Well... I tried...

Meh, I thought about trying to get a hold of him, but I won't bother.

I'll just try to teach my dog to do long division, that'd probly be easier.

SMS makes me giggle.
No, Nal is unstable. The fact that in over a year of close friendship he's many times decided to suddenly hate me for ABSOLUTELY NO REASON then try to twist it and say it was my fault shows that. This is shown furthermore by the fact he tries to act like it never happened when he decides to start talking to me again.

And don't bother trying to reason with him. He runs away from any confrontation. He tries to solve all his problems by ignoring them rather than facing them head on. That's why he locked the boards. That's why he blocks people, runs away when they start trying to reason with him.

At the first sign of trouble, he'll block someone. He'd rather get rid of a problem rather than solve it. Rather than try and earn back some respect in order to be promoted, he makes loads of ludicrous demands and ORDERS that he be made an Official. He wants to do things with minimal or no effort.

He's childish, and he's a coward. He runs away from problems rather than facing them.

I don't know why people seem so desperate to get RE:CN back. Begging for it to be reopened is like crying to Nal telling him that he's won. Stop dwelling on it. The mass email was sent. Most people will get here eventually, we just need to give it some time.
I'm not saying this because I want RECN back up but I feel bad for P.A. and Lunarlion. They tried to reason with Nal and were shot down very badly. I just want to say thanks for your efforts at trying to reconcile with him, even if it was a lost cause. I doubt the rest of us have the compassion or humility to even try that at this point.

Anyways, that having been said, Nal is a jerk and I cease all talk of him starting now.
Take it from me, P.A. Master, Lunar Lion; I know Nal better than anyone. You CAN NOT reason with him. If you try, he'll just block you, and when others ask, he'll tell a pack of lies (haha, wolf-related pun) to make out that you deserved it and that he was completely in the right and had done no wrong whatsoever.

Nice pun.

And to Pocket and Rapid both... thanks. I'm coming to the conclusion that Nal is a bit of a larger childish asshole than I originally thought...

But about the mass e-mail...

I didn't get it...

I had to beg everyone on ToNE for the link. BlazerMan had it. BM=GOD now.
Yeah, the email went into my spam box. I had to ask Majin what was going on (who also provided me with a link).
Good try, P.A.

I would normally not mind this, but Nal has taken both my stats (MY FIREBLADE) AND EVERYTHING IN MY VIRAL MUSEUM, WHICH TOOK FOREVER TRYING TO FIND

So I'm not gonna say anymore on it.

Oh, and thanks to EN for giving me the link to RERN.
He's going to get lonely, And when he comes looking for apologies. I know what I'm going to say. You don't accept ours, were not taking yours.

During that whole chat, I thought to myself. I want to talk to him, I see things that I could say to him. I need an instant messager.

If he comes back looking for apologies. Don't give him none, don't let him come. He's going to be lurking, I know his kind.

We were afraid he would do something like that. That is why we didn't give him his power. And what does he do, prove our point for not making him an administrator or Official.

Quote (P.A. Master)

PAMaster1000: Did you know that the Admins were willing to let you regain your Adminship?
PAMaster1000: The only reason... well, the reasonS that they didn't are as follows:
scottishkilla1: Yup. Yet Atrus said it was a definate no from everyone, which made me investigate
PAMaster1000: Only to jump straight to Admin.
PAMaster1000: They would have granted you modship.


scottishkilla1: What, did you think he was demoted because I didn't agree with him? No, it was because he was working on his own


PAMaster1000: But we still want RECN.
scottishkilla1: What would that accomplish? People would just see me as a dictator. What good is that?
scottishkilla1: Hell, you already do. Why else would you make that site?
scottishkilla1: Even if I was to open it again, it'd make zero difference
PAMaster1000: If you apologized, made an announcement, about why you closed RECN, most of the members would forgive you.
scottishkilla1: Yeah, right!


scottishkilla1: It's a fact. I'm an admin no-one likes, so they'd look for an alternative
PAMaster1000: People like you, Nal.


scottishkilla1: Then none of this would have happened. But what did I get? Lies from Atrus

You know something? A lot of what he said is true.

First off, PA wasn't party to the whole discussion. There were supporters for Nal's return, myself included, but once I got argued down by the facts of what he's been like, Twi, Demon, Majin, and Val all took my side. I sent a letter that very eloquently said "we say no."

Nal's right about a few things:

~People don't want him in the seat of power.
~People don't like his ruling style.
~Reopening the site wouldn't fix his reputation.
~No one wanted him on the staff until he regained his good name.