Uhhhhhh Hi :P

Feel free to insult me. I'm everyones punchingbag on and off the internet. That's what therapy is for!
Just practising for when I become a mod.

Quote (Legoroy)

Just practising for if I become a mod.

Also, Ultimatheum, you use the emoticon ':P' too much. D:
Also, Zolem. You think YOU'RE a punching bag?
Sory about that to much of smiley. I like to use it very much bwahaha.

Zolem, you're a punching bag?? COOL!! *punches*

Oh and asking, is there any other female beside Zolem?? Almost everybody here I think is a male.
There are a few around.
[raises hand]

: D?
Wait ur also a female???? Ok its hard to see the difference here XD
Nobody knows who's a girl, really, until the girl in question stands up and mashes it into everybody's face.

I've been called a "he" by countless people who just didn't know the truth.
Whenever the word "female" comes up, it turns into a varitable witch hunt. Good ol' interwebz.

Welcome to the site, random personage that I'll probably know after you become slightly more reputable.