Art Requests

Request: Revenge.exe's Face in the background with Kieron sitting down hugging his knees.
Special Request: The face is half, and on the left is Kieron sitting hugging his knees
Description: See avatar for non-spiky Revenge.exe. Description has his spiky form. And as for Kieron, his face and hair looks kind of like the boy in This image
Artist: Anyone who has skill in doing sketches or at least knows basic anatomy.
Offer: Respect and any amount of money/stuff you want (Provided I can give you that. If not, then IOU)
Status: Open for anyone who wants to try it.

I really don't remember much about normal navis from the game, so I based him on the navis you see in the background on the show...

I lack money and a good gameboyadvance emulator for the mac, so I don't really know what the game charecters look like...

so if you have no major complants, I'll use that template for the your other requests...

and if anyone else likes that style I'll do you too...
Request (What you want them to draw/sprite/etc.): Saiyan Slippy.
Special Requirement(if applicable): None.
Description (Of what you want them to draw/sprite): Slippy of the Starfox series in a Saiyan outfit and a Scouter. This is for a YTMND as sidenote.
Artist (Who you want to draw it): Anyone.
Offer (What you're willing to give/pay. If applicable): An IOU for something big, believe me.
Status (Up for grabs, taken, finished, WIP): Taken by Heat Sonata for now.
Request (What you want them to draw/sprite/etc.): Chibi Chaos
Special Requirement(if applicable): Chibi?
Description (Of what you want them to draw/sprite): Chibi Chaos...Whatever else is up to the artist.
Artist (Who you want to draw it): Lunar!!
Offer (What you're willing to give/pay. If applicable): Whatever you like.
Status (Up for grabs, taken, finished, WIP): Untaken for now.
Request: Gunner, showing a rather homicidal grin... Like the one the real Gunner wears in my av.
Special Request: None, really...
Description: See reg. thread. Gunner in a pose of the artist's choice.
Artist: Lunarlion preferred, assuming she's willing to do a non-chibi piece.
Offer: Whatever's wanted.
Status: Please? ^.^
Yo Cuz. Measurements are to scale, so I'm describing it in life sized terms.

Request: XIII at three quarters, standing, holding drawn sword over right shoulder.
Special Request: It is a black and white drawing liek usual. the only reason I'm including color in the description is more for my benefit, as I'll try to color it in photoshop.
-Hair: in the front and sides, ponytail in the back.
Face: Lively eyes, soft features, scar running from above his left eye to down under his right eye. Relaxed expression, smiling.
Body: Slight muscular build, thin, tall about 6 foot 4 inches..
Clothing: White undersuit (similiar to most EXE style suits). Red hoodie, similar to those used by interpol special ops. Large sheath belted at hip, about half a foot in width, 5 feet in length.
Other: 5 Shaku Katana being held over left shoulder. Blade width is half a foot, length is approximately 5 feet.
Artist: Lunarlion
Status: Taken
This is going nowhere at all, so I'm considering creating an Art Sharing/Request area, where people can make their own artshop, gallery, or request threads.

Yea. There are tons 'o requests, but only one has been done.

Make the thread if you wish to do so.
What can I say? Lots of people requested me to do the job. I also have no scanner on the weekends so I cant post them during that time. I have other things to do too so I cant straight away do the drawings. But I will get to them sooner or later. You just gotta be patient. Its also my fault for announcing Id draw the pictures when I have loads of work to do.

Also, an art area sounds great! A place where we can make our own art shop and people can go there and request items. That would make everything easier!

Guess I'll make that then. Good idea Kazu.