Mega Man 9

Yeah, the first game bosses were horribly predictable. I got to the point where I could beat Cutman almost with my eyes closed.

Man, I REALLY need to download 9 soon... I may grab 2, while I'm at it. FOR A MEGAMANATHON.
I admit, I have the first six for NES emulators downloaded to my computer.

The only one's I've beaten are two and three. Two was hard enough, but I had an hour and a half of free time at school, and my flash drive, sooo...
One's just nasty. : (
Gutsman's stage stayed true to its reputation; I nearly broke my keyboard in half.
humm, I tried the OG megamans, and my god I could barely pass the moving platforms in gutsman area so I just erased it...I have alotta time in class, so I should install the "easy ones" first and the infamous 1 & 2 only iPod >:3
You think the base levels are bad Leon? Just wait until you get to Willy castle... 2 I think. It has this one ridiculous point involving helicopters and zero gravity... Still a great game though!