True. I tried to get some powerups from a dispenser machine after slaying a few people, but all I got was a bag of chips and some Gatorade. Sure, the boost in MP was nice, but nothing special.
But, true, I also hate stereotypes. I do my best to STOP ZEM!
Warning Label: Episode Three
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Quote (Sora-Chan)
I like to believe I'm better at building stuff in Garry's Mod that Twi is (which is probably true (Couldn't resist Twi))
Just because you're more skilled with Wiremod doesn't mean you're a better builder, Sora.

Either way, no offense taken.
...And you'd have to be incredibly stupid to believe any of the stereotypes you listed, IMO.
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I find most of the people I've ran into that believe in those stereotypes live on the east coast of the US.
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Wait, wait, wait....You are a girl who plays games? Unpossible! AND you live in Alaska? But not in an igloo and you don't use polar bears and penguins as slave labor?!?! I don't believe you! You're blowin' my mind and I won't stand for it. *Plungs fingers into ears* Lalalalalalalalalalalala!
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You have failed me for the last time Starscream!
uhm, what are we talking about again?
Oh, yeah, Stereotypes and wiremod. I'm level 70 at both of them.
uhm, what are we talking about again?
Oh, yeah, Stereotypes and wiremod. I'm level 70 at both of them.
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Trying to read this injures my mind too much. At one time you write 'one.<insert text>' and then 'two...<insert text>' and at another time you use numbers... Try some consistency. It's too mangled.
And it's racist to not mention European people. I've had quite a bunch of people asking me WHERE the Netherlands is. And you'd be surprised how many people don't know that our windmills are actually Gundams in disguise. *returns to his windmill house, wearing clumps*
Edit. I saw a lie through the mangled text of Sora...
Also, I'm a pacifist, while my actions in the chat may say other wise, I have yet to punch or hit someone, if I did how ever I probably wouldn't of been such a target for bullying during school.
If this is true, then I do believe in cakes.
And it's racist to not mention European people. I've had quite a bunch of people asking me WHERE the Netherlands is. And you'd be surprised how many people don't know that our windmills are actually Gundams in disguise. *returns to his windmill house, wearing clumps*
Edit. I saw a lie through the mangled text of Sora...
Also, I'm a pacifist, while my actions in the chat may say other wise, I have yet to punch or hit someone, if I did how ever I probably wouldn't of been such a target for bullying during school.
If this is true, then I do believe in cakes.
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Then in fact you do believe in the cake. I was a center for bullying among my classmates till senior year when they stopped which was nice.. only thing was that the freshmen and other underclassmen started to tease and bully me. Hell.. one day I left my laptop in a classroom for about 20 minutes while I went to get lunch and someone came in and ripped off a bunch of the keys from its keyboard. they never found out who did it how ever.
and if you never took a key off a laptop keyboard... unlike the PC keyboards.. they don't just go right back on.
I would get frustrated, hot headed, but i would just end up breaking down. I never threw a punch at anyone. the worse I ever did was one kid jumped in my face and I grabbed them by their collar of their shirt and held onto them and told them to stop, and that was back in middle school. but thats about it.
So Shur... you don't believe the cake is a lie.
and if you never took a key off a laptop keyboard... unlike the PC keyboards.. they don't just go right back on.
I would get frustrated, hot headed, but i would just end up breaking down. I never threw a punch at anyone. the worse I ever did was one kid jumped in my face and I grabbed them by their collar of their shirt and held onto them and told them to stop, and that was back in middle school. but thats about it.
So Shur... you don't believe the cake is a lie.
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Quote (Sora-Chan)
Such as Blondes being stupid...
I am a tomboy.. being a tomboy does not mean you dress in guy clothes (which I do anyway for a few reason) but it actually means you have a more (of whats been defined as) boyish personality.
A: Why do you keep posting these? -.-
People will just bring it up on purpose.
B: As for the blondes thing... -is blonde- Yeah.
C: Tomboys... -points to Blue-
-points to Blue for blonde-ness-
Hah. I r winrar.
Don't worry, stereotyping is perfectly normal.
EDIT: WHATNOW about the east coast?
Kids are just racist fucks over here.
Not racist, stereotyping fucks.