Destin's Chips

Quote (daemonzozo)

"Hey, im gonna need some bashing power soon. Ive got ... (digs into pockets pulls out large wad of trash data with zenny and other bits stuck to it) *Shrugs*... Yea, so could ya throw me a bone?" - Jestergiest.Exe

[Requesting] Skully1
[Offer] 1500Z  + (1)Minienergy  + Vulcan1

That is acceptable.

-- Destin Obscura

[Attached: Skully1]
Hahahaha, bone. Ha. Haaaaaa. I need to get out more.

Jester GET: Skully1
Destin GET: 1500z, MiniEnergy, Vulcan1

- LinkMan.EXE
Thank you for your patronage. Have a great day.

-- Destin Obscura.
Added TripleBomb and Typhoon.
Greetings! I've looked over your selection, and I must say, that Typhoon looks perfect for a windy Navi such as myself. I've attached the contents of my folder to this post for your perusal. Aside from AirShot and AquaBlade (and to a lesser extent RingZap, though I wouldn't be above a package deal of some sort), I'm not incredibly attached to any of my chips, so please, don't be shy about making an offer!

- ZephyrMan.EXE
ATTACHMENT: FolderContents.txt
Well I am interested in that DrillArm1 and/or FireHit1. The DrillArm1 would give my Navi some much needed Break coverage, while I can always find a pretty strong market for FireHits.

Would you be willing to trade that DrillArm1 for the Typhoon? -- Destin Obscura
DrillArm...ah, I'd forgotten about that one. Truth be told, I'd rather not give it up unless I had to, for various reasons. FireHit, on the other hand, I would be entirely willing to trade. While a fine chip, I can't say I'd be upset over losing it.

- ZephyrMan.EXE
Well the capabilities of the FireHit1 and the Typhoon are similar enough in value that a trade wouldn't be too much of a problem for either side. I will accept your FireHit1 for my Typhoon. -- Destin Obscura

-Attached: Typhoon
Excellent! I can't wait to try it out the next time I battle!

- ZephyrMan.EXE
ATTACHMENT: FireHit1 BattleChip data
I now declare you trader and tradee. You may trade the chips.

ZephyrMan GET: Typhoon
Destin GET: Firehit1

- LinkMan.EXE
Thank you, I'll make excellent use of this chip! ...Say, is that a SideGun you have listed? I must say, that could be useful...what say you? You've got a list of my chips, would you consider trading it? Anything other than AquaBlade and the Wind chips are available for it, and that includes RingZap and DrillArm!

- ZephyrMan.EXE
I will trade it for the DrillArm1.

--Destin Obscura

Attached: SideGun

- ZephyrMan.EXE
ATTACHMENT: DrillArm1 BattleChip data
Seems like a weird arms trade, but we'll let it pass.

Destin GET: DrillArm1
Zephyr GET: SideGun

-- LinkMan.EXE
Thank you for your patronage.

--Destin Obscura.
Added Guard1 and DashAttack1 to the stock.
Hello, I'd like to inquire about that DashAttack1 chip you have, as my Navi could use some good non-sword based chips. How does...1000z sound?

- Naomi Shimizu
Sounds fine.

--Destin Obscura

[Attached: DashAttack1]
*yawn* I dunno what's gotten into me, my perception of time has been so out of whack lately. What day is it?

Destin GET: 1000z
Naomi GET: DashAttack1

Thank you for your patronage.

--Destin Obscura