(4-pointed) Star of ACDC

Well, vengeance achieved. Mimic tricked into being destroyed, and Melody shanked. And, the other Melody's attempt failed, so no need for revenge there. All that was left was mop up duty. "All right, let's wrap this up so we can see if getting warped here was worth it." Shuri twirled her kunai a bit, before rushing the remaining music note virus, and delivering a quick, yet lethal, slash with her knife. Not the flashiest of techniques...but being a true ninja meant flash was often thrown out the window.

At any rate, so long as she struck true, she was now by herself, with some more viruses down below her, just waiting to be destroyed like their friends. "I'd say this calls for a combo attack, wouldn't you, Naomi?"

Yep, it sure did...whatever she meant by 'combo attack'. "Which is...?"

"...I get warped over there, and I slash them up. AKA the combo we always use."

"Ohhhh...right. Well, to be fair, virus busting class was years ago, and I didn't NetBattle back then, so I really don't remember that much..." Was it an excuse? Yes. But it was a true excuse. Anyway, chip transferal time. "BattleChip, AreaGrab! BattleChip, WideBlade! Double slot in!"

After moving her current weapon to her other hand, Shuri vanished from her location, appearing once more behind the paperweights and bug down below. Her giant shuriken now had a golden glow, as it became infused with powerful chip data. And with that, she grabbed the new glowing weaponry, removed it from her back...and slash! Slash! Almost too quickly for the eye to follow, she performed a one-two attack, capable of rending apart the basic enemies with even a single blow. She placed her shuriken back in its usual spot, having lost its luster after the attacks. But, with any luck, that would be completely irrelevant, as there would be no viruses in the area left. Still, it was a good idea to be careful, and make sure they were all gone before celebrating...

[Order of Turn:
1-Sword chip attack on MelodyA (80, B, Slashing)
2-AreaGrab chip on Shuri (S, Teleport, Accuracy Up)
3-WideBlade chip attack on PowieA, PowieB, and Beetank (110, B, Slashing, Wide Attack)
4-WideBlade chip attack on PowieA, PowieB, and Beetank (110, B, Slashing, Wide Attack)]
Shuri slashed the Melody into deletion. Then teleported to the lower levels and slashed the rest of the party goers into ribbons. That crashed the rest of the house party. You square.

But at least there were some party favors left over. Although from the way everything was looking, with the upper level close to collapsing, Shuri would seriously think about relocating soon.

-Second Floor-

Green Mimic: DELETED

40% Normal
30% Cracked
30% Broken

Staircase: BROKEN

-1st Floor-

Beetank: DELETED

50% Normal
40% Cracked
10% Broken

Shuri.EXE: 130 HP

~Battle 2: Victory!!~
Rewards: Quake1, 270
GMD: Airshot1
Shuri took a moment to gather up the data, and checked it out. Small amount of cash...Quake chip data? Ugh. Now, what did that Mimic have in it? She used the broken area to her advantage, easily drawing it down without having to actually go up. AirShot...acceptable. At the very least, the pocket with her folder in it was probably starting to get tight. "That's everything. ...Returning now."

"Now? Wait a sec-" But before her operator could interject, the ninja Navi was gone from the Net...

The second she had fully formed, Shuri dashed into the Net. She knew she was on a fairly tight time limit, if she was going to be there when her SP was fully recovered, and she needed to find something to bust, fast. No time to chew the fat with Naomi, or anything other than a speedy search for viruses.

(Searching for Battle #1...again)
Shuri runs like the Speed-type Navi she is...and very nearly trips right over a Metool. She manages to catch herself in time to avoid a collision, but tears right through the colourful ribbon it held. The sudden movement alerts the other two Metools, who pause in wrapping their ribbons around an unusually tall Cacty, who burbles angrily at seeing the torn fabric. The three mattock-wielding viruses brandish their tools, demanding retribution from the careless ninja.

MetoolA: 40HP
MetoolB: 40HP
MetoolC: 40HP
Cacty: 70HP [unusually large, no in-game effect]

100% Normal

Shuri.EXE: 150 HP

Hmm. Nothing so far. And that was the end of this straightaway. Time to make a turn, a-

Whoops. Even she didn't have time to avoid the Mettaur, getting tripped up. Being a quick thinking ninja, however, Shuri was able to do a backflip back behind it, saving both face and further party destruction. But, that raised a question. "...This looks like some sort of celebration. But exactly what? I can't think of any holidays going on right now."

"Neither can I. Maybe it's one of their birthdays or something?"

"I'm...not really sure if viruses remember the exact day they were created. But, it's irrelevant." After all, she had several angry viruses glaring at her. Instinctively, she placed her hand up near one of her shuriken's points. "Looks like it's a fight they want, so it's a fight they'll-"

"Shuri, no!"

"...Come again?" Did...did she just get ordered to NOT attack the viruses with obvious bloodlust?

"They were just having a little party, and then you showed up and wrecked one of the decorations. They're not doing anything wrong...can't you do something other than destroy them?"

...Yep. She did. "Well, yes, but they have clear designs on attacking me..."

"No. You're not attacking them. And that's final!"

"...Then what am I supposed to do? Defeat them with a killer apology?"

"That'd be a good start. Go on, apologize to them!"

...Well, this wasn't going on her resume as an expert mercenary. "......Sorry, viruses. I should've paid more attention to where I was running." ...If she was going to do this, she might as well go all the way. "I've got an idea. Send me BambooKnife."

"What'd I just say?! No-"

"I'm not going to attack them. Trust me."

"...All right. One chip, coming up!" Naomi was kinda wondering what kind of plan not involving cleaving viruses into two required a wooden sword...but Shuri wasn't much of a liar. She had faith that she had some sort of non-violent approach. "BattleChip, BambooKnife! Slot in!"

A kunai made out of wood appeared in the Navi's hand, who looked it over. However, she proceed to take her free hand, carefully placed it on the blade...and broke it in two. She took a close look at where it had snapped, eventually noticing something that caught her interest. She plucked a splinter from the destroyed weapon, then allowed the rest of it to dissipate into nothing. The small, thin piece of wood was all she needed from it. "All right, now send over WoodTower."

The operator was starting to piece together what her Navi was up to. If it was what she thought...she definitely approved of the idea. "Okay, here! BattleChip, WoodTower!"

A Popper suddenly formed in front of Shuri, who looked on at the other, non-summoned viruses. It took a deep breath, preparing to skewer as many as it could...

"Nope, no attacking." But before it could, its summoner leaped up, and cut a portion of the silk string it hung from with a generated shuriken. Upset at not being able to hang like it normally did, the bagworm looked angrily at her before vanishing. But more importantly to the Navi, she had everything she needed now. She carefully moved over to where she'd accidentally destroyed the ribbon (without ripping anything else up, of course), and, using the splinter as a needle, began using the string to sew it back into a single piece again.

"Aha, so that was your plan after all." Naomi couldn't help but be pleased at her Navi for her quick thinking, and for not being a jerk about the whole thing.

"Yes, though my sewing skills leave a lot to be desired. Just, promise me one thing."

"What's that?"

"Never tell anyone about this. EVER."

"Hee hee, of course!"

"...There. That should do it." Yep, looked like it was in one piece, and it'd hold. It wasn't the finest stitchwork ever, but she was more interested in function over form here. With that, she carefully backed her way out, taking care to not rip anything up again. "It's fixed now. Everyone happy?"

"I'm happy!"

...Well, as wonderful as that was, Shuri was more concerned with the viruses' opinion of her handiwork. Though, if they weren't grateful at the efforts she took, she wasn't above defying her operator's orders and shredding everything else in the area, party or no.

[Order of Turn:
1-Procure needle and thread
2-Carefully head for ripped ribbon
3-Repair ripped ribbon
4-Carefully get out of ribboned area]
The Metools lower their mattocks upon hearing the verbal apology, aggression fading to depression as they mourn the torn streamer. The sadness fads into interest, however, upon seeing Shuri's masterful improvisation with a few chips to create a needle and thread; the foursome watches with bated breath as she complets the emergency patch on the streamer. The handiwork was fair enough as far as battlefield surgeries went, and a cheer of happy virus-noises goes up as a Metool holds it before its giant cartoon eyes and finds it held together.

The Metools gleefully resume wrapping the giant Cacty, who smiles down at the ninja Navi. Just before the ribbons completely bound the cactus up, it somehow unlooses one of its fragments, sending it bouncing towards Shuri along with a few spare bits of zenny. Rather than an attack, however, the CactBall comes to a stop in front of her, presented as a gift.

MetoolA: 40HP
MetoolB: 40HP
MetoolC: 40HP
Cacty: 70HP [successfully wrapped!]

100% Normal

Shuri.EXE: 150 HP

Rewards: CactBall1, 400z
Shuri couldn't help but feel a little awkward as the viruses celebrated her emergency fixing skills. She'd been THIS close to deleting them without remorse...and yet, now she was just watching them continue to decorate the Cactikill, as though that had never happened. ...It was something she wasn't really used to.

Wait, what was that coming from the Cactikill? The ninja was on edge for a split second, before realized that it didn't mean any harm. It didn't even have the momentum to so much as touch her, much less harm her. A scan revealed that it was chip data and a little bit of money, as though she'd actually beaten them. She transferred it to the PET, but...well, things were about to get awkward for her again. "Er...thank you. I appreciate it." Granted, she didn't particularly WANT a CactusBall chip, but it was better than nothing. And if nothing else, she appreciated the gesture.

"You're really not used to thanking people, are you?"

"Not especially...also, these are viruses."

"That doesn't mean they don't have-"

"Naomi. No sentimental crap right now. Things are weird enough now as it is."

"...Fine. But, can you do me a favor?"

"...What is it?"

"Think you could ask them if you can transfer them to the virus zoo? I mean, they were sweet, I don't want anything to harm them if we can help it."

"Oh, for the love of..." While less than pleased, Shuri sighed, then asked. "Hey, you guys. Would you, by any chance, be interested in me sending you to a virus zoo? It's a sort of safe haven, where viruses without blind malice in their hearts can live in peace. I see no reason why they wouldn't let you have these sorts of celebrations...based on what I've heard, they're extremely considerate towards such things. That said, it's fine if you say no, I'll let you be if that's the case. But, if you're on board, I'd be happy to warp you there." She fell silent, and awaited their response. And she still felt awkward about the whole thing.
The four viruses listen to Shuri's suggestion with bated breath, the Cacty bending until its head was practically touching the ground to confer with its companions. A few seconds later, the four of them all turn to the Navi as one and nod, already showing obvious enthusiasm. One of the Metools waddles up and nuzzles against Shuri's leg for a moment before scampering back to its friends to prepare for warping; it would appear Shuri has made a few friends today!
...Wait, what? Did they just agree to that? It actually took Shuri a moment to process that, but after shaking it off, she started setting up the preparations. The coordinates you needed to send the viruses to...input. Viruses, ready, willing and able. All set. "I'll make sure to come see you guys when the place opens, all right?" And with a snap of her fingers, the Mettaur and Cactikill were gone. "...Hmm. Didn't see that coming."

"Thanks for asking them, Shuri. I knew we'd find some viruses that wanted a peaceful life eventually!"

"Just following orders. ...Does that mean I can stop asking?"

"Of course not! Now that we know there are some that'll say yes, we have to ask whenever we can!"

"...That's about what I thought. Well, now that I've done my good deed for the day, I'm jacking out. Assuming, of course, that Shurimpy's okay now."

Naomi looked at her PET screen, noticing the shrimp was happily floating around, probably eagerly awaiting its master. "Looks fine to me, so head on back!"

With a silent nod, Shuri vanished from the Net, and returned to her place of origin.