Round 2

Armoury grinned as the tanks both bit the dust, she was on her way now as she turned her attention to the row of cannon's before her. Valis grinned along with her navi as she slotted in a sword chip, knowing that it would be over soon now. Armoury moved quickly as the bands of her arm came apart, staying constantly on the move to make it as difficult as possible for the cannons to get a lock. The aura of the blade suddenly flared to life as Armoury danced around the first cannon, her emerald blade slicing a deadly swath through the air in the cannon's direction.

There was no hesitation in Armoury's movements as she flowed from one swing to the next, turning to take an upward swing at the next cannon in line. With a crackle of energy another green arc filled the air before Armoury, the half fox navi grinning as she kept moving down the line. She let her body almost move of its own accord as she slipped back and forth between the cannons. Her movements almost appeared a bit hap hazard as she slid and danced between the cannons, but it was most certainly deliberate as it kept her movements difficult to predict. Her tail swung this way and that to keep her balance, despite the discord of her motions she was never off centre, and always planted, ready for any sudden movement.

1. Use Sword chip on CannondumbA (80dmg)
2. Use Sword chip on CannondumbB (80dmg)
3. Dodge
The first slash cut through one of the CannonDumbs' stands. The heavy head of the cannon fell to the ground and exploded, leaving the post it was resting on intact. The second CannonDumb was bisected down the middle with a rising strike. There was a short lag before both halves fell over and popped into clouds of junk data. One of the viruses managed to get a lock and fired, but Armoury was constantly moving and the attack missed by a mere footstep. There were only two Cannondumbs left and Armoury was still in peak condition. Victory was certain.

CannonDumbA: DELETED
CannonDumbB: DELETED
CannonDumbC: 30 HP
CannonDumbD: 50 HP
KabutankA: DELETED
KabutankB: DELETED

Terrain: 100% Normal

Armoury.EXE: 120 HP
Valis watched as her navi carved up the viruses while she moved along. Armoury meanwhile was actually quite enjoying herself while she slid to the right in front of the next cannon. Her blade flashed as she turned and ripped another brilliant green streak of energy through the air, trying to rend another cannon from its mountings. She quickly backpedalled to change direction and keep the final damaged cannon from getting a lock on her before making her move.

She stepped in close as Valis loaded one last chip into her PET and Armoury's left arm started to come apart, to revile a green barrel that the cannon might find familiar. The fox navi simply grinned as she painted a target on the cannon before her, stepping up to its side with the barrel of her own weapon held at point blank. She took in the delicious irony of the moment as the energy collected in the barrel of her own cannon before she opened fire, hoping that it would be her final shot. Her own revolvers had barely seen action in this fight but that was fine, certain that their time would come in the next battle she encountered.

1. Use Sword chip on CannondumbD (80dmg)
2. Dodge
3. Use Cannon chip on CannondumbC (40dmg) (Snipe ability)
With the last two viruses cut in half and destroyed by its own "comrade", Armoury emerged victorious over the horde of viruse and proceeded claimed the prize left by the enemy. The destroyed remain of the last virus formed into the reward, which was neatly spinning around, waiting for Valis.

CannonDumbA: DELETED
CannonDumbB: DELETED
CannonDumbC: DELETED
CannonDumbD: DELETED
KabutankA: DELETED
KabutankB: DELETED

Terrain: 100% Normal

Armoury.EXE: 120 HP

Rewards: 600z, [Cannon] BattleChip
Armoury relaxed as the last virus' data scattered, her weapons retracting as her arms returned to their normal state. She gathered up the spoils of her victory and had a better look around this new level of the net. It seemed a little rougher than the level she had just come from, but she wasn't too worried, pretty sure she could still get away if she needed to.

She continued on her way while Valis continued to look out for any viruses that might try to attack from behind, thinking that such an occurrence might be more likely here.

((Requesting battle 7))
It seems like Armoury's suspicion was correct when she spotted a group of Spikeys that tried to surround her. Knowing that they're caught, they stepped out of the shadow and faced head-to-head against the gun totting navi. But suddenly, two Fishys appeared out of nowhere and zoom towards Armoury with all their might!

SpikeyA: 90
SpikeyB: 90
SpikeyC: 90
SpikeyD: 90
FishyA: 90 [Fishy Group: ATTACKING ARMOURY]
FishyB: 90

Armoury.EXE: 120

Terrain: 100% Normal

Armoury turned quickly as she saw the large dog viruses emerge from the shadows, but was caught slightly off guard by the two flying viruses that were now descending upon her. Valis however saw them coming and quickly slotted in a chip for Armoury, the shield projector rapidly piecing itself together. With a snap and a whirr the shield blinked to life just in time as Armoury brought her arm up while she stepped to the side, trying to catch the charging virus with her shield. She'd fought a group like this before, but the two extra targets constantly diving at here would make it that much more complicated as she started painting targets on all of them to keep track of their position.

With her shield hopefully smashed over one of the viruses' heads she moved quickly to reposition on the group of canine viruses before the Fishies returned. Valis snapped in the next chip as armoury got herself set up, pulling the shotgun from the air as it ejected from her right arm. She moved in a quick circle around the group as she watched them closely, waiting for her moment to strike. She raised the shotgun as she nearly had two of them lined up, then grinned as she finally pulled the trigger. The spent shell went spinning from the chamber as Armoury pumped the shotgun before it disappeared, the explosive shell streaking towards its target while the navi kept moving.

The fox navi's boots thumped on the ground as she ran, moving at a full sprint to keep herself from getting caught up in the multiple attacks that could be headed her way. She was familiar with the Spikies now, she knew what to look for in their attack, and hopefully it would keep her out of trouble for now.

1. Dodge
2. Use Gaurd1 chip on FishyA
3. Use Shotgun chip on SpikeyA/SpikeyB (50dmg) (Snipe ability)
Armoury was able to successfully dodge one of the Fishy's surprise attack, however, she wasn't able to do so well for the next. She place her guard up in a perfect position between her and the Fishy, but at the force and speed the virus was traveling in, it literally passed by the guard chip and struck a quick yet harsh blow on Armoury's stomach. Even after the attack, the navi continued her assault and shot the two Spikeys full of lead.

SpikeyA: 40
SpikeyB: 40
SpikeyC: 90
SpikeyD: 90
FishyA: 90
FishyB: 75

Armoury.EXE: 105

Terrain: 100% Normal
Armoury clutched her stomach from the impact and growled, having once again gotten a little careless, she was quickly steady on her feet again and ready to press the attack. Her eyes narrowed she drew Cerberus and pulled an angry black chrome round from her pouch. With a click she snapped it into the chamber of her revolver, but she had a different plan than usual in mind as she eyed the group of fire viruses.

She could see numbers running across her vision as her targeting system made calculations then aimed her weapon to the left and fired. She ran forward as Cerberus seemed a little confused as he rocketed through the air at nothing in particular before the chain went taught. Armoury swung it forward towards the dogs while Cerberus snarled at them viciously. She tried to get the chain to wrap around the dog viruses before Cerberus attempted to sink his teeth into one of the dogs while Armoury pulled the chain tight, and if successful pull the dogs into a tight group.

Seeing what Armoury was aiming for Valis quickly slotted in the next chip, the navi pulling hard on the thick chain while her right arm split apart and a wide bore barrel thrust forward with a whirr and click while it locked in place. She strained hard against the chain as Cerberus tried to feed her energy, taking carful aim as the deadly round snapped into place and she finally opened fire. Her aim was still on the two viruses she previously hit, but if she was able to get the other two really in tight, she might be able to get lucky and hit another with the blast of the powerful incendiary round. Her only other hope is that she'd be able to avoid the other two viruses flying about, but the dogs were the biggest threat for the moment.

1. Use Greed of Cerberus on SpikeyC (20dmg/life drain)
2. Attempt to chain Spikies together
3. Use Heatshot1 chip on SpikeyA/SpikeyB/(Possible multiple targets) (40dmg/fire)
The chrome round hit the Spikey dead on and it was able to transfer the absorbed data into Armoury's wound. Her next move with the chains binding the viruses together seemed to work out. While they were binded, the Spikeys made a desperate attempt to free them selves by firing their fireballs at random direction, which, one of them managed to burn Armoury's back. She fired the Heatshot instant when she was hit and managed to hit three Spikeys at the same time, deleting two in the process.

SpikeyC: 70
SpikeyD: 50
FishyA: 90
FishyB: 75

Armoury.EXE: 95

Terrain: 100% Normal
Armoury flinched as she ended up burned on her back and the chain dissipated, growling at the scorch marks on her coat before she holstered her revolver again. She took a few steps back as the damage to her coat started to disappear as it took on a metallic shimmer, though the damage to the navi remained. She would remedy that later though as she moved into full combat mode, Valis started loading up chips as she saw her navi move in. Armoury watched the two flying viruses closely while the dogs were busy getting untangled from each other, a reticle appearing on each as she locked them in.

The bands of her arms started to split apart in quick succession, starting at her fingers and working their way all the way back up to her elbows as the mechanical components within started to relocate themselves. The first weapon to come together was one of her vicious cannons, the barrel spiralling out and snapping in place before the bands closed up around it and energy started to collect in the barrel. An ominous red glow shone from under the brim of the navi's hat as she got a solid lock on the undamaged Fishy. She'd have to take it's hp down a peg before she could take it out and with a powerful blast let the cannon shot fly. The ball of energy raced through the air towards the Fishy as she then moved towards the second one.

She knew that it was hurting from the impact with her guard shield and prepared to finally take it out while it drifted back and forth, waiting for it to charge. The components of her left arm had formed the hilt of her powerful sword and as she tried to coax the virus into attacking the blade started to extend. She waited for it to attack before she struck, the blade sparking to life as it fully extended, Armoury waiting until the last moment to bring her blade up. She slashed viciously at the charging virus, trying to split its data apart with the charged blade on her arm, her eyes flashed with the bright green arc flashing before her. She'd have to get more aggressive if she was going to hold her own in this place, there was no mercy for those hesitant to attack.

1. Use Bulletproof ability (1-hit shield)
2. Use Canon chip on FishyA (40dmg/knock back) (Snipe ability)
3. Use Sword chip on FishyB (80dmg/slashing)
As Armoury was preparing her defense, the two Fishy started to dash towards the navi the same instance! The unscratched Fishy looked cocky and rushed ahead of his partner, going with full force and determination to destroy his enemy. Little did it know, Armoury's signature marksmanship proved true as the cannon chip punched the Fishy right on the nose and knocked it far away. The second Fishy followed shortly after the first and attempted to bash its body on the navi as well. It was cautious and tried to remain vigilant about its situation, but as soon as Armoury was "open" it charged in. The navi took the hilt of the sword and gave a quick slash straight across the middle, splitting the virus into half. The Spikeys now got into their pack formation and prepared their attack against Armoury!

SpikeyC: 70
SpikeyD: 50
FishyA: 50 [Knocked Back]

Armoury.EXE: 95 [1-hit shield]

Terrain: 100% Normal
Armoury moved in quickly as the dog viruses regained their composure, time was important and she had to make sure to allow them as little as possible to prepare. She closed on the stronger of the two first, figuring that it'd be quicker to recover. The blade on her arm spun with a whirr and clacked as it locked into position for her next attack, the fox navi growling back at the dogs as she brought her arm up quickly in an uppercut motion at the first virus. Her blade hummed and crackled with the strike hoping to drop the virus before it had a chance to retaliate.

She was still weary of the flying virus that was hovering about, and she had to make sure to keep it at bay while she dealt with the Spikies. Valis fortunately had the same idea as she slotted in another of the new chips that her navi had acquired. Armoury ducked back for a moment as she locked onto the Fishy green components sliding forward and assembling themselves as she raised her arm to take aim. The reflecting of light from her eye off the brim of her hat lighting her face as she flashed her fangs at the virus, giving a vicious grin as she activated the cannon. With a deep baritone boom and a flash the energized round discharged from the weapon, quickly closing on its target as the cannon already started to dismantle itself.

She turned quickly between the dog viruses as she eyed the weaker of the two this time, weaving to keep herself a difficult target in such close quarters. One shot was all she needed and she'd nearly be home free, so she continued to press her attack and moved within striking distance of the second dog virus. She rolled to the outside of the dog and swung her blade up at its flank as she turned, cutting a bright green arc hopefully right through the large fire virus. Her proficiency was ranged combat, but the targets were so big that she'd probably have a hard time missing with her blade, that and they seemed to have more trouble in close than she did.

1. Use Sword chip on SpikeyC (80dmg/slashing)
2. Use Cannon chip on FishyA (40dmg/knockback) (Snipe ability)
3. Use Sword chip on SpikeyD (80dmg/slashing)
Armoury quickly dispatches one of the Spikey viruses before blasting a fishy virus back with a cannon. The fish is pushed so far away, not even its needles could reach Armoury. As she charges the last Spikey virus, it retaliates with a ball of flames. Her barrier deflects the projectile and cleaves the virus in two.

FishyA: 10 [Knocked Back]

Armoury.EXE: 95 [shield down]

Terrain: 100% Normal
Armoury relaxed as there was only one target left on the field and it was very heavily damaged indeed. The energy halo of her sword flickered then went out before the weapon started disassembling itself she wouldn't need it anymore. She reached behind herself as she kept an eye on the Fishy, pulling two rounds from the pouch on her belt. She snapped the chambers open on both of her weapons as she grinned sliding a special round into each of them.

"Alright boys, lets end this" she said softly as the chambers of her revolvers clicked back into place. Pegasus stayed in its holster while Armoury raised Cerberus to take aim at the remaining virus, her left eye shining from under her hat while she gave a fanged grin. Cerberus snarled in anticipation just before Armoury pulled the triggers on both her weapons. Pegasus offering its healing light to its master as Cerberus endeavoured to bring as much suffering as possible to its target. With the rattling of a heavy chain the canine head raced for the Fishy, having every intention of sinking its fangs in deep and ending the battle as well as the viruses' existence.

1. Use Grace of Pegasus (Heal 30hp)
2. Use Greed of Cerberus on FishyA (20dmg/life drain) (Snipe ability)
3. Dodge
As Armoury heals her damage with her signature, the last Fishy quickly tries to close the gap between the two of them as it rockets towards her...directly into Armoury's other signature, unleashing the power of Cerberus and stealing what life the Fishy had left...reward data sits mid-air, directly where the last fishy was at.


Armoury.EXE: 120

Terrain: 100% Normal

Rewards: DASH ATTACK chip+500z
Armoury dusted her coat off as she wandered over to collect the prize data and grinned back up at Valis.

"We're getting pretty good at this eh?" the navi said with a smile. Valis smirked and crossed her arms,

"No you're getting better at this, I'm just slotting in chips."

"Well if nothing else you're getting better at slotting in the right ones at the right time" said the half fox navi as she continued to search the lower level of the net for more viruses.

"Anything I can do to help," Valis replied and kept an eye out for more enemies along with Armoury.

((Requesting battle 8))