Chaos Land - Intro/OOC

You're missing your health. As posted earlier, I'm letting you guys roll your own. I trust ya, heh. At any rate, Rangers get 1d8 per level. Since you have a con bonus of 3, you would instantly get 11 health for being level one. Just roll the next three levels, add three to each, then add all the values together and you're done there.

I realize that you said that you were still working on the background, but so long as it's not too outrageous I'll accept it. The same for the deity. Approved there.

For your spell list, you have access to all level 1 Ranger spells. Standard stuff there.

And lastly, your pet has statistics identical to the entry in the Monster Manual. Nothing unusual there.

Just fix your Health and you're approved, Demon.
Rolls: 6 7 7

Total Health: 11 + 6 + 7 + 7 + 9 = 40 HP
Mercutio Strongarm, Rogue 4
Age 16
Height 5'9"
Weight 164 lbs
Chaotic Neutral
Diety Tiamat

24 HP
+3 Base Attack
Speed 30ft

Strength 14 + 2
Constitution 15 + 2
Dexterity 17 + 3
Intelligence 12 + 1
Wisdom 8 — 1
Charisma 10 + 0

Fortitude +3 = +1 base + 2 stat
Reflex +7 = +4 base + 3 stat
Will + 0 = +1 base — 1 stat

AC 16 = 10 + 3 Dex + 3 armour
Initiative + 3

+4 melee = +3 BAB + 1 Str
+6 melee when using finesse weapon = +3 BAB + 3 Dex
+6 range = +3 BAB + 3 Dex

Spiked chain:
1d20+6 to hit, 2d4+1 damage, x2 crit
Adds +2 to disarm checks, can be dropped in order to prevent getting tripped when attempting a trip, 5' and 10' ranges, Weapon Finesse

Heavy crossbow:
1d20 +6 to hit, 1d10+1 damage, 19-20/x2 crit

Studded leather armour:
+3 AC, +5 Dex maximum, 0 check penalty
Masterwork armour

Balance +5
Bluff +2
Climb +2
Decipher Script +3
Diplomacy +2
Disable Device +7
Disguise +2
Escape Artist+7
Forgery +3
Hide +7
Intimidate +2
Jump +3
Listen +3
Move Silently +7
Open Lock +10
Pick Pocket +5
Search +5
Spot +3
Swim +3
Tumble +7
Use Magic Device +2
Use Rope +5

Exotic Weapon Proficiency (spiked chain)
Weapon Finesse (spiked chain)

Sneak attack +2d6
Evasion (no damage if Ref save is successful)
Uncanny dodge (retain Dex bonus to AC)

Backpack 2lb
Bedroll 5lb
Flint + steel —
Crossbow +lb
Armour 20 lb
Chain 15 lb
Bolts 1 lb
Masterwork thief's tools 2 lb
Total: 54 lb

Light horse
Riding saddle

66 GP
7 SP
7 CP

Mercutio Strongarm is a young man who is accustomed to having the world served up to him with absolutely no work on his part. Regardless of mentioning, Mercutio isn't exactly accustomed to life with a mercenary group.

The Strongarm line began with a cleric of an obscure five-headed dragon goddess who believed himself to be the deity's envoy to the world. Ever since, the Strongarm family has been obsessed with spreading the religion of the five-headed dragon goddess, and the line has always believed itself to be quite high and mighty. Over time, the Strongarm house assumed control of a small barony in the south that consisted of a few houses and a lot of swamp.

Mercutio Strongarm was to be the heir of the family. He is just as self-centred and arrogant as each of his forefathers back to the first cleric of the five-headed dragon goddess. He spent much of his childhood being spoiled by his parents or taking what he wished from the ridiculously poor people of the Strongarm barony. However, Mercutio always harboured a smouldering and very obvious hatred for his parents and their religion. In return, Mercutio's mother and father despised him for being an heir 'unfit to inherit the family lands',

When chaos broke out across the world, the residents of the barony grasped their chance and rebelled against the Strongarm rule, burning down the family manor with the Duke and Duchess still inside. Mercutio grabbed what he could and snuck out in the resulting confusion. By a combination of either bribing or bullying people along his route to provide him with transportation and shelter, Mercutio wound up in one of the larger cities of the land. Several opportunists recognized him and attempted to line their pockets by either capturing or killing him, and only Mercutio's influence and spare coin were able to save him.

Finally Mercutio discovered that, in this new land of insanity, there was no steady niche for him to fill. Believing that he would be able to intimidate his way to the top, he joined up with a small mercenary group called the Broken Blade. To his dismay, he found that they would not be so easy to stomp over as the peasants from the Strongarm barony and the get-rich-quick independent bounty hunters.

Mercutio does not initially seem like he should be a menacing person, but he has made himself into an unlikely bully. He is rather short at a mere five foot nine inches, but he can make himself seem to loom when he wishes to make an impression. His pale blue eyes are cold and narrow. They are very bright against his skin, which is heavily tanned, like most faces from the south. His mouth is constantly set in a sharp, condescending, annoyed or grievous way. His dark hair hasn't been cut since he left the Strongarm manor, and is becoming rather shaggy. He has small, deft hands and quick, sure feet, all rather well suited to his chosen profession. He doesn't walk so much as swagger, and stands on an angle that is often accompanied by a threatening positioning of his hands. He makes every effort to keep his attire as clean and presentable as possible, just in case he should run into someone with whom a good impression would benefit him.
I'll have my filthy character finished on Monday night/Tuesday morning.
Good to hear Zan.

As for you EN, I see nothing wrong with the character creation. The background is good too, although I'll make it a point to mention that only the continent Vessuvia is in a state of chaos, not the entire world. The neighboring continents are peachy, heh.
Tom, Tom, Tom....
Wee, double post. Here is what I have so far. Lacking a D&D book within easy access, I am going to need help finding my starting gold, plus I would like some input on my weapon and armor. As I have no Dex, I was thinking some sort of heavy armor, though not too expensive, and a 2-handed weapon of some sort.

Geraden Tarcho, Fighter 4
Age 23
Height 6'5
Weight 250 lbs
Chaotic Good

46 Hp

+4 Base Attack
Speed 30ft
Initiative: +4

Strength 16 + 3
Constitution 16 + 3
Dexterity 10 + 0
Intelligence 14 + 2
Wisdom 8 — 1
Charisma 12 + 1

Fortitude +7 = +4 base + 3 stat
Reflex +1 = +1 base + 0 stat
Will + 0 = +1 base — 1 stat

AC = 17

+7 melee = +4 BAB + 3 Str
+4 range = +4 BAB + 0 Dex

Weapon: Greatsword (2d6 +6) +8 to hit, x2 Crit, 19-20
Weapon: Longbow (1d8) +4 to hit, x3 100 yard range
Armor: Halfplate +7 armor, no Dex Bonus


(2+2) x4 + 4 = 20 + 4(x3) + 3 = 35

Climb(5) + 3
Search (2) + 2 (There is an extra point left over for adding a rank to this next level)
Handle Animal (5) + 1
Intimidate (5) + 1
Jump (5) + 3
Ride (5) + 0
Swim (5) + 3

- Weapon Focus
- Weapon Specialization
- Power Attack
- Improved Initiative
- Cleave
- Endurance

Greatsword 8lbs
Halfplate 50lbs
Longbow 3lbs
40 arrows 6lbs
Backpack 2lbs
Trail Rations(2) 2lbs
Hooded Lamp 2lbs
22 Gold
(Carrying a Light load)
Andria Winnicot
4 fighter

int +2
Base attack +4
fort save=6

Str 17
Dex 15
Con 14
Wis 12
Int 10
Chs 8

Power attack
Weapon focus( Scythe)
Weapon specialization (Scythe)

Jump 7 ranks
Swim 7 ranks
Intimidate 7 ranks

m/w Scythe (two handed, piercing or slashing, 2d4/ x4, 10Lb)
Breastplate (+5AC, Dex +3, ACP-4, 30Lb)

(M/W Scythe +9, 2d4+6, x4)
Druid 4
Age 21
Height 6'7
Weight 250 lbs
Neutral Good
Diety: Obad-Hai

33 Hp
+3 Base Attack
Speed 30ft
Initiative: +1

Strength 14 [+2]
Constitution 14 [+2]
Dexterity 12 [+1]
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 16 [+3]
Charisma 10

Fortitude +6 = +4 base + 2 stat
Reflex +2 = +1 base + 1 stat
Will + 7 = +4 base + 3 stat

AC 16 = 10 + 1 (Dex Bonus) + 3 (Armor Bonus) + 2 (Shield Bonus)

Class Skills

(4+0) x 4 + 4 = 20 + (4+1) x 3 = 35

Concentration 9 [7 + 2] {+4 during combat}
Craft 0 [0 + 0]
Diplomacy 0 [0 + 0]
Handle Animal 6 [4 + 0 + 2] {Animal Affinity bonus}
Heal 5 [2 + 3]
Knowledge Nature 4 [4 + 0]
Listen 8 [5 + 3]
Profession 3 [0 + 3]
Ride 2 [0 + 0 + 2] {Animal Affinity bonus}
Spellcraft 3 [3 + 0]
Spot 8 [5 + 3]
Survival 8 [5 + 3]
Swim 2 [0 + 2]

Feats/Class Abilities

- Animal Companion (Wolf - see Monster Manual for stats and Player's Handbook for bonuses)
- Nature Sense
- Wild Empathy
- Woodland Stride
- Trackless Step
- Resist Nature's Lure
- Combat Casting
- Track
- Animal Affinity

Spells per Day

0 [5 per day], 1st [3+1 per day], 2nd [2+1 per day]. [+1 to 3rd level spells, but not able to use]


Hide Armour (+3 AC, armor check -3, speed 20ft, 25lb)
Heavy Wooden Shield (+2 AC, armor check -2, 10lb)
Scimitar (1d6, crit 18-20/x2, 4lb, one-handed, slashing)
Club [oaken cudgel] (1d6, crit x2, 10ft, 10lb, one-handed, Bludgeoining)
Sling (1d4, crit x2, range inc 50ft, olb, Medium, Bludgeoining)
Backpack with waterskin
One day's trail rations
Flint and steel
Pouch with 10 sling bullets
Holly and Mistletoe
Three torches

24 GP (1d6GP)
I think this should do. I'll wait in the chat room for someone to comment on it.

Shuryou Darkholme, level 4 Bard

Basic Appearance

Dark red eyes
White Hair
Darkened Skin Color
29 Years Old
6'1", 107 lbs

Base Statistics
Str - 8
Dex - 14
Con - 10
Int - 16
Wis - 12
Cha - 16

Health — 16 ( 6/6, 2/6, 2/6, 6/6)

Standard - 13
Flat-Footed - 11
Touch — 13

Speed — 30
Base Attack Bonus - 3
Initiative - 2

Fortitude — 1 (1 Base, 0 Con)
Reflex — 6 (4 Base, 2 Dex)
Will — 5 (4 Base, 1 Wis)

Whip (1d3, Crit X2, Non-Lethal damage, Slashing, Reach Weapon)

63 Skill points

Appraise - 5 (2 Ranks, 3 Int)
Balance - 2 (Untrained, 2 Dex)
Bluff - 5 (2 Ranks, 3 Cha)
Climb - -1 (Untrained, -1 Str)
Concentration - 0 (Untrained, 0 Con)
Craft - 3 (Untrained, 3 Int)
Decipher Script - 8 (5 Ranks, 3 Int)
Diplomacy - 13 (6 Ranks, 3 Cha, 2 Racial, 2 Synergy)
Disguise - 7 (2 Ranks, 3 Cha)
Escape Artist - 2 (Untrained, 2 Dex)
Gather Information - 11 (6 Ranks, 3 Cha, 2 Racial)
Hide - 5 (3 Ranks, 2 Dex)
Jump - -1 (Untrained, -1 Str)
Knowledge (Arcana) - 10 (7 Ranks, 3 Int)
Knowledge (Architecture) - 5 (2 Ranks, 3 Int)
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) - 3 (0 Ranks, 3 Int)
Knowledge (Geography) - 6 (4 Ranks, 3 Int)
Knowledge (History) - 6 (3 Ranks, 3 Int)
Knowledge (Local) - 6 (3 Ranks, 3 Int)
Knowledge (Nature) - 5 (2 Ranks, 3 Int)
Knowledge (Nobility) - 5 (2 Ranks, 3 Int)
Knowledge (Religion) - 3 (Untrained, 3 Int)
Knowledge (Planes) - 5 (Untrained, 3 Int)
Listen - 2 (Untrained, 1 Wis, 1 Racial)
Move Silently - 2 (Untrained, 2 Dex)
Perform (Act) - 3 (Untrained, 3 Cha)
Perform (Comedy) - 3 (Untrained, 3 Cha)
Perform (Dance) - 3 (Untrained, 3 Cha)
Perform (Keyboard) - 3 (Untrained, 3 Cha)
Perform (Oratory) - 10 (7 Ranks, 3 Cha)
Perform (Percussion) - 3 (Untrained, 3 Cha)
Perform (String) - 3 (Untrained, 3 Cha)
Perform (Wind) - 3 (Untrained, 3 Cha)
Perform (Sing) - 3 (Untrained, 3 Cha)
Profession - 1 (Untrained, 1 Wis)
Search - 2 (Untrained, 1 Wis, 1 Racial)
Sense Motive - 6 (5 Ranks, 1 Wis)
Sleight of Hand - 2 (Untrained, 2 Dex)
Spellcraft - 5 (Untrained, 3 Int, 2 Synergy)
Swim - -1 (Untrained, -1 Str)
Tumble - 2 (Untrained, 2 Dex)
Use Magic Device - 5 (2 Ranks, 3 Cha)

Weapon Finesse
Combat Expertise

Shuryou's Inventory:
1x Whip (2lb)
1x Padded Light Armor (10lb)
1x Scholar's outfit (6lb)
1x Backpack (2lb)
1x Spell component pouch (2lb)

22 lb (Medium Load)
22 GP

Mule's Inventory:
1x One day's trail rations (1lb)
1x Bedroll (5lb)
1x Sack (0.5lb)
1x Flint and steel (-)
3x Torches (3lb)
1x Lute (common) (3lb)

12.5 lb

Special Abilities
Bardic Knowledge
Bardic Music
Inspire Courage +1
Inspire Competence

Spells Known
Level 0 Spells:
Lullaby: Makes subject drowsy; -5 on Spot and Listen checks, -2 on Will saves against sleep.
Message: Whispered conversation at distance.
Summon Instrument: Summons one instrument of the caster's choice.
Detect Magic: Detects spells and magic items within 60 ft.
Flare: Dazzles one creature (-1 on attack rolls).
Ghost Sound: Figment sounds.

Level 1 Spells:
Disguise Self: Changes your appearance.
Hideous Laughter: Subject loses actions for 1 round/ level.
Charm Person: Makes one person your friend.

Level 2 Spells:
Sound Burst: Deals 1d8 sonic damage to subjects; may stun them.
Blur: Attacks miss subject 20% of the time.

Spells per day: 3 0-level Spells, 3 1-level Spells, 1 2-level Spells.


Weight Limits
Light load: 26 lb. or less
Medium load: 27-53 lb.
Heavy load: 54-80 lb.

Special Notes
Elven Blood
Immune to Sleep and similar magical effect
+2 Saving Throw against Enchantment spells or effects
Low-Light Vision
Deity: Fharlanghn