Marathon Battling!

SummonerMan, in an odd moment of synchronization with his operator, sighed in relief at the end of the battle. He, however, had been more concerned with the length of his boredom than the safety of his being.

"Finally, second battle down. At this rate we'll be breezing through the next 17 in no time at all." The Navi thought, psyching himself up. He looked over the remnants of the battle, and found nothing but a reward and some empty space where enemies had once stood. He picked up the rewards, found nothing of interest amongst them, and was finished with that.

He put a foot on the ground and kicked off, to add some speed to his further exploration. He just needed another battle to continue his trend, and it didn't take much to find one.

[Battle 3, Go!]
And indeed, it didn't take long for SummonerMan to come across more viruses. He was drawn to them by loud crashing sounds and soon found two Dharma viruses launching their pucks at each other while a Quaker swatted them back at random. From a fair distance away, two Billy viruses watched the "game" of sorts. Their fun was interrupted by SummonerMan's arrival, however, and the Dharmas were the first to notice and ready themselves. The Quaker caught on right after as the Billies ran forward from their safe spot to join the others.

Quaker: 80HP
DharmaA: 90HP
DharmaB: 90HP
BillyA: 80HP
BillyB: 80HP

Terrain: 90% Normal, 10% Cracked (several spots, presumably places the Quaker damaged previously)

SummonerMan.EXE: 150 HP
Card.SP: 40 HP

Battle 3 Start!
SummonerMan found himself interrupting yet another game, and rolled his eyes as he slowed down his approach. "Really? The viruses in this network are so fun-loving and carefree."

Rose had already sent him the two chips she'd thought of so far. "Summ, looks like those yellow guys are probably Elec based." She mentioned. Of course, she figured he knew thi already. He did, too. But extraneous conversation didn't hurt as long as it didn't distract him.

SummonerMan didn't put enough value in conversation to allow it to distract him.

In a matter of moments, he had thrown down a card, and from that card a log appeared. It hovered in the air almost comically for a moment, spinning like mad, before gravity kicked in, it dropped to the ground, and was shot off like a rocket due to its spinning.

As the log drove its way towards the presumably Electric viruses, SummonerMan activated his second card, and Card began moving, as well. The purple caped navi held the card before him, and a large shield, yellow, and adorned with a familiar green cross, hovered in front of it. He kept this card between himself and his enemies as he sped around the edge of the battlefield, trying to loop behind the Billies.

Once he'd moved enough he turned to face the log. Putting more thought into his balance this time, he made sure one foot was firmly planted on Card while he threw a sharp heel at the top of the log, reversing its direction and sending it spinning at his enemies once again.

SummonerMan then pivoted on his planted heel and returned his kicking foot to the sturdier base of Card with a minor stomp. Other than his heavy landing, though, it was a far smoother maneuver than it had been last time.

SummonerMan brought himself to a complete halt. He fished a card of his own out of his cloak and laid it down in front of him. From the light that filled the air above the card, a wall materialized. "What better way to defend here?" He mused with a grin.

Rose saw what was happening, as well. She had sent him a chip to ensure he acted defensively, but he'd taken i a step further and it wasn't a terrible plan, in her opinion. "Assuming he meant it that way, that wall is a good idea. If those Dharma things just shoot hockey pucks, a wall should be a great way to deflect them. At this rate, he'll be sure to keep his health up."

This was something she'd actually thought about. SummonerMan wasn't quite at full health, but while the battle was so young, Rose didn't want to waste her fairly powerful Recovery chip. "I'll either wait until it's obvious he's about to win, or until he takes a few more hits."

SummonerMan wasn't too concerned, or even considering the same topic. He was practically at optimal fighting condition, and he was far too focused on his strategy and the adrenaline rush of battle to worry about that at the moment.

Turn Summary:
1. RingLog1 at Billy A and Billy B [50 [color=green]wood[/color] damage, Wide-Attack(2), ground, Double-Attack]
2. Guard 1 [Block and attack and reflect up to 60 dmg]
3. RingLog1 at Billy A and Billy B [50 [color=green]wood[/color] damage, Wide-Attack(2), ground, Double-attack]
4. Summon: Wall [Summon 40 HP Object]
- - -MasterWork [+29 HP]

1. Tactical movement [Align SummonerMan for second RingLog use]

-Stand between SummonerMan and Card and their enemies
As the Quaker approached SummonerMan, it got a running start before leaping up into the air. The Dharma went for a ranged attack, whacking their pucks around. Strangely enough, the pucks bounced around the battlefield as if there were invisible walls surrounding the area. One of the pucks happened to come by Card's area from the side, and hit the SP for a good deal of damage. (15) SummonerMan then brought up a large wooden log, which rolled over to the Billy and deleting one on contact. The other managed to avoid it and fire a thunderball at SummonerMan. He easily managed to avoid the slow attack, however, and fly around to the back to kick the log back at the virus once again. Unfortunately for him, his aim was taking a break that day, and the log missed. He then put up a wall.

Quaker: 80HP [High Altitude]
DharmaA: 90HP
DharmaB: 90HP
BillyB: 80HP

Wall: 69 HP [In front of SummonerMan]

Terrain: 90% Normal, 10% Cracked (several spots, presumably places the Quaker damaged previously)

SummonerMan.EXE: 150 HP [Guard1]
Card.SP: 25 HP
SummonerMan wasn't quite satisfied with how things were going so far. "May have to give this stupid card a rest again after the battle. So damn useless..."

All the same, he used it to swerve out around the wall. Holding his shield above his head, he tried to position himself so as to be able to direct the force of the Quaker's blow back at him. The thing didn't seem too intelligent, so he hoped such a simple strategy would work.

Rose prepared to send some chips, but SummonerMan dismissed her plans. "How about some offensive Summons, Ma'am?" This sounded like an alright idea to Rose, so she nodded and held off on the chips.

SummonerMan quickly set to work. Using his free hand, reached into his cloak and grabbed a card. With a flick of the wrist, he sent it sailing through the air and towards one of the enemy Dharma.

With any luck he would have it under the thing, so in a matter of moments when the spire shot forth from the card, it would pierce through the monster, painfully.

Once this was done, SummonerMan deftly repeated the action, this time targeted instead at his foes identical ally. He planned for this card to summon another spire, which, with luck, would have a similarly devastating effect.

For a third time, SummonerMan reached back into his cloak and drew another card. This one was flicked with extra malice, as the Navi was unhappy with the virus he planned to crush with it. Sending the card sailing for a spot under the Billy he had failed to hit twice, he watched as a light formed high above the card. From it, a decent sized cube appeared. Thanks to the holes, chips, and missing pieces, it was apparently a heavily damage RockCube, used at some point long in the past of this battlefield. The cube formed, and once it had finished that, it sent itself rocketing downward, pushed by a force much stronger than gravity, towards the little yellow ball crawling below it.

SummonerMan grinned as he watched the objects appear and attack. His Card, meanwhile, was set to avoid damage as well as it could. Meaning it would try to swerve meaningfully if an attack was headed its way.

Turn Summary:
1. Tactical Movement [Place Self Behind Guard, Guard in line with Quaker's Attack]
2. Summon: Spire [10 HP Object, 30 damage on Summon]
3. Summon: Another Spire [10 HP Object, 30 damage on Summon]
4. Summon: Junk Drop [40 HP Object, Microburst on Self on Summon]
- - -Masterwork [+29 HP]

1. Dodge

-Appear under Dharma A [30 dmg]

Another Spire:
-Appear under Dharma B [30 dmg]

Junk Drop:
-Microburst self at Billy [69 object damage]

-Keep Standing there
Not in the mood for more chips, SummonerMan decided to test out his own abilities for the moment. But before that, he moved to protect himself from the Quaker, and just in time, as the virus slammed into the Guard he had put up, reversing its own attack onto itself. The Dharmas had begun to start their own attacks, but were interrupted when sudden spires summoned by SummonerMan skewered the suckers. Flying up in the air wasn't exactly the best position to shoot hockey pucks. A box of junk was summoned later and whacked the Billy in the face. The Billy was kind of miffed, and blasted its attacker. Unfortunately for said virus, the attacker was safe and sound behind one of those walls, y'know, those big ones with bricks in 'em.

Quaker: 60HP
DharmaA: 60HP
DharmaB: 60HP
BillyB: 11HP

Wall: 59 HP [In front of SummonerMan]
Spire: 30 HP [Under DharmaA]
Another Spire: 30 HP [Under DharmaA]

Terrain: 90% Normal, 10% Cracked (several spots, presumably places the Quaker damaged previously)

SummonerMan.EXE: 150 HP
Card.SP: 25 HP
SummonerMan kept up his assault, and Rose held up her end of the bargain, resuming her duty as a chip slotter.

The chips she passed him were something he could work with. He tossed one to the ground ahead of his enemies, and watched as one of his new favorite objects appeared: the large plane that planned to pepper his enemies full of holes.

SummonerMan and his card processed to act somewhat defensively. He watched his enemies for incoming attacks and made preparations to swerve both himself and his Card out of the way.

He pulled out his next card and activated it, firing out a spread of pellets that careened down the field. He was aiming for one of the Dharmas, and used his summoned Object to help him line up his aim.

As the buckshot barreled down the field, SummonerMan fished back into his cloak to draw the last of the cards Rose had sent him. He lined up his aim with the other Dharma, once again using his summoned Object to help him adjust his line of fire. He then released said fire, sending it roaring towards his targets.

As SummonerMan prepared for his next move, his stationary objects continued not doing much. The AirRaid, on the other hand, continued strafing, and sent a number of bullets across the field at its targets.

Turn Summary:

1. AirRaid1 (100 HP Object, Lasts 3 Turns or Until Destroyed)
2. Dodge
3. Shotgun at DharmaA, Spread to Spire [50 dmg, Spread(1)]
4. HeatShot at DharmaB, Spread to Another Spire [40 [color=red]fire[/color] dmg, Spread1]

1. Dodge

-Keep standing strong

-Keep standing

Another Spire:
-Also keep standing

1. 1 at Billy, 3 at DharmaA, 3 at DharmaB, 3 at QuakerA [10 x 10 dmg Shots]
Summoning the AirRaid airplane again, SummonerMan had it pepper the enemy with a hail of lead. However, the spread was so haphazard that the poor thing had a lot of trouble pinpointing them all, missing quite a few of its shots. The Dharma then figured, what the hell, they'll just attack anyway, and let loose with their pucks. Unfortunately for them, her Ladyship did not feel like being nice for the day, and both SummonerMan and Card got nailed from the back. Ouch. (15) (15) They did get their just retribution, but one shot missed. It did take out the spire underneath the missed Dharma, though, sending it plummeting. Face first. Ha. Oh, and the Quaker leapt up for its attack and whatnot.

One thing did go for SummonerMan, though, the Billy, now heavily injured, decided to screw it and run like a sissy.

Quaker: 50HP (High Alt)
DharmaA: 30HP (Faceplant)
BillyB: FLED

Wall: 59 HP [In front of SummonerMan]

Terrain: 90% Normal, 10% Cracked (several spots, presumably places the Quaker damaged previously)

SummonerMan.EXE: 135 HP
Card.SP: 10 HP
Neither Rose nor SummonerMan was very excited with how this battle was going. SummonerMan had grown slightly more annoyed, and channeled that into plans to destroy the enemies. Rose, however, became distressed. She retained focus, but was more anxious all together.

"Alright, we need to end this quickly," She mused. The battle wasn't a great one for the two, apparently, so she wanted it over ASAP. She quickly formulated her plan and slotted in chips.

SummonerMan found the turn a bit chip heavy, which didn't align with his aims to end the battle with his own two hands, but he dealt with it. "The Guard's to keep you undamaged from the Quaker, Sword's to finish it off. The plane should take care of the rest." Rose rattled off his instructions as if they were a shopping list.

An urgent one, apparently, since she rattled them off at a fairly high speed. She assumed the last chip she'd sent was self-explanatory, so she left it off the high-velocity shopping list. She then watched impatiently, staring intently at the screen and willing the battle to go well.

SummonerMan hopped off Card. He held the first chip's card in one hand, and activated it. Holding the shield angled above and ahead of him, he braced his arm to allow the shield to stand before him, prepared to take the weight of the Quaker's attack.

Card, meanwhile, floated as it was, once again directed by SummonerMan to avoid taking hits. "Maybe this time," the Navi thought, rolling his eyes, "it'll succeed."

SummonerMan waited for the attack to come down. While doing so, he readied the second card in his other hand. A sword soon appeared, floating above the card. He planned to, as soon as the shield had take a hit, lunge the blade into the body of the offending virus.

After attempting to execute his plan, he dropped both cards and activated the last one. The card disappeared with nothing summoned, but SummonerMan could feel it working all the same. Healing energies rushed through his body, restoring his health and making him feel substantially better.

While all this had happened, the plane had been busily at work. It peppered the two viruses with bullets, leaning a little more heavily on the hockey puck shooting one. The sound of shooting filled the battle with a steady beat, like a fast paced techno base drum.

SummonerMan stood and looked over the field, making sense of the results.

Turn Summary:

1. Movement [Place self so the Quaker will land on shield]
2. Guard1 @ Quaker A [Blocks 1 Attack, Reflects up to 60 dmg]
3. Sword @ Quaker A, immediately after Guard [80 dmg, Slashing]
4. Recov30 on Self [Restore 30 HP]

1. Dodge

-Keep up the Good Work (Though I assume it's no longer in front of SummonerMan)

-6 shots at Dharma A, 4 shots at Quaker A [10 x 10 damage shots]
[3 Day Bump]
Lining up the Quaker with his Guard, SummonerMan immediately combined the move with a Sword to the virus's face, deleting it quickly. The Dharma was killed by the AirRaid's boolets and dieded. Also healing.

BillyB: FLED

Wall: 59 HP [In front of SummonerMan]

Terrain: 90% Normal, 10% Cracked (several spots, presumably places the Quaker damaged previously)

SummonerMan.EXE: 160 HP
Card.SP: 10 HP

-- BATTLE 03, VICTORY!! --


[WaveArm1] Battlechip, 450z, 22 BugFrags
SummonerMan was fairly satisfied with the battle's results. He found that the rewards was almost worth the trouble this was going to cause him.

A quick look at the battle statistic's analysis showed him that hi Card wasn't in the greatest shape.

After conferring quickly with Rose, they agreed that it would be in their best interest to unsummon it in order to allow it to heal for the round.

Both navi and operator were happy with the chip they'd earned, since it seemed to be a fairly good one, with a nice damage output.

After settling all the previous battle's affairs, SummonerMan moved on, on foot this time, looking for yet another battle to engage himself in, all for the sake of Rose's silly competition.

"On the bright side," the navi thought, as he moved forward, "I get some busting done and we get some nice new toys."

[Battle 4, Ready]
[Unsummon Card to allow him to heal half his health while unsummoned next battle]
[2 Day Bump]
[3rd Day Bump]
As SummonerMan walked deeper into the Netopian network, He came across something very strange...As it is always with these viruses. Three Weather viruses was lined up straight while a pair of Megalians occupied one end of the side and a UFO hovered at the center above, making a some sort of decorated virus 'gate' or a 'wall.' When one of the Weather zipped up into its portal, SummonerMan spotted the rare Virus behind the viruses, the legendary Rush!

Megalian-E A: 130 HP
Megalian-E B: 130 HP
WeatherA: 80 HP
WeatherB: 80 HP [Hiding]
WeatherC: 80 HP
RedUFO: 80 HP

Rush: 4 HP [Far end]

Terrain: 100% Normal

SummonerMan.EXE: 160 HP