The Great Viral Purge - Sector A.

Everything went exactly as planned and the sector was now completely cleared. Excellent.

BombBoyA: DELETED [l]
BombBoyB: DELETED [s]
BombBoyC: DELETED [s]
BombBoyD: DELETED [s]
DynamiteA: DELETED [l]
DynamiteB: DELETED [l]
BigHatA: DELETED [s]
BigHatB: DELETED [s]
BillyA: DELETED [l]
S-BillyB: DELETED [s]
BillyD: DELETED [l]

SINNBAD: 140 HP [sword: 3 uses]
Lucia: 90 HP [1-hit shield]

[Battle 4 - Victory!]

SINNBAD get: 1225z + 5 FXP
Lucia get: 875 + 5 FXP
SINNBAD wiped off the datum from his blade with a flick of the wrist and sheathed the sword on his back. The buckler attached to Lucia's arm faded away, scattered pixel by pixel like leaves blowing away from a tree. The first test was over.

SINNBAD approached Lucia and gave her a look over, making sure she was ok. The two navis were only left with scratches from their ordeal, having found much in their own healing abilities. Satisfied, and after adjusting the pieces of his armor, he took one more look around.

"We have succeeding in driving the taint from these lands. Hopefully our stalwart comrades have been successful in their task. We should meet up with them in Sector C. Do you need some time to rest Lady Lucia?"
Lucia seemed more then overjoyed with the final battle finally over, the challenge done she'd give slow shake of her head as she watches the buckler fade from her arm. Taking a brief moment to dust herself off softly and turn her gaze to meet with the knight before her.

"Stalwart comra, oh! Goodness I'd forgotten about them! Ah, well I'm fine I think, so if you want we can go on ahead to where we were supposed to meet with them."