Kitsune and Void

((OOC: I'm sorry to say this, but due to problems at home, I may be gone from this site for a very long time very soon. If I do not post for the next round in 5 days, I've lost my internet and have to withdraw from the event. I will be back on the site one day, but I've held back zyborg too much, and this(my lack of interwebs) might go on for over a month. I'm sorry...)

"I had a feeling that we should have waited," Void chuckled as the field blacked out, only to be faintly lit by the occasional bumper, "Lets think about this now, we can't see the kid, but he's talking enough that we could hit him easy if it wasn't for the bumpers..."

Imp calmly plopped down on Void's shoulder, "Yeah, but did you see what the pinball guy just did? He attacked a hole and a virus appeared, I wonder if we could do the same..."

"True, but we don't want to waste a chip if nothing happens. And what if it was possible to blow away the darkness." Void looked around, pondering the situation, "No, it probably wouldn't be a good idea, it helping us more than hurting, so it'd be better if it stayed."

What would be best is to light up the disk like he lit up our ally, Void thought, quickly making a mental list of his chips, but it seems like I'll only get one shot at this, if it even works...

"Let's try a summon first!" Void half shouted to no one in particular. Leaping up into the air, Void tried to find a hole by using the glow from his friend and the bumpers, and saw a section of ground that looked questionable. Pulling out a dagger, Void threw it towards his target, hoping something useful would happen. Then rolling to a stop from his jump, Void turned to where he had last heard saucer speak, and began to focus on the ground, determined to use his zapring. With a crackle of electricity, the small electric lizard appeared, lighting up a small area around it. "Get the flying saucer, and hold on as long as you can." Void ordered the little critter, knowing that it would only light up the child for a few seconds at best. Turning the opposite way, Void quickly took cover behind a large bumper and tried to hide as best he could.


1) buster(8) @hole
2) zapring(40 dmg, stun, elec)@saucer
3)dodge/hide behind bumper
"Oh? You guys think you can match my skills in this game?" Saucer chuckled while pulling a faintly glowing yoyo out of his pocket. A happy smile spread across his face while he played with it for a short time, before lashing out with it towards Panchinkoman. It flew towards the spheroid navi...

...When a ringlog crashed into it, destroying both in with a loud crack and splintering noise. The splinters of the plastic yoyo and the log flew towards the rolly polly kid. "What!? My yoyo! You broke it- UGH!" The remnants of the log had crashed into him, sending him reeling off of his saucer with thousands of splinters [Damage 100]. He began to tear up a little, and choked out "Th-that wasn't very fun..."

Meanwhile, Void tossed a dagger into a what he was hoping was a hole, trying to get the high score! The dagger did indeed make it into a hole, but... nothing happened? Looks like he isn't as lucky with the rolls as Panchinko is. He turned and fired the electric attack at Saucer, who was already over being sad about the loss of his yoyo. Instead, he looked at the glowing ball with a gleam in his eye. "Oh! Shiny! I want to play with that!" The electric ball crashed into Saucer, lighting up a ring of lights around his saucer. He hopped back onto it and shot off towards the one who fired it, narrowly missing the navi on the first pass, but looping around and crashing into the still falling Void and sending him reeling [65 + Stun].

Saucer stood triumphantly on his saucer, and gleamed. "Haha! Bet you didn't know that I could do that, did ya?"

An angry Panchinkoman pulled himself together. "Kid, you're really getting on my nerves!" Fortunately for him, the brat's saucer was still glowing, giving him a perfect target to shoot for. He pulled his arm back and fiercely whipped it towards the kid, the two balls on the end of his arm coming off and howling through the air at him. Saucer tilted his head as he heard the howl get closer and louder. "What is that...?" He turned to face the sound just in time to see the balls almost on top of him. He quickly ducked, sending the first ball flying off into the darkness, bouncing off of the bumpers and pegs on the board before running out of speed and rolling back to the navi. The other, however, crashed right into the ufo-shaped craft, and sent Saucer falling butt-first to the ground [Damage 30]. The ball continued to bounce around, and ended up setting off a few bumpers and whizzing past Kitsune, who narrowly managed to dodge the attack, before rolling back down to Panchinkoman.

"Hey! That's not fair!" he whined. "You're not allowed to do that!" He spotted the glowing marks on Panchinkoman while pulling a mean looking frisbee out of the air. "I hate cheaters!" He sent the frisbee flying towards Panchinkoman, wailing him in the dome with it before he could move, and sending the navi back to the ground in a slight daze [Damage 100].

"Get over it kid.. life isn't fair." Panchinkoman retorted, rubbing his head. "Life isn't all fun and games.. and you're about to learn that the hard way. Spikey, sick 'em!"

The dog howled, and charged at what it assumed was Saucer. Unfortunately, it was actually Kitsune, who ended up getting a little bit hot under the collar from the Spikey's attack, but didn't really notice it too much. [Damage 30 - Barrier'd].

"Crap! Sorry kid, The dog is about as smart as a soap dish. Spikey! Get the fat kid you idiot!"

Saucer: 620 HP

PachinkoMan Head: 300 HP (lit-up!)
PachinkoMan Torso: 710 HP (lit-up!)
PachinkoMan Arm x8: 160 HP
PachinkoMan Leg x10: 200 HP
PachinkoMan Hand x2: 200 HP (lit-up!)
PachinkoMan Foot x2: 200 HP
Spikey: 90 HP

Void: 25 HP (Stun 1!)
Kitsune: 70 HP

Battlefield: 100% Pachinko, Zero Visibility

((Oh yes. You're mine now.))
((OOC: you forgot about kitsunse's hardbody and sheild. he'd only take no or half damage...

this is a place holder))
[[Shh. There were no errors that I had to fix >_> <_< >_>;; ]]
Void eyes glowed in excitement, reflecting the glow the ring made as it sped off to Saucer. But when Saucer used the projectile to power himself up, Void wished he had pants to crap... or bowls for that matter. Leaping out of the way of the oncoming disk, Void managed to tumble out of the way. Letting out a sigh of relief, Void over looked that the area around him was getting brighter until it was too late. Upon impact of the lighted disk, Void felt his entire body wracked with electrical spasms. While most people would of twitched in place as the electricity overrode their own bodies data signals, V oid lost the ability to maintain his form. Void's body dissipated, electricity snapping back and forth between the small puffs of shadows, making him look like a small thunder storm.

"Damn, damn, damn..." Void's imp companion hopped nervously from one foot to the other, "We're in the middle of a fight, you gotta pull your self together! GET A GRI--"

Imp's voice was suddenly cut off as Void managed to pull a hand together long enough to forcibly stop the Imp's somewhat annoying cries. "Good grip..." The small creature managed to choke out through his restricted airway as Void started to slowly come back together.

"Listen to me," Void said in a faint voice, almost like a whisper on the winds, "I got creamed by that last attack, and I need some healing. I'm goin to need you to use that soul jar a fair bit, but first you gotta warn kitsune about that problem, with elec based attacks. I think his attack raises by and gains the attributes of what ever elec he is hit by."

"I thought he was unimportant..."

"Well if he goes down, do you want to be the meat shield?"

"I'm going!"

Void managed to form an eye before the Imp had scampered off into the darkness.

"Damian... I need the HP chip..."

<on, it's way. And don't worry, we're out of elec based chips anyhow> Damian said in the real world. Anyone who could see him could tell he was nervious, his head turning at every sound near him. He was half expecting the real world version of the net police to jump out from somewhere and arrest him for his actions.

Meanwhile, Void had managed to get most of his upper half straightened out, and was reforming his legs when a red glow suddenly flew into his face. Void studied it, and their appeared to be a small creature fluttering about, emitting the glow from it's body. Suddenly, a tiny feminine voice rang out from it, "Listen!"

Void looked at it in silence, confused by what it wanted. A moment later it continued, "I'm getting fed up of waiting, and there is at least 20 others standing in the wings. I'm not the kind of girl who likes to be kept waiting, and then finds out you've chosen some troll."

Void made a motion like he was going to speak, but swung back as the creature came closer. It was close enough that he could tell it was female, and dressed in what appeared to be a one piece swimsuit. From what he could make out, it was very cross. "No!, I'm doing the talking here. You listen, I'm fed up, we are taking this to the next level. I'm gonna be yours."

The creature suddenly flew at Void's chest, and dissipated into the darkness of his chest. Void felt himself start to reform more rapidly, but still felt a lot of pain. Shakily, he stood up, stomping his feet a couple of times to get the 'pins and needles' feelings out.

Realising he was still in the middle of an open field, Void quickly ran in he opposite direction the imp had taken, heading for a nearby bumper, hoping imp had gotten the info to Kitsune...


Imp was scampering through the darkness, and had almost blundered into several holes. He was getting rather annoyed by the layout of the battle ground, and was almost about to just go back to Void when he saw a flash of fur dash between two bumpers, the glow of a spiritual barrier fading away from the multi-tailed fox. Imp was about to run towards Kitsune when he spotted a red glow wiz past his head.

"What?!? That isn't..." Imp started to call out, but quickly lost sight of the red dot. Imp stood there for a moment trying to decide which to follow, before deciding the need for survival outweighed whatever it could do. Turning quickly after Kitsune, he took off at full speed.

"Hey kid, I gotta tell you somethin'!"



1) STUN! D:
2) battlechip - hp10[heals 10] @ Void
3) hide like a girl behind a bumper
As the fireball destroyed his ghostly defense, Kitsune growled, "WATCH WHERE YOU'RE AIMING THAT! See that glowing guy over there? That's your target, not me! And why are you -" He suddenly stopped, and looked towards the imp flying towards him. "Hey, its the imp dude! Whatdoyouwant?" As the imp told him about the futility of electric-based attacks against Saucer, Kitsune sighed. "Figures. Oh, well, guess I'll just think of somethin' else. Thanks, little dude!"

Suddenly, Kitsune seemed to disappear. In reality, he was focusing all of his energy on speed, zigging and zagging back and forth. Come on, he thought to himself -though just thinking seemed to strain him while he is using his full power to move-, the runt gots ta have a weakness... actually, that ride of his seems like it would be awfully unstable. Yes... that might work. Suddenly he charged at Saucer, and was about to collide with him, when he canceled his dash with a backflip. This was more than just a feint, however, as this motion summoned a diagonal pillar of air towards the bottom of the saucer that the aptly-named Saucer was riding.

Accessing the Shotgun chip data, he quickly went to work. he attempted to judge the window of attack opportunity so as to attack Saucer when he is the most off-balance from the possible impact of the previous gust in order to knock him out of the air. "........NOW!" He yelled, while simultaneously firing a piercing bullet from his mouth. "Come on... please work..."
*) Gust to Saucer
3) Battlechip - Shotgun[50+spread] to Saucer
[[Friggan placeholder GOSH. Ill post by early morning saturday or you can petition for my removal as an official or something xD]]
A faint whirring noise could be heard, almost like the noise electricity makes when it comes back after a power outage. Saucer frowned for a moment, realizing that his time was nearing an end. "Well, looks like I'll have to make this count!" He grabbed another yo-yo from his pocket, and zipped towards Pachinkoman on his UFO...

Only to have Kitsune run towards the front of his ride. "Oh! Hi! I guess I haven't been playing with you much, huh? I'm sor-Waah!" the child cried, as Kitsune tried to knock him off his UFO with a well timed gust attack. Kitsune's shotgun rang out, only to be followed by the sound of a loud metallic collision [50 Damage]. "Hey! You almost knocked me off my ride!" Saucer yelled. "That isn't nice at all!" Saucer reeled his hand back and shot it forward, sending the yo-yo at Kitsune at breakneck speed.

Fortunately for the fox, he was able to dodge it.

The small navi fumed. "You're cheating! Stop doing that!" and promptly charged at Kitsune while riding the UFO. Saucer managed to hit the fox's arm as Kitsune tried to dodge, sending him off balance and tumbling to the ground [25 Damage].

Meanwhile, Void healed himself and ran for cover behind one of the darkened bumpers.

Pachinkoman also noticed the whirring noises, much like the noises of a pachinko machine starting up. "Hahaha! Is that all the longer your cheat work kid?" he teased Saucer. "If this is all you got, then I'm afraid we're going to have to cut playtime short." He made a noise of snapping fingers, and yelled "Mutt!" The spikey promptly obeyed, charging at the kid with good speed, and knocking him off balance as well and crashing to the ground [30 Damage].

Pachinkoman took this opportunity to open up with everything he had. "This game is over, brat!" he yelled while sending parts of his arm flying furiously towards the crashing noise that Saucer had made. One of them struck the navi directly, and another after bouncing off of a nearby bumper [45 Damage], with another striking Kitsune after bouncing off of two bumpers [10 Damage]. They continues to bounce around, and off of the bumpers, one hitting Kitsune once more before rolling back to Pachinkoman [5 Damage]. The balls passed dangerously close to Void several times, but he managed to avoid any contact with them.

Saucer was starting to not like this game. He started to ear up a bit, and yelled "I'm not cheating, you are!" He picked himself up off the ground, and followed one of the balls back to Pachinkoman. "Now I'll show you my real gaming skills!" He whirred his UFO into Pachinkoman's head, coming back around for another pass and hitting him a second time... and a third... and a fourth.... and finally a fifth time, before flying straight up, only to come crashing down onto his head at breakneck speeds [185 + Stun].

The machine started to come back online, the lights brightening and noises getting louder, until it was fully operational again. The markings on Pachinkoman faded as well.


Saucer: 525 HP

PachinkoMan Head: 115 HP (Stun!)
PachinkoMan Torso: 710 HP
PachinkoMan Arm x8: 160 HP
PachinkoMan Leg x10: 200 HP
PachinkoMan Hand x2: 200 HP
PachinkoMan Foot x2: 200 HP
Spikey: 90 HP

Void: 35 HP
Kitsune: 30 HP

Battlefield: 100% Pachinko
((Naix, Zyborg, please look here.))