Anyis hoped, Mieli did not dodge the banshee spirit's scream. After taking the hit, she advanced toward the hole, presumably hoping to cut Anyis off as she tried to jump over, but was slowed by the snow and failed to get there before Anyis was pushed over and tried to drive her clawed gauntlet into her shoulder.

Mieli parried the blow once again with her sword, but the impact sent the weapon flying away from her. She let a small amount of healing energy flow through her and turned to focus on the discarded weapon, just in time to be hit by Anyis's second slash and be brought back to critical condition.

Not one to go quietly, however, Mieli caught her sword with telekinesis and brought it forward and around Anyis, driving it into her back just as the final blow was dealt and Mieli was knocked to the ground.

"Heh...I guess you win, then," she said as she fell, apparently unconcerned about having lost. "Enjoy your prize." With those words, Mieli disappeared from the net.

Anyis.EXE: 60 HP (On Snow) (GET: 1500z)
Magna.SP: 60 HP (Respectfully not taking part.) (GET: 8 Bugfrags)

---Not You---
Mieli.EXE: EJO

Blue Mystery Data: OPEN (GET: Avalanche1)
RockCube: Finally destroyed
LittleBoiler: Exploded out of range

85% Snow, 10% Ice (Strip ahead of and to right of Anyis, spanning distance between both navis), 5% Broken (Hole, a short distance behind Mieli)
With the match decided, Anyis walked over the to the Mystery Data and cracked open her prize. Upon closer examination, Anyis sighed, "I thought I knew all the Battlechips out there, but all this new stuff keeps popping up lately. Where is it coming from...?" she asked of no one in particular. "Oh well. This one looks pretty fun, so I'll figure something out soon enough."

As Anyis pondered the value of her new acquisition, Magna rolled his plow treads across the snow towards the Mother Unit. "I have exited standby mode with the conclusion of the battle, Mother Unit. Your performance was effective." reported Magna, even backing up what would otherwise be a compliment with a dizzying array of facts and figures swirling in his head.

"Of course it was." replied Anyis, but only just before thinking for a moment and then hitting Magna with her gauntlet. God, she actually had to go back and realize her SP called her Mother Unit again. There was no way she was going to allow herself to get used to that.

Magna remained unaffected and unresponsive, so, sighing, Anyis turned her attention to her Operator. "Mill, I'm done here. Jack me out."

"Uh... Okay. All your new programs have been tested, so I'm not going to convince you to keep going. Opening the PET link now." responded Mill, doing as asked and retrieving his Navi and SP from the frozen depths of Sharo Net.

(Jack Out)