Rook's Task

"so he wants this delivered to a collector?" Well I guess I better figure out where its going." Rooks says as he begins looking through the file. Not bad this guy has some nice pieces he is selling." Tucking the file under his arm he jacks into the net.


Rocks materialize and fall to the ground. As they pile up they begin to take shape. Rocks fuse together as more and more fall. Slowly legs form, then his torso and arms, and finally his head. Jack has got to invest in a better internet connection." Rooks says as he takes in his surroundings.

As Jack had mentioned the area appears pretty safe. Rook sets off to the collector's residence with file in hand. "so I wonder what this collector is like?" ponders Rook as he is walking.


"Jack sure was adamant about moving to this town. I wonder why he would give up all that wealth to move to some small town and open an antique shop. It was definitely not a very strategic move on his part. The decision to give up on being one of the top programmers at Omitech will always baffle me. I mean Omitech was a very prestigious computer company.

Lost in thought Rook wondered off the path. When he finally came to his senses he was lost. Looking around to get his barring he then tried to find his position in the net so he could get back on track.

(Requesting Battle #1)
Lumbering his way through the ACDC network, Rook found his first few enemies along the way; a trio of Metools stood to block his path forward. They were not particularly looking very threatening, with their tiny stature, but they tried, nonetheless. Wielding their large pickaxes with ease, they prepared for battle!

Metool A: 40 HP
Metool B: 40 HP
Metool C: 40 HP

Rook.EXE: 150 HP

100% Normal

"Metools huh!?!" Rook says as he continues to get his barring. "Well I guess we ... er I will have to fight. Standard battle strategy should be enough to handle these guys." he continues talking to himself as he starts adjusting his stance. First he brings his hands up to his chest, The inside of his fists facing his body. This position places his forearm shield plates facing outward. He then adjusts his footing so that they are in a wide stance with his shin plates facing forward. This should hopefully make it easier for him to use his plates to deflect incoming attacks.

"Fire is the birth of everything and the end as well, even for viruses" Rook comments as the gems on body begin to glow slightly. A low hum also accompanies the glow as Rook's energy core is beginning to kick into second gear. As the system reaches a sufficent level he begins diverting the energy to his attack systems. The two missile pods on his shouldes then come on line and begin to adjust for the desired trajectory.

"Bathed in fire even the most wicked can be cleansed" Rook says as jets of flames appear from the release vent in the back of the missile pods. Missiles then beginning to launch from the pods one by one in rapid succession until a torrent of missiles are in route towards the center metool.

1. Attempt to increase blocking/parry chance
2. Charge lvl 1
3. Sig (cluster Missiles 5 x4 fire +multihit +shot type +large terrain lava +Charge Burner TCD 2)

Signature Moves
Cluster Missiles - TCD2
Rampart Defense - Ready

edited cause of color error, correct signature move info, add move cool downs, grammatic errors, also clarified a few thing
((Please note which enemy you want to target next time with your attack))

The giant navi's presence has begun to intimidate the viruses into attacking already, causing a few to swing their pickaxe against Rook. However, Rook was prepared for such an attack...But rather than guarding the attack away, he simply resorted to evade the attack with a simple back step.

Rook then began to unleash his missiles all over the battlefield, causing havoc as the terrain was laid waste and managed to damage one metool rather severely.

Metool A: 20 HP [Lava]
Metool B: 40 HP [Lava]
Metool C: 40 HP [Lava]

Rook.EXE: 150 HP

40% Normal, 60% Lava
Rook quickly back steps the ill prepared attacks of the metools. He then looks around to see what kind of destruction his missiles had caused and laughs heartily.

"Reval in the fire small ones, let its heat cleanse your code." Rock says as he lifts both hand outwards towards his sides with his palms facing upward. The light flicker brightly for a second as in the palm of each hand burst to life a plasma ball. The plasma balls glow blue and flicker here and there as they rest in his hands.

"Let your sins be laid to rest. May peace find you code in the after network" Rook proclaims as he eyes his target for weakness and gains his barring with his new weapons.

"Maker of the code please take this virus data and let it know PEACE!" Rook shouts as he hurls both of the plasma balls in rapid succession towards the weakened metool.

Rook lift his right hand high above his head. A third plasma ball flickers to life in his hand. The color of the firery orb flickers between blue and green speratically. Rook launches the flickering orb, whispering a single word "Adustum", towards the weakened metool.

1. Look for weakness in the enemies defenses to try and increase accuracy
2. Buster shot (2) ->Metool
A 3. Buster shot (2) ->Metool
A 4. Ability: Gatling Attack: Free action Buster Shot (2) ->Metool A

Signature Moves Cluster Missiles - TCD1
Rampart Defense - Ready

Edited a typo
Most of the damage Rook did didn't really affect the Metool much, but the lava did sear their feet a good deal. And so, instead of attacking, they resolved to get the hell out of the way of the lava panels instead to cool their feet off.

Metool A: 9 HP [Normal]
Metool B: 35 HP [Normal]
Metool C: 35 HP [Normal]

Rook.EXE: 150 HP

40% Normal, 60% Lava
"Do not fear the cleansing power of the lava, let it purify your code. Only then will you meet the maker of the code and be reborn" Rook says as he watches the metools scramble.

Rook then charges towards the weakened metool. Each foot sounding the way with a thunderous impact as it hits the ground. As he closes the distance between himself and the metool he begin to dash to the right then to the left in a zigzag pattern in an attempt to slip past any attacks that might come his way.

As he is juking rook gems begin to glow as his generator kicks into second gear. a low hum can be heard. it starts soft then as the gem glow brighter so do the hum get louder. "REDEMPTION comes for you small ones" can be heard off in the distance a mist the thunderous roar of rooks charge.

1. Move to close in on Metool A
2. Attempt to increase dodge%
3. Charge up lvl 1

Signature Moves Cluster Missiles - TCD0
Rampart Defense - Ready
As Rook moves through the area, he zigzags through the Metools' line of sight, causing their straight-line attacks to miss quite handily. He began a sort of chant or something, I don't know, to prepare his attacks.

Metool A: 9 HP [Normal]
Metool B: 35 HP [Normal]
Metool C: 35 HP [Normal]

Rook.EXE: 150 HP [Charge-1]

40% Normal, 60% Lava
Rook easily dodges the metool's attacks with his evasive movements.

Upon reaching his target Rook rears his right arm back clinching his fist. His Fist then burst into wispy flame as it is covered in plasma. Given his large stature versus his opponent Rook decides to use a hammer fist type attack as he brings his fist down towards the metool. As his right fist is plummeting towards the metool his left fist is coming up. Flames drift off his fist as it moves leaving a trailing glow. He quickly brings his left fists down behind his right in a second hammer fist. Not even looking to see if his first two hit he brings both back up clinching them both together. "The flames will cleanse you!" Rook shouts as he brings them both down together in a double hammer fist towards the weakened metool.

Rook focused on cleansing all three of the viruses didn't look to see if the metool he was fighting had been deleted. Spinning towards one of the other metools he chuckles. "Seems there isn't enough fire to cleanse these wayward viruses." Rock says as jets of flames kick out the back of each of his missiles pods. One after another missiles streak out of the pods screaming towards the metool. As the missiles fill the air Rook bellows "From the sky rains the will of the maker. Who are you to deny him?" The hum slow quiets as the gems on Rook's body slowly fade leaving him drained of his stored energy.

1. Buster attack (2) -> Metool A
2. Buster attack (2) -> Metool A
3. Ability: Gatling Attack: Free action Buster Shot (2) ->Metool A
4. Sig (Cluster Missiles 5 x4 fire +multihit +shot type +large terrain lava +Charge Burner TCD 2) Metool B

Signature Moves
Cluster Missiles - TCD2
Rampart Defense - Ready
A few shots and missiles later, the Metools were reduced to two, and the battlefield increased to a full lava stage. The Metools figured they had nowhere to go, and started to go all out on their attacks. Instead of making shockwaves with their pickaxes, they opted instead to simply hurl the mining tools at Rook. In their anger, however, one of the axes missed, but the other lodged itself directly in his arm. (10)

Metool B: 10 HP [Lava]
Metool C: 30 HP [Lava]

Rook.EXE: 140 HP

100% Lava
Rook's laugh fills the air as his missiles score a hit spraying napalm across the battle field converting the last few panel to lava. Lost in the moment of the righteous flames and cleansing heating rising off the lava panels Rook is unaware of the first pickaxe thrown his way. Slipping right past his arm plate it scores a hit on one of his hydraulic units. Lodged in the unit fluid slowly leaks out and along the pickaxe finally dripping of the end of the handle to the ground. The blow quickly brings him to his senses. Just in time to side step and quickly bring his good arm up deflecting the second pickaxe with his arm plate harmlessly to the side.

"Fiend of he who shall not be named. How dare you strike the servent of the Code Maker." Rook shouts as he reaches up and dislodges the pickaxe from his arm. Rook grunts as the pickaxe disengages from the hydraulic unit. A flood of fluid rushes out of the hole created by the pickaxe. Drained of fluid from that cylinder the other cylinders strain trying to make up for the lose but as Rook flexes that arm it is still sluggish.

Rook turns towards the metool C with a grim expression on his face. He slowly scans the metool watching his movements waiting for good time to strike. Seeing what he believes to be a good opening Rook calmly says "He gives you life, but I shall take it in his name." as he hurles the dislodged pickaxe with his good arm at the metool.

As the Flames rage on around Rook and the metools and the pickaxe flies through the air Rook begins praying "I beseech you, Code Maker, receive these viruses flying to you. Spare them from your anger; that they who fear to be chastised by the rod of you Majesty in the suddenness of death, may be made worthy to rejoice in your gracious pardon. "

1. Take Aim to increase hit chance
2. Throw Dislodged Pickaxe
3. Pray for the errors of the Viruses

Cool Downs
1. Cluster Missile - TCD1
2. Rampart Defense - Ready!
A toss of the Metool's own pickaxe back at it managed to lodge it straight in its helmet, which somehow damaged it, even though the helmet was supposed to protect it. To retaliate, they threw even more pickaxes, which just sorta whizzed past Rook's shoulders. Wow, these guys were asshats.

Metool B: 5 HP [Lava]
Metool C: 15 HP [Lava]

Rook.EXE: 140 HP

100% Lava

[State target in summary next time, please.]
Rook doesn't even notice the pickaxes wiz by as he completes his prayer. Sensing that the metool are close to being cleansed Rook slowly begins walking toward the least injured one. "The Maker of the Code is a forgiving being and shall take you and remake you into something pure. Do not seek to resist anymore small ones you just delay the inevitable." Rook says as he slowly closes the distant between himself and the metool.

Upon reaching the metool Rook raises both hands outward towards the sky. "Make of the Code hear the call of your faithful servant. Let the errors be washed away from this wayward virus. Let him once again know the joy of being whole. Let him bask in your glory and be reborn" Rook says with his gaze turned towards the sky.

Rook then drops a knee to the ground. Just as his knee is about to touch both hands go from there raised position to an oustretched lunge towards the metool. Rooks massive hands are spread wide with his fingers out palms towards the metool. Rook then attepts to grab the metool by the edges of his large helmet and submerge him forcefully into the lava panel.

1. Slowly walk towards Metool C
2. Attempt to grab Metool C
3. Attempt to submerge Metool C in the lava panel.

Cool Downs
1. Cluster Missiles - TCD0
2. Rampart Defense - Ready
As Rook approached his intended target, the other Metool decided to launch a shockwave at him. The attack made contact, but the lava made short work of the virus at the same time. Rook essentially ignored the attack and grabbed the last Metool, shoving it into the lava almost effortlessly. The virus was clearly on its last legs as it attempted to struggle to the magma's surface.

Metool C: 5 HP [Lava, submerged]

Rook.EXE: 130 HP [Lava]

100% Lava
Rook lets the shockwave roll over him without giving it much thought. The damage it caused was minimal compare to the data in which he was about to cleanse. Trying to hold the metool bellow the surface of the lava was becoming dificult as the metool struggles combind with the damage to his right arm were becoming taxing. "Peace little one the end will soon set you free." Rook says trying to soothe the virus. Almighty Code Maker, who by our baptism into the death and resurrection by your will does turn us from the old life of sin: Grant that we, being reborn to new life in you, may live in righteousness and holiness all our days; through the same code, that we might live and reign with you, one code, now and for ever." Rook prays as he continues to baptize the metool with the lava.

1. Continue to try and hold Metool C bellow the lava
2. A prayer of baptism
3. Nothing

Cool Down
1. Cluster Missile - Ready
2. Rampart - ready
Rook's continued efforts to keep the Metool under the lava soon resulted in the virus bursting into various fragments of junk data before drifting away.


100% Lava

Battle 1 Complete!

Rook.EXE: 130 HP [Lava]

Rewards: Guard1 Battlechip data, 200z
Having cleansed the last virus Rook stands up and check his arm. "Tough little buggers, but all must be cleansed in the eyes of the maker"

Beep Beep!

Rook stop for a moment. "Wow seems he actually got some costumers. Well I guess i can deliver this invoice another time."

Rook stares blankly for just a second before his body falls apart into little rocks.

(Jacked Out)