Oh, and LHH, Kai 17 and 18 basically came out subbed at the same time, weird, huh?
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XD You noticed? It's his eyes. In this frame the centering of the face is really off for some reason. It's a transition frame of him turning his head and talking at the same time.
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I just had to come back from the dead to post.
Can we focus on the more postive aspects of Higurashi?
Can we focus on the more postive aspects of Higurashi?

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Quote (Gearpunk)
Holy shit, Cheshire's a nazi!
I thought his name was Shrodinger, the member of the Last Betalion that could do anything as long as you weren't looking at him. He's even come back from getting his head blown off, and traveled thoudands of miles in opnly a minute.