Asymptote Sigs

Cool, you're all good!
Signature reset bought, activate RECOMPILE
Level 11
Max Without Nerfs: 140
Max With Nerfs: 210
Total Points: 480

Defensive Measures B: Using his monstrously strong legs to propel him out of the way, Asymptote dodges out of the way of attacks and uses the downtime to strengthen his defenses. (1 Dodge+80 HP Barrier, 3TCD) (120SP)

Defensive Measures C: Using his monstrously strong legs to propel him out of the way, Asymptote dodges out of the way of attacks and uses the downtime to strengthen his defenses. (1 dodge+80 HP Casing, 3TCD) (120SP)

Field Galvanization: Asymptote sends lightning bolts up into the air, which upon crashing down onto the field transforms it into a brittle, but extremely electrically conductive Metal. (Large Metal Field Change, 1TCD)(40SP)

Quick Med: Activating his programming, Asymptote quickly zaps himself or someone else with a quick bolt of electricity, healing them a little bit. (60 Heal, 2TCD) (80SP)

Overcharge: Asyptote overcharges himself or an ally with excess electricity, this electrical charge can be used on null-elemental chips to give an extra kick. (4 Elec Imbues, 2TCD) (80SP)

Glitch: Asymptote's programming begins to glitch up, sending a glitch or two into his or another's systems. (2 instances of Glitch, 1TCD)(40SP)
Most of these look okay, but there are a few mismatches, if I'm reading it correctly:

Quick Med is 60 healing, for 80 sig points, so its Cooldown is 2.

With nerfs, remember that you can only invest up to 50% of the total sig pool points that you're actually spending.... so:

Electric Crush, is 80Elec damage (80 points), with a Self-Slow. this would normally have a CD of 2. You can use the nerf in full, to make it (120 points of damage, spending 80 pool points, and having a 3TCD), OR you can use the nerf to reduce the cooldown by 40 points, making it (80 points of damage, spending 80 pool points, and having 1TCD).

It looks like you're proposing a signature that is 40Elec damage, amped up to 80 with a 40 point nerf... but that is not legal; that would be using 100% of your spent sig pool points again in nerfs, rather than the maximum of 50%. At most, with a 40 point signature, you can apply 20 points of nerf, which is 50% of the sig pool points being invested.

Your options then, would be:
(80Elec, Melee, Self-Slow)(80 Points spent, 1TCD)
(120Elec, Melee, Self-Slow)(80 Points spent, 3TCD)
(60Elec, Melee, Self-Slow)(40 Points spent, 2TCD)
(50Elec, Melee, Self-Slow)(40 Points spent, 1TCD) (This would be 10 nerf points to boost strength, and 10 to reduce effective cost of cooldown)

The Overcharge Signatures have a similar mismatch. (140 points worth of effects present, 40 points of nerf to spend - so either you're investing 100 sig points, and the nerf is covering the other 40, giving you a cooldown of 4TCD, or you're spending 140 sig points, and the nerf is reducing your cooldown, to 3TCD)

(Or possibly the pan presumes that Imbue Elec costs 10, because that makes the math work slightly better - unfortunately on-element imbue is still 20, and off element is 40)

Remember that Nerfs can be used to empower, serving as extra points that don't come out of your sig pool - but in this case they are still strength of points that contributes to increasing the cooldown. OR, they can be applied to reduce the effective point cost of a signature, to reduce the effective cooldown, but in this case you are still spending the points out of your sig pool. You can use both types of application at once, but the overall rule is that you cannot apply more than 50% of the total signature pool points that you are actually investing, in additional nerfs.
Edited my signatures
Edits all look correct, that's approved.
Level 14
Max Without Nerfs: 140
Max With Nerfs: 210
Total Points: 640

Quick Med: Activating his programming, Asymptote quickly zaps himself or someone else with a quick bolt of electricity, healing them a little bit. (60 Heal, 2TCD) (80SP)

Overcharge: Asyptote overcharges himself or an ally with excess electricity, this electrical charge can be used on null-elemental chips to give an extra kick. (4 Elec Imbues, 2TCD) (80SP)

Glitch: Asymptote's programming begins to glitch up, sending a glitch or two into his or another's systems. (2 instances of Glitch, 1TCD)(40SP)

Field Galvanization: Asymptote sends lightning bolts up into the air, which upon crashing down onto the field transforms it into a brittle, but extremely electrically conductive Metal. (Large Metal Field Change, 1TCD)(40SP)

Super Barrier: Asymptote creates a barrier around himself or another target to protect from damage, using his internal electrical charge (80 HP Barrier, 2TCD) (80 SP)

Murderous Intent: An aura wraps around Asymptote's (or another's) body, the visible aura helping to guide attacks towards their intended targets, as well, this gives the bearer additional power behind their chip based attacks. (1 turn Accuracy Enhancement, 40 Strengthen, 2TCD) (80 SP)

Spectral Shield: Asymptote draws from the power of the panels beneath his feet, creating a shield that matches that element, chipping away as hits are taken. (4-hit Planar Shield, 2 TCD) (80 SP)

Thunder Shot: Taking up arms, Asymptote produces a ball of electricity that seeks out an enemy, zapping them if hit. (60 Elec, Homing, 2TCD) (80 SP)

Dual-Defense: Creating a barrier and casing quickly, Asymptote makes sure to protect himself or another as fully as possible. This however locks up his buster for a little while. (50 HP Barrier+50 HP Casing, Buster Lock1 (20 to Cooldown, 20 to power), 2TCD) (80 SP)
Looks good to me, approved.
Small error sorry, have to jump in:

"Slow Go Casing: Creating a casing around himself or another, Asymptote feels the weight of the world on his shoulders, lowering his ability to evade and move about. (80 HP Casing, 1 turn of Self-Slow (40 Powering), 3TCD) (40 SP)"

This is 80 points of signature value, but you can only spend nerf equal to half your actual point investment, so you cannot spend 40 pool points and 40 nerf points - that would be nerf points equal to 100% of your invested points

With 80 point value, and a self-slow nerf, you could reduce the cool down to 1 turn (80 points sentt, 2tcd becomes 1tcd), OR you could increase the strength ofthe signature to 120HP, and 3 TCD, while still pending 80 points.

If you need to spend no more than 40 points, the highest hp value casing you could make would be 60Hp 40 from your pool and 20 (50% of 40) from a nerf, and the cooldown would be 2TCD.
Changed it
Alright, you're all good to go now!