Snack Machine Game, N.E.W edition!

nukes all over the world sudenly blow up, killing all, and YOUR to blame!

i put in a random soda.
You Get Mr. Pibbs Xtra!

Now I Insert me joining the Monster League!
You get Ghostbusters.

I insert Ricky Bobby.
You get Cal Naughton, Jr.

I insert a calculator.
You get Cassius.

I put in a sharpened dagger.
The machine shoots something into the sky and Swords rain down upon you! OH NO!

I insert the Way to Dawn Keyblade.
You get a CloudxSephiroth fanfic.

I insert one of the Valentine's Day cupcakes I just took out of the oven like, 5 minutes ago.
You get nothing! You lose! Good day, sir!

I insert a Wonka bar.
You get a Golden Ticket.

I insert all of Edgar Allan Poe's works.
You get an elevator. You get a Wonkavator. It's an elevator. No, it's a Wonkavator.

I insert a Golden Ticket.
You get an annoying symbol of death and perches on your desk.

I insert Aim!
You get me. >:3

I insert a lion, get in the car!
You get a dead safari guide.

I insert an annoying daughter who whines about her stepmother.
You get Cinderella.

I insert Jean Gerard.
You receive yaoi. Good day.

I insert Steven Sondheim's Into the Woods

((I would like to note that it was an awesomely good play when our drama department did it. ))
You receive "Agooooooony!"

I insert....PantsuMan!
The slightly awesome Passionman pops out!


I insert a pencil.
You get pencil shavings. Congradulations, it ate your pencil.

I insert an exercise program DVD, banana, yogurt, and slimfast shake...thing.

((Let's see if anyone knows where I got that.))
The machine zaps you and you become 20 pounds lighter.

I insert a wolf.

((Into the Woods themed week people, I still can't get "AGGGOOOONNYYYY!!!" out of my head. No, this is not a guess to your reference Lord Ho-ho))
you get granma

I put in a dalek