With her opponents appearing to already start to make their moves, SplashLady prepared for whatever plans she would be subject to. But, as the pain from all the attacks she had just taken began to set in, she found herself unable to move. In fact, her one movement seemed to be her actually falling onto one knee, with a painful expression on her face. If one took a close look at her, it seemed like...she holding back tears? "I-I'm so sorry, Sabrina..."
"HUH?!" The referred to girl was prepared for nearly anything to come out of her Navi's mouth...that wasn't one of them. "What do you mean? We're still in it! We just need to regroup and-"
"No...I think...we're already done..." The first true water of the battle finally came to pass, and it wasn't in the form of an attack; the water Navi lost her battle to withhold the water from her eyes. "There's no way I can keep up with that speed...and I'm outnumbered...I can't do it...I wish I could...but I can't..."
"...What do you mean? You don't mean we just stop the fight now, do you?"
"Yeah, that's what I mean...I just don't have the will to compete with other Navis. I know it means a lot to you to do well in this tournament, but...I'm not strong enough. I just can't compete like this..."
"........." Sabrina took a moment to process what her Navi was trying to say. And yet, what she said required no thought whatsoever. "....Yeah, you're right."
"I'm sorry, Sabrina...initiate the jack out sequence whenever you're ready..."
"You're right that you wouldn't get very far. You're not the strongest Navi. You're not the fastest Navi. You're not the smartest Navi. And you're definitely not the bravest Navi."
"...I know...I wish I was, so I could fight, but I'm not..."
"But that means nothing."
"You don't have to be strong or fast or smart or even brave to be a great Navi. You just need to remember one thing. And that thing is...you're never alone. When you were going on just then, how many times did you say I? Now, how many times did you say we? A lot, and zero. But you need to think the other way around. When we battle, it's never, EVER you and me. It's just us. As long as you don't forget that, everything else will fall into place. Because there's no power like teamwork between operator and Navi!"
"..." SplashLady looked up, and looked at the image of her operator in-between her and the Guard shield. "B...But...you saw what happened earlier. Why should we ty if it's likely we'll still fail?"
"Because...we're not fighting just for us. Dad, who made you...Brandon, who gave you that form...VoltMan and Binary, for lending you their crosses...we didn't get here just by ourselves. We got here because of everyone's help! And even if we lose, we can't let all of their help be in vain! We need to fight to the end!"
".........Okay." Wiping away the last of her tears (for that moment, at least), the Aqua Navi stood up, and glared straight ahead so hard, it was a small miracle the Guard wasn't deflecting it. "You're right. If we don't try as hard as we can, we'll let out everyone that's ever helped us. I don't know if we've got a really good chance to win or not, but that doesn't matter!" With this last exclamation, the Guard vanished. She wasn't sure if it was because someone hit it, or if its time had just expired, but she surprisingly didn't seem to care. "Alright, what's the plan?"
"Now we're talkin'! Glad you could still listen to reason! And the plan, uh..." ...Shoot, she was so focused on making that speech, Sabrina had kinda...overlooked coming up with a strategy. "Well, first we need to even the numbers. And it'll be easier to finish off a SP than a Navi, so let's focus on her first! Start off by getting closer, but don't just go straight at her! Go side to side or something while you're at it, in case she tries to zap you again!"
"Roger!" Positioning the back half of the spear so that it crossed her back, SplashLady started to make a dash for the Support Program like a Navi possessed...but as her operator had stated, she made sure to do a zig zag here, and a zig zag there...here a zig, there a zag...everywhere a zig zag. She made sure to vary up the distance of each directional change, as well; considering the point was to be unpredictable, she needed to make sure that she'd be, in fact, unpredictable. Soon enough, she found herself nearing her target. Now, how were they going to do the deed?
Very basically, as the young Netopian lady would state in so many words...as would a single chip featuring a red Shrimpy virus. "Get ready! Battlechip, Bubbler! Slot in!"
With the right hand occupied by the spear, the Navi's left hand instead acquired a hose nozzle-like shape, which she positioned towards the female SP, and with a yell of "Hyaahh!!!" let loose with a single large bubble surrounded by many smaller bubbles, just ready to explode on impact and widen the spray. The fact she just shot with her left hand didn't escape the Navi, but thinking about that at the moment wasn't going to help with anything.
"And next...you need to do something to MachMan. And with his SP out of the way, you're free to set up water panels. So...Flood Cannon!"
After a couple of moments rapidly looking around for the opposing Navi, SplashLady saw him, and pointed her spear at him. As she did, what looked like a blob of water seemed to form in front of it, and in fact seemed to be drawing in water from the surrounding air to increase its size, as if it were some sort of aquatic black hole. And then, as suddenly as the roughly spherical water began to come to be, it rocketed forward, to explode and damage anything in the area it hit.
"...And he'll probably keep coming after you, so...get ready to move some more! But first..." Sabrina transferred one more chip; this one featuring a Navi with his arm extended, creating some sort of barrier around him. "Battlechip, Barrier! Slot in!"
A blue sphere surrounded the Aqua Navi, who then started to race around like a crazy person. Sure, she might not out-agile a Navi named MachMan, but she sure was going to try. "Because I have to give this my all...so even if I lose, I can face everyone with pride!"
[Order of Turn:
1-Weave over towards Aera
2-Bubbler chip attack on Aera (50+10, Aqua) (Aqua Boost)
3-Flood Cannon sig attack on MachMan (80, Aqua, Blast 2, creates medium sized Sea terrain)
4-Barrier chip attack on SplashLady (creates 10 HP barrier)