Hi! The newbie has arrived!

Quote (flowersoul)

@Grim_Reaper: Sure, do you create sprites???

Yep, wouldn't lie to ya. You can see some of my work here.
Welcome to the boards.

If you're looking to meet more members and/or get some real-time feedback, there's a chat here: http://z10.invisionfree.com/RockmanChaosNe...?showtopic=4811
Heya, flower~

Hope you enjoy your time here in RERN and also hope that you don't feel too alienated by our strange...very strange personality here. For example, I'm suppose to be a Moogle, who is also suppose to be a bread at the same time. Hence, I'm always chased by forum members for I am so damn delicious~

thx everybody, by the way, go to this link. I need to RP this forum and I need someone to R&R
Hello again. Just as a friendly reminder, one of the few things we appreciate is not bumping topics too early. Our moderating staff is usually busy with other things and we try to get things done as fast as we can. We have lots of things to do, especially off the boards, and don't like to be rushed : ( As a result, we have a 1 bump every 24 hours policy. Thanks for understanding : )

Anyways, I can't approve your registration but I can tell you that your signature attack is a little off. For 50 damage, the cool down would only be 2 turns. As well, have you considered making your navi fire element to match her name? Just an idea.
Welcome -<cough><hack><cough>

<pukes in the next trashcan>

Sorry, I've been horribly sick this week. @_@

Well, welcome to RERN, hope you enjoy your stay. ^^; <wibbles off>
Hm. Well, welcome, and I'd be glad to help if you need anything (though I'm not a mod), and I'm also an ameteur spriter, my avatar an example (background credit to SpaceMonkeySteve, though), so put up a description and I might try it.
Hello! I'm new too! Perhaps we can bust together sometime? See ya around!
Welcome to our home away from home, Flower. As long as you abide by the rules, you can enjoy your time here however you please.

(^.^ )b