I must say that I have not been a great part of the RE: CN community. I have only RP-ed for 2 weeks, and left after that. Although I left, I did get some mails about the situation the board was currently in. I did not wanted to mix myself in the fight, so all I could do at that point was sending my best wishes for the site, keeping it up and runnning and to have a community who all have a tight bond with each other.
Now that the new forums opened, I started to take a look, and I won't be gone in 2 weeks this time.
As I can see it doens not matter wheter the site's name is chaos network or rogue network, the members are still the same. Not everyone is the same though, somer miss nal, some don't. But whether you hate him or not doens't matter, what does matter is that he made a choice for himselve. Shutting down the board that is. And if I my speak my own words about this:
If you truly want to be a part of a community where you pour your soul into, makes you feel good, and have tight relationships with other persons, you whouldn't close down a forum so no one could enjoy it anymore.
You whould not close a forum if you think of all the members that you dupe with your action for one second. This shows that Nal let himselve be guided by hatred and anger instead of compassion and love. Because of this, i don't think Nal should return now. Maybe in the future when he grabbed himselve together, but not now.
Now that we saved everything whe could, let us start to be a tight community once again, and help each other as much as we can, so whe can start RP-ing again ASAP.
Hatred nor rage can destroy the bond of these members, And I cannot stand by and watch now.
This time, I shall be a part of this wonderfull community a bit longer ^^