First Annual Net-Idol Carnival

"Aww, g-guys!" Glow gasped, restraining her giggles and glowing yellow. "You're gonna make me blush with all that... b-but yeah, I have to say I think it went pretty smooth. More smooth than I expected. Again, it's all thanks to you... And Divina, thank you so much for this gift. I can't believe I didn't think to get this recorded! Now that I think of it, it's kinda weird that Mo didn't think to... I could have s-sworn he said he'd paid a cameraman? Well, at least he had his friends doing the video... A-anyway, enough of that. I'll treasure this, Divina. Thank you so much."

With Glow temporarily having solicited the attention of the other two, Mo turned to Kabuki, adopting a serious, no-nonsense expression. "Kabuki. Your idol experience may end today, but remember: your idol love has no expiration date. None. And as long as you have that bond, you can always connect with an idol as her fan." Kabuki might have mixed feelings regarding that statement based on her background knowledge, but Mo had re-engaged the group as a whole before she could react.

Glow stayed in high spirits even as the group attempted to pull Mo aside, but Mo himself did not. From the moment Kabuki started speaking about the perpetrator unbidden, his young-girl face had gone notably tight. "Pirouette and Divina probably want to discuss their payment. I'll be back in a moment, Glow. If you finish up here, feel free to go on back to the tent. My friends and I will handle cleanup."

The Navi who had become an idol for the night watched her friend leave with her two new friends, smiling widely. She was waving energetically, but faded a bit to purple as they gained distance. She turned to Kabuki, wringing her hands together. "... Do you think Mo b-blames himself for the thin crowd? It d-didn't escape me that most in attendance are friends of Mo, Pirouette, or you... B-but it doesn't m-m-matter!" she exclaimed, waving her hands in front of herself suddenly. "Mo did his best, I did my best, and we b-b-both had a ton of fun. It was really a once-in-a-lifetime experience. And it isn't the last time, either! W-wuh-with this video, and with more performansh-ces between now and next year, the next annual Net-Idol Carnival is gonna be even b-b-bigger. I hope he understands that... This seemed really important to him, you know?"

She sighed, putting a hand on her cheek and looking contemplative, but still pleased, as she went a dull lavender. "I'm sure you know, but I really hadn't pictured myself as an idol, p-performing in front of people. My p-passion's always been watching other idols... That's the interest Mo and I share. B-but it probably wouldn't be so b-bad, p-p-performing once in a while!"


Once the others had reached the back, Mo shifted back into his original man-form, a move that might seem cavalier considering the three of them weren't completely out of sight of the audience. MoCapMan seemed like he only had one thing on his mind, though, and he kept his tight frown fixed as the two confronted him directly. He seemed to understand he would be best served to hold his tongue until he was asked to speak. When he did begin to speak, it was in his usual dull tone, but a bit more quiet.

"First, I must thank you for securing the return of those .GMOs. As of this moment, I've actually had one returned to me already in my inbox. I don't know how far we can trust the words of those people, but I'll have to cross my fingers. Even if I end up a suit short, I'll consider today more of a success than I deserve."

"And now... I owe you both first an explanation, and then an apology. I'll spare you ladies my entire life story, but... suffice to say, I see the events of today as the culmination of my life's efforts. MotionCaptureMan the Navi existed solely as a tool for motion capture technology. That was a purpose, but not a meaning. The meaning of MotionCaptureMan's life efforts was to bring myself to this point, with Glow, and act as the catalyst to realize her dream."

The Navi exhaled, flexing his fingers. "I apologize. Consider that an aside. The truth of my schemes today... First, I spent a considerable amount of money putting together this venue and hiring an actual idol team, amateur though they may be, to try and create a veneer of plausability for the Net-Idol Carnival. For my plan to come to fruition, it was clear that the second act would need to be treated as a genuine, dramatic spectacle of idol culture, an actual debut, the pressure that turns coal into a diamond. For that purpose, I had only intended to stage it so that the second group of idols would be absent, allowing Glow to take the stage as a solo performance. If absolutely necessary, and only then, I was prepared to accompany her as a partner on stage. I also spent a sum paying an audience to show up and pretend to be caught up in the show, after my actual advertising attempts failed to generate interest in forums.

"I understand all of this probably sounds a bit convoluted, but the truth of the matter is I've spent the few months trying to subtly suggest that Glow make her amateur idol debut at this venue. Her personality is such that she flatly refused the notion every time I brought it up. I knew it was best for her, but I couldn't nakedly pressure her into accepting it. I decided the best way to make it happen would be to leverage the fantasy sold by so many fairy tale stories before. If the fate of our supposed shared dream, the Net-Idol carnival, was at stake, she would rise to the challenge, completing that crucial debut, and fate would be the only one to blame.

"Unfortunately, I made a couple of grave miscalculations. The first was simply a stupid blunder on my part: Glow came up with the disguised performers plan, and I couldn't refute the logic of it. As such, I was stuck in a position of trying to organize your arrival and assistance while simultaneously plotting to undermine your attempt and create the idol debut scenario I'd previously described. My plan, as such, was this: hire you all as the actual dancers from the GNA, and hire a less scrupulous group of individuals from a free agents board, all of them GNA offenders who aren't able to get work from that service and are willing to work for relatively cheap, considering the unusual skill set I was requiring. My plan, unfortunately, was as callous as you made it sound. After taking a fake hit and letting that group escape, I expected the six of you would all be in the NetSquare, so that would force limitations on McMan... er, FraudMan and his gang, that would keep them from going too far. I gave them free reign, otherwise, to force you three to do whatever paltry acts they wanted in order to give you my .GMOs back. My intention was that, by the time you returned, Glow's performance would already be over.

"I want to stress that while I was originally thinking that you three only as faceless mission-takers who would do what needed doing without asking questions, and, frankly, be happy for the easy money, I know now that was an unforgivable mistake. You three are charming and principled young ladies, and, in your own ways, each of you has done for Glow things that I could not. As I said, I was a Navi created to be used as a tool. As such, even in my new-found purpose, I sometimes experience tunnel vision that can cloud my judgment. I know it too much to ask for your forgiveness, but I must at least ask you to understand... That same tunnel vision clouded my judgment in my decision to trust FraudMan. I never imagined he would actually use his advance payment to pay the very audience I explained I'd gathered to leave! To do what? Crush the dreams of a young girl and an old man? For laughs? If I see that fat sack of feces a second time, I'm going to personally see to it that he's held accountable... and if he doesn't return my suit, I'll rend that data from his core at the same time..."

The man was clenching his hands, teeth, and eyelids all at once now, his face a strained mask of frustration. He'd turned his body quite purposefully, hiding these facets from where Glow might be watching. He let out another sigh, easily returning to his former tense frown. "I'm sorry, ladies. I'm aware that I'm not in any position to act as the victim here. And yet, I must ask you two to be satisfied with my original planned payment... If the two of you were to want me to pay for your silence, you'd have to take an I.O.U. My expenditures have truly broken the bank in this venture... a fact I ask you to keep secret from Glow. Similarly, while the two of you might feel some obligation to justice or friendship to let Glow know what I've done, I must humbly beg for your discretion. If Glow's impressions of this event or what she's accomplished are tainted by the truth of how I helped her accomplish it, everything I've done will have been for nothing. My previous efforts will have been meaningless. My continued existence would be pointless. I know it's selfish, but this has to remain a story of a young dreamer's accomplishment over her own inhibitions and a series of unfortunate events. I know you're probably thinking this whole scheme is preposterous, and you want to ask me why I thought this was the only way, but I'm not interested in chewing over the circumstances that led me here. Can you agree to keep this between us? Please, tell me so, and you'll find your payment at the GNA board when you leave."

If the desperation in MotionCaptureMan's words was somehow not self-evident, the tension could easily be seen in his eyes, as he carefully shifted his gaze between the two. There was a notable "If not" that had gone unsaid in his previous statement, but which seemed to scream its absence. "Ah... and I apologize if I got long-winded. I hope you can appreciate how important this is for me. I only wish to give you all of the information, as you requested." With that statement, he'd simmered down to his usual business-like and tired manner, looking like his old self again. It was probably safe to assume that while he'd previously worked himself up with his own internal drama, he had already convinced himself the two would agree to his terms.
"Oh, DEE~VEE~NAH, I want a copy as well!" Kabuki exclaimed, adopting some of her pink glow back for a bit. She fully intended to play back her idol debut a few times tonight. "When I make my surprise come-back tour, I want my two SIS~STARS to join me on the stage!" she gestured to Divina and Pirouette, before pulling both of them into another headlock hug. Both had somewhere they obviously needed to be, though, so she released them quickly enough. She nodded to Mo again, staying pink in spite of the conversation she knew was coming for him. "Yeah, let's continue to CON~NECT with our favorite EYE~DOLLS!" She let the others take Mo off for his talking to, partially because she wasn't really feeling in the right mind to berate him as he deserved, but also because, if they all left, Glow might follow them, which wouldn't be good for anybody.

She'd faded back to black thinking about it and nearly jumped out of her cutesy idol outfit when Glow spoke to her. Once she heard what Glow had to say, though, she fired back up and grinned. "You're ABS~SO~LUTE~LY correct! In fact, what could be better than an audience composed of your GREAT~TEST friends, naaah?" she asked, throwing one arm around Glow's shoulders before gesturing out to the crowd excitedly. She smiled warmly down to her stage buddy and hugged her closer to her side. "Of course, MO~CHAN poured everything he had into this event and the PER~FOR~MANCE! It's fine to question whether your place is in the stage or in the audience, but I'm POS~SEE~TIVE that as long as you have the AH~BILL~LUTT~TEE, you'll want to continue sharing your passion with others! The stage is the PER~FECT way to do that! Never resist its SI~REN SONG!"

"KAAAAA~BUUUUU~KIIIII!" the monsterous red demon roared from further into the crowd, still lumbering towards the object of his affections, but at a glacial pace. He spat smoke uselessly into the air above the theater; from the outside, it might look like a fire had started.

"Glooooooooooow-chan!" the ghostly second figure cheered, waving its banner again, although it still showed Kabuki's face on it. "Mooooo...." it started, before something seemed to sap the spirit from it, causing it to fade to a dim, transparent blue shade. ".... K-Kabuuuuuukiiiiiiiiii," it added as an afterthought, now in a much quieter voice. The red creature turned its perpetually open eyes to his friend momentarily, hanging its huge grin open with a vacant expression. It didn't make it clear whether it knew what the ghost was bemoaning or whether it was blissfully ignorant.


Yoshitsune rolled one hand dismissively when Mikhail expressed further concern. "A navigator is never alone unless they sneak off somehow or their operator abandons them. And if you plan on leaving Pirouette alone, that will be the biggest surprise of a day full of them," he added, providing a positive observation on Mikhail's relationship that still sounded backhanded coming from him. "From what I understand, the history of the net is rife with louts, those of low characters and 'trolls' of the sort we encountered. They are simply unavoidable. It's best that Pirouette learns to deal with them as soon as she's able."
...MoCapMan had hired a cameraman? That was hardly unexpected, yet Divina hadn't even stopped to consider that. Oh well. She hadn't seen any around, so it was probably for the best she'd done it anyway. "Well, who knows? Even if someone else filmed it, maybe I got some shots they didn't. Beginner's luck, and all that." Speaking of beginners, she raised her staff and pointed it at Glow's ball of light, causing it to split in two. "There you go, Kabuki. I made the data easy to copy, so if either of you feel like sharing, it shouldn't be any problem."

Shortly afterwards, she, him, and Pirouette were by themselves. Mo transformed back into his default form, a move that the goddess Navi secretly appreciated; if she had to yell at him looking like an idol? Awkward. And then, they heard his side of the story. As she often did, she simply calmly listened, not interrupting for any reason. But almost the instant he finished, she started to part because she didn't want Pirouette speaking first, as she might say something in the heat of the moment, but mostly she just really wanted to let a couple of things out. "I can't say I care for all of the cloak and dagger in that plan...but, it's also clear you did it with the best of intentions. You needn't worry about my forgiveness, as you have it. I'll also remain hush about it to Glow...on two conditions. First, I want you to tell her the truth yourself. Not now, but someday, when you believe she can handle it. And second, I don't care what the reason is, but don't ever say your continued existence is pointless. Ever. All life, including Navis, is precious, and to hinge your worth on one thing, no matter how important, is a terrible thing. A terrible, TERRIBLE thing." She slowly started growing more upset during the second part, to the point she almost seemed genuinely angry about it...she'd stomached more than enough of that sort of attitude to last her for an eternity.

"Oh, and one more thing." Divina's facial expression shifted from sour to sunny, almost unnervingly so. Truthfully, it was partially forced, just to help shift the topic, but said topic was at least much more cheerful. "You needn't trouble yourself with FraudMan. Let's just say that a couple of days from now, I plan to teach him, and my congregation, quite the lesson!" She let out a smile, optimistic that her own scheme would bring some light to a troubled heart. Granted, it all probably sounded more ominous than she'd meant...


"Yes, I do know." Over in the real world, Hikari had placed her hands over her heart, as she often did during her more forceful moments. "I've been in that situation a woman who sometimes has to delve into seedy areas to do her work, it's inevitable. Some of the things I've heard...that a few have tried to do...but, I've come through, with some help from Lady Divina, of course. She, too, has gone through much, but I'd like to think I've helped prevent some terrible things from happening to her. ...See what I mean? Yoshitsune's right; as long as you watch over Pirouette, she's never alone. I'm not saying to be reckless, but with you, she'll be able to conquer situations she might not be able to otherwise. Have faith in your combined strength."

...It wasn't obvious until she was finished, but the priestess slowly started shaking as she neared the end of her speech. "...I'm sorry, I didn't mean to go on like that...and now I'm shaking because I'm so'll pass in a moment, so please don't worry..." And sure enough, a couple of deep breaths later, she stopped. "Though, I think it works both ways...Lady Divina's given me strength I wouldn't have otherwise had. I don't think I could even have this conversation, if it wasn't for her...that I'm like this, even after years of her encouragement, should tell you just how bad I was around other people..." Complete sentences around people she'd only just met, and without even stuttering? A total pipe dream back then.
Looking between the two younger people and their shared views on the matter, Mikhail could only nod his agreement at the end of it all, though he did raise an eye at the boy when he said something approaching dangerously close to an actual compliment. He shrugged and made a helpless gesture with his free hand.

"You are right in thinking I have no wish to leave her, but thank you for saying so. Ahh, you will forgive a man his foibles, yes? You are both right in what you say, of course, I know this. I worry for her... more, I think, than she worries for herself, sometimes. Let us leave it be for now, yes? Perhaps I am just... how is it... making elephants from flies, you know?" Whether or not the translation of colloquial idiom successfully crossed the language hurdle, Mikhail moved on. "No-one has been harmed, after all... but I am sorry to hear that you have been subject to similar unpleasantness yourself Hikari. You have my sympathies." If he had noticed the girl's increasing nerves as she spoke, the instructor was polite enough not to give sign of it, instead inclining his head towards her respectfully along with his last words.


Elsewhere, in a more exuberant setting and amidst more serious matters, Pirouette was focused on listening to Mo explain himself once she had made her own plea to him. The more the dusty, droll navi spoke, though, the more it seemed to back up the idea that he really didn't like what he'd done any more than they did. there was something... off about the way he waxed lyrical into talking about himself in third person, but on it's own it wasn't enough to make her think about it too much. He was obviously in a stressful situation, after all.

If Pirouette had heard Glow's own words to Kabuki, after they'd left, she might have been more cautious about the way Mo talked about Glow's dreams, and how confidently he seemed to know what she wanted... As it was though, she hadn't caught the star performer musing that performance itself wasn't really her thing, so at first it didn't occur to the ballerina that Mo himself might have misunderstood Glow's wants. It wasn't until he admitted that the scheme to get her on stage and performing had actually come following after months of her refusing when asked, that Pirouette felt her brows drawing down in concern.

Unconsciously, she bit her lip while Mo explained his way through that part of the story, wing tips quivering slightly. Glow was shy, yes, and maybe she did want to perform but had been nervous... but the more he explained, the more it started to look like Mo had crossed dangerously on the line of not taking no for an answer. Nothing positive could come from that, surely... He said he couldn't just pressure her into it, but, well, wasn't that exactly what he had done in the end? Without being aware of it, Pirouette's jaw clenched, and the hands clasped at her chest had tightened until the colour faded from her knuckles.

Her growing worry shook for a moment and the young woman started, blinking several times as Mo broke into some rather unexpectedly strong language, and it was enough of a break for her to notice her own tension, and focus on relaxing again. Even so... About to speak up, Pirouette paused with her lips slightly parted, and closed them again as Divina took the reins ahead of her. It was probably for the best, she conceded to herself. the own thoughts were scattered in several different directions, and few of them were calm enough to be articulate about.

She kept quiet while the other woman spoke for them both, and she did find that she was ready to give her own nod to most of it. She still felt uneasy, but not in a way she could put to words. something just felt... off balance, in the whole picture, to her and it gave the young ballerina an uncomfortable feeling in her gut. Divina and Mo both agreed that he was acting in best intentions... but whose best intentions, really? More and more she wondered about whether it really had been Glow's dream to perform all along at all. She held her tongue. More, she worried, what if that feeling was because it felt as though the main dreams being fulfilled here were Mo's, irrespective of what Glow herself really wanted? She didn't speak. Mo went on about his purpose and his function, and seemed determined to talk about himself in a way that tried to negate his own person-hood... but he had bent over backwards and gone out of his way to pursue this goal with a zeal and determination that was obviously more than any simple 'tool' would show. She said nothing. And in the end, that goal had cared about no-one at all, outside of what he wanted - what he insisted that Glow wanted, despite evidence otherwise... Did she really want to accept money for being a part of something that was making her feel more off balance the more she thought of it? She was biting her lip again, and still she kept quiet.

When it became clear that Divina was wrapping up, Pirouette took a long breath and tried to relax the tension from her wings. Again. Her breathing had deepened while the others spoke and her thoughts had raced, but now she had to give an answer.

"I... I would not have Glow's experience of this day ruined, either, no. But Divina is right! Promise us that you will tell her all you have done, later. If all you did, if it was all truly for her, then she has a right to know how much effort you really went to. And... and..." Pirouette shook her head and looked away. "And if you must pay someone for any of this, pay Divina and Kabuki. I am not sure I wish to be any part of any of this any more. No. No I do not." The high from the joys of the performance outside had been thoroughly displaced by her own conflicted thoughts now, and more than anything Pirouette found that she wanted simply to be done with the whole dishonest affair. The more she thought about it, the more the idea of taking money for the part she had played, sickened her. She knew it was really just her imagination, but she could almost feel the colouration on her wing tips, and wanted desperately to go home and wash it off as soon as possible.

Glow turned orange under Kabuki's arm, seemingly having forgotten her doubts about Mo's state of mind cleared in the light of Kabuki's sheer enthusiasm. "W-well, I like the idea of using the s-s-stage to deliver my p-p-passion, but, um, I'd j-just prefer not to be in the c-center of it next time! But I'm sure I'll perform again s-somet-t-time... Hooooouh!" she suddenly gasped, dimming and clapping her hand over her mouth. "Woah! Exc-c-cuse me, I, uh, think I need a n-nap... I've really been running myself out today planning th-this out... even though it's j-just a small event... S-sorry, Kabuki. Heh, heh..."

Unfortunately, it would be pretty explicitly leaving Kabuki's excited acquaintances in the lurch if Glow were to bolt for bed now. She did her best to put her autograph-signing face (and light levels) back on, stepping forward while waving a hand in her air to the odd-looking figures approaching. "Hey, there! Are you friends of Kabuki's? Thanks so much for coming out to support us today! Let me know if there's anything I can sign for you, okay?" The skip in her step as she moved was as easy as it had been on the stage, so the fatigue must not be that best.


Divina would probably be pleased to see, after everything she'd had to deal with today, someone who looked genuinely pleased about her application of the tenets of her faith and seemed as though they actually intended to comply without spitting at her or laughing at her. "Yes," MoCapMan responded, eagerly. "Of course. Thank you, Divina. And as far as my views on the value of life go, I know as well as anyone now that what we see as a 'purpose' for our lives is often just a small sliver of the bigger picture. I thought I was following my true purpose, now, but... it might be fair to consider that I'm not looking at the whole picture, once again. It's a lot to come to terms with, but I'm a Navi with very simple programming, I'm afraid." Listening to a tease of what she had planned for FraudMan, his eyes opened a bit with interest, but he didn't ask for any followup. Whatever it was, it was safe to assume he wouldn't object to whatever lesson she decided to teach the con man.

Mo listened to Pirouette as well, crossing his arms. "You two have my word I'll tell Glow eventually. It may be after she's gained the confidence to stand on her own... I may have made mistakes, but I refuse to be responsible for the death of her dream, and I refuse to fail in allowing it to come to fruition. That said... she's not an idiot. Girls that age are sharp," he said, rubbing a hand on his chin. "Of course, if she figures it out herself, I'll come clean on everything. I promise."

Finally, he turned to Pirouette, his features softening as a rare smile crossed his face. "Pirouette, I'm going to post payment for you at the GNA, and I insist you take it. I don't know you intimately, and I won't presume to know your programmed age or how long you've been on the Net, but... there's absolutely no reason for you to feel guilty in this. With me here and those other thugs out there, who would blame you for allowing a talented but shy girl take the stage and realize her dream for a day? For allowing a miserable old man like me to realize on beautiful step into a new lease on life? For doing what you signed up to do, and doing it well... doing it right? I'd say more, but, ah, me lecturing you about what's the right thing to do is... a little silly, right?" He chuckled without much humor. "Just know that there's no deceit or second-guesses when Glow or I thank you for what you've done, and if you turn down my pay, you're just going leave me thinking ballerinas don't need money! That profitable of an occupation, is it? Hey, maybe Mo-chan should get in on the ground floor!"

MoCapMan gave a forced laugh and coughed, hardly being the Navi who found himself in the position of trying to make a joke to lighten the mood very often. "Seriously, now. You two ladies get on your way and don't forget to pick up your payment." He uncrossed his arms and seemed to be moving for a handshake before he appeared to reconsider, simply crossing them again and shutting his eyes contemplatively.
"Bahaha! I understand well the FAT~TEEG that sets on after a spirited performance!" Kabuki reassured her ally in dance, posing by cradling her head upon two hands slowly, as though pantomiming going to sleep. She did that while still headlocking Glow, before finally releasing her. It was hard to imagine her ever becoming tired, but then, she had a form for low energy... presumably she couldn't be on all cylinders all the time. She looked to her allies, who'd managed to move with the crowd remarkably well given their size, perhaps because they could see where they were going over most of the other show-goers. "Wow! You guys must have really wanted my AW~TOH~GRAPH!" she cackled; the two seemed to regard each other with dull glances for a moment, before they aired their true feelings:

"KAAAAAAA~BUUUUUUU~KIIIIIIII!" the first one boomed, causing the actress' hair and garments to flap about as though she were in a wind tunnel. He had a good voice for this sort of atmosphere, but it'd be obnoxious anywhere else.

"Aaaaand Gulooooooooow~Chan," the ghost added, the indent of a smile seeming to spread across his otherwise featureless face as he allowed her to sign the "KABUKI" banner he'd brought with him. Kabuki's face held a blank grin of its own, as the actress watched someone else's name being signed onto a cheer banner with her name written on it. The ghostly figure dipped its head several times in succession, then pressed its hands to the side of its face and shook its head slowly. "Guloooooooow~Chan...."

"Alright, you guys! Don't go getting STAR~STRUCK! We're actors, we have to keep some STAN~DARDS of dignity!" Kabuki bellowed with laughter of her own, although it was hard to imagine what sort of roles those two might fill beyond simply playing themselves. "These two STAR~REE~EYED~SALL~LEES are ObakeMan and JigokuMan! They're actors from the Blood Red HAN~NAH~MEE~CHEE where I used to work. They're er... only used in one show a day, or else it'd be a bit NOTE~TISS~SUH~BULL," she commented, leaning her head slightly, "so they were free to come see our STAR~DEH~BEWT!"

"Kaaaa...booooooooo...keeeeee," JigokuMan added meaningfully.

"... He's actually referring to the act, rather than me. It gets pretty CON~FEWS~SING," she whispered as an aside to Glow. "At any rate, uh... The others are... Probably WRAPP~PING up with Mo! But boy, it's a little BISS~SEE still! Let's wait for him to come out! And not be OFF~FEN~DED if they decide to check out a little early! They're pretty SLEEP~PEE themselves, I'm sure!" she giggled, waving one hand dismissively.

At this point, she'd gesture to where Yoshitsune was watching and raise her eyebrows... or her eye sockets as the odd case of her mask-like face was... meaningfully. The boy took the meaning and, as eager to be done as perhaps anyone save Pirouette, nodded to the others, communicating only to them and not the navis. "I'd recommend having your navis jack out rather than coming back to the front of the stage. Every chance we linger is another moment we risk 'spoiling the pudding' or whatever that colloquial expression may be, you two would know better than I," he proposed. "... In Kabuki's case more than anyone's. She's not one to keep her mouth shut."

"Well, it's been a dream, my BOOS~SOME~MEST buddy, but it's time that I vanish into the night. The applause is yours and it's better that you and Mo enjoy it TO~GETH~THAR! I will go claim my reward at the GEE~EN~NAY," she finished. "Never forget your PASS~SHUN!" she saluted once more, striking one of her favorite mies, spreading one palm and rolling her head slowly with a mechanical motion. Once that was done, she disappeared in a swirl of embers and cherry blossoms that was just short of dangerous in confined spaces.

Her theater buddies didn't linger much longer, the big red demon disappearing right away and the ghost pausing to give another eerie grin and bow a few more times, before vanishing with an even spookier shriek.

((Jacking out))
Well, it took pretty much all day, but Divina had finally found someone willing to buy what she was selling. She let out a big sigh of relief, just glad that she'd reached someone. She let MoCapMan speak his piece, then, as she noticed she was doing a lot to Pirouette, got in the next word. "That's all I need to hear. Glow won't hear a thing from me about it."

She suddenly let out a big yawn, which caught her off guard a bit. She didn't feel especially tired...then again, this was her second mission today. It'd be odd if she didn't feel at least a little sleepy. Even goddesses needed their rest. "I suppose that's my cue...but, Pirouette? Before I leave, I want to tell you something. Something's clearly bothering you about this whole situation, and I won't ask what. But, I think you should still take the reward. Even if you truly just want to be done with everything, you can always make lemonade out of lemons. That's a Netopian saying that means making something good out of something bad. I don't know what the Sharoan equivalent of that is, and the only reason I really know it is because one of my closest followers says it a lot, but still. Just...think about it, okay? At the end of the day, you should do what makes you happy."

And speaking of the end of the day..."Well, I'm feeling rather peaked. I think I'll take my leave now. Even from here, I can tell Glow's pretty tired, so I'll leave her be." Still, she waved goodbye at her, regardless of whether she'd get noticed or not. "MoCapMan, Pirouette, it was wonderful meeting the both of you! Farewell, and take care!" A beam of light started to come down from the ceiling down towards the goddess Navi, but it suddenly stopped, and retreated. "Actually, one other thing." She raised her staff, and created a small ball of data light, and presented it to the ballerina. "I only saw you once or twice while I was recording, but if I'm not mistaken, you really seemed to enjoy the show. Why don't you take a copy, as well? And, also in the data ball is my e-mail. You needn't give me yours if you don't want,, I don't know. There's nothing wrong with a new friend, right?" She gave Pirouette a warm smile, and waited for her to accept.
A part of her knew they meant well, and that Mo himself was a good person, who had simply done some very bad things, but the more he tried to smooth the situation over to her, the more it felt, to Pirouette, like trying to make allowances, and defend what had happened as 'alright', when it wasn't at all. The ballerina didn't have the heart to contest it any more, though, instead looking down and away while he spoke. In the end, when he was finished, she drew a breath and answered a couple of his open-ended questions selectively. She couldn't bring herself to make proper eye contact with him again, though; if she did, it would only have been a judgemental gaze, and she didn't want to go that far, but she knew she couldn't honestly manage anything else.

"You are right... you do not know me. And yes, it is a silly thing to do. Here is the costume you gave me. It is beautiful, but I no longer want it." Having already changed back into her leotard earlier, Pirouette handed back the data containing the wonderful outfit that Glow had designed for her. About to jack out on her own, Divina's voice gave her enough pause to look across to the other woman. Her eyes flicked down to the data ball as she contemplated taking it.

"It is dirty, unclean money, and I will not touch it... but, the show, it was good, so I..." her words trailed off and she reached out to accept the sphere. "Thank you, Divina." Taking a deeper breath, Pirouette straightened her shoulders and her wings stood upright again more proudly. She was standing side on to Mo, now, looking straight out, to empty space rather than to either of her remaining companions, but it was clear who her final words were intended for.

"I am going home. Perhaps, if one wishes to take a first step into a new lease on life, it should not be a step paved on a foundation of dishonesty and hurtful choices." A moment later, a brief swirl of white feathers surrounded the ballerina, whisking her off the net.

((Jacking Out, Returning to -> Mikhail's PET))
"You're very welcome!" That was all Divina had to say, until Pirouette had some parting words and left. She sighed, and placed her hand to the side of her face thoughtfully. "I understand what she's trying to say, and to an extent, I agree...but that's just it. I wouldn't mind if it was the case, but not everything is black or white. Ah well, I've had enough philosophy for one day...goodbye, MoCapMan. May we meet again under less hectic circumstances."

And now, the light from earlier did actually come all the way down, sweeping the goddess up, and returning her from whence she came.

Having lowered his defenses to deliver his weak reassurances, MoCapMan wasn't able to hide a small wince as they were dismissed, however reasonably. Nonetheless, the man had a talent for putting on a straight face, and he did so in order to deliver the ballerina a terse nod and accept his .GMO data being returned. With that same emotionless mask on his face, he offered no response at all as Pirouette gave him her final words and exited.

He turned to Divina, giving her a nod, as well. "Yes, well... I have things to attend to, now. Thanks again for your help." The Navi waited for her to exit before heading back towards Glow.

The Navis who had left would have to trust MoCapMan would keep his word, which might be difficult considering how much deceit the three had been forced to face that day. One piece of deceit they wouldn't be seeing again, however, was FraudMan, at least for now... the Navi, for whatever reason, failed to later keep his appointment with Divina.

((FXP AWARDED for this topic, The Hunt for McMan, Temple of Divina (Electopia), and miscellaneous shop thread interactions:

Pirouette/Divina: 22
Pirouette/Kabuki: 13
Kabuki/Divina: 15

Glow/Divina: 8
Glow/Kabuki: 15
Glow/Pirouette: 12
MotionCaptureMan/Divina: 6
MotionCaptureMan/Kabuki: 12))