Her monetary business concluded, Sabrina headed over to engage her mortal enemy. In three smooth motions, she threw in three chips that she neither used herself, nor suspected that anyone would want, and pulled the lever...
[Order of Insertion:
1-SandRing, PanelGrab, DoubleJump]
3-Chip Trader Machine
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Click thunk. Click thunk. Click thunk went the chips, than all of a sudden the machine started to hiss and poof, out pops a chip, still smoking.
Sabrina LOSE: SandRing, PanelGrab, DoubleJump
Sabrina GET: Magnum2
Sabrina LOSE: SandRing, PanelGrab, DoubleJump
Sabrina GET: Magnum2
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"Yeah!" Well, that was a pleasant surprise. Pocketing her new find immediately, Sabrina looked at the machine thoughtfully for a moment, before deciding to take out three more chips she doubted she'd ever get rid of otherwise, and take another spin.
[Order of Insertion:
1-SlowGauge, PanelReturn, Fan]
[Order of Insertion:
1-SlowGauge, PanelReturn, Fan]
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Clunk Clunk Clunk went the chips, and with a hiss and spark that gave a bit of a shock upon grabbing, a new chip popped out.
Sabrina LOSE: SlowGauge, PanelReturn, Fan
Sabrina GET: Satellite1
Sabrina LOSE: SlowGauge, PanelReturn, Fan
Sabrina GET: Satellite1
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...Satellite1? Didn't she already have that?
A quick check of the library revealed that she was happily mistaken, however, and thus she was 2 for 2. Hmm, should she try one more time...? Eh, couldn't hurt...
[Order of Insertion:
A quick check of the library revealed that she was happily mistaken, however, and thus she was 2 for 2. Hmm, should she try one more time...? Eh, couldn't hurt...
[Order of Insertion:
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Slink slink slink goes the chips, and with a far too heavy sounding thunk a chip drops into the tray in exchange.
Sabrina LOSE: RedFruit1, BambooKnife, FlashBomb1
Sabrina GET: Gaia1
Sabrina LOSE: RedFruit1, BambooKnife, FlashBomb1
Sabrina GET: Gaia1
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All right, let's see what she got this time...Gaia1? Wow, she was on a roll. Sabrina thought about trying again, but between not wanting to push her luck too far, and being unable to find three chips she was willing to part with that easily, she elected not to. "You know, I kinda feel bad for the next person that tries this, since I probably used up all the good luck..." Now, how much time did she use up? ...8:46. Gah. Well, might as well head for the park and work on getting a tan, or something...
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As Adrian walked into the shop, her eyes instantly focused on the trader. She had three chips in her possession that were far inferior to the rest of their stock, and she was highly doubtful she could sell them enough to even turn a profit.
"Well, how about we see if we can get something more useful, hmm?" She mumbled to herself as she pulled out and inserted the chips.
((Inserting: Guard1, Cannon, Rageclaw ))
"Well, how about we see if we can get something more useful, hmm?" She mumbled to herself as she pulled out and inserted the chips.
((Inserting: Guard1, Cannon, Rageclaw ))