1. People who incessantly bitch about their own problems. I don't mean Dark. I mean worse people. WAY worse people.
2. N00bs, in other words, new people who refuse to cooperate, don't pay attention to the rules, and make NO EFFORT to improve.
3. Long pet peeve lists. [/joking]
The 'Pet Peeves' Thread
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1. People who think that the whole world should revolve around them and them alone, giving no consideration to others as long as they get what they want.
2. People who continually rant on to you about things you couldn't care less about then act offended when you don't seem interested.
3. The word 'addicting'. It's ADDICTIVE, dammit! OK, both are acceptable, but the former sounds retarded.
4. The fact you can never get any cellphone reception when you really need it.
5. Filler episodes. Shudder, indeed.
6. Oh, and censorship. Gotta hate that.
7. When bad people end up with things they don't deserve. Moreso when they manage to do so with very little effort when everyone else generally has to struggle for them.
2. People who continually rant on to you about things you couldn't care less about then act offended when you don't seem interested.
3. The word 'addicting'. It's ADDICTIVE, dammit! OK, both are acceptable, but the former sounds retarded.
4. The fact you can never get any cellphone reception when you really need it.
5. Filler episodes. Shudder, indeed.
6. Oh, and censorship. Gotta hate that.
7. When bad people end up with things they don't deserve. Moreso when they manage to do so with very little effort when everyone else generally has to struggle for them.
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Oh, got another one;
-The hordes of Narutards who call Ultimate Kyuubi Naruto 'OTK (One-Tailed Kyuubi) Naruto', despite the former being it's actual, official name. And yes, it's a case of 'they don't know it's called that'. So they call it something stupid, annoying, and wrong.
Oh, and no offence to any US members here, but...
-The general inability of the US population to pronounce Japanese words correctly. Seriously, even using the Kyuubi example. I wanted to kill something when I heard someone pronounce it 'Kai-oo-bee'...
-The hordes of Narutards who call Ultimate Kyuubi Naruto 'OTK (One-Tailed Kyuubi) Naruto', despite the former being it's actual, official name. And yes, it's a case of 'they don't know it's called that'. So they call it something stupid, annoying, and wrong.
Oh, and no offence to any US members here, but...
-The general inability of the US population to pronounce Japanese words correctly. Seriously, even using the Kyuubi example. I wanted to kill something when I heard someone pronounce it 'Kai-oo-bee'...
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Quote (Shuryou)
1. Voltron... HATE THE DAMN THING!
B-but... they're LIONS, and they DEFEND the whole UNIVERSE...
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1) Sabre fencers.
2) The fact that I have to reconcile myself as a bi-weaponist, now that I'm fencing better epee than foil
3) Fencers who are too damn tall.
2) The fact that I have to reconcile myself as a bi-weaponist, now that I'm fencing better epee than foil
3) Fencers who are too damn tall.
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-The general inability of the US population to pronounce Japanese words correctly. Seriously, even using the Kyuubi example. I wanted to kill something when I heard someone pronounce it 'Kai-oo-bee'...
That's why you take two years of Japanese 1 in Middle school before it actually counts... *failed Japanese 1B*
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1. People who think that the whole world should revolve around them and them alone, giving no consideration to others as long as they get what they want.
You know, it's really kinda scary when you start to realize that when you're walking around with your ipod in your ears and cellphone sticking out of your pocket, you're just another someone who will never be a main character. You realize that you're just one more typical teen. And you're just the background to someone else's life, who will never realize the epiphany that you have just reached.
Scary idea, huh?
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That's why you take two years of Japanese 1 in Middle school before it actually counts... *failed Japanese 1B*
Waitwaitwait.... you mean you US-types actually STUDY Japanese formally in school? Then how comes there's still a horrifying amount of Americans who can't pronounce Japanese words to save their life? FOR SHAME! D=
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You know, it's really kinda scary when you start to realize that when you're walking around with your ipod in your ears and cellphone sticking out of your pocket, you're just another someone who will never be a main character. You realize that you're just one more typical teen. And you're just the background to someone else's life, who will never realize the epiphany that you have just reached.
Scary idea, huh?
That's why so many people rebel and try to stand out.

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1. To spend a while on a place you really like, only to have the people distance themselves from you like you have a disease.
2. To make a leaving topic and have it ignored.
3. To see people ridicule you whenever you log on (not this site, wc3)
1 and 2...........you all know your guilty D:<
2. To make a leaving topic and have it ignored.
3. To see people ridicule you whenever you log on (not this site, wc3)
1 and 2...........you all know your guilty D:<
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1. Thunder Cats.
2.Over-using smileys.
3. When people Im me, and they're like "[color=hot pink]OMG, WHAT'S UP?"
4. Overusing the acronym "ILY"
The Morashes [Their younger son in particular] have been giving you trouble?
Lol, owned.
I am REALLY tempted to use this as blackmail.
Although I have no reason to blackmail you.
2.Over-using smileys.
3. When people Im me, and they're like "[color=hot pink]OMG, WHAT'S UP?"
4. Overusing the acronym "ILY"
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The Morashes [Their younger son in particular] have been giving you trouble?
Lol, owned.
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and Nal, yes, Ouka's boobs boosted me to puberty. >_>
I am REALLY tempted to use this as blackmail.
Although I have no reason to blackmail you.
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Another handful to my peeve list...
- The church of Scientology. What's that? You want me to pay $6 for a leaflet? We have a term for that, over here. It's called 'Get stuffed'.
- Fairground food. Why, oh, why does a hot-dog have to cost $6...
- Student Discounts. They're not advertised well enough for me to take advantage of them.
- Creepy stalkers. 'Nuff said.
- The church of Scientology. What's that? You want me to pay $6 for a leaflet? We have a term for that, over here. It's called 'Get stuffed'.
- Fairground food. Why, oh, why does a hot-dog have to cost $6...
- Student Discounts. They're not advertised well enough for me to take advantage of them.
- Creepy stalkers. 'Nuff said.
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Quote (bluebasium911)
The Morashes [Their younger son in particular] have been giving you trouble?
Lol, owned.
I am REALLY tempted to use this as blackmail.
B: Erm, I really don't care.
*points to 4chan*
THAT is what I'd use.