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Even more FAIL on the internetz.
What. An. Ass. :'D

Oh, and by the way.

Quote (The_Grim_Reaper)

Urge to smash... rising...

I lol'd.

I...I feel...slightly less emo...*hugs teh bunny*
Awwww that is just the cutest thing ever.

Waringing: Language http://www.nuklearpower.com/comics/080610.png

As any fan of the series knows, that is a rathe awequard moment.
I'll be honest; I'm reading DD, because no matter how bad it is, it is daily. And this is probably the first intriguing character so far.

I'm not quite sure why people always assume that necromancers are evil or that they are in 'love' with the dead. Necromancy is a life magic. Its just easier to bring life to dead objects. Or so I'm told by my friends, one of which is a big necromancer in many RPs including DnD.

And really, I actually saw it more like that before being told before hand. If you think of it, necromancers, the general necromancy that is, is about life, not death.

PS. when i saw that strip last night I laughed. Why? Cause I didnt see it coming, but it fitted perfectly.

now if you excuse me... I'm gonna go back to listening to the Suite NicoNicoDouga MP3 i mined from a site last night
Personally, I think that necromancy is more "resourceful" than "evil". I mean, you have that near perfect, well oiled machinery that's the human body and you'd leave it lying there just because it has no soul? You would build up mana when you can substitute plain life force for it, which comes in pretty much limitless amounts? What a waste!

However all the OTHER necromancers in DD pretty much fit the "creepy guy who has zombieface".



I lol'd. Now all the people in the Library of Congress reading room are staring at me...
Look away!
Epic shit. :'D
Only the text in the last panel was edited.