Asymptote Sigs

Small error sorry, have to jump in:

"Slow Go Casing: Creating a casing around himself or another, Asymptote feels the weight of the world on his shoulders, lowering his ability to evade and move about. (80 HP Casing, 1 turn of Self-Slow (40 Powering), 3TCD) (40 SP)"

This is 80 points of signature value, but you can only spend nerf equal to half your actual point investment, so you cannot spend 40 pool points and 40 nerf points - that would be nerf points equal to 100% of your invested points

With 80 point value, and a self-slow nerf, you could reduce the cool down to 1 turn (80 points sentt, 2tcd becomes 1tcd), OR you could increase the strength ofthe signature to 120HP, and 3 TCD, while still pending 80 points.

If you need to spend no more than 40 points, the highest hp value casing you could make would be 60Hp 40 from your pool and 20 (50% of 40) from a nerf, and the cooldown would be 2TCD.
Changed it
Alright, you're all good to go now!