ACT 1, FINAL CHAPTER: Old Habits, New Realities

So. It's finally come to this. Took me long enough. ':)


In the far reaches of the ACDC district lies Asher Airport, an abandoned airfield.

Once upon a time it was the pride and joy of an up-and-coming billionaire and her family, but airplanes became an unnecessary commodity with the advancement of net society and the rapid spread of cheaper methods of transport that increasingly closed the gap in time differentials. The airport was closed off over 30 years ago, and all the fittings and fixtures of the surrounding buildings continued to rust and decay under an unforgiving sun, heavy rain and even the occasional snowstorm.

In recent years a gang of teenagers had made it their mission to use the tarmac as their hoverskate raceway, but even they knew to steer clear of one of the buildings. There were two hangars on the property, a larger main hangar for servicing and a smaller hangar for storage. While the larger one had its doors wide open, exposing its vast emptiness, the smaller hangar was shut up and inaccessible. Although the locks might have seemed old at first glance, a closer look would reveal they were in fact more modern that the external fixtures of the hangar itself. Additionally, although the rest of the property was only lit by security lights during the night, if one stared hard enough they could potentially make out a dim glow coming out from underneath a very subtle tinting on the windows of the smaller hangar.

It is in this hangar that Eric, Amy and Lily are going to make a disturbing discovery, one that involves both their past and their future. Both human and navi are going to have to overcome old habits and face a new reality.

{{{ ACT 1, FINAL CHAPTER: Old Habits, New Realities }}}

Inside the hangar will be the first Artificial Augmentation Field that our team will encounter. It is only an alpha version, but they don't know that... yet.

Artificial Augmentation Field - Explanation/Breakdown
Background Meta - Skip if uninterested
The mixed result of a desire to introduce the world to net-navis in complete safety and another desire to create digital soldiers, Artificial Augmentation Fields (or 'AAFs' for short) were created using experimental technology and are still being developed and tested.

AAFs are created when eight AAF projection terminals are arranged over a large area in a cube-shape and then activated together to establish an electrical field. The eight cubes do not need to have line-of-sight to establish a field, but the further apart the terminals are, and the more solid objects they have to pass through to establish a perimeter, the more electricity is required to power them. Inside an established field, digital entities can manifest as physical entities, able to interact with the real world. This is done by the use of electrical currents that simulate the surfaces of those entities, to purvey their realism if touched.

By those programmed boundaries, it also allows spawned entities to create and use their normal battle weapons. In the case of net navis, if an AAF transmission backplate is attached to a compatible PET, that PET can send out its navi into the AAF arena and send battlechips to said navi while they exist within the AAF. Doing so brings its own risks, however, as the operator too need to remain in the same AAF to use these functions. The electrical field itself is not powerful enough to bring harm to an operator, even over long periods of time, however as the manifestation of attacks are actually just bursts of electricity, operators in the field are exposed to the risk of electrocution if their body connects with one of these attacks in its raw form.

The limitation of these fields is that the electrical pulses of attacks are just that: electrical pulses. While a navi may simulate a Bubbler chip or a Heatshot chip, the aqueous and heat properties are only simulated with other digital entities; their cooling and heating properties do not transmit to the real world. What is important to remember, however, is that while their elemental properties will not transfer, kinetic energy is still kinetic energy; a Heatshot may not cause a cold box to thaw, but the force of the shot will still send the box flying across the room if it isn't heavy enough to resist the force of the shot.

It is extremly difficult to disrupt an AAF from within it; as any attacks can only travel as far as the electrical field's boundaries, it is not possible for any digital entity to directly attack any of the eight projection terminals in order to take it offline. However, as stated before, kinetic energy is kinetic energy. If used correctly, a physical object inside the field could be propulsed in such a manner that, with repetitive force, a projection terminal could be taken offline by objects launched from within the AAF, however doing so would leave the instigator exposed to attacks from other forces if present. With this in mind, the projection terminals are often placed at a minor distance from the edge of a planned AAF, to avoid this outcome.

How It Works (Rule Changes): In Artificial Augmentation Fields (or 'AAFs' for short), there are no changes to existing rules; no changes to navi HP, turns, effects, etc. The only addition is that the player will now control an extra charater in battle: the operator.

Upon entering an AAF a human operator will normally have 100% health, although this may change due to RP reasons if the operator is already injured.

A human's health (perhaps vitality is a more accurate word) is always viewed as a percentage, and cannot exceed 100%. In the first prototype field, attacks that would deal damage to a navi only deal 2% of their original damage to a human, but that value will increase as the story continues and further Acts come to a finish. Any damage incurred is represented as a percentage rather than a HP value, and are always rounded up to the nearest 0.1% if required. For example, if a 17 HP attack landed on an operator, 2% of 17 is 0.34, which would be rounded up to become 0.4% damage. If a multi-hit attack lands on an operator, the percentage calculation is based on the total damage dealt, not per hit.

A human cannot be healed by recovery methods used by navis, instead needing to rely on their own stamina to recover. They can still use network defenses created for them (eg. shields, barriers, casings), however attacks that cause negative effects can (and will) affect humans in the same manner as their navi counterparts (eg. stun, blind).

A human's health directly affects their ability to assist, evade and recover, classified into three separate conditions:
Alert (75.01%-100% at turn start): 6 actions, normal evasion ability, +1.5% stamina added to current health
Distracted (50.01%-75% at turn start): 4 actions, evasion ability -1 rank, +1% stamina added to current health
Unstable (25.01%-50% at turn start): 2 actions, evasion ability -2 ranks, +0.5% stamina added to current health

If a human's health reaches 25% or lower, they will fall into an unconscious state, or 'pass out' (the final result of sustained electrocution). This is an unacceptable outcome as a navi needs its operator to be able to protect its PET, and is the equivalent of a human EJO.

A human's actions can be used for (but are not necessarily limited to):
* attempting evasion
* interacting with the environment
* transmitting a battlechip to their navi
* using a weapon provided to them (if possible)
* resting (which restores health, calculated by their condition at the start of the round)
--- Alert: 1% / Distracted: 2% / Unstable: 5%

The only other notable callout is that, while elemental attacks will still retain their strengths and weaknesses, their ability to affect the physical world does not carry over. For example, ice attacks do not actually freeze real-world objects, nor do fire attacks set items on fire. The field will simulate normal network effects but the underlying objects will remain unchanged (for example, a navi can fall into a simulated Broken panel, but a human cannot - the real-world terrain stays the same). HOWEVER, any explosive properties are still retained - kinetic energy will still interact with all objects in the same manner regardless of whether the entity is real or digital. The important thing to remember is that the kinetic energy itself cannot leave the AAF; it will simply dissipate to nothing once it reaches the simulation edge. This does not mean that any object propelled by an AAF attack will stop at the edge of the field - it will continue through with the given force applied to it. Any digital entity will get a sharp shock if they try to leave an AAF's boundaries (think of it as your body being disintegrated into nothing; you'd have the same painful reaction).

Spoiler warnings from here on out.

Eric and Amy proceed to Asher Airport on bike in the dead of night. There are signs on the gate indicating it is private property, but rust is the only thing holding the gate against its latch, which becomes evident when Eric's contact with the sign pushes the gate inward and open.

Eric and Amy are confused at first by their surroundings, as a search of the terminal reveals nothing but graffiti. It's Lily that notices the small hangar is out of character with the rest of the property, having no visible grafiti from a distance. They approach the building, and despite there being no visible handle or keylock to the door, Eric recognises the symbol on an 'old' panel next to the door as being the same symbol on Amy's server at home. He places the PET against the panel, and Amy is given a prompt to open the door, which she engages.

They sneak through the door, feeling as if they must have had permission if she could gain access, but were not sure what to expect inside. Their first surroundings are boxes upon boxes - it seemed like the area they entered had been converted into storage. As they walked down one of the various makeshift pathways formed by the rows of boxes, the same symbol could be seen plastered faintly on all the boxes, only confusing Amy and worrying Eric more. As they pass by one of the open crates, they see a large pile of metal plates that again bore this symbol, but these ones were small, about the size of a PET. Their marvel at the discovery causes them to temporarily forget their surroundings, a mistake they quickly realise as they turned to face a sudden sound.

A Metool of the most bizzare design stares at Eric, initially with a look of curiousity but gradually shifting towards aggression. Its pickaxe appears, and even though he can't believe what he is seeing, Eric knew what would come next. Boxed into the aisle, Eric's only option was to attempt to dive over the open box as a shockwave flew down the pathway he'd been occupying seconds ago. His landing was not graceful, and Amy's PET flew out of his hand as a result. Classic Eric clumsiness follows, and the PET lands on top of one of the plates that had scattered from the fallen box, a forceful CLANG as it cements itself into place on the back of the PET. Amy knew the menu option that appeared, and immediately selected the 'Augment' button to manifest in the real world, just in time to save her operator from wearing a Shockwave to the face. Just as they were about to flee, Amy notices that things feel different this time; Amy had never felt the buzz of her gel systems in Eric's room, but now they were charging up and preparing for battle. Lily detects Sakura's tracking gel, and Amy confirms Lily's discovery. Amy feels an unknown sensation give her a new burning power as she and Lily prepare to face this hangar and get their friend back.

Battle #1: The Basics, But With A Twist
The Rundown: Eric and Amy will face off against the first wave of viruses in an AAP. It's an opportunity for Eric to understand just how deep in the mess he really is, while giving Amy and Lily a chance to come to terms with this new power and battling dynamic. Its origin is still not understood at this point, but at the very least they recognise that this new power has something to do with the panel attached to Amy's PET. Eric will need to think on his feet, as he will have neither the time nor the opportunity to consult the NetPendium in this or any of the following battles.

The Field: Think overstocked storage warehouse. The party stepped through the access door to find six distinct pathways lined with boxes stacked on top of each other, as we as larger wooden crates; the length of the pathways would take two standard movements to go from one end to another. Although the boxes aren't stacked particularly tall, the narrower walkways make for awkward dodging, requiring a more concerted effort and perhaps a hefty jump rather than just a passive step to the left or right. No elemental terrain changes in this room (to begin, anyway), 100% normal panels.

The Enemies: 3x Metools. Boring, right? Well, not exactly. At the mod's discretion, they may give the Metools elemental features or abilites not normally found in a Metool (after all, this is an experimentation field) however their health and power should still scale to the typical 'first-battle' encounter. Perhaps they have teleport abilities, perhaps they have a beard - it's all up to the mod on this one.

PASS: Defeat the Metools. Mission continues to the second battle. Rewards at moderator's discretion.

FAIL BY EJO: Eric retreats back to safety and returns the next day with Matt to find the entire airport property barricaded by police. The group returns home without being noticed and begin their search of the internet to find the cloak and attempt to negotiate for Sakura's release. Penalty at moderator's discretion.

FAIL BY PASS OUT: Eric awakens the next day on a bed in a prison cell with Stacey seated outside the cell bars. Eric slowly tries to comprehend what's happening, but Stacey doesn't help by going nuclear and demanding an explanation of what Eric was doing in the middle of the night in a warehouse filled with stolen goods. To make matters worse, Stacey tells Eric that his PET has been confiscated from them, but neither Amy nor Lily were in it. As Stacey tries to work out how to prove Eric's innocence, an unknown man enters the room and ends up offering them a most unusual offer in exchange for Eric's release. Penalty at moderator's discretion.

Battle #2: Things Get A Little Weird
The Rundown: Our party ventures through another door at the other end of the storage area to find a much more open room with many moving robotic installations building advanced gadgetry, although they can't recognise any of it. A trio of viruses burst through another door on the opposing side of the room, and battling resumes.

The Field: This one is much more open to the moderator's interpretation and imagination. As long as there's a door on the side our party came through, and a door on the opposing side, everything in the middle is up to you. Ideally there would be a central workstation upon which other smaller stations spread out from, but again, the field is yours. Elemental changes are on the table, but are only realised once the new viruses enter, further showing that the viruses are the ones causing these changes, they weren't naturally occurring.

The Enemies: 3 to 5 standard ACDC viruses at the moderator's discretion. In the same manner as the first battle, feel free to add any changes/abilities/features to the standard viruses if you wish, but please try not to drastically overpower their overall health and power as a result.

PASS: Defeat all three viruses with a running total of 20 turns or less across both battle #1 and #2. Mission continues to the third and final battle. Rewards at moderator's discretion.

STALEMATE: Defeat all three viruses, but not within a running total of 20 turns or less across both battles #1 and #2. The party will proceed to the final room and find Sakura tied to a railing on the wall, but no other entities await their arrival. They inspect the next room (see its description in Battle #3) but find nothing of interest. They leave without having met the party that instigated battles #1 and #2. Sakura is downloaded back into Amy's PET and the party retreats. They leave the property and head home, oblivious to a fourth car that wasn't there earlier as another somewhat familiar duo discuss their next move. As Eric rides home, he hears multiple police sirens in the distance, as several squad cars fly past him presumably heading towards the airport. Rewards at moderator's discretion.

FAIL BY EJO: Eric retreats back to safety and returns the next day with Matt to find the entire airport property barricaded by police. The group returns home without being noticed and begin their search of the internet to find the cloak and attempt to negotiate for Sakura's release. Penalty at moderator's discretion.

FAIL BY PASS OUT: Eric awakens the next day on a bed in a prison cell with Stacey seated outside the cell bars. Eric slowly tries to comprehend what's happening, but Stacey doesn't help by going nuclear and demanding an explanation of what Eric was doing in the middle of the night in a warehouse filled with stolen goods. To make matters worse, Stacey tells Eric that his PET has been confiscated from them, but neither Amy nor Lily were in it. As Stacey tries to work out how to prove Eric's innocence, an unknown man enters the room and ends up offering them a most unusual offer in exchange for Eric's release. Penalty at moderator's discretion.

Battle #3: Things Get VERY Weird
The Rundown: Sensing that Sakura must be in the next room, the party navigates to the back room where an office layout awaits them. Amy and Lily immediately recognise the cloak from the net, still weakened from their previous encounter as a crackling sound indicates his emblem is still damaged. He is doing his best to not be a hindrance to the older gentleman tapping away at a keyboard, who welcomes them to their base of operations. The party hears a banging sound coming from a corner of the room - they turn to see Sakura tied to a railing on the wall. Amy takes a step forward but is warned about taking action by the older man. He explains that they had no other choice to bring her here, given her resistance to their earlier requests, and that the viruses were simply a means to weaken then so that they'd be able to talk as equals. Amy is defiant, commenting that they beat his navi once before, and they'll do it again. The cloak acknowledges his weak state and urges the man to leave while they still can; he can convince Amy about their cause another time without risking their safety. The man monologues about this research being too valuable to leave behind, and that is why it was supposed to be the navi's job to watch out for intruders, a job he'd failed today. The computers still needed time to finish backing up their latest progress, and the man ordered that if his 'son' wasn't in a state to fight, send 'them' out to buy him more time. Obediently, three flashes emitted from underneath the cloak as three birds fly out of it, our trio recognising the trio of birds from the onsen earlier. They take their position above their partner in mid-air, and after issuing warnings intended to intimidate, they begin their assault.

The Field:A long table is placed across the centre of the room, and a table along the far side wall houses multiple computers and a server connected to all the hardware in the prior room, its cables routing up to the ceiling and running along the rafters back towards the direction our team came from. In the right-hand corner closest to Eric's party, Sakura is tied to a railing by a strange cabled gadget that also loops into the external wall panels. As the old man quips, the gadget on the rope prevents Sakura from withdrawing from the network and mutes her voice program. Theoretically it could be undone (3 uninterrupted actions in a row to undo) but it doesn't seem like the opposing team is interested in harming the little girl. A similar door to the one Eric used to enter the hangar is located very close to the server, where the old man is currently seated with his navi kneeling in front of him, strategically placing himself between our protagonists and his master. The rest is up the moderator's discretion.

The Enemies:
(You will get an introduction to the three SP personalities during the final posts of Chapter 7, the precursor to these events.)

HP: 70
Level: 10 [3x HP, 3x Attack, Planeswalking, Slashing Strike]
Element: Elec
Subtype: Shadow
Actions: 2
Assassin: First attack against an enemy that didn't attack you last gain +20% damage, resets if enemy attacks others again
Clone Technique: One free instance of Decoy per turn
Upgrades: Planeswalking (negates terrain buffs/debuffs)
Appearance: Taking the appearance of a well-stocked bird, Tyto's head and body run together with no visible neck connecting the two. Make no mistake though - that head can orbit almost 270 degrees in each direction almost instantly without any difficulty. Short feathers run across his entire body, not quite establishing a furry look from a distance but also not far off it either. Two wings are very well hidden around his chest, deceptively hiding the enormity of their size. At full extension, Tyto's wingspan is almost twenty widths of his body, however the wings can fold down into themselves to reduce that size considerably (down to a mere tripling of his body's width) while still being able to maintain flight. Tyto's tail feathers are short in comparison to the rest of his body, only extending out a quarter of his body's length. Two somewhat stubby legs end at not-so-stubby talon hooks of claws that seem to have two modes - claw-in and claw-out. Claw-in turns the appendage into a sort of three-toed foot with a back toe, however claw-out reveals a fierce weapon. The feathers on and around his head are all white, whereas the remainder of his body's feathers are mostly bright yellow with a slight mottling of white mixed in. Like his brothers, yellow is only Tyto's default polarity colour, and his feathers will change and match the primary colour of his navigator's ride once connected. Two small round eyes of the darkest complexion sit close to the centre of his head, with a small white beak positioned just a narrow distance below the bridge between both eyes. The talons are also almost pitch black, but similarly to the eyes they seem to reflect the ever-so-slight hint of a yellow sheen under the brightest of lights.
Personality: Tyto considers himself a silent but effective leader, the glue that holds the team together. He feels he needs to watch over everybody, sometimes at his own expense by putting the needs of the team ahead of his own. Unlike his hot-headed partner, Tyto is more level-headed and doesn't get distracted easily by the actions of others - that's not to say though that Tyto doesn't overreact if triggered correctly. Tyto prefers to stay silent and watch others before committing to a course of action, but once a decision is made, it is very hard to get Tyto to change his mind.

Name: Silent Slice
Attack: 25 DMG + Slashing, Shot Attack
Effect Upgrade: Slashing Strike
Description: Tyto's wings are extended outward and flat to become perpendicular to the intended target. With one flap, those sharpened wings cut through the air, creating a shrill sonic boom that quickly closes the gap between attacker and foe without losing its cutting edge. Despite emitting a sound, the target only hears it once the damage has already been done.

Unable to use battlechips

--Signature Attacks--
Cap: 140 SP
Points: 80 / 640 SP

Name: Golden Mask
Description: Tyto energies his body's feathers to such a degree that they begin to glow and grow in size. The swollen padding created by them creates an extra layer of protection that helps mitigate attacks if they were to connect.
Effects: 40 HP Casing
Cost: 40 SP
Cooldown: 1

Name: Buttery Smooth
Description: Tyto loosens a few wing feathers before darting his wings through the air. The offending feathers ride the wind that follows, but their uniquely activated polarity allows them to curve and slide around any object in their way as they head towards their intended target.
Effects: 20 Elec DMG + Phasing, Shot-type Attack
Cost: 40 SP
Cooldown: 1
HP: 80
Level: 10 [3x HP, 3x Attack, Second Chance, Spread Strike]
Element: Wood
Subtype: Guts
Actions: 2
Vigor: Additional +5 max HP for every odd-numbered HP upgrade.
Intimidation: Ability to deploy a Stun1 with Nova(1 + Level/20) range per turn (caps at Nova4) - free action, base B accuracy
Upgrades: Second Chance (survive a killing hit at 1 HP)
Appearance: Amazo is a smaller bird with a bright green plumage that covers his entire body. Two small black eyes are positioned close to the centre of his head, with a small beak protruding a little further down from the centre of the face. Two small legs connect rather unintimidating talons to his body, only useful for perching and standing, not for attacking. Instead, his standard-size wings are extremely rigid and well-built - Amazo is able to use his wings as steel batons to beat off any enemies game enough to move into his personal space. That isn't necessary however, as the feathers on his wings are not only deployable in an instant, but regrow momentarily - the new growth is always as thick and plump as the originals. Amazo's tail feathers are almost as long as his body length, and they too are heavily reinforced and able to smack a target mid-air if required. Like his brothers, green is only Amazo's default polarity colour, and his feathers will change and match the secondary colour of his navigator's ride once connected. Three short crest feathers extending from his forehead are the only ones differing in colour - the centre feather is red, and the left and right feathers are yellow. These do not change colour while mounted to a ride. His talons always maintain a snow white appearance, as does his beak.
Personality: Amazo is a program of little words. Unless necessary, Amazo is happy to let others do the talking as he silently does whatever is needed to maintain the status quo. Amazo's demeanour rarely changes, leading many to think of him as a dull and unintelligent bird. That would be a mistake, as the small and unassuming parrot rarely makes the first strike in a battle, but it's almost guaranteed he'll make the second one, as long as doing so doesn't expose his friends to unnecessary danger. Amazo never gets angry, and is often the one to break up in-fighting in the group, usually between Tyto and Cardino.

Name: Feather Down The Road
Attack: 25 DMG + Spread1, Shot-type
Effect Upgrade: Spread Strike
Description: Amazo plumps up his wings and beats them vigorously to deploy a barrage of thick feathers. The result is a gale of heavy objects that don't just stop at the first target they hit, but continue to ride the wind as they seek new targets to injure.

Unable to use battlechips

--Signature Attacks--
Cap: 140 SP
Points: 80 / 640 SP

Name: Overcrest
Description: In a pinch, Amazo can deploy multiple feathers from his body's pores in order to give him even more bulk to swing at his enemies. The added advantage is an addition protection should those enemies swing back.
Effects: 40 HP Casing
Cost: 40 SP
Cooldown: 1

Name: Overquill
Description: Amazo's wing feathers moult at his command, growing moss and leaves where feather fibers used to protrude. Once ready, a powerful wave of his wings causes the mess of nature to lurch forward into the wild and towards its target.
Effects: 40 Wood DMG, Shot-type Attack
Cost: 40 SP
Cooldown: 1
HP: 90
Level: 10 [5x HP, 4x Attack, Break Strike]
Element: Fire
Subtype: Melee
Actions: 2
Melee Mastery: Melee attacks gain +1 accuracy rank (does not apply to slashing attacks) - boosted attacks can surpass A rank
Bash: One free instance of Impact per turn
Upgrades: None
Appearance: Cardino is a smaller bird with a bright red plumage that covers his entire body. Two small black eyes are positioned close to the centre of his head, with a small beak protruding a little further down from the centre of the face. Two small legs connect rather unintimidating talons to his body, only useful for perching and standing, not for attacking. Instead, his standard-size wings are extremely flexible and sturdy, allowing Cardino to curl them into human-like fists that he is all too happy to swing in a battle. His flight ability is only marginally hampered by said fists, meaning the bird can both punch and fly at the same time. Cardino's tail feathers are almost as long as his body length, but unlike his brothers they are soft and not capable of being useful for battle. Like his brothers, red is only Amazo's default polarity colour, and his feathers will change and match the secondary colour of his navigator's ride once connected. Cardino has a multitude of crest feathers that rise and flutter in the wind, like the wisps of a burning fire. His talons always maintain a jet black appearance, as does his beak.
Personality: If Tyto is the natural leader of the group, then Cardino is the self-elected boss, always ready to spout his opinions. Quick-witted, loose-tongued and unreserved, nothing is sacred in his eyes. He's not intentionally rude, but the hot-tongued bird doesn't believe in holding back the truth in any conversation, no matter how much it might hurt those who have to hear it. Such speech comes from Cardino's desire for all to be true to themselves and be the best person they can possibly be. Cardino hates deception, false speech, and ones who can't make quick decisions. That attitude often leads to the bird making rash and quick decisions, which, to be fair, ties in well to his in-your-face fighting style. Cardino's attitude often causes him to fight with Tyto, but the two still have a (thin) respect for the other's way of thinking.

Name: First Strike
Attack: 30 DMG + Break, Melee-type Attack
Effect Upgrade: Break Strike
Description: Cardino's standard fare of attack, he quickly swoops into his enemy's face and lets his wings do the talking. His fist of feathers are deliberately pointed forward to pierce the target and ensure the first strike does the most damage possible.

Unable to use battlechips

--Signature Attacks--
Cap: 140 SP
Points: 80 / 640 SP

Name: Flashbang
Description: Cardino closes the distance between his target and beats them with wings filled with embers designed to incapacitate their senses rather than cause damage (although it still does a little bit of this as well.)
Effects: 10 Fire DMG, Stun; Melee-type Attack
Cost: 40 SP
Cooldown: 1

Name: Charging Ram
Description: Cardino charges in with his feathers flattened to be perpendicular to the enemy, maximising the surface area to deliver as much of a burning shock to its defenses as possible.
Effects: 20 Fire DMG, Impact; Melee-type Attack
Cost: 40 SP
Cooldown: 1
Cloaked Navi
HP: ???
Level: ??? (not revealed in-story, but is currently 16)
Element: ??? (not revealed in-story... yet)
Subtype: ??? (not revealed in-story... yet)
Appearance: A dark grey sheet hides most of this navi's features, however what can be seen when the navi moves is edges of what appears to be a cyan trenchcoat layered underneath the cloak. Purple boots also peek out from underneath the cloak. Two holes cut into the face reveal large blue eyes but not much else.
Personality: Injured by their earlier scuffle, this navi seems conflicted in its decisions. Although it respects its operator and does what it is told, there is a considerable resistance towards attacking the protagonist team. Its words and actions portray a closeness to Amy in particular that can't quite be explained at this time, as he tries to plead with everybody that fighting isn't the answer. Refers to Amy as his 'sister', and the old man as his 'father'.
'Older Man'
Appearance: A caucasian man of average build likely in his mid-40s, with blue eyes, untamed medium-length dark blonde hair and a poorly-trimmed short beard that covers most of his face. His facial expression seems to be stuck in a permanent state of half-squinting with a matching frown. A dirty (formerly) white lab coat covered with small tears extends down to his knees, where a pair of tan shorts take over and extend halfway down his calves. A black PET sits in the lower right pocket of the lab coat.
Personality: His cold and calculated manner of speaking indicates a firm determination to succeed. Not rude or argumentative, but short and direct (even while monologuing). No sudden movements or distractions, no humourous banter or puns, just an intimidating aura of boldness that emanates from him like a parent talking down to a child. Refers to Lily as 'child', Amy as his 'daughter', the cloaked navi as his 'son', and Eric as an 'outsider'.

MISSION UPDATE: If the party has survived until now, it is revealed that these servers have been backing up to an external drive since the party was first detected in the warehouse, hence the waves of viruses to buy them time. (Each turn is essentially a 5% back-up, but that tally won't be visible until Battle #3 starts.)

PASS: Defeat all three SPs with a final total of 20 turns or less across all three battles. With all obstacles cleared, Amy attempts to decloak the navi as it continues to ignore her questions. Eric follows behind Amy as she easily overpowers the navi. The old man attempts to stop Amy from hurting him, grabbing the briefcase with the backup drive as the only object in his reach capable of acting as a weapon. The navi deploys a Blinder chip in the same moment, which blinds not only Amy and Lily but the old man as well, causing Amy to fall forward and strip the navi of its cloak as she hits the ground, and the old man launches the briefcase forwards towards Eric as he too falls over in confusion. Shielded from the flash by Lily's wings, Eric gets a full look at the opposing navi and is astounded by what he sees, but takes the opportunity to grab the briefcase that has landed near his feet. The male navi quickly realises what he's done has doomed the old man's mission, but with Amy and Lily quickly recovering from their blindness the navi reads the room and accepts the inevitable. He awkwardly helps the old man to his feet despite being in a bad state himself, and they both make their getaway out the back door. Amy wants to chase after them, but Eric and Lily are more concerned about Sakura's well-being. Amy reluctantly puts aside her burning desire for knowledge in order to protect her friend. Sakura is downloaded back into Amy's PET and the party retreats. As they retreat from the warehouse, Eric explains his revelation as Amy realises now why the navi knew so much about her. With the back-up briefcase in their possession, they leave the property and head home to understand what they just acquired, oblivious to a fourth car that wasn't there earlier as another somewhat familiar duo discuss their next move. As Eric rides home, he hears multiple police sirens in the distance, as several squad cars fly past him presumably heading towards the airport. Rewards at moderator's discretion (zenny probably makes the most sense), key item 'AugPlateBeta blueprint' also acquired.

STALEMATE: Survive 20 turns across all three battles without defeating all three SPs. With all of the data backed up, the old man demands the SPs return to their navi as they use one final diversion to make their getaway out the back door. Amy wants to chase after them, but Eric and Lily are more concerned about Sakura's well-being. Amy reluctantly puts aside her burning desire for knowledge in order to protect her friend. Sakura is downloaded back into Amy's PET, but as they attempt to leave Lily notices a folder on a desk near their entrance door that the old man and navi weren't able to secure due to their own interference. They choose to take it with them and study its contents to gain a better understanding of the situation. They leave the property and head home, oblivious to a fourth car that wasn't there earlier as another somewhat familiar duo discuss their next move. As Eric rides home, he hears multiple police sirens in the distance, as several squad cars fly past him presumably heading towards the airport. Rewards at moderator's discretion (zenny probably makes the most sense), key item 'AugPlateAlpha blueprint' also acquired.

FAIL BY EJO: Eric will be forced to abandon Sakura as he cannot fight without his partners. This will lead to some heated arguments once they are back home, as they will feel like they have failed their friend. They return the next day with Matt to find the entire airport property barricaded by police. The group returns home without being noticed and begin their search of the internet to find the cloak and attempt to negotiate for Sakura's release. Penalty at moderator's discretion.

FAIL BY PASS OUT: With Eric incapacitated and vulnerable, Amy and Lily stop fighting and attempt to desperately bargain with the old man and his navi, promising that they will not try to escape as long as the duo guarantee Eric's safety, to which the old man initially refuses. It is the male navi's request for him to accept their terms of surrender that causes the man to reconsider and accept the offer. The old man tells our protagonists that alerting the police to their presence will cost them greatly, to which Amy advises that no-one even knew they were here. Lily respectfully argues that if the police are on their way, somebody else knows about this place. With the warehouse compromised, Eric is tied up and placed into an old van as both parties motor off with a selection of gear from the warehouse to an undisclosed location. Penalty at moderator's discretion.

Sorry if this is too much information, but as you can see, this could go one of several ways, each of which will affect Act 2 drastically. I'm not sure if I'm taking too much control away from the moderator by being this detailed, so please call that out if it's a problem as well. No matter the final pathway, key item 'AugPlateAlpha' will be retained from this storyline by Eric, as well as any rewards/penalties gained.
I can see what you're going for with this. The operator element is a bit messy, with the double conversion maths, but I think I understand why you're wanting to do it that way. One thing worth noting is that if you are involving the operators in real time, then, for all formal purposes, they will *NEED* to spend one of their actions to do the operator-side chip slotting, for each chip your navi wants to use... so if they are having to defend themselves, they may have far less time to handle chip support for the navi.

(...and if you are maybe thinking that this element seem to line up all to perfectly with certain elements that are coming to the fore with my own characters, the coincidence and convenience of this is not lost on me either... If you're putting this into the world then I *may* also want to utilise it at some point ^.^ )

I can run this for you when you're ready.
Thank you, and understood - all going well, it’ll be in the very near future.

The % was a necessary part to allow for system progression - it took waaaaay too long to finally get to this stage, but back when I first floated the idea, Amy’s story was a five act arc that always ended with these ‘bosses’, and naturally things had to get much harder for Eric as well as Amy. The idea was to give Amy more problems to deal with by making Eric a softer target each time these events occurred. If I do eventually get far enough, the % parts will scale, with the only possible aid to soften these blows being discussed in Arc 4.

Alpha / Beta fields: 2%
Gamma / Delta fields: 5%
Omega field: 10%

These were necessary for scaling the virus fights later on - the operator taking 200HP of damage in a single turn in an Alpha field is only 4%, which isn’t a dealbreaker in itself as the next turn 1.5% is mitigated by default, but a single attack of 150HP in a Delta field is a heftier 7.5%, almost a third towards the first penalty tier. 2 to 3 hits of that, which is quite likely if chips are being fed by the operator to the navi, and you’ll be in trouble quickly…

Your point about battlechips is 100% on the mark, and this is why it’s critical to not let the operator become a punching bag. Eric may get 6 actions to start, but 25% disappears very quickly if the RPer is not careful, and the added dodge penalty and lack of time to heal/hide makes the Distracted condition more of a challenge, and Unstable even more so - at that point, the navi has to essentially step up and become a defence as the operator has to make some very careful choices on how to use their limited time. If the operator rests, no battlechips - if the operator sends battlechips, they’re a sitting duck with -2 evasion.

(I had a lot of fun running mock battles with these stats.)

One thing I do need to call out that I only just thought of today is the multi-hit aspect - the conversion back to a % for the operator needs to happen AFTER all hits have been taken into account, not before. This will prevent the abuse of a low-powered multi-hitter that would otherwise gain increased damaged from the rounding aspect. I’ll go back and add this little addendum to the above spiel.

And finally, if you feel inclined to use any or all of this system, be my guest - more users means more refinements. ;)