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Lobster Battle!
You're hotlink from a porn site is unamusing.
Steve's children got their own DS game. D:

Old image is outdated.
Ha! Oh Slaanesh, you slay me. Rather, you slay me, rape my corpse, then devour my soul, but whatevs. What comic is that? Turn signals on a landraider?

Oh, btw. A followup to the other one piece thing I posted.

Kintama means testicles btw.
Jesus: "It was a metaphor, dammit! A METAPHOR!!!"

Look at these:

The result of an idiotic chatroom conversation.
why the hell was the second thing I noticed "OMG, kiba has boobs"?
In philozophy lesson, our teacher taught us Jung's model of the human mind.
Isn't it a bit similar to something? Hmm ...

He wasn't kidding
so...our minds are shaped like the death star..?
Yap ... he says