Also, I think IPC mission is also something like a Job BBS, but I never did one and I'll try my best to make this idea bit original
[li]Job BBS is found in the SciLab network.
[li]There will be the list of jobs, requested by unknown RP or a real RP character.
[li]Jobs can be submitted by users BUT, it must be authorized by at least two-three mods/admins to be posted onto it, to make sure it isn't unbalanced.
[li]The job is runned by the one who requested the job, not the mod. This is done so the mods/admins won't have too much problems and things to do, also to go the way the creator of the job would want to go by. ((LIKE PLOT TWISTS!!))
It's a bit shakey, I know, but I thought we should give it a shot :3 *Feels as if the idea is gonna be denied Q_Q*