Random Images (Closed)
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Yes, I am immortalized in a motivational poster! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
...I'm on the far right. With the russian hat.
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Yeah, I went. Like I said, I'm on the far right.
Also, DM, what Dynasty Warriors is that? I 'borrowed' DN6 from my flatmates, but I've yet to play the others. Seen Orochi, but I don't think it's from that ... is it?
Also, DM, what Dynasty Warriors is that? I 'borrowed' DN6 from my flatmates, but I've yet to play the others. Seen Orochi, but I don't think it's from that ... is it?
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That's from Samurai Warriors 2: Extreme Legends, I believe.
Anyways, a sneak preview of the oekaki I'm working on. When it's done, it should look something like this:
Anyways, a sneak preview of the oekaki I'm working on. When it's done, it should look something like this:
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((RS used Fix the thing))
((I didn't bother... but while I'm at it, lets see some more :P))
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<uses the power of internet and crunchyroll>
Admit it, this is what it should've been.
Even being god can't save you now.
Admit it, this is what it should've been.
Even being god can't save you now.