Dino is hungry.

((Right, sorry about that. Would've modded you yesterday, but it was my day off.))

Mental: 720

Frag.exe: 70
Celeste.exe: 140 (Extremely reduced Accuracy! 50% chance to hit ally with all attacks!)
Block A: 40

Celeste's blasts both hit Mental, who goes comedically flying with a loud 'Wah ha ha haaaaa!'. He disappears shortly afterwards.

As does everything else. Wait, what? Celeste looks around and finds that last phrase to be true; she can't see s***. Mental's voice echoes in her ear... "I am no ordinary opponent. Just as I have apparently lost control of my own mind... so can I make you lose control of yours."

Mental suddenly appeared behind Frag, and with a small psychic pulse... sent him flying. (20)
"Hurk!" Frag recoiled, his back blasted in. Slamming his shield into the ground, he kicked off it, spinning in the air to face the adversary. From the corner of his eye, Frag could see Celeste spinning around, disoriented--Something's wrong. He concluded, as he siezed his shield again. Hold on for a second, Celeste--I'll help you as soon as I can!

"Hey! I go to all this trouble to give you a honorable duel, and you go hitting Celeste?! What kind of a mannerless--" At a loss for words, Frag hurled his shield at the straightjacketed Navi. "Forget it. I'll use methods you'll understand!"

The time for defense was over. Shifting his grip on the Sword, Frag grasped it with both hands, the blade hovering his right shoulder as he fell into a crouch, his eyes gleaming.

Quote ()

Now this is more like it! Ataru, instead of that useless--

With a beastial roar, he ran after his shield, leaping onto the block and hurling himself into the air, the blade raised over his back as he cleaved down at Mental, before falling into a roll and slashing around his feet in a wide arc, trying to catch the Navi--

1. Block: Impact! (20 damage, knockback), Mental (BlockA)
2. Jump off of BlockA
3. Sword (80), Mental
4. Sword (80), Mental
"Frag? Leon? W-whats going on!?" Celeste looked around frantically, trying to make heads or tails of the situation. "What's going on!? I can't see anything!"

Leon was baffled as well. "I don't like this Celeste... I can't see anything on my screen either..." Leon rubbed his as a concerned look flooded his face. "If we can't see, we're done for... she could attack, but who knows what she'd hit..."


"Alright... just sit down for a moment. I'll see if I can get you some vision"
Leon said. With that he opened the status screen and noticed some strange reading. Switching through the modes, he attempted to counter the effects of the blindness by hacking her sight back to normal...

Celeste was far less patient, singing a song of fear and uncertainty and charging the energy. She listened as best she could to find Mental, and sent it flying in that direction, panicking after it was fired due to her still being unable to see...

1. Try to cure eyesight with hacking.
2,3. Firecracker 30 at someone.
4. Sit and panic.

This is a modding placeholder~ Of 'I'M FREAKING TIRED, I'LL DO IT AFTER I GET SOME SLEEP'~!

((4 days later...))
((You know, I'll be honest. I confused myself. I forgot about the fact that it was a placeholder and not an actual mod-post, so I thought I had modded when I saw the 'Last post by...'. XD

Sorry about that.

Also: Mental just used an attack known as 'Trickery' on Celeste. I'll leave you to ponder what all that entails.))

Mental: 620

Frag.exe: 50 (Mute! Cannot speak or hear!)
Celeste.exe: 140 (Extremely reduced Accuracy! 50% chance to hit ally with all attacks!) (Demoralized?)

"Me?! Cheap?! Well, you're just a-" Mental was cut off from turning Frag into whatever the last word in his sentence would've been by the Block smashing into his face. The sword sliced into him from behind soon after, and he jumped out of the way of a third strike, letting out a loud 'Woo Hoo'!

Celeste, meanwhile, fired a blind Firecracker at... the Block! It's deleted in a blaze of fire.

...And she still can't see s***.

Suddenly, Frag heard a loud, painful screech. It seemed to be everywhere at once-- above him, below him, to his left, to his right, in front of him, behind him... and even inside of him. Then... the screech let up, and all that Frag could hear was Mental's maniacal cackling...

"Mwahahahahahahaha! Aha! Aha! Ahahaha! Oho. *Hem*, yes, where was I? Ah, right." Mental suddenly turned back towards Celeste, who was sitting there and panicking. He grinned. This would be easy.


"Celeste..." Frag's voice called out to Celeste. "...Why are you so useless? Before, I had to carry you... and now, when I need you, you're so completely useless that you miss with your attack and hit my block? Jeez, why did I ever let you tag along with me? You're such a useless whore!" 'Frag' continued taunting and talking down to Celeste, insult after insult, each one a painful jab at Celeste's self-worth.

...And she was the only one who could hear it...


Mental chuckled as he watched Celeste shrink back in what he assumed was fear. He turned back towards Frag, and let out another pulse of psychic energy-- this time it hit Frag in the back, pushing him forward and subsequently flat on his face. (20)
In a bind and emotional panic and rage, Celeste lost what little of her rationality was left. She broke down, sobbing uncontrollably as Frag did everything but delete her self-worth.

As she sat there, sobbing and pounding the ground angrily with her fists, she started another firecracker. "I-I'm no-ot wor-wort-worthless..." In despair, she fired the attack at the voice. "Just sh-shutup!" she screamed, covering her hears from the verbal assault. "Why.... why wont you leave me alone!"

Leon could tell something was up, but he had no idea what. "Celeste... what's wrong? What's going on?"

Unable to hear anything besides the painful words of Frag, she sobbed. Pulling herself to her feet, she ran towards the voice and tackled it. Or so she thought. But crazy people tend to see and feel things no one else can, so...

1. Freak out.
2. FIrecracker 20 @ voice.
3. Run towards a voice.
4. Tackle said voice. 1 dmg.
"..." Frag brought himself up, his ears ringing. "... ... ..." His mouth moved, but nothing came out. Another wave of pain--he clutched his head with his left palm, trying to blot out the noise--

That bastard. Frag decided, as the laughter continued--no guts, all trickery. If only he could get close and pin him down...

Wait. Pin.

Frag scanned the area, searching for the elusive Navi--there! Mental was a little off from Celeste, doing something that Frag couldn't see. That's right... keep ignoring me... Frag snarled, as he raised his sword arm, pointing the blade directly at the straightjacketed Navi...

With a hiss of intake, Frag's formarm detached, the Sword firing like a harpoon towards Mental!

Rushing after his arm, Frag summoned another block from the air, pressing his free palm against it--with a rush, the data surged into his body, reinforcing his wounds. Keep underestimating me, Mental... Let's see just how much punishment your body can take!

"--answer! Frag!" Joseph yelled into the PET, to no avail. That Navi had done something to Frag's systems, he realized. Forcing himself to sit down, Joseph began watching a replay of what Mental had just done--

"Wait. Huh... that's it!" A thin smile crawled across Joseph's face, as he began searching for the chips he needed--

1. HARPOON TORPEDO, BISH! (Block: Impact, launch Sword at Mental) (80 damage, knockback--possible pin?)
2. Run after arm
3-4. Block: Build => Absorb!
a. Lose 20 HP
b. Gain 40 HP (Net gain: 20, Current HP: 70)
((Bizzump fo' rizzeal~))
((Mrr. I'll clean this post up later so it looks nice. Right now I'm tiiiiiired.))

Mental: 650

Frag.exe: 1 (Critical!)
Celeste.exe: 40

Celeste freaks out. Her Firecracker hits nothing, and she tackles... the ground. :0 It does not like her anymore, and to retaliate for this heinous act, it... does nothing! D:<

Frag... misses with his Harpoon Torpedo/Block: Impact thingy. D':

"Hyee hee!" Mental laughed, rubbing his hands together. "And now, my pink elephants! Go! RELEASE!"

Suddenly... Celeste and Frag find themselves no longer hindered! ...And suffering from a pair of splitting headaches. Ow. ...Wait, why does Mental look healthier?

Mental suddenly let off two waves of Psychic energy; unlike the previous ones, however, these seemed to hit our heroic duo from every angle, side, and direction, the feel akin to being crushed in a trash compactor.

"Hyee hee hee! Not so smart now, are you?!" Mental asked, already beginning to snicker. He then began to chuckle... then cackle... before he finally broke into a fit of maniacal laughter typical of cliche villains.
Da-damn it... Frag stumbled, as the waves of pain washed up and down his body. Mental's laughter dug into his mind like daggers, until they began... began to fade...

"Shit, critical?!" Joseph grimanced, as Frag's vitals shot into a deep blood-red--"Frag! Answer! Answer!"

"--not here right now, can I take a message?" A voice echoed from Frag's body, but it remained immobile...

He survived?! Joseph's eyebrows rose in surprise, as he considered what this meant. "Are the others..."

"In no way because of you, sir." The voice sneered--"We don't appreciate your attempt to "replace" us, by the way..."

"Replace?!" Joseph repeated, bewildered. "Why the hell would I make something to replace you?" "--then explain this... Frag!"

"Hah! Did you think you were the only ones that survived?" Joseph chuckled, as he realized his trump card--"That he didn't survive that incident?" "--you mean...?" "Exactly." Joseph finished calmly. "I trust you know what needs to be done, 'Reformer'?"

"Hmmph. Convincing the others... Fine, Magnus. You get this one last chance from me."

Quote ()

I doubt it. We all saw what happened--
It doesn't mean it is impossible, however... merely unlikely.
Just like, Magnus, to reuse his data...
Does this mean big bro's alive?
Nothing's for sure, 'thusie. But for now, we're going to keep whoever this alive for a little longer.

Blinding points of light. They burn--stop poking me! Let me sleep... No. Wait. Gasping and wheezing, Frag rose from his fallen kneel, his body shakey and about to collapse--but still functional for the moment. What just happened?!

In the distance, he could see his sword arm--the blade embedded into the earth. Damn, I missed. Reaching out to his limb, Frag began to retrieve it--

"Leave it, Frag!" Joseph yelled, as he jammed four chips into the PET. "We don't have time! Elecreel! Magbolt! Battlechips in!"

"B-but my arm!" Frag protested, as a giant electromagnet propped itself out of his left arm.

"If you get it now, you'll be deleted! We have to hit that wacko now, while he's distracted! If for nothing, so Celeste there can get away!"

"R-right!" Frag gulped, as twin coils of lightning began to orbit the Magbolt as the Magbolt itself started rotating clockwise, jolts of energy leaping from the magnet to the coils as the three chips synergized into a frightening vortex of energy--

"This hand of mine glows with an awesome POWER! It's burning grip tells me to defeat you! Take this! My love, my anger, and all of my sorrow! SHINING FINGER! GO! GO! GO!" Frag roared, as he launched the disasterous missile at Mental, willing its full destructive capacity be unleashed on the murderous Navi--

In the wake of the blast, Frag didn't notice his arm sprouting an aegis of palm leaves--

1-2-3: SHINING FINGER! (Magbolt + 2x ElecReel) (90 + 100 + 100 elec, stuns)
4. LeafShield (Absorb 1/2 next hit as HP, unless next hit is fire)
Celeste lay in a heap on the ground after the crushing psychic attack. Her mind cleared slowly from Mental's assault. Leon... what happened... she asked still in a daze.

I'm not sure. It seems like Mental hit you with some psychic attack... Leon said calmly. If that's the case, then your blindness and anything else the past few minutes was probably fabricated by him somehow."

"But... I heard Frag..."
she said, less dazed but more confused.

"Frag hasn't really said anything to you... he's been too busy trying to take down Mental to talk much. Speaking of which-" Leon trailed off as Celeste pulled herself to her knees and saw Frag, "he's not doing too well." Leon slotted in a canon, bubbler and an area grab. "Heal him before he bites it! Hurry!

Celeste shook her head, trying to shake off the confusion that filled her mind. But... he said all that, I heard him. She saw Frag begin some sort of attack, activating a magnet shaped attack. I should hurry while I have an opening. She used the power of the cannon to heal Frag, sending a small flurry of blood red cherry blossoms swirling around him and absorbing into his body.

She watched as he finished his attack, sending some insane combination of an electric-arcing magnet at Mental. Now's my chance to use the bubbler! she thought as she sang the tale of a watery grave, firing a stream of bubbles at Mental with an incredible speed.

She activated the area grab after her attack, teleporting to Frag. "I'm sorry I was so little help, Frag..." she said, stepping in front of him to take the first of the next blows that would be sent their way. "I can take this... so you worry about healing yourself and coming up with a way to beat this guy..."

1. Heal 20 w/Cannon @ Frag.
2. Bubbler 50 Aqua @ Mental.
3. Area Grab to Frag.
4. Meatshield Frag.
"Ooh, what's this?" Mental exclaimed, eying the hazardous mix of electric attacks headed his way. "Why, this looks positively DELICIOUS! I think I'll EAT THE WHOLE THING!"

And suddenly... the giant mix of electric attacks was gone, sucked into Mental somehow by some sort of green energy.

Celeste's Bubbler attack hits Mental, and her Cannon heals Frag even as she pathetically uses herself as a meatshield.

Mental: 750

Frag.exe: 21 (Leafshield)
Celeste.exe: 40 (Defending Frag!)

"Hm. Hm hm hm hm hm." Mental chuckled, amused by the latest turn of events. "I wasn't expecting that latest attack, you know. It was quite delicious tea. At either rate... I grow tired of this, so I shall take my leave." Frag and Celeste found themselves blinded for just a moment, and when the blindness faded... Mental was gone.



Striped Purple Hippo, 1000z (Frag)
Spotted Gray Mongoose, 1000z (Celeste)

((Note: The animals are actually small plushies, and count as Key Items.))
Leon looked on, stunned by the way the freak show of an opponent had somehow 'eaten' the attack from Frag. He was also equally puzzled by the way he left, and the small plushie he left behind.

Celeste fell to her knees, exhausted form the long and mind altering battle.

"Well Frag," Leon began, "thanks for looking after Celeste. If you hadn't been here to help, I'm not too sure what would have happened during this battle."

Celeste simply looked at Frag and nodded in agreement. "Thanks..."
Wearily, Frag stalked over to his detached arm, slamming it back into its socket. "Was it worth it, Joseph?" He asks.

"Completely." Joseph replied smugly, as he replayed the battle. "I've figured out this Mental character--next time, he won't have the luxury of running."

What's he talking about? Frag wondered, incredulous. We barely survived, yet the way he's going on, you'd think we had won--

Grabbing the hippo plushie, Frag sent it back to Joseph before instinctively giving Celeste a swift, gentle bear hug. "No, thank you Celeste. Without your talents, I probably wouldn't be standing here right now." He whispered, as he released her, blushing slightly.

"Frag, we're done here." Joseph stammered, a bit disturbed by his Navi's... umm...

"Guess I gotta go." Frag sighed, as he held out his hand. "I'll see you around, Celeste?"
Celeste blushed from the hug, not expecting it in the least. "S-sure, Frag... See you around." She smiled softly through everything, and shook his hand while making a small curtsy. She quickly picked up the plushie that had been left for her.

"Alright Celeste, lets get you outta there before anything else comes at you. Oh, and thanks Frag and um... whoever your op is. Next time we'll try to be less of a hindrance." Leon said. Jack out, Celeste."

"Till next time, Frag. Oh! here, before I forget!" Celeste quickly tossed a large pink sakura blossom towards Frag. "My e-mail! I'll see you later!" And with that, she disappeared in a spiraling flurry of sakura blossoms.
"Let's take a breather." Joseph sighed, as he examined Frag's vitals.

"We're coming back?" Frag remarked, incredulous.

"But of course! This place is proving to be quite interesting..." Joseph smirked, as Frag jacked out.

<3 hours later>

"Did something happen here, Joseph?" Frag wondered, as he stepped back into the steamy net.

"You'll find out, Frag. But now's not the time."

"Very well..." Frag grumbled, as he strode off again...

((Battle 1!))
MetoolEX: 70
Swordy A: 60
Swordy B: 60
Firephoenix: 110

Frag.exe: 100


Quote ()

This is taking too long! When are we making our move?
Quiet down. All in due time--I have Joseph's word on this.

There. A buzz in the back of his head--Frag tried to clear the noise out, figure out exactly what this was--

An angry shrill knockeded him out of his trance. Viruses... A quick glance revealed his opponents--a flier, coupled with a bunch of lowly melee types. In the distance, a red helmet glinted in the light... He would deal with that last.

"Joseph! It's too noisy here..." Frag growled, as he readied himself for battle. "Let's end this quick! I need something for the Phoenix!"

"Very well. Sending the Bubbler--follow it up with this!" Three chips flashed on the PET, as the data streamed into Frag...

"You're mine!" Frag roared, pointing his only Aqua-based chip at the flaming bird virus. With a burst of light, Frag supercharged the Bubbler, the Shrimpy's eyes bulging with energy as a massive spray of suds was ejected from the mouth--

Slamming his hand into the ground, Frag loaded the next chip, rays of electric power tunneling out of the earth as Frag brought the fist out of the insulating earth, a blinding ball of plasma held in his horned gauntlet before being hurled after the spray of suds, aiming to take advantage of the quantity of water in the air--

Rearing back, Frag seized the Magbolt, his last chip alloted for this attack. Bringing the electromagnet before him, Frag fell into a fervored charge, aiming to pulverize whatever had survived the thunderstorm!

Quote ()

1. Bubber + Untapped Power! (50 Aqua + 10 Normal, Spread), FirePhoenixA + whatever
2. ElecReel (100 Elec, Spread), All viruses (water from Bubbler! :D)
4. Magbolt (90 Elec, Stun), Any remaining viruses
Despite lackluster RPing, the sheer overpowering BattleChip Barrage rips through the practically defenseless viruses! The winnar...It's j00!

Swordy A: DELETED!
Swordy B: DELETED!
Firephoenix: DELETED!

Frag.exe: 100

Reward: Guard2, 300z