Septimus and Zexion

oooohhh yeah i remeber you too. Cool. O.K. So what can i increase with a sig, or is anyincreasement out of the question?

Quote (orca2313)

Operater: Septimus Alzero
Apearence: He has bleach white hair and sparkling green eyes.  He has a dark hodie with his navi's crest on it.  He wears dark DVS skater shoes and green crago pants.  His skin has a slight tan.
Personality:His is amazingly talented with programing and created his navi from scratch.  His also very focused in netbattles but quite lax in other areas.  He enjoys recreational guitar and a wild berserk style of netbattling.  He is striving to find ultimate happyness but wouldn't mind waiting 500 hundred years to find it eather(if you know what i mean).  He also has a boat load of money because his dad owns a major PET manufacturing company.

Pet modifications:  A dark green link pet with claw-like markings.

Net Navi: Zexis.exe
Type: Fire/breaker
Appearance:  he wears a black navi suit with a wolf-like helmet.  He has claws and other similar projections.  He has a glitch in his arm that makes it twich when recieving orders.
Personality:Part of his program was an experment on how to use bugfrags to create a net navi so he is always hungry for battle and has a slight tendancey to look at navis and virii like a starving african child would look at 3 helpings of kobe beef.  He also enjoys the wild busting style that his net op. uses.  He can get angry quite quickly and is the one who usualy wake his op. out of a dreamy haze.  He also gives in to his primitive instintes which makes him very upredictable.  He loves to netbattle with a passion.

Custom weapon: Dark claw.  He uses his claws.
Sinature move: Septimus built a bug frag utilizing program in which Zexion increases a stat by 2(is that ok?) and attacks 1 enemy for 60 damage.  However the bugfrags start to break him down and he takes 10 damage.  2 turn cool down(i'm a little confuzzed on the cool down rules.

Bugfrags = No. We're planning on doing something specific with those in the future. You can say he's glitchy, but no bugfrags.

Aside from that, the sig is a bit... overpowered. Get rid of the Stat boost AND the self-damage and you can bump the damage to 70 while leaving the cooldown the same. Sound good? You have other options, don't get me wrong-- this is just a suggestion.

For example, if you wanted to keep the stat boost you could drop the damage to 40 and leave the cooldown at 2 while also getting rid of the self-damage. It's your call.

Also: Sig attack needs a name.

o.k. i'll drop damage to 40 i am also changing my navi's appearance(i don't want to be a gregar recolor my entire virtual life)
Everything's done.
I would much rather you specify a stat.

Do you mean HP? Attack? Charge? Rapid? NaviCust?
i put it so it raises attack.
Now, a few things--

1. It can't be permanent. Or else, it'd be mad broken and people would hate you.

2. Thus, the boost needs a turn duration--ie, how long it lasts before it goes poof.

3. Also: Given the short CD, you could feasibly use this repeatedly, thus:

a. Either the turn duration must be quite short (Less than the CD).


b. The effect doesn't stack. (Attack will never go above your base Attack + 2).
ok 2 turn duration
Very well. Summarizing.

Quote ()

Signature Move: Inner Beast: Zexion draws upon a built-in program, increasing his attack power through a powerful attack!

40 normal damage to one target.
For this and the next turn, Zexion's Attack is increased by 2.
CD: 2 turns.

Note: Currently, as your starting attack, this attack will not put your Attack stat above 5.
I think i get what what you mean. I'm fine with it(i really just wanna get accepted)
Okay, I don't see any glaring problems other than spelling. I recomend that you run the whole profile though Word's spell check first, but it's nothing that can stop you from being accepted.

GET CHIP: Cannon, Shotgun, Rageclaw
GET NCP: Undershirt, Rapid +1, Charge+1, Attack +1

Post in the profile sections.