Less Activity no Jutsu.

Yeah, as most have seen already... I've been on less. And it will continue like that for quite a bit. It's mostly school stressing to me to no end, but I'm also busy in satisfying my lust for gaming. And, yeah... No inspiration anymore for RPing. My muse is currently AFB. I will, however, write a fanfic soon about some RPing characters of mine and may, or may not, post these here...

One way or another, Illyana and Silver are being put on a pause. Captain N style pause. They'll be frozen in time with a bit of work of Sir Chrono.

I am not leaving. I'll be less active as the title suggests, but I will never leave this place.

If people need to contact me, you can always try and see if I'm on AIM, MSN, the RERN Chatroom, but the place you might succeed at the quickest is... Guild Wars. Yes, Guild Wars. I've become strangely addicted to it lately. My main character is Shuryou Darkholme and if you add me to your friends list you'll automatically have my others chars there too in a way. Hope to meet you there.

To the people of RERN, enjoy your time here. I'm not leaving because of the reset and the switching of forums, but because I'm out of RPing ideas and I've found other things that need my attention in a way... Mostly my own life.
Bye Bye No Jutsu!


Bye, Shur. Get through your RP block quickly, darn it. Every board needs crazy people.

Quote (English Ninja)

Every board needs crazy people.

Good luck, though.

We all anticipate your speedy return.