In his usual beam of blue light, SplashMan appeared on the virus busting scene once again. Couldn't say he was expecting it more than a minute ago, though..."Well, I'm here...let's get a waste chip and get out of here!"
"That's the plan. If we don't get anything quick, though, I may just buy another MiniBomb or something and use that. So don't worry about being in here for long!"
"Roger! Okay, I'm searching now!" And true to his word, the Navi quickly began searching the area for viruses.
(searching for Battle #1)
16 years ago
last edited by Invalid Date
Three Swordys and Two Champus meet the Splashman. The ground is normal, and everyone is ready for a fight. Is it time for battle? You bet it is. Splashman wants to make it quick? Well he better be on his toes, because everyone's getting READY TO RUMBLE.
SwordyA: 60 HP
SwordyB: 60 HP
SwordyC: 60 HP
ChampuA: 60 HP
ChampuB: 60 HP
Terrain: 100% Normal
Splashman.exe: 240 HP
SwordyA: 60 HP
SwordyB: 60 HP
SwordyC: 60 HP
ChampuA: 60 HP
ChampuB: 60 HP
Terrain: 100% Normal
Splashman.exe: 240 HP
16 years ago
last edited by Invalid Date
Swordy and Champy...perfect. SplashMan extended his arm, as if anticipating that he was about to shoot something from that part of his body. "Well, I found some viruses...let's take them out nice and quick!"
"Glad to see you're more in the spirit for it now!" After a moment of thinking, Sabrina pulled out a trio of identical chips, and quickly inserted them into her PET. More difficult than pointing at a holographic screen, yes. But it just felt more right. "Battlechip, MarkCannon! Triple slot in!" ...Come to think of it, she was sending multiple copies of those a lot lately. Oh well.
As such, a green and gray cannon formed over the hand of the extended arm of the Navi, completely with three shots. But instead of quickly firing, he let the MarkCannon's signature crosshairs form at his feet, and watched as it swept the area for suitable targets. And sure enough, a moment later, one was found in the vicinity of one of the Swordy. BAM! A shot was automatically aimed and fired towards the target, which hopefully was, in fact, the Swordy. The process was repeated, with another Swordy being approximately where the second attack locked onto. BAM! And the third chip activated, casuing a third cursor to move and stop around the area of the third Swordy. BAM! Which left the Champy as the only viruses he hadn't attempted to blast. "So, how do you want to cream these guys?"
"Hmm...let's take a non-water approach for a change!" The chosen approach would be...a chip featuring a walrus in a sailor shirt and cap. "Battlechip, TwinFang! Slot in!"
After the cannon faded, a tusk-like apparatus appeared on each side of SplashMan's arm. After the usual moment of aiming and double checking the aiming, the missile-like teeth were fired, each having the ideal mission of piercing the fiery boxers, and deleting them in the process. Getting deleted by a giant tooth...that had to be embarrassing. "Okay, that should take care of that!"
"Yep, but just in case it doesn't..." And for backup, a chip with some kind of...possibly bird-like thing was transferred. "Battlechip, DashAttack! Slot in!"
What appeared to be a Fishy virus formed on SplashMan's hand, and he looked over the area for any Swordy and Champy that managed to avoid his attacks. And if there were any...wham! He'd run them over in one fell swoop. And if there weren't...well, it wouldn't be the first waste of a chip transfer ever.
[Order of Turn:
1-MarkCannon1 chip attack on SwordyA (70, locks on)
2-MarkCannon1 chip attack on SwordyB (70, locks on)
3-MarkCannon1 chip attack on SwordyC (70, locks on)
4-TwinFang1 chip attack on ChampuA and ChampuB (70)
5-DashAttack on SwordyA, SwordyB, SwordyC, ChampuA, and ChampuB (whoever remains) (90, Impact)]
"Glad to see you're more in the spirit for it now!" After a moment of thinking, Sabrina pulled out a trio of identical chips, and quickly inserted them into her PET. More difficult than pointing at a holographic screen, yes. But it just felt more right. "Battlechip, MarkCannon! Triple slot in!" ...Come to think of it, she was sending multiple copies of those a lot lately. Oh well.
As such, a green and gray cannon formed over the hand of the extended arm of the Navi, completely with three shots. But instead of quickly firing, he let the MarkCannon's signature crosshairs form at his feet, and watched as it swept the area for suitable targets. And sure enough, a moment later, one was found in the vicinity of one of the Swordy. BAM! A shot was automatically aimed and fired towards the target, which hopefully was, in fact, the Swordy. The process was repeated, with another Swordy being approximately where the second attack locked onto. BAM! And the third chip activated, casuing a third cursor to move and stop around the area of the third Swordy. BAM! Which left the Champy as the only viruses he hadn't attempted to blast. "So, how do you want to cream these guys?"
"Hmm...let's take a non-water approach for a change!" The chosen approach would be...a chip featuring a walrus in a sailor shirt and cap. "Battlechip, TwinFang! Slot in!"
After the cannon faded, a tusk-like apparatus appeared on each side of SplashMan's arm. After the usual moment of aiming and double checking the aiming, the missile-like teeth were fired, each having the ideal mission of piercing the fiery boxers, and deleting them in the process. Getting deleted by a giant tooth...that had to be embarrassing. "Okay, that should take care of that!"
"Yep, but just in case it doesn't..." And for backup, a chip with some kind of...possibly bird-like thing was transferred. "Battlechip, DashAttack! Slot in!"
What appeared to be a Fishy virus formed on SplashMan's hand, and he looked over the area for any Swordy and Champy that managed to avoid his attacks. And if there were any...wham! He'd run them over in one fell swoop. And if there weren't...well, it wouldn't be the first waste of a chip transfer ever.
[Order of Turn:
1-MarkCannon1 chip attack on SwordyA (70, locks on)
2-MarkCannon1 chip attack on SwordyB (70, locks on)
3-MarkCannon1 chip attack on SwordyC (70, locks on)
4-TwinFang1 chip attack on ChampuA and ChampuB (70)
5-DashAttack on SwordyA, SwordyB, SwordyC, ChampuA, and ChampuB (whoever remains) (90, Impact)]
16 years ago
last edited by Invalid Date
Splashman pulls out a Markcannon and lets one shot fly right after the other, a total of three times. With the chip's signature lock-on system, each of the blasts easily find their targets and take them down. After that, he fires off two cone-like projectiles, which strike down the Champus. Splashman dashes around the field, though with nothing left to fight, he doesn't come in contact with anything.
Terrain: 100% Normal
Splashman.exe: 240 HP
Rewards: 660z
Terrain: 100% Normal
Splashman.exe: 240 HP
Rewards: 660z
16 years ago
last edited by Invalid Date
After having an incredibly easy time with the viruses, SplashMan raced over and checked the reward data. ...Crud, no chips. "Just cash this time! Sending it over! Should I jack out now, and you just buy a MiniBomb or something?"
"Hmm...nah, that battle was really quick! Keep going, we've got more than enough time to try again!"
"I'm on it! Let's hope we get better luck next time!" And so, since he was on a time limit, he raced further into the net, in search of viruses. Sure, it was because his operator was being stingy with her cash, but he didn't really mind.
"Hmm...nah, that battle was really quick! Keep going, we've got more than enough time to try again!"
"I'm on it! Let's hope we get better luck next time!" And so, since he was on a time limit, he raced further into the net, in search of viruses. Sure, it was because his operator was being stingy with her cash, but he didn't really mind.
16 years ago
last edited by Invalid Date
A large group of Spookies and Bunnies came towards Splashman! They were weak, very weak, but isn't there a saying that power comes in numbers? Anyhow, they're starting to attack all at once!
SpookyA: 30
SpookyB: 30
SpookyC: 30
SpookyD: 30
SpookyE: 30
SpookyF: 30
BunnyA: 50
BunnyB: 50
BunnyC: 50
BunnyD: 50
BunnyE: 50
BunnyF: 50
Terrain: 100% Normal
Splashman.exe: 240 HP
SpookyA: 30
SpookyB: 30
SpookyC: 30
SpookyD: 30
SpookyE: 30
SpookyF: 30
BunnyA: 50
BunnyB: 50
BunnyC: 50
BunnyD: 50
BunnyE: 50
BunnyF: 50
Terrain: 100% Normal
Splashman.exe: 240 HP
16 years ago
last edited by Invalid Date
...Well, it wasn't like he couldn't whip this group nice and quick, but...yeah, missing was definitely not an option. "That's...a lot of viruses..."
"Yeah...well, let's see if we can beat them all before they can attack! What's the saying? The best defense is a good offense?" Not one, not two, not even three, but four chips featuring a Lark virus in mid-attacking was sent over from operator to Navi. "Now let's see some offense! Battlechip, WideShot! Quadruple slot in!"
And that was how SplashMan's hand became the wide mouthed water blaster that it had become many, many times before. And it was as good as anything at destroying hordes of low HP viruses. But since he couldn't do that if he didn't shoot...he started by turning towards a trio of Spooky, and letting loose a wave of water towards them. Three down...more than three to go. He didn't really have time to count. Instead, he decided to make the numbers go down further, by blasting the other three ghostly viruses with water.
That made half of the viruses accounted for...he thought. Looked like the Spooky and Bunny viruses were equal in number earlier, but admittedly he wasn't paying that much attention to the numbers. So, he chose to reduce those numbers with a third WideShot attack, this time on the more electrically inclined group. And that left...three Bunny. He could tell by now because the ones he hadn't shot at yet all fit within the range of his Aqua attack. And so...whoosh! The last wide attack was executed, and his hand once again was his ordinary hand. Which meant this was the time where he quickly looked around to see if anything was still around, and to dodge accordingly. Or at least get hit trying. Or, if they were really good, get hit not trying. But that didn't sound good at all.
[Order of Turn:
1-WideShot1 chip attack on SpookyA, SpookyB, and SpookyC (60+10, Aqua) (Aqua Boost)
2-WideShot1 chip attack on SpookyD, SpookyE, and SpookyF (60+10, Aqua) (Aqua Boost)
3-WideShot1 chip attack on BunnyA, BunnyB, and BunnyC (60+10, Aqua) (Aqua Boost)
4-WideShot1 chip attack on BunnyD, BunnyE, and BunnyF (60+10, Aqua) (Aqua Boost)
"Yeah...well, let's see if we can beat them all before they can attack! What's the saying? The best defense is a good offense?" Not one, not two, not even three, but four chips featuring a Lark virus in mid-attacking was sent over from operator to Navi. "Now let's see some offense! Battlechip, WideShot! Quadruple slot in!"
And that was how SplashMan's hand became the wide mouthed water blaster that it had become many, many times before. And it was as good as anything at destroying hordes of low HP viruses. But since he couldn't do that if he didn't shoot...he started by turning towards a trio of Spooky, and letting loose a wave of water towards them. Three down...more than three to go. He didn't really have time to count. Instead, he decided to make the numbers go down further, by blasting the other three ghostly viruses with water.
That made half of the viruses accounted for...he thought. Looked like the Spooky and Bunny viruses were equal in number earlier, but admittedly he wasn't paying that much attention to the numbers. So, he chose to reduce those numbers with a third WideShot attack, this time on the more electrically inclined group. And that left...three Bunny. He could tell by now because the ones he hadn't shot at yet all fit within the range of his Aqua attack. And so...whoosh! The last wide attack was executed, and his hand once again was his ordinary hand. Which meant this was the time where he quickly looked around to see if anything was still around, and to dodge accordingly. Or at least get hit trying. Or, if they were really good, get hit not trying. But that didn't sound good at all.
[Order of Turn:
1-WideShot1 chip attack on SpookyA, SpookyB, and SpookyC (60+10, Aqua) (Aqua Boost)
2-WideShot1 chip attack on SpookyD, SpookyE, and SpookyF (60+10, Aqua) (Aqua Boost)
3-WideShot1 chip attack on BunnyA, BunnyB, and BunnyC (60+10, Aqua) (Aqua Boost)
4-WideShot1 chip attack on BunnyD, BunnyE, and BunnyF (60+10, Aqua) (Aqua Boost)
16 years ago
last edited by Invalid Date
Splashman spams his Wideshot like crazy, and the end result is...., those things must've dodged well. There were two of each kinds of virus left, but since they dodged, it might take a little more time for them to move.
SpookyA: 30
SpookyF: 30
BunnyB: 50
BunnyE: 50
Terrain: 100% Normal
Splashman.exe: 240 HP, those things must've dodged well. There were two of each kinds of virus left, but since they dodged, it might take a little more time for them to move.
SpookyA: 30
SpookyF: 30
BunnyB: 50
BunnyE: 50
Terrain: 100% Normal
Splashman.exe: 240 HP
16 years ago
last edited by Invalid Date
And thus did SplashMan realize the truth of the addage, "Thou canst not solve thy problems by merely attacking them all with WideShot". Or maybe that was just something he made up right then and there. Regardless, he still had viruses to take out. "I didn't get them all..."
"Yeah, I have eyes. Lemme think...if I remember right, Spooky move whenever you get right in front of them. So we need to use something that won't make you have to attack them directly. Like...this!" A chip featuring one of the varieties of Puffy was inserted into Sabrina's PET...the pink kind with spikes. "Battlechip, AquaNeedle! Slot in!"
The Aqua Navi waved his arm, causing three needles to fall from the sky towards the remaining pair of ghosts. A single one towards the closer one, and the other two at the one further back. AquaNeedle sure was relatively stress-free compared to other chips in that regard. "That should take care of our ghost what about the Bunnies?"
"Uh...just shoot 'em down with this!" Two more water-based chips were sent over...these featured shrimp viruses. "Battlechip, Bubbler! Double slot in!"
SplashMan's hand performed its obligatory fading, to make room for a hose shaped gun to form. And then it was a highly simple procedure: aim the nozzle towards the virus, figuratively pull the trigger, and watch as bubbles did the dirty work...figuratively. But more importantly, with any luck the Elec virus was literally deleted. And since there were two Bunny viruses left at the onset, he literally repeated the process on the other one. "Think that did it!"
"Yeah...but just in case..." Once more, a chip featuring a Fishy virus was slammed into the PET, in the event that something was still hopping...figuratively and/or literally. "Battlechip, DashAttack! Slot in!"
It had taken almost two full attack rounds, but the Navi finally received something besides an Aqua chip, which he found a small amount of displeasure in. But he knew what it was for, so he allowed the fake virus to form on his hand, and flew around the area, attempting to ram anything that was still moving. Or possibly not moving. As soon as he landed after the attack, he turned around, to see if anything had managed to avoid all of that. And if anything HAD managed to not get deleted by now, they deserved to get an attack in edgewise.
[Order of Turn:
1-AquaNeedle1 chip attack on SpookyA (20+10, Aqua) and SpookyF ([20+10]x2)
2-Bubbler chip attack on BunnyB (50+10, Aqua) (Aqua Boost)
3-Bubbler chip attack on BunnyE (50+10, Aqua) (Aqua Boost)
4-DashAttack on SpookyA, SpookyF, BunnyB, and BunnyE (anything that might be left) (90, Impact)
"Yeah, I have eyes. Lemme think...if I remember right, Spooky move whenever you get right in front of them. So we need to use something that won't make you have to attack them directly. Like...this!" A chip featuring one of the varieties of Puffy was inserted into Sabrina's PET...the pink kind with spikes. "Battlechip, AquaNeedle! Slot in!"
The Aqua Navi waved his arm, causing three needles to fall from the sky towards the remaining pair of ghosts. A single one towards the closer one, and the other two at the one further back. AquaNeedle sure was relatively stress-free compared to other chips in that regard. "That should take care of our ghost what about the Bunnies?"
"Uh...just shoot 'em down with this!" Two more water-based chips were sent over...these featured shrimp viruses. "Battlechip, Bubbler! Double slot in!"
SplashMan's hand performed its obligatory fading, to make room for a hose shaped gun to form. And then it was a highly simple procedure: aim the nozzle towards the virus, figuratively pull the trigger, and watch as bubbles did the dirty work...figuratively. But more importantly, with any luck the Elec virus was literally deleted. And since there were two Bunny viruses left at the onset, he literally repeated the process on the other one. "Think that did it!"
"Yeah...but just in case..." Once more, a chip featuring a Fishy virus was slammed into the PET, in the event that something was still hopping...figuratively and/or literally. "Battlechip, DashAttack! Slot in!"
It had taken almost two full attack rounds, but the Navi finally received something besides an Aqua chip, which he found a small amount of displeasure in. But he knew what it was for, so he allowed the fake virus to form on his hand, and flew around the area, attempting to ram anything that was still moving. Or possibly not moving. As soon as he landed after the attack, he turned around, to see if anything had managed to avoid all of that. And if anything HAD managed to not get deleted by now, they deserved to get an attack in edgewise.
[Order of Turn:
1-AquaNeedle1 chip attack on SpookyA (20+10, Aqua) and SpookyF ([20+10]x2)
2-Bubbler chip attack on BunnyB (50+10, Aqua) (Aqua Boost)
3-Bubbler chip attack on BunnyE (50+10, Aqua) (Aqua Boost)
4-DashAttack on SpookyA, SpookyF, BunnyB, and BunnyE (anything that might be left) (90, Impact)
16 years ago
last edited by Invalid Date
Splashman rains some needles down from the sky which manage to take down the remaining two Spookies. He then fires a Bubbler at each of the remaining bunnies, deleting both. With his enemies defeated, he activates his Dash chip and takes a victory lap... figuratively.
Terrain: 100% Normal
Splashman.exe: 240 HP
Rewards: 1300z
Terrain: 100% Normal
Splashman.exe: 240 HP
Rewards: 1300z
16 years ago
last edited by Invalid Date
Phew, another battle completed. SplashMan raced over to the reward data, and accessed it. ...0 for 2. At least there was still a decent amount of cash. "No chip data this time, either!"
"...Ugh! Of all the times...well, I think we've got enough time for one more try. Keep on truckin'!"
Well, he didn't have time to argue with that, so..."Right! Moving on!"
"By the way...did you notice it yet?"
"Notice what?"
"Eh...I'll tell you in a little bit!"
"...If you say so..." Despite a new round of confusion, he had no time to waste. So, he raced further into ACDC, in search of more viruses to bust.
(searching for Battle #3)
"...Ugh! Of all the times...well, I think we've got enough time for one more try. Keep on truckin'!"
Well, he didn't have time to argue with that, so..."Right! Moving on!"
"By the way...did you notice it yet?"
"Notice what?"
"Eh...I'll tell you in a little bit!"
"...If you say so..." Despite a new round of confusion, he had no time to waste. So, he raced further into ACDC, in search of more viruses to bust.
(searching for Battle #3)
16 years ago
last edited by Invalid Date
Splashman comes across a cluster of rocks that seem oddly placed. As he approaches the outcrop, Powies and Melodys leap out from behind them while Pulsebats drop down from the sky! It's an ambush!
PowieEXA: 100 HP
PowieEXB: 100 HP
MelodyA: 80 HP
MelodyB: 80 HP
PulsebatEXA: 120 HP
PulsebatEXB: 120 HP
RockA: 200 HP
RockB: 200 HP
RockC: 200 HP
RockD: 200 HP
RockE: Adriaaannnn 200 HP
Splashman: 240 HP
Terrain : 100% Normal
[Battle 3 - Begin!]
PowieEXA: 100 HP
PowieEXB: 100 HP
MelodyA: 80 HP
MelodyB: 80 HP
PulsebatEXA: 120 HP
PulsebatEXB: 120 HP
RockA: 200 HP
RockB: 200 HP
RockC: 200 HP
RockD: 200 HP
RockE: Adriaaannnn 200 HP
Splashman: 240 HP
Terrain : 100% Normal
[Battle 3 - Begin!]
16 years ago
last edited by Invalid Date
Paperweights, music notes, and bats, oh my! ...Then again, they all paled in comparison to that shark thing he fought back in Yoka. So really, nuts to them. "Here we go again...what should we do this time?"
"Well, those rocks can really screw a lot of attacks we need to try sticking with chips that can ignore them! I mean, getting them out of the way would be even more awesome, but destroying them would take too long, and no offense, but you're probably not strong enough to move rocks..."
"They look like they're embedded in the floor...yeah, I don't think I can even make them yeah. We'll go with your Plan A!"
"Right on!" And with all the options available to her...Sabrina selected a chip featuring a RainGear breathing water on whatever was in front of it...wait, breathing water? That made no sense..."Battlechip, WaterLine! Slot in!"
And so, SplashMan's hand faded, making room for a replica of the water-based virus. He positioned it towards the two Melody, and let the mouth open, causing three geysers to rise from the ground in their area. Not that that third geyser mattered, what with the fact he wasn't even trying to hit anything with it. "One attack done!"
"Hmm..." In what could only be described as a shocking twist, the young woman actually stopped and thought about what to use next for a moment, before settling on one featuring a purple virus with a large hammer. "...Sorry, had to think for a sec! Battlechip, BigHammer! Slot in!"
Again, the Navi's feet didn't even need to move, as a Gaia virus suddenly appeared in front of one of the powerful Batty viruses, raised its hammer, and lowered it, hopefully right on its head, before fading into nothingness. Definitely still not the least Navi-friendly chip ever.
"Okay, this next one's a two-parter. First up...this!" The third chip to with a picture of a cloud holding a red and yellow umbrella. "Battlechip, LilCloud! Slot in!"
Appropriately, a small cloud formed right above SplashMan's head, and directed it over towards the pair of breaking viruses. Once it reached the area with them, it rain. That had to be some painful rain...but he wasn't going to pick now to complain about it. That was for when he found the virus that gave the chip out and he got attacked by it himself. "Part one complete, apparently! What's part two?"
"Part two get this into part one's path!" Another unique chip made its way into Sabrina's PET, which this one featuring some sort of plant virus spitting out a rather large seed. "Battlechip, TreeBomb! Slot in!"
A seed that strongly resembled the one on the chip appeared in the Aqua Navi's right hand, and still looking as much like a bomb as ever...which was not very much. Nevertheless, he looked at where the cloud was moving, and attempted to throw it right into the storm's path. If you could call that a storm, anyway. "Done! Now what's next?"
"'s the part where you try and not get attacked by avoiding attacks!"
"Oh..." Though not exactly thrilled at the idea, SplashMan looked around the area, to locate incoming attacks and get out of their range before they could get there.
[Order of Turn:
1-WaterLine1 chip attack on MelodyA and MelodyB (80+10, Aqua) (Aqua Boost)
2-BigHammer1 chip attack on PulsebatEXB (160, Break)
3-LilCloud chip attack on PowieEXA and PowieEXB (70+10, Aqua) (Aqua Boost)
4-TreeBomb1 chip attack on path of LilCloud (60, Wood, activates +30 power and WoodTower effect if hit by water)
"Well, those rocks can really screw a lot of attacks we need to try sticking with chips that can ignore them! I mean, getting them out of the way would be even more awesome, but destroying them would take too long, and no offense, but you're probably not strong enough to move rocks..."
"They look like they're embedded in the floor...yeah, I don't think I can even make them yeah. We'll go with your Plan A!"
"Right on!" And with all the options available to her...Sabrina selected a chip featuring a RainGear breathing water on whatever was in front of it...wait, breathing water? That made no sense..."Battlechip, WaterLine! Slot in!"
And so, SplashMan's hand faded, making room for a replica of the water-based virus. He positioned it towards the two Melody, and let the mouth open, causing three geysers to rise from the ground in their area. Not that that third geyser mattered, what with the fact he wasn't even trying to hit anything with it. "One attack done!"
"Hmm..." In what could only be described as a shocking twist, the young woman actually stopped and thought about what to use next for a moment, before settling on one featuring a purple virus with a large hammer. "...Sorry, had to think for a sec! Battlechip, BigHammer! Slot in!"
Again, the Navi's feet didn't even need to move, as a Gaia virus suddenly appeared in front of one of the powerful Batty viruses, raised its hammer, and lowered it, hopefully right on its head, before fading into nothingness. Definitely still not the least Navi-friendly chip ever.
"Okay, this next one's a two-parter. First up...this!" The third chip to with a picture of a cloud holding a red and yellow umbrella. "Battlechip, LilCloud! Slot in!"
Appropriately, a small cloud formed right above SplashMan's head, and directed it over towards the pair of breaking viruses. Once it reached the area with them, it rain. That had to be some painful rain...but he wasn't going to pick now to complain about it. That was for when he found the virus that gave the chip out and he got attacked by it himself. "Part one complete, apparently! What's part two?"
"Part two get this into part one's path!" Another unique chip made its way into Sabrina's PET, which this one featuring some sort of plant virus spitting out a rather large seed. "Battlechip, TreeBomb! Slot in!"
A seed that strongly resembled the one on the chip appeared in the Aqua Navi's right hand, and still looking as much like a bomb as ever...which was not very much. Nevertheless, he looked at where the cloud was moving, and attempted to throw it right into the storm's path. If you could call that a storm, anyway. "Done! Now what's next?"
"'s the part where you try and not get attacked by avoiding attacks!"
"Oh..." Though not exactly thrilled at the idea, SplashMan looked around the area, to locate incoming attacks and get out of their range before they could get there.
[Order of Turn:
1-WaterLine1 chip attack on MelodyA and MelodyB (80+10, Aqua) (Aqua Boost)
2-BigHammer1 chip attack on PulsebatEXB (160, Break)
3-LilCloud chip attack on PowieEXA and PowieEXB (70+10, Aqua) (Aqua Boost)
4-TreeBomb1 chip attack on path of LilCloud (60, Wood, activates +30 power and WoodTower effect if hit by water)
16 years ago
last edited by Invalid Date
((I got lazy in the mid-way. Don't blame me~))
The powerful geysers popped out from the ground and it was able to destroy one of the Melody. SplashMan made quick work with his feet to attack with his BigHammer, but the Pulsebat easily dodged it by flying higher. The other Pulsebat took this chance to amplify his attack with the rock and directly damage the navi with super-sonic sonar.
The rest of the battle went by the flash as Splashman was successfully able wound couple of viruses while getting the minimal amount of damage to him.
PowieEXA: 20 HP
PowieEXB: 20 HP
MelodyA: 80 HP
PulsebatEXA: 120 HP
PulsebatEXB: 120 HP [High Altitude]
RockA: 120 HP
RockB: 150 HP
RockC: 200 HP
RockD: 110 HP
RockE: Adriaaannnn 40 HP
Splashman: 215 HP
Terrain : 100% Normal
The powerful geysers popped out from the ground and it was able to destroy one of the Melody. SplashMan made quick work with his feet to attack with his BigHammer, but the Pulsebat easily dodged it by flying higher. The other Pulsebat took this chance to amplify his attack with the rock and directly damage the navi with super-sonic sonar.
The rest of the battle went by the flash as Splashman was successfully able wound couple of viruses while getting the minimal amount of damage to him.
PowieEXA: 20 HP
PowieEXB: 20 HP
MelodyA: 80 HP
PulsebatEXA: 120 HP
PulsebatEXB: 120 HP [High Altitude]
RockA: 120 HP
RockB: 150 HP
RockC: 200 HP
RockD: 110 HP
RockE: Adriaaannnn 40 HP
Splashman: 215 HP
Terrain : 100% Normal
16 years ago
last edited by Invalid Date
...Crud, he really messed that one up. The damage didn't bother him too much, but all those misses...ugh. "Ack! I'm sorry, Sabrina...I screwed things up with all those misses!"
"Eh, don't worry about it! Just make sure you don't mess up this time!" Sabrina pulled out two different chips, and simultaneously inserted them into her PET. Usually when she did this, one of the two was AreaGrab, and other was a close range attack. And sure enough..."Battlechip, AreaGrab! BattleChip, AquaSword! Double slot in!"
SplashMan teleported from his present spot, reappearing behind the BattyEX that remained close to the ground, and now possessing a sword of water power. He then chose not to waste any chance of an element of surprise, and quickly delivered two quick slashes that would have roughly formed a X shape if the attack left a trail...and it didn't. "Okay, that should be one less virus to worry about!" And now, to quickly eliminate something on his own...that Melody looked good for that. Using his improved water cannons, he brought them over his shoulders, and sent forth gallons upon gallons of pressurized water sailing towards it. ...Come to think of it, that looked like more water than he remembered it using..."Is it just me, or did that look stronger than usual?"
"Glad you finally noticed! I used those Process Upgrades right away, and I made your moves more powerful! I even made you a new move that covers the area it hits with sea panels! But I think we should save that for later..." Instead of letting her Navi test the new attack, she sent over a chip featuring the pink variety of Puffy virus. "Battlechip, AquaNeedle! Slot in!"
And thus did SplashMan wave his arm, signaling the raining doom of three needles. And the needles sailed down from the cyberheavens, and attempted to strike the paperweight viruses. And the Navi found it to be good. ...Unless it missed, in which case it was very bad. But he wasn't one to think negatively that often. Speaking of felt like both he and his operator forgot something. But what...?
[Order of Turn:
1-AreaGrab chip to behind PulsebatEXA (teleports user)
2-AquaSword chip attack on PulsebatEXA (80+10, Aqua) (Aqua Boost)
3-AquaSword chip attack on PulsebatEXA (80+10, Aqua) (Aqua Boost)
4-Water Splash sig attack on MelodyA (160, Aqua)
5-AquaNeedle1 chip attack on PowieEXA (20+10, Aqua) and PowieEXB ([20+10]x2, Aqua)]
"Eh, don't worry about it! Just make sure you don't mess up this time!" Sabrina pulled out two different chips, and simultaneously inserted them into her PET. Usually when she did this, one of the two was AreaGrab, and other was a close range attack. And sure enough..."Battlechip, AreaGrab! BattleChip, AquaSword! Double slot in!"
SplashMan teleported from his present spot, reappearing behind the BattyEX that remained close to the ground, and now possessing a sword of water power. He then chose not to waste any chance of an element of surprise, and quickly delivered two quick slashes that would have roughly formed a X shape if the attack left a trail...and it didn't. "Okay, that should be one less virus to worry about!" And now, to quickly eliminate something on his own...that Melody looked good for that. Using his improved water cannons, he brought them over his shoulders, and sent forth gallons upon gallons of pressurized water sailing towards it. ...Come to think of it, that looked like more water than he remembered it using..."Is it just me, or did that look stronger than usual?"
"Glad you finally noticed! I used those Process Upgrades right away, and I made your moves more powerful! I even made you a new move that covers the area it hits with sea panels! But I think we should save that for later..." Instead of letting her Navi test the new attack, she sent over a chip featuring the pink variety of Puffy virus. "Battlechip, AquaNeedle! Slot in!"
And thus did SplashMan wave his arm, signaling the raining doom of three needles. And the needles sailed down from the cyberheavens, and attempted to strike the paperweight viruses. And the Navi found it to be good. ...Unless it missed, in which case it was very bad. But he wasn't one to think negatively that often. Speaking of felt like both he and his operator forgot something. But what...?
[Order of Turn:
1-AreaGrab chip to behind PulsebatEXA (teleports user)
2-AquaSword chip attack on PulsebatEXA (80+10, Aqua) (Aqua Boost)
3-AquaSword chip attack on PulsebatEXA (80+10, Aqua) (Aqua Boost)
4-Water Splash sig attack on MelodyA (160, Aqua)
5-AquaNeedle1 chip attack on PowieEXA (20+10, Aqua) and PowieEXB ([20+10]x2, Aqua)]
16 years ago
last edited by Invalid Date
The grab and stab combo worked well against the PulsebatEX but while Splashman was laying waste to that virus, the other one descended back down to his level and launched a sonic wave. The attack bounced off the rocks, hitting the navi again with a reflected screech. His following Water Splash wasn't as effective as the Melody bounded behind a rock in time for the attack to miss. However, the powerful attack was able to blast through the rock, reducing it to pebbles. The two Powies didn't stand much of a chance against the following Aquaneedle and both were deleted quickly.
MelodyA: 80 HP
PulsebatEXB: 120 HP
RockA: 120 HP
RockC: 150 HP
RockD: 110 HP
RockE: Adriaaannnn 40 HP
Splashman: 190 HP
Terrain : 100% Normal
MelodyA: 80 HP
PulsebatEXB: 120 HP
RockA: 120 HP
RockC: 150 HP
RockD: 110 HP
RockE: Adriaaannnn 40 HP
Splashman: 190 HP
Terrain : 100% Normal
16 years ago
last edited by Invalid Date
...And that answered that. Stupid second BattyEX and its existing. "Okay, let's end this! Sabrina, that new attack you were talking it strong enough to defeat that music note virus?"
"Yeah, it's called Flood Cannon. Basically, you shoot a blob of water at something, and when it hits it, it explodes and floods the area. And it should do just enough to delete it."
"Well, then I'm trying it!" SplashMan's cannons went into action once more...but instead of the previous blast of water, he shot out...two circular blobs of water. Didn't look like much, but as they approached the area with the Melody...bam! A massive, watery explosion gave ACDC Area a new pond, and hopefully one that was free of bouncing musical notes. "Wow...that was kinda weird, but it's not bad at all! It oughta come in handy once I get the hang of it!"
"And knowing you, that shouldn't take too long...but now, we're going to finally finish off that Batty!" When four chips entered Sabrina's PET at the same time, there could only be one possible explanation for it. "Battlechip, WideShot! Quadruple slot in!"
The water gun formed on the Navi's hand, though he took just a split second to look back when he heard the word 'quadruple'. That was overkill, but he figured she was taking no, he took action. He turned over to the bat virus, and started blasting wave after wave of wide water attacks, until he completely ran out of shots. He didn't even bother stopping to see if it was deleted/flying up until he finished...
[Order of Turn:
1-Flood Cannon sig attack on MelodyA (80, Aqua, Blast 2, medium area terrain change: Sea)
2-WideShot1 chip attack on PulsebatEXB (60+10, Aqua) (Aqua Boost)
3-WideShot1 chip attack on PulsebatEXB (60+10, Aqua) (Aqua Boost)
4-WideShot1 chip attack on PulsebatEXB (60+10, Aqua) (Aqua Boost)
5-WideShot1 chip attack on PulsebatEXB (60+10, Aqua) (Aqua Boost)
"Yeah, it's called Flood Cannon. Basically, you shoot a blob of water at something, and when it hits it, it explodes and floods the area. And it should do just enough to delete it."
"Well, then I'm trying it!" SplashMan's cannons went into action once more...but instead of the previous blast of water, he shot out...two circular blobs of water. Didn't look like much, but as they approached the area with the Melody...bam! A massive, watery explosion gave ACDC Area a new pond, and hopefully one that was free of bouncing musical notes. "Wow...that was kinda weird, but it's not bad at all! It oughta come in handy once I get the hang of it!"
"And knowing you, that shouldn't take too long...but now, we're going to finally finish off that Batty!" When four chips entered Sabrina's PET at the same time, there could only be one possible explanation for it. "Battlechip, WideShot! Quadruple slot in!"
The water gun formed on the Navi's hand, though he took just a split second to look back when he heard the word 'quadruple'. That was overkill, but he figured she was taking no, he took action. He turned over to the bat virus, and started blasting wave after wave of wide water attacks, until he completely ran out of shots. He didn't even bother stopping to see if it was deleted/flying up until he finished...
[Order of Turn:
1-Flood Cannon sig attack on MelodyA (80, Aqua, Blast 2, medium area terrain change: Sea)
2-WideShot1 chip attack on PulsebatEXB (60+10, Aqua) (Aqua Boost)
3-WideShot1 chip attack on PulsebatEXB (60+10, Aqua) (Aqua Boost)
4-WideShot1 chip attack on PulsebatEXB (60+10, Aqua) (Aqua Boost)
5-WideShot1 chip attack on PulsebatEXB (60+10, Aqua) (Aqua Boost)
16 years ago
last edited by Invalid Date
The remaining viruses didn't so much "take damage" as much as they actually drowned under the torrent of water attacks.
Splashman: 190 HP
Terrain : 200% Sea
[Battle 3 - Victory!]
Get: 500z + Quake1
The remaining viruses didn't so much "take damage" as much as they actually drowned under the torrent of water attacks.
Splashman: 190 HP
Terrain : 200% Sea
[Battle 3 - Victory!]
Get: 500z + Quake1
16 years ago
last edited by Invalid Date
Phew, everything was nice, wet, and deleted. Question was, did he have nice and wet chip data? The only way involved accessing the reward! There was something besides cash this time! "Hey, Sabrina! We finally got chip data! Don't know exactly what it is, but the data signature's similar to the Powie things!"
"Huh...something tells me it involves something really heavy..." And sure enough, data for Quake1 appeared on the PET's screen, as well as its info. "...Called it! You basically throw a Powie right onto something! Pretty powerful, too!" Sabrina made a quick exchange, substituting a Guard2 for her latest chip. "Well, we've got our chip! Let's head back to the chip shop!"
"Righ-" Before SplashMan could even get a single word in edgewise, he found himself leaving the Net for the PET once more, having successfully completed his mission...
(back to ACDC Town!)
"Huh...something tells me it involves something really heavy..." And sure enough, data for Quake1 appeared on the PET's screen, as well as its info. "...Called it! You basically throw a Powie right onto something! Pretty powerful, too!" Sabrina made a quick exchange, substituting a Guard2 for her latest chip. "Well, we've got our chip! Let's head back to the chip shop!"
"Righ-" Before SplashMan could even get a single word in edgewise, he found himself leaving the Net for the PET once more, having successfully completed his mission...
(back to ACDC Town!)