Polonuis Carbonum and DNR.EXE


Name: Polonius Carbonum
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Apperance: He doesnt stand very tall at 5'9 and has short black hair. His eyes are amber. He usually wears his doctor suit open showing a blue T-shirt. He wears black wool pants with sneakers.
Personality: Hes a pretty friendly person but this can be confused with his shyness problem especially around the ladies. SOmetimes he likes to say big and complicated words just for the fun of it but hes a pretty simple person.
PET Mods: A First aid compartment with a portable X-ray scanner (Its an All-in-one type)

Net Navi

Gender: Male
Element: Electric
Type: Sword
Apperance: Standing at just one inch above Polonius, this Navi has a body of a light blue jumpsuit with his gloves and boots having a dark purple color. His Head is human-looking with white hair and a cheerful expression.
Personality: At first, he would seem like a pretty eccentric person, but hes quite bright. He was programmed with a wealth of medical knowledge to help Polonius through Medical school so he feels almost no regrets with deleting viruses.
Custom Weapon: A double-bladed scalpel named Myocardium
Signature Attack: Anesthesia: DNR turns his hands into syringes and shoots Anesthisia into the victim. The attack will sleep the victim for a turn and deal 40 DMG. The serum is so powerful that it cant be woken up, even by attack . A three turn cooldown period then happens where it cant be used.
Yep, this all seems pretty good. However, you'll have to put a cooldown on your Signature Attack; with the new rules recently put in place, you can do a maximum of 70 damage, plus effects if you'd like (with the cost being reduced damage or increased cooldown if you added an effect), with four turns of cooldown.

Your custom PET might be a bit iffy, but I think it's all right.

Just get that cooldown added, and wait for someone with more authority than me to accept you, and you should be in!
OKay I added the cooldown. I forgot to put it sorry ^^;
Two turns of no actions for a single opponent, plus 40 damage? Well, I'll allow it, but only because it's sleep and they can snap out of it easier than stun. But, you'll have to have a 4 turn cooldown on it, or it's a no go.

As far as the X-ray PET goes, as long as you don't abuse it to look through walls or something, it should be okay.
I heard from a friend of mine, Fenix that there have seen people do the exact same thing. Its two turns because of the 40 DMG (Its not 70) so its balanced ^^;
Yeah, but one action Stun + 40 damge equals 60 = 3 turn cooldown. You have TWO turns of sleep, which is similar to stun. I went ahead and was generous and said that you didn't break the cap, but 70 damage still requires a four turn cooldown.
Um. . . . I was talking with Alblel/ Fenix and he says that the fact it can be breaked by attack balences the whole two turns thing so It should be okay right?
And I agree with him. You aren't breaking the cap. But, we both good and well know that you won't attack and wake up that virus unless you want to, so I say that makes the damage equivilent 70 damage, which needs a four turn cooldown.

But hey, I'm willing to be talked out of it. Any other opinions?
I took a sleep turn and added a CD turn
So now its 40 damage and one turn of unbreakable sleep for a three turn cooldown? That's okay.


GET: Cannon, Shotgun, Rageclaw
GET: Undershirt, Attack+1, Charge+1, Rapid+1

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