The Karate Kid

Musou opened his eyes, rubbing them from the blinding rush of data and light that acompanied his entry into ACDC Net. He looked around at everything, taking in the view for the first time.

"Take a moment to get a feel for the area Musou and remember, we aren't here to sightsee, we are training." Ken said as his voice echoed from.. Where? His emblem? Was it linking him to his PET and Ken speaking through it? Hrm. Was it inside his head? Around his person? Ehh, no matter. If he bumped into anyone else around here he would ask. In the meantime he set off in a random direction.

Recently he had finished up the madness Ken called his 'basic' training and earned his black belt. Apparently Ken's father had overheard something about him giving away a black belt and snorted in disapproval when he found it was to a silly kids game. Ken had told him the hours and training he had put in, which had raised his interest a bit.

Mr Koboyashi had then stood in front of Ken's computer at that time and demanded a demonstration of every form they taught, from white belt to just before black. His doubts were quieted when he saw the technique. He had a good eye for technique and he recognised something that had been practiced ad-naseum. He also noticed his school's emblem on the navi's chest and on 'his' little gi. At the end of the demonstration he tapped his foot on the floor and just mumbled something about not bringing dishonor to the school as he walked out of Ken's room.

Musou remembered being nervous at first, wondering if he was accepted or not, but when Ken told him "Dad really cares, but his mood only ranges from dissapointment to quiet approval most of the time so I'd say your fine." They had shared a laugh at that one.

"Musou, you remember our agreement right? I realise this will be hard on you but you are to try your first battle with no chips. Show me everything you have learned. Show me your hard work and that you deserve the quick and easy power they bring", Ken's voice echoed.

"Yes sensei.." Musou said, less then excited. He knew if he didn't at least put on a good show and keep training every day that Ken would never give him any chips and his net life would be a living hell. "But at least promise me if things go really bad and I'm about to be deleted you'll cut me a break?" He grumbled outloud, seemingly to himself. Seemed to be the right place to talk to?

"I'll watch the fight. If you flail around and don't even try then you wont see the net again till you've cleared a month of intensive training. And I mean the twelve hours a day kind, minimum", Musou heard echo around him.

He clenched his teeth and raised his senses to to try and not allow in distractions. He liked training but Ken could be brutal when he was angry. "Yes Sensei." He grumbled once again as he explored the net.

((Requesting Battle #1))
For Musou's first exercise opponent, three metools bravely stood in front of the navi. They flailed their pickaxes wildly in order to intimidate Musou, but it was obvious that it was purely bark and no bite to back it...

MetoolA: 40 HP
MetoolB: 40 HP
MetoolC: 40 HP

Terrain: 100% Normal

Musou.EXE: 150 HP

Musou spotted the Metools as he approached and set into a fighting stance quickly. His first test. No boasting, no fear, no hesitation. At least untill he broke them in half, he thought with but a grin on his face to show.

Ken waited silently to see what Musou would have to show for all his training.

Musou calms himself, clearing his mind and focusing to feel the Metool's presence, atuning his chi to their energy. He slowly lets out a breath then without warning dashes directly for the group, leaping over and landing in the middle of them, releasing a loud "Keeeeyaaaahh" as he stomps to the ground like thunder.

Outwardly he grins wickedly at his opponents, radiating confidence as internally he concentrates to condense hls energy, feeling it channel through him and store in his fists for the coming storm.

1 - Activate Sig, Absorb Data: 15 healing on next opponent delete, 1TCD
2 - Movement/Tactical positioning
3 - Buster Charge
Charging up his attacks and preparing for the attack, Musou essentially simply sat there, waiting for the Metools to approach him. The viruses were confused for a moment, before realizing this was probably a chance for some easy meat! They threw their pickaxes collectively at the Navi, only to have two of them be handily evaded by Musou. The third, however, had a lucky break as it sheared past Musou's arm. (10)

MetoolA: 40 HP
MetoolB: 40 HP
MetoolC: 40 HP

Terrain: 100% Normal

Musou.EXE: 140 HP [Buster Charge 1] [15 Healing on Next Deletion]
Musou swiftly dodges the first swing at him, seeing it coming from a mile away. And if these virai were going to be that predictable that meant the next was coming in about.. There. He ducked the second, holding his low stance as he raised his hands and gave a "Woooooo-yah!" with a chuckle.

He barely had time to throw his arms in the air to cover hsi face as he flailed around at the last pickaxe and managed to knock it asside only after it had sliced his arm. He frowned. Lesson learned, for now anyway. Virai had ai of some kind too and they could be less predictable than he had.. predicted?

He grunted as he built his chi up within him again, feeling another surge of power travel into his fists. He grinned as he stood strait, fists tucked back against his waist. He crossed his arms over his chest, unleashing his inner chi and letting it fire through him. Indeed it looked like he was starting to get drunk off the feeling of power. He gave the Metool which had struck him a piercing stare along with a disquieting grin. He took a single step forward, just within a foot of the virus then without warning he spun back and to the right as he dropped his stance and brought his wrists together, fingers clenched tight, his hands imitating the jaws of a tiger. As he finally stopped his pivot and now faced one of the other Metools, he lunged his strike out at the poor virus, giving it everything he had and then some, acompanied by a lout shout of "KIIIYAHHH!". The only thought in his mind as he narrowed his focus into the blow was if this virus was anything like the training dummy he had been using, it was toast.

1-Buster Charge, level 2

2-Activate Sig, Inner Might: 40 Strengthen, 1TCD.

3-Charged buster shot @ Metool A, with all 40 strengthen + Bash (melee subtype)
Striking out at the Metool with his now charged-up power, Musou immediately took out the virus without hesitation, and deleted it. The other Metools drew back in a fit of fear, and erratically threw their pickaxes at him. Of course, haphazard attacking doesn't really work, y'know? Oh, wait, yeah, Musou also absorbed some of that delicious Metool's data or something and patched that wound on his arm.

MetoolB: 40 HP
MetoolC: 40 HP

Terrain: 100% Normal

Musou.EXE: 150 HP
Haven blown the first Metool to bits, he reveled in his success for a moment then spun around to face his remaining opponents. He calmed his mind of pride and carelessness as he again channeled to attune himself to their data..

Musou took his fighting stance again, then brought up his fists and slammed them together. Feeling his chi buildup within him as waves of power begain to trickle slowly through him at first then roll down his arms and into his fists, he held his stance and grinned as he said to his opponents "You could just run, you know? I won't judge. You tried and fought, no shame in that."

Ken, meanwhile raised an eyebrow and continued to watch. A navi that wasn't drunk with the thought of killing whatever was in front of him? So much for all the kids in school bragging about killing this and that or fighting untill EJO over and over. Their navis must have hated their guts, he thought.

1 - Activate Sig, Absorb Data: 15 healing on next opponent delete, 1TCD

2 - Buster Charge, level 1

3 - Buster Charge, level 2

Sig Inner Might cooldown: -1 (0) Ready
The Metools listened to Musou give his intimidating speech, trying to get them to leave the battlefield. Obviously, it didn't work, with them being the dumb viruses that they were. They tried to attack him differently this time, whacking their pickaxes on the ground, and sending a shockwave towards him. One passed by his side, but the other hit him straight on, giving him a bit of a nasty recoil. (10)

MetoolB: 40 HP
MetoolC: 40 HP

Terrain: 100% Normal

Musou.EXE: 140 HP [Buster Charge 2] [15 Heal - Next Delete]

[PS: Try dodging, it'll help you not get hit.]
((I thought I had to expend one of my actions to dodge? Also, if I do expend an action to dodge does it last the whole turn?))

Expecting some kind of answer, perhaps naively, he instead sees shockwaves coming a thim fast. New to this attack, he crosses he shifts into a backstance instinctivly with his arms raised across his chest and face. One of the waves goes narrowly by him but the other washes directly over him. He tenses his stance and applies more weight onto his back leg with the pressure to absorb the impact. It wasn't very painfull but his pride was injured more than his fody.

Musou growls "Fine! I gave you a chance!" as he leaps tword the closest Metool. His feet leave the ground for a moment during his jump as energy courses through his upper body and into his arms. He tries not to laugh madly with the feeling of power flowing through him and merely grins as he drops from the leap directly in front of a Metool, into a sweep. As part of a kata, he flows into the next movement, hoping to flip the thing upside down into a more vulnerable position but striking the virus nonetheless with everything hes got. He sends a punch forward like a bolt of lightning, sounding with a thunderous "Keeeyaaaaaahhhh!"

A few loose bolts of gold energy crackle across his body from his fist as they disipate.

As Ken watches he shakes his head. Showboating. Wasted movements and wasted energy, he thinks. It makes him ponder a moment at what is the source of enjoyment netbattlers recieve as they support and watch their navis fight? Is it like cheering on your team in a sporting game? Or maybe like rooting from the sidelines at a karate match, trying to bolster your team mate with a bit of your spirit. He decides it's something to worry about later, Musou seemed to have things under control.

1 - Activate Sig, Inner Might: 40 Strengthen, 1TCD

2 - Strike Metool B's feet, aiming for knockdown.

3 - Charged buster shot @ Metool B, with all 40 strengthen + Bash

Sig Inner Might cooldown: 1
Sig Absorb Date cooldown: 0 READY
[It'll last pretty much the turn, if roleplayed right. Also, wow, you've been getting seriously good rolls for some reason.]

Charging up for his mighty blow, Musou aimed for a full humiliation round, and struck at the targeted Metool's feet, knocking it over. A serious bashing ensued, after which the Metool keeled over, and Musou extracted its data for himself. The other Metool continued to try and attack him with its shockwave, but hilariously, it missed, even at this short of a range.

MetoolC: 40 HP

Terrain: 100% Normal

Musou.EXE: 150 HP
As the rush from the last attack leaves his body, Musou grumbles a bit. Even he isn't sure if it's because of the power leaving him or his lack of self control. He calms himself once again to try and find his focus... There is his opponent, there is it's data, and the energy it radiates, it's aura.

He begins tracking his foe's movements, knowing it's 1 on 1 now, watching, haven already seen the things throw their pickaxes, stab with them and launch a shockwave. He begins hopping on the balls of his feet and changing his stance to throw the thing off.

Ken watches, and has been watching since the beginning without distractions. He has come to the conclusion from the Metool's movements and reactions that they lack intelligence and are fighting with little more than instinct and emotional outbursts. Musou is giving them too much credit it seems, but best to not spoil his fight or let him overestimate any other opponents. Maybe there are even different, smarter breeds of Metool or smarter individuals. Hmm.

Musou grunts and crosses his arms over his chest firmly, feeling a quick burst of power buildup in his fists as he channels his chi. He resumes his fancy footwork just a few feet from the Metool, grinning wickedly.

1 - Activate Sig, Absorb Data: 15 healing on next opponent delete, 1TCD

2 - Dodge

3 - Buster Charge, level 1

Sig Inner Might cooldown: 0 READY
Sig Absorb Data cooldown: 1
The last remaining Metool began infuriated by Musou as it began to swing its pickaxe all over the place. Because it attacked so blindly, the navi was able to dodge the attack with ease while he began to charge up for his next attack.

MetoolC: 40 HP

Terrain: 100% Normal

Musou.EXE: 150 HP [Buster Charge 1/2] [15 Heal - Next Delete]
((This post is from my DSi, trying it out))

Musou let energy flow through him and buildup into his fists as he charged up to reach that sweet height of energy he felt before every release. Higher and higher and there, as he poured his chi into it and flooded his arms with power he was there. Kind of seemed a shame to loosethat feeling actually..

He decided the feeling of victory would have to do instead as he lept over and behind the virus. He swung his hips and upper body around, building momentum then released another thundering strike twords the Metool with a resounding "Yiiiiiaaaah!"

Ken shook his head, hoping this was almost over. He had to have a long talk with Musou.

1 - Buster Charge, level 2

2 - Sig, Inner Might: 40 Strengthen, 1tcd

3 - Charged Attack on Metool, +40 strengthen + Bash

Sig Inner Might cooldown: 1
Sig Absorb Data cooldown: 0 READY
With one last blow with his fist, Musou finally took down the group of viruses. The remains of the metool slowly broke down into a green crystal, opening by it self as it revealed a handful of Zenny and a chip for the navi to use!


Terrain: 100% Normal

Musou.EXE: 150 HP

120z + [Shockwave] Battlechip
Damage: 40 + Line Attack + Ground Attack
Accuracy: C
Description: Sends a narrow, but long, shock wave rolling in front of an enemy. Slow, but difficult to jump over due to its length.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Mousu pumped his fist in the air and cheered at his first victory. No chips, no operator, no problem! He had this whole nebattle thing down.

Ken watched and was quiet as he pieced together what he wanted to say to his navi and student.

"Hey Ken, you saw that right? I am awesome! That rocked." The navi spun around, fairly sure Ken could see him an bragged "And in the end, check it out, not a scratch on me!"

Ken decided he had put it off long enough, this was getting out of hand. He cleared his throat and began "Musou-". The navi knew that tone right away and cut him off "C'mon Ken, I won. Sure it wasn't perfect but it was my first fight and in case you forgot, let me remind you, I won and not a scratch on me." He grinned, not knowing a frown was on his operators face. He barely had time to scoop up the chip data and zenni before Ken's reply.

"Musou! Your jacking out NOW. Prepare for transfer!" Ken barked in a very displeased tone. Musou could only studder "Wha- but" before evrything went white as the world around him vanished.